Raw File
# StarPU --- Runtime system for heterogeneous multicore architectures.
# Copyright (C) 2009-2012  Université de Bordeaux
# Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014  CNRS
# StarPU is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# StarPU is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# See the GNU Lesser General Public License in COPYING.LGPL for more details.


* Installing StarPU on a Unix machine
* Installing StarPU on Windows

Installing StarPU on a Unix machine
$ ./autogen.sh # If running the SVN version
$ ./configure --prefix=<prefix>
$ make
$ make install

Installing StarPU on Windows

If you are building from a tarball downloaded from the website, you can skip the
cygwin part.

1. Install cygwin


   Make sure the following packages are available:
   - (Devel)/subversion
   - (Devel)/libtool
   - (Devel)/gcc
   - (Devel)/make
   - your favorite editor (vi, emacs, ...)
   - (Devel)/gdb
   - (Archive)/zip
   - (Devel)/pkg-config

2. Install mingw


3. Install hwloc (not mandatory, but strongly recommended)


   Be careful which version you are installing. Even if your machine
   runs windows 64 bits, if you are running a 32 bits mingw (check the
   output of the command uname -a), you will need to install the 32
   bits version of hwloc.

4. Install Microsoft Visual C++ Studio Express


   Add in your path the following directories.
   (adjusting where necessary for the Installation location according to VC
    version and on 64 and 32bit Windows versions)

   On cygwin, with Visual C++ 2010 e.g.;

   export PATH="/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0/Common7/IDE":$PATH
   export PATH="/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0/VC/bin":$PATH

   On MingW, with Visual C++ 2010, e.g.;

   export PATH="/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0/Common7/IDE":$PATH
   export PATH="/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0/VC/bin":$PATH

   Try to call <cl.exe>, <lib.exe> and <link.exe> without any option to make
   sure these dump their help output with a series of options, otherwise no
   .def or .lib file will be produced.

5. Install GPU Drivers (not mandatory)

  5.1 Install Cuda


      You need to install at least the CUDA toolkit.

      libtool is not able to find the libraries automatically, you
      need to make some copies:

      copy c:\cuda\lib\cuda.lib c:\cuda\lib\libcuda.lib
      copy c:\cuda\lib\cudart.lib c:\cuda\lib\libcudart.lib
      copy c:\cuda\lib\cublas.lib c:\cuda\lib\libcublas.lib
      copy c:\cuda\lib\cufft.lib c:\cuda\lib\libcufft.lib
      copy c:\cuda\lib\OpenCL.lib c:\cuda\lib\libOpenCL.lib

      (and if the version of your CUDA driver is >= 3.2)

      copy c:\cuda\lib\curand.lib c:\cuda\lib\libcurand.lib

      Add the CUDA bin directory in your path

      export PATH=/cygdrive/c/CUDA/bin:$PATH

      Since we build code using CUDA headers with gcc instead of Visual studio,
      a fix is needed: c:\cuda\include\host_defines.h has a bogus CUDARTAPI
      definition which makes linking fail completely. Replace the first
      occurence of

      #define CUDARTAPI


      #ifdef _WIN32
      #define CUDARTAPI __stdcall
      #define CUDARTAPI

      While at it, you can also comment the __cdecl definition to avoid spurious

  5.2 Install OpenCL


      You need to download the NVIDIA Drivers for your version of
      Windows. Executing the file will extract all files in a given
      directory. The the driver installation will start, it will fail
      if no compatibles drivers can be found on your system.

      Anyway, you should copy the *.dl_ files from the directory
      (extraction path) in the bin directory of the CUDA installation
      directory (the directory should be v3.2/bin/)

  5.3 Install MsCompress


      Go in the CUDA bin directory, uncompress .dl_ files and rename
      them in .dll files

      cp /cygdrive/c/NVIDIA/DisplayDriver/190.89/International/*.dl_ .
      for i in *.dl_ ; do /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/GnuWin32/bin/msexpand.exe  $i ; mv ${i%_} ${i%_}l ; done

If you are building from a tarball downloaded from the website, you can skip the
autogen.sh part.

6. Start autogen.sh from cygwin

   cd starpu-trunk

7. Start a MinGW shell

   /cygdrive/c/MinGW/msys/1.0/bin/sh.exe --login -i

8. Configure, make, install from MinGW

   If you have a non-english version of windows, use

     export LANG=C

   else libtool has troubles parsing the translated output of the toolchain.

   cd starpu-trunk
   mkdir build
   cd build
   ../configure --prefix=$PWD/target \
        --with-hwloc=<HWLOC installation directory> \
        --with-cuda-dir=<CUDA installation directory> \
        --with-cuda-lib-dir=<CUDA installation directory>/lib/Win32 \
	--with-opencl-dir=<CUDA installation directory>
	--disable-build-examples --enable-quick-check
   make check   # not necessary but well advised
   make install

   The option --disable-build-doc is necessary if you do not have a
   working TeX binary installed as it is needed by texi2dvi to build
   the documentation.

   To fasten the compilation process, the option
   --disable-build-examples may also be used to disable the
   compilation of the applications in the examples directory. Only the
   applications in the test directory will be build.

   Also convert a couple of files to CRLF:

   sed -e 's/$/'$'\015'/ < README > $prefix/README.txt
   sed -e 's/$/'$'\015'/ < AUTHORS > $prefix/AUTHORS.txt
   sed -e 's/$/'$'\015'/ < COPYING.LGPL > $prefix/COPYING.LGPL.txt

9. If you want your StarPU installation to be standalone, you need to
   copy the DLL files from hwloc, Cuda, and OpenCL into the StarPU
   installation bin directory, as well as MinGW/bin/libpthread*dll

   cp <CUDA directory>/bin/*dll target/bin
   cp <HWLOC directory>/bin/*dll target/bin
   cp /cygdrive/c/MinGW/bin/libpthread*dll target/bin

   and set the StarPU bin directory in your path.

   export PATH=<StarPU installation directory>/bin:$PATH
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