# Copyright (C) 2013 Alex Nitz # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General # Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ============================================================================= # # Preamble # # ============================================================================= # """ These are simple unit tests for lalsimulation """ import sys import unittest import copy import numpy import lal, lalsimulation import pycbc from pycbc.filter import match, overlap, sigma, make_frequency_series from pycbc.waveform import td_approximants, fd_approximants, \ get_td_waveform, get_fd_waveform, TimeSeries import optparse from utils import simple_exit, _check_scheme_cpu parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('--scheme','-s', action='callback', type = 'choice', choices = ('cpu','cuda'), default = 'cpu', dest = 'scheme', callback = _check_scheme_cpu, help = optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option('--device-num','-d', action='store', type = 'int', dest = 'devicenum', default=0, help = optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option('--show-plots', action='store_true', help = 'show the plots generated in this test suite') parser.add_option('--save-plots', action='store_true', help = 'save the plots generated in this test suite') parser.add_option('--approximant', type = 'choice', choices = td_approximants() + fd_approximants(), help = "Choices are %s" % str(td_approximants() + fd_approximants())) parser.add_option('--mass1', type = float, default=10, help = "[default: %default]") parser.add_option('--mass2', type = float, default=9, help = "[default: %default]") parser.add_option('--spin1x', type = float, default=0, help = "[default: %default]") parser.add_option('--spin1y', type = float, default=0, help = "[default: %default]") parser.add_option('--spin1z', type = float, default=0, help = "[default: %default]") parser.add_option('--spin2x', type = float, default=0, help = "[default: %default]") parser.add_option('--spin2y', type = float, default=0, help = "[default: %default]") parser.add_option('--spin2z', type = float, default=0, help = "[default: %default]") parser.add_option('--lambda1', type = float, default=0, help = "[default: %default]") parser.add_option('--lambda2', type = float, default=0, help = "[default: %default]") parser.add_option('--coa-phase', type = float, default=0, help = "[default: %default]") parser.add_option('--inclination', type = float, default=0, help = "[default: %default]") parser.add_option('--delta-t', type = float, default=1.0/8192, help = "[default: %default]") parser.add_option('--delta-f', type = float, default=1.0/256, help = "[default: %default]") parser.add_option('--f-lower', type = float, default=30, help = "[default: %default]") parser.add_option('--phase-order', type = int, default=-1, help = "[default: %default]") parser.add_option('--amplitude-order', type = int, default=-1, help = "[default: %default]") parser.add_option('--spin-order', type = int, default=-1, help = "[default: %default]") parser.add_option('--tidal-order', type = int, default=-1, help = "[default: %default]") (opt, args) = parser.parse_args() print(72*'=') print("Running {0} unit tests for {1}:".format('CPU', "Lalsimulation Waveforms")) import matplotlib if not opt.show_plots: matplotlib.use('Agg') import pylab def get_waveform(p, **kwds): """ Given the input parameters get me the waveform, whether it is TD or FD """ params = copy.copy(p.__dict__) params.update(kwds) if params['approximant'] in td_approximants(): return get_td_waveform(**params) else: return get_fd_waveform(**params) class TestLALSimulation(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self,*args): self.save_plots = opt.save_plots self.show_plots = opt.show_plots self.plot_dir = "." class params(object): pass self.p = params() # Overide my parameters with the program input arguments self.p.__dict__.update(vars(opt)) if 'approximant' in self.kwds: self.p.approximant = self.kwds['approximant'] from pycbc import version self.version_txt = "pycbc: %s %s\n" % (version.git_hash, version.date) + \ "lalsimulation: %s %s" % (lalsimulation.SimulationVCSIdentInfo.vcsId, lalsimulation.SimulationVCSIdentInfo.vcsDate) def test_varying_orbital_phase(self): #"""Check that the waveform is consistent under phase changes #""" if self.p.approximant in td_approximants(): sample_attr = 'sample_times' else: sample_attr = 'sample_frequencies' f = pylab.figure() pylab.axes([.1, .2, 0.8, 0.70]) hp_ref, hc_ref = get_waveform(self.p, coa_phase=0) pylab.plot(getattr(hp_ref, sample_attr), hp_ref.real(), label="phiref") hp, hc = get_waveform(self.p, coa_phase=lal.PI/4) m, i = match(hp_ref, hp) self.assertAlmostEqual(1, m, places=2) o = overlap(hp_ref, hp) pylab.plot(getattr(hp, sample_attr), hp.real(), label="$phiref \pi/4$") hp, hc = get_waveform(self.p, coa_phase=lal.PI/2) m, i = match(hp_ref, hp) o = overlap(hp_ref, hp) self.assertAlmostEqual(1, m, places=7) self.assertAlmostEqual(-1, o, places=7) pylab.plot(getattr(hp, sample_attr), hp.real(), label="$phiref \pi/2$") hp, hc = get_waveform(self.p, coa_phase=lal.PI) m, i = match(hp_ref, hp) o = overlap(hp_ref, hp) self.assertAlmostEqual(1, m, places=7) self.assertAlmostEqual(1, o, places=7) pylab.plot(getattr(hp, sample_attr), hp.real(), label="$phiref \pi$") pylab.xlim(min(getattr(hp, sample_attr)), max(getattr(hp, sample_attr))) pylab.title("Vary %s oribital phiref, h+" % self.p.approximant) if self.p.approximant in td_approximants(): pylab.xlabel("Time to coalescence (s)") else: pylab.xlabel("GW Frequency (Hz)") pylab.ylabel("GW Strain (real part)") pylab.legend(loc="upper left") info = self.version_txt pylab.figtext(0.05, 0.05, info) if self.save_plots: pname = self.plot_dir + "/%s-vary-phase.png" % self.p.approximant pylab.savefig(pname) if self.show_plots: pylab.show() else: pylab.close(f) def test_distance_scaling(self): #""" Check that the waveform is consistent under distance changes #""" distance = 1e6 tolerance = 1e-5 fac = 10 hpc, hcc = get_waveform(self.p, distance=distance) hpm, hcm = get_waveform(self.p, distance=distance*fac) hpf, hcf = get_waveform(self.p, distance=distance*fac*fac) hpn, hcn = get_waveform(self.p, distance=distance/fac) f = pylab.figure() pylab.axes([.1, .2, 0.8, 0.70]) htilde = make_frequency_series(hpc) pylab.loglog(htilde.sample_frequencies, abs(htilde), label="D") htilde = make_frequency_series(hpm) pylab.loglog(htilde.sample_frequencies, abs(htilde), label="D * %s" %fac) htilde = make_frequency_series(hpf) pylab.loglog(htilde.sample_frequencies, abs(htilde), label="D * %s" %(fac*fac)) htilde = make_frequency_series(hpn) pylab.loglog(htilde.sample_frequencies, abs(htilde), label="D / %s" %fac) pylab.title("Vary %s distance, $\\tilde{h}$+" % self.p.approximant) pylab.xlabel("GW Frequency (Hz)") pylab.ylabel("GW Strain") pylab.legend() pylab.xlim(xmin=self.p.f_lower) info = self.version_txt pylab.figtext(0.05, .05, info) if self.save_plots: pname = self.plot_dir + "/%s-distance-scaling.png" % self.p.approximant pylab.savefig(pname) if self.show_plots: pylab.show() else: pylab.close(f) self.assertTrue(hpc.almost_equal_elem(hpm * fac, tolerance, relative=True)) self.assertTrue(hpc.almost_equal_elem(hpf * fac * fac, tolerance, relative=True)) self.assertTrue(hpc.almost_equal_elem(hpn / fac, tolerance, relative=True)) def test_nearby_waveform_agreement(self): #""" Check that the overlaps are consistent for nearby waveforms #""" def nearby(params): tol = 1e-7 from numpy.random import uniform nearby_params = copy.copy(params) nearby_params.mass1 *= uniform(low=1-tol, high=1+tol) nearby_params.mass2 *= uniform(low=1-tol, high=1+tol) nearby_params.spin1x *= uniform(low=1-tol, high=1+tol) nearby_params.spin1y *= uniform(low=1-tol, high=1+tol) nearby_params.spin1z *= uniform(low=1-tol, high=1+tol) nearby_params.spin2x *= uniform(low=1-tol, high=1+tol) nearby_params.spin2y *= uniform(low=1-tol, high=1+tol) nearby_params.spin2z *= uniform(low=1-tol, high=1+tol) nearby_params.inclination *= uniform(low=1-tol, high=1+tol) nearby_params.coa_phase *= uniform(low=1-tol, high=1+tol) return nearby_params hp, hc = get_waveform(self.p) for i in range(10): p_near = nearby(self.p) hpn, hcn = get_waveform(p_near) maxlen = max(len(hpn), len(hp)) hp.resize(maxlen) hpn.resize(maxlen) o = overlap(hp, hpn) self.assertAlmostEqual(1, o, places=5) def test_almost_equal_mass_waveform(self): #""" Check that the overlaps are consistent for nearby waveforms #""" def nearby(params): tol = 1e-7 from numpy.random import uniform nearby_params = copy.copy(params) nearby_params.mass2 = nearby_params.mass1 * \ uniform(low=1-tol, high=1+tol) nearby_params.mass1 *= uniform(low=1-tol, high=1+tol) nearby_params.spin1x *= uniform(low=1-tol, high=1+tol) nearby_params.spin1y *= uniform(low=1-tol, high=1+tol) nearby_params.spin1z *= uniform(low=1-tol, high=1+tol) nearby_params.spin2x *= uniform(low=1-tol, high=1+tol) nearby_params.spin2y *= uniform(low=1-tol, high=1+tol) nearby_params.spin2z *= uniform(low=1-tol, high=1+tol) nearby_params.inclination *= uniform(low=1-tol, high=1+tol) nearby_params.coa_phase *= uniform(low=1-tol, high=1+tol) return nearby_params for i in range(10): p_near = nearby(self.p) hpn, hcn = get_waveform(p_near) def test_varying_inclination(self): #""" Test that the waveform is consistent for changes in inclination #""" sigmas = [] incs = numpy.arange(0, 21, 1.0) * lal.PI / 10.0 for inc in incs: # WARNING: This does not properly handle the case of SpinTaylor* # where the spin orientation is not relative to the inclination hp, hc = get_waveform(self.p, inclination=inc) s = sigma(hp, low_frequency_cutoff=self.p.f_lower) sigmas.append(s) f = pylab.figure() pylab.axes([.1, .2, 0.8, 0.70]) pylab.plot(incs, sigmas) pylab.title("Vary %s inclination, $\\tilde{h}$+" % self.p.approximant) pylab.xlabel("Inclination (radians)") pylab.ylabel("sigma (flat PSD)") info = self.version_txt pylab.figtext(0.05, 0.05, info) if self.save_plots: pname = self.plot_dir + "/%s-vary-inclination.png" % self.p.approximant pylab.savefig(pname) if self.show_plots: pylab.show() else: pylab.close(f) self.assertAlmostEqual(sigmas[-1], sigmas[0], places=7) self.assertAlmostEqual(max(sigmas), sigmas[0], places=7) self.assertTrue(sigmas[0] > sigmas[5]) def test_swapping_constituents(self): #""" Test that waveform remains unchanged under swapping both objects #""" hp, hc = get_waveform(self.p) hpswap, hcswap = get_waveform(self.p, mass1=self.p.mass2, mass2=self.p.mass1, spin1x=self.p.spin2x, spin1y=self.p.spin2y, spin1z=self.p.spin2z, spin2x=self.p.spin1x, spin2y=self.p.spin1y, spin2z=self.p.spin1z, lambda1=self.p.lambda2, lambda2=self.p.lambda1) op = overlap(hp, hpswap) self.assertAlmostEqual(1, op, places=7) oc = overlap(hc, hcswap) self.assertAlmostEqual(1, oc, places=7) def test_change_rate(self): #""" Test that waveform remains unchanged under changing rate #""" hp, hc = get_waveform(self.p) hp2dec, hc2dec = get_waveform(self.p, delta_t=self.p.delta_t*2.) hpdec=numpy.zeros(len(hp2dec.data)) hcdec=numpy.zeros(len(hp2dec.data)) for idx in range(min(len(hp2dec.data),int(len(hp.data)/2))): hpdec[idx]=hp.data[2*idx] hcdec[idx]=hc.data[2*idx] hpTS=TimeSeries(hpdec, delta_t=self.p.delta_t*2.,epoch=hp.start_time) hcTS=TimeSeries(hcdec, delta_t=self.p.delta_t*2.,epoch=hc.start_time) f = pylab.figure() pylab.plot(hp.sample_times, hp.data,label="rate %s Hz" %"{:.0f}".format(1./self.p.delta_t)) pylab.plot(hp2dec.sample_times, hp2dec.data, label="rate %s Hz" %"{:.0f}".format(1./(self.p.delta_t*2.))) pylab.title("Halving %s rate, $\\tilde{h}$+" % self.p.approximant) pylab.xlabel("time (sec)") pylab.ylabel("amplitude") pylab.legend() info = self.version_txt pylab.figtext(0.05, 0.05, info) if self.save_plots: pname = self.plot_dir + "/%s-vary-rate.png" % self.p.approximant pylab.savefig(pname) if self.show_plots: pylab.show() else: pylab.close(f) op=overlap(hpTS,hp2dec) self.assertAlmostEqual(1., op, places=2) oc=overlap(hcTS,hc2dec) self.assertAlmostEqual(1., oc, places=2) def test_maker(class_name, name, **kwds): class Test(class_name): def __init__(self, *args): self.kwds = kwds class_name.__init__(self, *args) Test.__name__ = "Test %s" % name return Test suite = unittest.TestSuite() if opt.approximant: apxs = [opt.approximant] else: apxs = td_approximants() + fd_approximants() # These waveforms fail the current sanity checks, and are not used in current # analyses. Tracking down reasons for each of these failures is a lot of work, # so for now I just exclude these from tests. fail_list = ['EOBNRv2', 'HGimri', 'SEOBNRv1', 'SpinDominatedWf', 'PhenSpinTaylor', 'PhenSpinTaylorRD', 'EccentricTD', 'EccentricFD', 'Lackey_Tidal_2013_SEOBNRv2_ROM'] for apx in apxs: # The inspiral wrapper is only single precision we won't bother checking # it here. It may need different tolerances and some special care. if apx.startswith("Inspiral-"): continue # The INTERP waveforms are designed only for filters if apx.endswith('_INTERP') and not opt.approximant: continue if apx in fail_list and not opt.approximant: # These waveforms segfault and prints debugging to screen # Only test this is specifically told to do so continue if apx in ['NR_hdf5']: # We'll need an example file for this. Also it will need a special # set of tests. continue vars()[apx] = test_maker(TestLALSimulation, apx, approximant=apx) suite.addTest( unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(vars()[apx]) ) if __name__ == '__main__': results = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite) simple_exit(results)