%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
\title{ Enhanced scatterplot matrix }
This function draws a scatterplot matrix of data. Variables
may be reordered and panels colored in the display.
cpairs(data, order = NULL, panel.colors = NULL, border.color = "grey70", show.points = TRUE, ...)
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
\item{data}{a numeric matrix }
\item{order}{the order of variables. Default is the order in data.}
\item{panel.colors}{a matrix of panel colors. If supplied, dimensions
should match those of the pairs plot. Diagonal entries are ignored. }
\item{border.color}{used for panel border. }
\item{show.points}{ If FALSE, no points are drawn. }
\item{\dots}{graphical parameters passed to \code{pairs.default}. }
\references{Hurley, Catherine B. ``Clustering Visualisations of Multidimensional
Data'', to appear in JCGS. }
\author{ Catherine B. Hurley }
%\note{ ~~further notes~~ }
\seealso{\code{\link{pairs}}, \code{\link{cparcoord}},
\code{\link{dmat.color}},\code{\link{colpairs}}, \code{\link{order.single}}.}
judge.cor <- cor(USJudgeRatings)
judge.color <- dmat.color(judge.cor)
# Colors variables by their correlation.
judge.o <- order.single(judge.cor)
# Reorder variables so that those with highest correlation
# are close to the diagonal.
# Specify your own color scheme
judge.color <- dmat.color(judge.cor, breaks=c(-1,0,.5,.9,1), colors =
# m is a homogeneity measure of each pairwise variable plot
m <- -colpairs(scale(bank[,-1]), partition.crit,gfun=gave,groups=bank[,1])
# Color panels by level of m and reorder variables so that
# pairs with high m are near the diagonal. Panels shown
# in pink have the highest amount of group homogeneity, as measured by
# gave.
cpairs(bank[,-1],order=order.single(m), panel.colors=dmat.color(m),
\keyword{multivariate }
\keyword{color }
\keyword{hplot }