/* *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * * CitcomS by Louis Moresi, Shijie Zhong, Lijie Han, Eh Tan, * Clint Conrad, Michael Gurnis, and Eun-seo Choi. * Copyright (C) 1994-2005, California Institute of Technology. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ #include #include #include #include "element_definitions.h" #include "global_defs.h" #include "citcom_init.h" #include "interuption.h" #include "output.h" #include "parallel_related.h" #include "checkpoints.h" extern int Emergency_stop; const int CPPR = 1; void solver_init(struct All_variables *E); int main(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; { /* Functions called by main*/ void general_stokes_solver(); void general_stokes_solver_pseudo_surf(); void global_default_values(); void read_instructions(); void initial_setup(); void initial_conditions(); void post_processing(); void read_velocity_boundary_from_file(); void read_rayleigh_from_file(); void read_mat_from_file(); void read_temperature_boundary_from_file(); void output_finalize(); void tracer_advection(); void heat_flux(); float cpu_time_on_vp_it; int cpu_total_seconds,k,need_init_sol; double CPU_time0(),time,initial_time,start_time; struct All_variables *E; MPI_Comm world; #ifdef USE_PETSC PetscErrorCode ierr; ierr = PetscInitialize(&argc, &argv, NULL, NULL); CHKERRQ(ierr); #else MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); /* added here to allow command-line input */ #endif if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s PARAMETERFILE\n", argv[0]); parallel_process_termination(); } /* this section reads input, allocates memory, and set some initial values; * replaced by CitcomS.Controller.initialize() and * CitcomS.Solver.initialize() in Pyre. */ #ifdef USE_PETSC world = PETSC_COMM_WORLD; #else world = MPI_COMM_WORLD; #endif E = citcom_init(&world); /* allocate global E and do initializaion here */ /* define common aliases for full/regional functions */ solver_init(E); start_time = time = CPU_time0(); /* Global interuption handling routine defined once here */ set_signal(); /* default values for various parameters */ global_default_values(E); /* read input parameters from file */ read_instructions(E, argv[1]); /* create mesh, setup solvers etc. */ /* initial_setup calls general_stokes_solver_setup which also does all * the PETSc related initialization */ initial_setup(E); cpu_time_on_vp_it = CPU_time0(); initial_time = cpu_time_on_vp_it - time; if (E->parallel.me == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Input parameters taken from file '%s'\n",argv[1]); fprintf(stderr,"Initialization complete after %g seconds\n\n",initial_time); fprintf(E->fp,"Initialization complete after %g seconds\n\n",initial_time); fflush(E->fp); } /* this section sets the initial condition; * replaced by CitcomS.Controller.launch() -> * CitcomS.Solver.launch() in Pyre. */ if (E->control.post_p) { /* the initial condition is from previous checkpoint */ read_checkpoint(E); /* the program will finish after post_processing */ post_processing(E); (E->problem_output)(E, E->monitor.solution_cycles); #ifdef USE_PETSC /* * cleanup all the PETSc related initializations done in * general_stokes_solver_setup() */ general_stokes_solver_teardown(E); #endif citcom_finalize(E, 0); } if (E->control.restart) { /* the initial condition is from previous checkpoint */ read_checkpoint(E); if(E->control.tracer && (E->trace.ic_method_for_flavors == 99)){ /* if ggrd tracer input is selected, this will override existing tracers, or allow addition of tracers after restart from a thermal model */ initialize_tracers(E); if (E->composition.on) init_composition(E); need_init_sol = 1; }else need_init_sol = 0; } else { /* regular init, or read T from file only */ initial_conditions(E); need_init_sol = 1; /* */ } if(need_init_sol){ /* find first solution */ if(E->control.pseudo_free_surf) { if(E->mesh.topvbc == 2) general_stokes_solver_pseudo_surf(E); else assert(0); } else general_stokes_solver(E); } /* stop the computation if only computes stokes' problem */ if (E->control.stokes) { if(E->control.tracer==1) tracer_advection(E); (E->problem_output)(E, E->monitor.solution_cycles); #ifdef USE_PETSC /* * cleanup all the PETSc related initializations done in * general_stokes_solver_setup() */ general_stokes_solver_teardown(E); #endif citcom_finalize(E, 0); } (E->problem_output)(E, E->monitor.solution_cycles); /* information about simulation time and wall clock time */ output_time(E, E->monitor.solution_cycles); if(!E->control.restart) /* if we have not restarted, print new checkpoint, else leave as is to allow reusing directories */ output_checkpoint(E); /* this section advances the time step; * replaced by CitcomS.Controller.march() in Pyre. */ while ( E->control.keep_going && (Emergency_stop == 0) ) { /* The next few lines of code were replaced by * pyCitcom_PG_timestep_solve() in Pyre version. * If you modify here, make sure its Pyre counterpart * is modified as well */ E->monitor.solution_cycles++; if(E->monitor.solution_cycles>E->control.print_convergence) E->control.print_convergence=1; (E->next_buoyancy_field)(E); /* */ if(((E->advection.total_timesteps < E->advection.max_total_timesteps) && (E->advection.timesteps < E->advection.max_timesteps)) || (E->advection.total_timesteps < E->advection.min_timesteps) ) E->control.keep_going = 1; else E->control.keep_going = 0; cpu_total_seconds = CPU_time0()-start_time; if (cpu_total_seconds > E->control.record_all_until) { E->control.keep_going = 0; } if (E->monitor.T_interior > E->monitor.T_interior_max_for_exit) { fprintf(E->fp,"quit due to maxT = %.4e sub_iteration%d\n",E->monitor.T_interior,E->advection.last_sub_iterations); parallel_process_termination(); } if(E->control.tracer==1) tracer_advection(E); general_stokes_solver(E); if(E->output.write_q_files) if ((E->monitor.solution_cycles % E->output.write_q_files)==0) heat_flux(E); if ((E->monitor.solution_cycles % E->control.record_every)==0) { (E->problem_output)(E, E->monitor.solution_cycles); } /* information about simulation time and wall clock time */ output_time(E, E->monitor.solution_cycles); /* print checkpoint every checkpoint_frequency, unless we have restarted, then, we would like to avoid overwriting */ if ( ((E->monitor.solution_cycles % E->control.checkpoint_frequency)==0) && ((!E->control.restart) || (E->monitor.solution_cycles != E->monitor.solution_cycles_init))){ output_checkpoint(E); } /* updating time-dependent material group * if mat_control is 0, the material group has already been * initialized in initial_conditions() */ if(E->control.mat_control==1) read_mat_from_file(E); #ifdef USE_GGRD /* updating local rayleigh number (based on Netcdf grds, the rayleigh number may be modified laterally in the surface layers) */ /* no counterpart in pyre */ if(E->control.ggrd.ray_control) read_rayleigh_from_file(E); #endif /* updating plate velocity boundary condition */ if(E->control.vbcs_file==1) read_velocity_boundary_from_file(E); /* updating plate temperature boundary condition */ if(E->control.tbcs_file) read_temperature_boundary_from_file(E); if (E->parallel.me == 0) { fprintf(E->fp,"CPU total = %g & CPU = %g for step %d time = %.4e dt = %.4e maxT = %.4e sub_iteration%d\n",CPU_time0()-start_time,CPU_time0()-time,E->monitor.solution_cycles,E->monitor.elapsed_time,E->advection.timestep,E->monitor.T_interior,E->advection.last_sub_iterations); time = CPU_time0(); } } /* this section prints time accounting; * no counterpart in pyre */ if (E->parallel.me == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"cycles=%d\n",E->monitor.solution_cycles); cpu_time_on_vp_it=CPU_time0()-cpu_time_on_vp_it; fprintf(stderr,"Average cpu time taken for velocity step = %f\n", cpu_time_on_vp_it/((float)(E->monitor.solution_cycles-E->control.restart))); fprintf(E->fp,"Initialization overhead = %f\n",initial_time); fprintf(E->fp,"Average cpu time taken for velocity step = %f\n", cpu_time_on_vp_it/((float)(E->monitor.solution_cycles-E->control.restart))); } #ifdef USE_PETSC /* * cleanup all the PETSc related initializations done in * general_stokes_solver_setup() */ general_stokes_solver_teardown(E); #endif citcom_finalize(E, 0); return(0); }