set xlabel "Integer bit size" set ylabel "Speed (M. arith. op./s)" set title "MEANING on an MODEL" # tc lt 2 #set key below set logscale y 10 #set logscale x 2 #set ytics (10,1000) set xtics ("64" 6,"128" 7,"256" 8,"512" 9,"1024" 10,"2048" 11,"4096" 12, "8192" 13) #set xtics tc lt 2 #set ytics tc lt 2 #set grid noxtics ytics lt 2 set grid noxtics ytics #set border 4095 lt 7 #set style line 5 pt 2 set terminal pdf enhanced color solid lw 2 size 6,4 set output "rint_FUNCTION.pdf" plot [6:13] "output.rint.FUNCTION" using 7:($5) title "GMP-6" with linespoint lt 2 lc 1 set terminal pdf enhanced color solid lw 2 size 6,4 set output "rint_FUNCTION.pdf" replot "output.rint.FUNCTION" using 7:($4) title "RecInt" with fsteps lt 3