Raw File
Tip revision: a5130fab3895a0d95f0dcc8826aa9fb5e8c0fa86 authored by DanniGadd on 16 February 2022, 08:46:38 UTC
Merge branch 'main' of
Tip revision: a5130fa
Copyright (c) <2022>, <DanniGadd>
All rights reserved.

This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
LICENSE file in the root directory.

################# Projection into STRADL ###################################################

## FOR THE USER - PLACE INPUT FILES HERE - CAN CHANGE readRDS or read.csv if you so wish 

# Script below for STRADL

#data = readRDS("/Cluster_Filespace/Marioni_Group/Rob/Somalogic/wave2-STRADL-mvals.rds")
data = readRDS("/Cluster_Filespace/Marioni_Group/Rob/Somalogic/wave3-STRADL-mvals.rds")

sexinfo <- readRDS("/Cluster_Filespace/Marioni_Group/GS/GS_methylation/stradl-samples-5087.rds")
sexinfo$Sex <- ifelse(sexinfo$sex %in% "M", "Male", "Female")
sexinfo$ID <- paste(sexinfo$Sentrix_ID, sexinfo$Sentrix_Position, sep = "_")
sexinfo <- sexinfo[,c("ID", "Sex")]

# Filter to STRADL people that have proteins (comment out for W2 W3 as needed when running each through)

# Read in target file 
target <- read.delim("/Cluster_Filespace/Marioni_Group/Danni/LBC_proteins_Jan2021/Validation/STRADL_DNAm_target_REM_17April2020.txt")
IDs <- target[c(1,3)]

# Subset methylation so it contains only the 778 in the EWAS
ov <- which(colnames(data) %in% IDs$DNAm_id)
data <- data[,ov]

# > dim(wave3)
# [1] 773860    299
# > dim(wave2)
# [1] 793706    479

## Start to Process Files 

message("1. Loading data") 

message("1.1 Loading Methylation data - rows to be CpGs and columns to be individuals") 

#cpgs <- read.csv("/Cluster_Filespace/Marioni_Group/Danni/LBC_proteins/outputs/Glmnet_re_runs_for_all_analyses/00_Figure_1_R2_results_comparison/Predictors_by_groups_sep292020.csv", check.names = F) 
# cpgs <- read.csv("/Cluster_Filespace/Marioni_Group/Danni/LBC_proteins_Jan2021/Model_extract_weights/predictors_joint_to_phenotypes_220121.csv", check.names = F)
cpgs <- read.csv("/Cluster_Filespace/Marioni_Group/Danni/LBC_proteins_Jan2021/00_Running_pQTLs_regressed/Extract_weights/predictors_joint_to_phenotypes_230221.csv", check.names = F)
age = cpgs[which(cpgs$Predictor %in% "Biological Age"),]
cpgs = cpgs[-which(cpgs$Predictor %in% "Biological Age"),]

## Check if Data needs to be Transposed

message("2. Quality Control and data Preparation") 

message("2.1 Checking if Row Names are CpG Sites") 

if(ncol(data) > nrow(data)){
  message("It seems that individuals are rows - data will be transposed!")

message("2.2 Subsetting CpG sites to those required for Predictor Calculation") 

## Subset CpG sites to those present on list for predictors 

coef=data[intersect(rownames(data), cpgs$CpG_Site),]

## Set aside data for age as this will not use scaled DNAm data for calculation 
coef_age=data[intersect(rownames(data), age$CpG_Site),]

## Check if Beta or M Values 

m_to_beta <- function (val) 
  beta <- 2^val/(2^val + 1)

coef<-if((range(coef,na.rm=T)> 1)[[2]] == "TRUE") { message("Suspect that M Values are present. Converting to Beta Values");m_to_beta(coef) } else { message("Suspect that Beta Values are present");coef}
coef_age<-if((range(coef_age,na.rm=T)> 1)[[2]] == "TRUE") { message("Suspect that M Values are present. Converting to Beta Values");m_to_beta(coef_age) } else { message("Suspect that Beta Values are present");coef_age}

## Scale Data if Needed 

ids = colnames(coef)
scaled <- apply(coef, 1, function(x) sd(x,na.rm = T)) 

coef <-  if(range(scaled)[1] == 1 & range(scaled)[2] == 1) { 
  } else { 
    coef_scale <- apply(coef, 1, scale)
    coef_scale <- t(coef_scale)
    coef_scale <-
    colnames(coef_scale) <- ids

message("2.3 Find CpGs not present in uploaded file, add these with mean Beta Value for CpG site from Training Sample") 

## Identify CpGs missing from input dataframe, include them and provide values as mean methylation value at that site

# W2 - 7371
# W3 - 7291

coef <- if(nrow(coef) == 7291) { message("All sites present"); coef } else if(nrow(coef)==0){ 
  message("There Are No Necessary CpGs in The dataset - All Individuals Would Have Same Values For Predictors. Analysis Is Not Informative!")
} else { 
  missing_cpgs = cpgs[-which(cpgs$CpG_Site %in% rownames(coef)),c("CpG_Site","Mean_Beta_Value")]
  message(paste(length(unique(missing_cpgs$CpG_Site)), "unique sites are missing - add to dataset with mean Beta Value from Training Sample", sep = " "))
  mat = matrix(nrow=length(unique(missing_cpgs$CpG_Site)),ncol = ncol(coef))
  row.names(mat) <- unique(missing_cpgs$CpG_Site)
  colnames(mat) <- colnames(coef) 
  mat[] <- 1
  missing_cpgs1 <- if(length(which(duplicated(missing_cpgs$CpG_Site))) > 1) { 
  } else {missing_cpgs
  ids = unique(row.names(mat))
  missing_cpgs1 = missing_cpgs1[match(ids,missing_cpgs1$CpG_Site),]
  coef=rbind(coef,mat) } 

    #### Age done separately 

# W2 - 510
# W3 - 509

coef_age <- if(nrow(coef_age) == 509) { message("All sites present"); coef_age } else if(nrow(coef_age)==0){ 
  message("There Are No Necessary CpGs in The dataset - All Individuals Would Have Same Values For Predictors. Analysis Is Not Informative!")
} else { 
  missing_cpgs = age[-which(age$CpG_Site %in% rownames(coef_age)),c("CpG_Site","Mean_Beta_Value")]
  message(paste(length(unique(missing_cpgs$CpG_Site)), "unique sites are missing - add to dataset with mean Beta Value from Training Sample", sep = " "))
  mat = matrix(nrow=length(unique(missing_cpgs$CpG_Site)),ncol = ncol(coef_age))
  row.names(mat) <- unique(missing_cpgs$CpG_Site)
  colnames(mat) <- colnames(coef_age) 
  mat[] <- 1
  missing_cpgs1 <- if(length(which(duplicated(missing_cpgs$CpG_Site))) > 1) { 
  } else {missing_cpgs
  ids = unique(row.names(mat))
  missing_cpgs1 = missing_cpgs1[match(ids,missing_cpgs1$CpG_Site),]
  coef_age=rbind(coef_age,mat) } 

message("2.4 Convert NA Values to Mean for each Probe") 

## Convert NAs to Mean Value for all individuals across each probe 

na_to_mean <-function(methyl){

coef <- t(apply(coef,1,function(x) na_to_mean(x)))
coef_age <- t(apply(coef_age,1,function(x) na_to_mean(x)))

message("3. Calculating the Predictors") 

loop = unique(cpgs$Predictor)
out <- data.frame()
for(i in loop){ 
  tmp=coef[intersect(row.names(coef),cpgs[cpgs$Predictor %in% i,"CpG_Site"]),]
  tmp_coef = cpgs[cpgs$Predictor %in% i, ]
  if(nrow(tmp_coef) > 1) { 
    tmp_coef = tmp_coef[match(row.names(tmp),tmp_coef$CpG_Site),]
  } else {
    tmp2 = as.matrix(tmp)*tmp_coef$Coefficient 
    out[colnames(coef),i] = tmp2[,1]

loop1 = unique(age$Predictor)
out_age <- data.frame()
for(i in loop1){ 
  tmp=coef_age[intersect(row.names(coef_age),age[age$Predictor %in% i,"CpG_Site"]),]
  tmp_coef = age[age$Predictor %in% i, ]
  if(nrow(tmp_coef) > 1) { 
    tmp_coef = tmp_coef[match(row.names(tmp),tmp_coef$CpG_Site),]
  } else {
    tmp2 = as.matrix(tmp)*tmp_coef$Coefficient 
    out_age[colnames(coef_age),i] = tmp2[,1]

names(out_age)[1] <- "Age"
out_age$Age <- out_age$Age + 65.79295
out$ID <- row.names(out) 
out_age$ID <- row.names(out_age) 
out <- merge(out, out_age, by = "ID")
out <- out[,c(1,ncol(out),2:(ncol(out)-1))] 

## combine Sex information
  out$Sex <- NA 
} else { 
  ids = out$ID
  sexinfo = sexinfo[match(ids, sexinfo$ID),] 
  out$Sex <- sexinfo$Sex

out <- out[,c(1,ncol(out),2:c(ncol(out)-1))]

## Save File and Finish Up 
message("Analysis Finished! Thank you for using our application. Output File is called \"out\"") 

## Save file for W2 then W3 

write.csv(out, "/Cluster_Filespace/Marioni_Group/Danni/LBC_proteins_Jan2021/00_Running_pQTLs_regressed/Model_projections/STRADL_W2_projections.csv", row.names = F)

write.csv(out, "/Cluster_Filespace/Marioni_Group/Danni/LBC_proteins_Jan2021/00_Running_pQTLs_regressed/Model_projections/STRADL_W3_projections.csv", row.names = F)

# Read back in 

W3 <- read.csv("/Cluster_Filespace/Marioni_Group/Danni/LBC_proteins_Jan2021/00_Running_pQTLs_regressed/Model_projections/STRADL_W3_projections.csv")

W2 <- read.csv("/Cluster_Filespace/Marioni_Group/Danni/LBC_proteins_Jan2021/00_Running_pQTLs_regressed/Model_projections/STRADL_W2_projections.csv")

combine <- rbind(W2, W3)

write.csv(combine, file = "/Cluster_Filespace/Marioni_Group/Danni/LBC_proteins_Jan2021/00_Running_pQTLs_regressed/Model_projections/STRADL_combined_778_projections.csv", row.names = F)

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