\name{HLSMcovplots} \alias{HLSMcovplots} \title{ Diagnostic boxplots for HLSM objects } \description{ Plots the diagnostic boxplots for random or fixed effects model by automatically calculating the thinning and burnin value before plotting the boxplot of the betas. } \usage{ HLSMcovplots(model,burnin=0,thin=1) } \arguments{ \item{model}{object of class 'HLSM' obtained as an output from \code{HLSMrandomEF()} or\code{HLSMfixedE()}. } \item{burnin}{numeric value to burn the chain for plotting the results from the 'HLSM'object. } \item{thin}{a numeric thinning value. } } \value{ Returns a boxplot of the Betas for fixed effects and random effects objects. } \author{ Aditya Bhat }