Raw File
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from Tools.standard_script_setup import *

from CIME.utils import expect
from CIME.case  import Case
from argparse   import RawTextHelpFormatter
import re
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def parse_command_line(args):
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter)


    parser.add_argument("--case", "-case", required=True,
                        help="(required) Specify a new case name. If not a full pathname, "
                        "\nthe new case will be created under then current working directory.")

    parser.add_argument("--clone", "-clone", required=True,
                        help="(required) Specify a case to be cloned. If not a full pathname, "
                        "\nthe case to be cloned is assumed to be under then current working directory.")

    parser.add_argument("--ensemble", default=1,
                        help="clone an ensemble of cases, the case name argument must end in an integer.\n"
                        "for example: ./create_clone --clone case.template --case case.001 --ensemble 4 \n"
                        "will create case.001, case.002, case.003, case.004 from existing case.template"  )

                        help="Full pathname to a directory containing any combination of user_nl_* files "
                        "\nand shell_commands script (typically containing xmlchange commands). "
                        "\nThe directory can also contain an SourceMods/ directory with the same structure "
                        "\nas would be found in a case directory. If this argument is used in conjunction "
                        "\nwith the --keepexe flag, then no changes will be permitted to the env_build.xml "
                        "\nin the newly created case directory. ")

    parser.add_argument("--keepexe", "-keepexe", action="store_true",
                        help="Sets EXEROOT to point to original build. It is HIGHLY recommended "
                        "\nthat the original case be built BEFORE cloning it if the --keepexe flag is specfied. "
                        "\nThis flag will make the SourceMods/ directory in the newly created case directory a "
                        "\nsymbolic link to the SourceMods/ directory in the original case directory. ")

    parser.add_argument("--mach-dir", "-mach_dir",
                        help="Specify the locations of the Machines directory, other than the default. "
                        "\nThe default is CIMEROOT/machines.")

    parser.add_argument("--project", "-project",
                        help="Specify a project id for the case (optional)."
                        "\nUsed for accounting and directory permissions when on a batch system."
                        "\nThe default is user or machine specified by PROJECT."
                        "\nAccounting (only) may be overridden by user or machine specified CHARGE_ACCOUNT.")

                        help="Specify the root output directory. The default is the setting in the original"
                        "\ncase directory. NOTE: create_clone will fail if this directory is not writable.")

    args = CIME.utils.parse_args_and_handle_standard_logging_options(args, parser)

    if args.case is None:
               "Must specify -case as an input argument")

    if args.clone is None:
               "Must specify -clone as an input argument")

    startval = '1'
    if int(args.ensemble) > 1:
        m = re.search(r'(\d+)$', args.case)
        expect(m, " case name must end in an integer to use this feature")
        startval = m.group(1)

    return args.case, args.clone, args.keepexe, args.mach_dir, args.project, \
        args.cime_output_root, args.user_mods_dir, int(args.ensemble), startval

def _main_func():

    case, clone, keepexe, mach_dir, project, cime_output_root, user_mods_dir, \
        ensemble, startval = parse_command_line(sys.argv)

    cloneroot = os.path.abspath(clone)
           "Missing cloneroot directory %s " % cloneroot)

    if user_mods_dir is not None:
        if os.path.isdir(user_mods_dir):
            user_mods_dir = os.path.abspath(user_mods_dir)
    nint = len(startval)

    for i in range(int(startval), int(startval)+ensemble):
        if ensemble > 1:
            case = case[:-nint] + '{{0:0{0:d}d}}'.format(nint).format(i)
        with Case(cloneroot, read_only=False) as clone:
            clone.create_clone(case, keepexe=keepexe, mach_dir=mach_dir,


if __name__ == "__main__":
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