suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(Seurat) library(sctransform) library(stringr) library(ggplot2) library(ggpubr) library(future) require(scales) library(RColorBrewer) library("readxl") library(dplyr) library(dendextend) library('conover.test') library("devtools") library(ggpmisc) library(VennDiagram) library(randomcoloR) }) ### figure 7 + supplements # import the Dopaminergic nuclei (mDA) dataset. sobj <- readRDS("/path/to/dir/mDA.rds") # remove Louvain resolutions from the merged object. sobj$seurat_clusters <- NULL to.remove <- sapply(grep('snn', colnames(, value = T), function(x) c(paste(x, collapse = ","))) for(i in to.remove) { sobj[[i]] <- NULL } # split the dataset into a list of two seurat objects based on condition list <- SplitObject(sobj, = "condition") # normalize and identify variable features for each dataset independently list <- lapply(X = list, FUN = SCTransform, variable.features.n=1000) features <- SelectIntegrationFeatures(object.list = list, nfeatures = 1000) list <- PrepSCTIntegration(object.list = list, anchor.features = features) anchors <- FindIntegrationAnchors(object.list = list, normalization.method = "SCT", anchor.features = features) integObj <- IntegrateData(anchorset = anchors, normalization.method = "SCT") DefaultAssay(integObj) <- "integrated" integObj <- RunPCA(integObj, npcs = 100, verbose = FALSE) ElbowPlot(integObj, reduction = "pca", ndims = 100) + ggtitle("mDA_hvg1k_integrated") # non-linear dim reduction: DefaultAssay(integObj) <- "integrated" integObj <- RunUMAP(integObj, reduction = "pca", dims = 1:30, verbose = TRUE) integObj <- RunTSNE(integObj, reduction = "pca", dims = 1:30, verbose = TRUE) ## find neighbors and find clusters integObj <- FindNeighbors(integObj, reduction = "pca", dims = 1:30) # graph clustering Seurat integObj <- FindClusters(integObj, resolution = seq(1, 4.5, by = 0.5), n.start = 100, n.iter = 100) ## kmeans clustering # get the pca embeddings matrix of the desired pca range: 1:30 pcmat <- Embeddings(integObj, reduction = 'pca')[,1:30] set.seed(69) km71 <- kmeans(pcmat, 71, nstart = 100, iter.max = 1000, algorithm="MacQueen") ## add kmeans$clsuter to Seurat Obj metadata$kmeans71_integ <- km71$cluster ## get the centroid of the kmeans for hierarchical clustering plus show labels. hc71 <- hclust(dist(km71$centers), method = "ward.D2") # Manual Annotation of integrated territories # based on membership (Frequency) of integrated cluster to merged territories. # see supplementary file 7 sheet = mergedTERs_integCLUSTERs # ambiguous clusters were resolved using integrated dendrogram and markers expression. anno.df <-$territory, integObj$kmeans71_integ)) # annotation file uploaded, added to integrated object. anno.df <- read_excel("/path/supplementary_file7/integrated_territories.xlsx", sheet = 2) anno.df <- IntegClusters <- as.character(anno.df$integratedClusters) IntegTerritories <- as.character(anno.df$`assigned territories`) integObj$integTerritory <- plyr::mapvalues( x = integObj$kmeans71_integ, from = IntegClusters, to = IntegTerritories) saveRDS(integObj, "/path/to/dir/mDA_integrated.rds") # fig7 A & B Idents(sobj) <- "condition" tiff(file = "/path/to/dir/fig7A_B.tiff", units="cm", width=40, height=20, res=300) DimPlot(sobj, = "condition", cols = c("intact"="#08519C", "lesion"="#A63603")) + coord_fixed() # fig7C merged territories in integrated object TER_cols <- c("costumized_colors") tiff(file = "/path/to/dir/fig7c.tiff", units="cm", width=25, height=25, res=300) DimPlot(integObj, = "territory", cols = TER_cols, order = c("ML", "Hy_DA"), pt.size = 0.7) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold")) + coord_fixed() + ggtitle("merged Territory in integrated obj") # fig7 D & E Sox6 & Calb1 in merged object split by condition: # same scale in feature plot sapply(grep("Sox6",rownames(sobj@assays$RNA@data),value = TRUE), function(x) max(sobj@assays$RNA@data[x,])) sapply(grep("Calb1",rownames(sobj@assays$RNA@data),value = TRUE), function(x) max(sobj@assays$RNA@data[x,])) sapply(grep("Sox6",rownames(sobj@assays$RNA@data),value = TRUE), function(x) min(sobj@assays$RNA@data[x,])) sapply(grep("Calb1",rownames(sobj@assays$RNA@data),value = TRUE), function(x) min(sobj@assays$RNA@data[x,])) # fixed scale range based on the max & min values of the two genes from above. <- scale_color_gradientn( colours = c('grey90', 'blue'), limits = c(0, 4)) tiff(file = "/path/to/dir/fig7D_E.tiff", units="cm", width=25, height=25, res=300) p1 <- FeaturePlot(sobj, features = c('Sox6', 'Calb1'), = 'condition', order = T, combine = FALSE) p2 <- lapply(p1, function (x) x + CombinePlots(p2) # Fig7 F highlight ML clusters from merged object in the integrated data Idents(integObj) <- "territory" ML_mergedData <- WhichCells(integObj, idents = 'ML') tiff(file = "/path/to/dir/fig7F.tiff", units="cm", width=25, height=25, res=300) DimPlot(integObj, cells.highlight = ML_mergedData) + scale_color_manual(labels = c("others", "ML_mergedData"), values = c("grey", "#08306B")) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold")) + coord_fixed() + ggtitle("merged ML in integrated") # fig supplement 6-2 A related to integrated object # plot UMAP Integrated cluster labels BUT with Territory colors, based on their membership clusterCols <- c("costumized_TERcolors") p <- DimPlot(integObj, = "kmeans71_integ", cols = clusterCols) + coord_fixed() + NoLegend() tiff(file = "/path/to/dir/figSuppl6-2A.tiff", units="cm", width=25, height=25, res=300) LabelClusters(plot = p, id = 'kmeans71_integ', color = 'white', size=4, fontface = 'bold', box = T, max.overlapp = Inf, repel=T) # fig supplement 6-2 C VUL module in integrated clusters tiff(file = "/path/to/dir/figSuppl6-2C.tiff", units="cm", width=40, height=10, res=300) VlnPlot(integObj, features = "newVulmodule1", cols = clusterCols, = "kmeans71_integ", pt.size = 0, combine = TRUE) + stat_summary(fun = mean, geom='point', size = 6, colour = "black", shape=95) + NoLegend() + labs(y="avg.Exp.gene.set", title = "vulnerable module integ clusters") # fig supplement 6-2 D RES module in integrated clusters tiff(file = "/path/to/dir/figSuppl6-2D.tiff", units="cm", width=40, height=10, res=300) VlnPlot(integObj, features = "newResmodule1", cols = clusterCols, = "kmeans71_integ", pt.size = 0, combine = TRUE) + stat_summary(fun = mean, geom='point', size = 6, colour = "black", shape=95) + NoLegend() + labs(y="avg.Exp.gene.set", title = "resilient module integ clusters") # fig supplement 7-1 B # plot ML-enriched markers across territories (supplementary file 8) markers <- c("Atf3", "Creb5", "Xirp2", "Cd9", "Ecel1", "Clic4", "Sprr1a", "Mmp12", "Hrk", "Akain1", "Cd44", "Ighm", "Pim1", "Tnfrsf12a", "Nms", "Igf2bp2", "Arid5a", "Mustn1", "Cd109", "Lifr", "Qrfpr", "Pde8a", "Ell2", "D5Ertd615e", "Bcl2l11", "Dusp10", "Ngf", "Spata13", "Lamb3", "Fbln5") tiff(file = "/path/to/dir/figSuppl7-1B.tiff", units="cm", width=20, height=20, res=300) DotPlot(sobj, assay = "RNA", features = markers, = "territory") + coord_flip() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold", angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5), axis.text.y = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold")) # fig supplement 7-1 C # visualize the overlap of gene sets with VennDiagram package # import the markers: # lesion vs intact DE lvi <- read.csv("/path/to/dir/lesion_intact_markers.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", quote = "\"") # ML clusters markers ml_up <- read.csv("/path/to/dir/ML_up.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", quote = "\"") ml_down <- read.csv("/path/to/dir/ML_down.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", quote = "\"") # get the gene vectors: lvi_up <- lvi[lvi$p_val_adj < 0.05 & lvi$avg_log2FC > 0, ]$X lvi_down <- lvi[lvi$p_val_adj < 0.05 & lvi$avg_log2FC < 0, ]$X ml_up <- ml_up[ml_up$p_val_adj < 0.05, ]$X ml_down <- ml_down[ml_down$p_val_adj < 0.05, ]$X # set the colors: brewer.pal(3, 'Paired') # "#A6CEE3" "#1F78B4" "#B2DF8A" show_col(brewer.pal(3, 'Paired')) myCol <- c("#A6CEE3", "#B2DF8A") venn.diagram( x = list(ml_up, lvi_up), category.names = c("ML upregulated" , "lesioned upregulated"), filename = '/path/to/dir/figSupp7-1C-up.tiff', output=TRUE, imagetype="tiff" , height = 700 , width = 700 , resolution = 2000, compression = "lzw", main = 'up-regulayed genes', main.fontface = 'bold', main.cex = 0.05, lwd = 0, lty = 'blank', fill = myCol, cex = 0.25, fontface = "bold", ext.text = TRUE, ext.line.lwd = 0.1, ext.dist = -0.09, ext.length = 0.8, cat.cex = 0.05, cat.fontface = "bold", cat.default.pos = "outer", cat.pos = c(0, 0), cat.dist = c(0.05, 0.2), margin = 0.05) venn.diagram( x = list(ml_down, lvi_down), category.names = c("ML down-regulated" , "lesion down-regulated"), filename = '/path/to/dir/figSupp7-1C-down.tiff', output=TRUE, imagetype="tiff" , height = 700 , width = 700 , resolution = 2000, compression = "lzw", main = 'down-regulayed genes', main.fontface = 'bold', main.cex = 0.05, lwd = 0, lty = 'blank', fill = myCol, cex = 0.25, fontface = "bold", ext.text = 1, ext.line.lwd = 0.1, ext.dist = 0.1, ext.length = 0.8, cat.cex = 0.05, cat.fontface = "bold", cat.default.pos = "outer", cat.pos = c(0, 0), cat.dist = c(0.05, 0.2), margin = 0.05) # fig supplement 7-1 D & E # mostly_lesioned (ML) clusters enriched markers GSE analysis # only genes unique to ML clusters and NOT the ones also enriched in lesion_intact DE: ml_up_unique <- read.csv("/path/to/dir/ML_up_unique.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", quote = "\"") ml_down_unique <- read.csv("/path/to/dir/ml_down_unique.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", quote = "\"") # get the gene names column: ml_up_unique <- ml_up_unique$x ml_down_unique <- ml_down_unique$x # next, Enrichr for analysis install.packages("enrichR") library(enrichR) # list Enrichr sites: listEnrichrSites() dbs <- listEnrichrDbs() websiteLive <- TRUE if (is.null(dbs)) websiteLive <- FALSE if (websiteLive) head(dbs) # select the desired gene_set_libraries from the Enrichr databases: dbs <- c("GO_Molecular_Function_2021", "GO_Cellular_Component_2021", "GO_Biological_Process_2021") if (websiteLive) { enriched_up <- enrichr(ml_up_unique, dbs) } if (websiteLive) { enriched_down <- enrichr(ml_down_unique, dbs) } # you may make and write the results tables. Up_mol <- if (websiteLive) enriched_up[["GO_Molecular_Function_2021"]] Up_cell <- if (websiteLive) enriched_up[["GO_Cellular_Component_2021"]] Up_bio <- if (websiteLive) enriched_up[["GO_Biological_Process_2021"]] write.csv(Up_mol, '/path/to/dir/up_GO_Molecular_Function_2021.csv') write.csv(Up_cell, '/path/to/dir/up_GO_Cellular_Component_2021.csv') write.csv(Up_bio, '/path/to/dir/up_GO_Biological_Process_2021.csv') down_mol <- if (websiteLive) enriched_down[["GO_Molecular_Function_2021"]] down_cell <- if (websiteLive) enriched_down[["GO_Cellular_Component_2021"]] down_bio <- if (websiteLive) enriched_down[["GO_Biological_Process_2021"]] write.csv(down_mol, '/path/to/dir/down_GO_Molecular_Function_2021.csv') write.csv(down_cell, '/path/to/dir/down_GO_Cellular_Component_2021.csv') write.csv(down_bio, '/path/to/dir/down_GO_Biological_Process_2021.csv') ## Plot Enrichr GO-BP output. (Plotting function contributed by I-Hsuan Lin) p1 <- if (websiteLive) plotEnrich(enriched_up[['GO_Biological_Process_2021']], showTerms = 20, numChar = 90, y = "Count", orderBy = "P.value", title = 'up-regulated GO_Biological_Process_2021') p1 + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 13, face = "bold"), axis.text.x = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold"), axis.text.y = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold")) p2 <- if (websiteLive) plotEnrich(enriched_down[['GO_Biological_Process_2021']], showTerms = 20, numChar = 90, y = "Count", orderBy = "P.value", title = 'down-regulated GO_Biological_Process_2021') p2 + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 13, face = "bold"), axis.text.x = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold"), axis.text.y = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold"))