\name{meta} \alias{meta} \docType{data} \title{ Results of 22 Clinical Trials of beta-Blockers } \description{ Results of 22 clinical trials of beta-blockers for reducing mortality after myocardial infection. Used for meta-analysis. } \usage{data(meta)} \format{ A data frame with 22 observations on the following 5 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{study}}{id code of study} \item{\code{control.deaths}}{number of deaths in control group} \item{\code{control.total}}{total number of patients in control group} \item{\code{treated.deaths}}{number of deaths in treatment group} \item{\code{treated.total}}{total number of patients in treatment group} } } \details{ The 22 clinical trials each consist of two groups of heart attack patients randomly allocated to receive or not receive beta-blockers ( a family of drugs that affect the central nervous system and can relax the heart musckles). } \source{ } \references{ } \examples{ data(meta) names(meta) # Calculating empirical log-odds and its sampling variances: y <- apply(meta, 1, function(x) log( (x[4]/(x[5]-x[4]))/(x[2]/(x[3]-x[2])) ) ) s2 <- apply(meta, 1, function(x) 1/(x[5]-x[4]) + 1/x[4] +1/(x[3]-x[2]) + 1/x[2] ) cbind("Study number"=meta[,1], "empirical log odds"=y, "empirical sampling variance of y"=s2) #if(require(meta)){ # funnel(y, sqrt(s2)) # radial(y, sqrt(s2)) #} } \keyword{datasets} \concept{meta analysis}