--- include: - .gitlab/ci/sanity.yml - .gitlab/ci/build.yml - .gitlab/ci/sanity_ci.yml - .gitlab/ci/unittest.yml - .gitlab/ci/integration.yml - .gitlab/ci/coq.yml - .gitlab/ci/tezt.yml - .gitlab/ci/doc.yml - .gitlab/ci/opam.yml - .gitlab/ci/publish.yml - .gitlab/ci/coverage.yml - .gitlab/ci/test-doc-scripts.yml variables: ## This value MUST be the same as `opam_repository_tag` in `scripts/version.sh` build_deps_image_version: b2f954608b8e0655b2b52fd9d527614396e02402 build_deps_image_name: registry.gitlab.com/tezos/opam-repository public_docker_image_name: docker.io/${CI_PROJECT_PATH} GIT_STRATEGY: fetch GIT_DEPTH: "1" GET_SOURCES_ATTEMPTS: "2" ARTIFACT_DOWNLOAD_ATTEMPTS: "2" stages: - sanity - build - sanity_ci - test - doc - test-doc-scripts - packaging - build_release - publish_release - test_coverage - publish_coverage # we specify this template here that is used in all other # targets in the include files. Include files cannot refer # to variables defined here. .runtime_build_test_dependencies_template: image: ${build_deps_image_name}:runtime-build-test-dependencies--${build_deps_image_version}