Raw File
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Apr 24 14:13:47 2017

@author: ishort

import math
import Useful
import ToolBox
#import numpy
#from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, title, show, scatter
#storage for fits (not all may be used)
uw = []
uwa = []
uwb = []
uwStage = []
uwbStage = []
uwu = []
uwl = []
#a function to create a cubic function fit extrapolation
def cubicFit(x,y):
    coeffs = numpy.polyfit(x,y,3)
    #returns an array of coefficents for the cubic fit of the form
    #Ax^3 + Bx^2 + Cx + D as [A,B,C,D]
    return coeffs
#this will work for any number of data points!
def valueFromFit(fit,x):
    #return the value y for a given fit, at point x
    return (fit[0]*(x**3)+fit[1]*(x**2)+fit[2]*x+fit[3])
#holds the five temperature at which we have partition function data
masterTemp = [130, 500, 3000, 8000, 10000]

#def levelPops(lam0In, logNStage, chiL, log10UwStage, gwL, numDeps, temp): 
def levelPops(lam0In, logNStage, chiL, logUw, gwL, numDeps, temp):    
    """ Returns depth distribution of occupation numbers in lower level of b-b transition,

// Input parameters:
// lam0 - line centre wavelength in nm
// logNStage - log_e density of absorbers in relevent ion stage (cm^-3)
// logFlu - log_10 oscillator strength (unitless)
// chiL - energy of lower atomic E-level of b-b transition in eV
// Also needs atsmopheric structure information:
// numDeps
// temp structure """
    c = Useful.c()
    logC = Useful.logC()
    k = Useful.k()
    logK = Useful.logK()
    logH = Useful.logH()
    logEe = Useful.logEe()
    logMe = Useful.logMe()

    ln10 = math.log(10.0)
    logE = math.log10(math.e); #// for debug output
    log2pi = math.log(2.0 * math.pi)
    log2 = math.log(2.0)

    #//double logNl = logNlIn * ln10;  // Convert to base e

    #// Parition functions passed in are 2-element vectore with remperature-dependent base 10 log Us
    #// Convert to natural logs:
    #double thisLogUw, Ttheta;
    thisLogUw = 0.0 # //default initialization
    #logUw = [ 0.0 for i in range(5) ]
    logE10 = math.log(10.0)
    #print("log10UwStage ", log10UwStage)
    #for kk in range(len(logUw)):
    #    logUw[kk] = logE10*log10UwStage[kk] #// lburns new loop
    logGwL = math.log(gwL)
    #//System.out.println("chiL before: " + chiL);
    #// If we need to subtract chiI from chiL, do so *before* converting to tiny numbers in ergs!
    #////For testing with Ca II lines using gS3 internal line list only:
    #//boolean ionized = true;
    #//if (ionized) {
    #//    //System.out.println("ionized, doing chiL - chiI: " + ionized);
    #//    //         chiL = chiL - chiI;
    #//             chiL = chiL - 6.113;
    #//          }
    #//   //

    #//Log of line-center wavelength in cm
    logLam0 = math.log(lam0In) #// * 1.0e-7);

    #// energy of b-b transition
    logTransE = logH + logC - logLam0 #//ergs
    if (chiL <= 0.0):
        chiL = 1.0e-49
    logChiL = math.log(chiL) + Useful.logEv() #// Convert lower E-level from eV to ergs
    logBoltzFacL = logChiL - Useful.logK() #// Pre-factor for exponent of excitation Boltzmann factor
    boltzFacL = math.exp(logBoltzFacL)

    boltzFacGround = 0.0 / k #//I know - its zero, but let's do it this way anyway'

    #// return a 1D numDeps array of logarithmic number densities
    #// level population of lower level of bb transition (could be in either stage I or II!) 
    logNums = [ 0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]

    #double num, logNum, expFac;
    logUwFit = ToolBox.cubicFit(masterTemp,logUw)#u(T) fit

    for id in range(numDeps):

    #//Determine temperature dependenet partition functions Uw:
        #Ttheta = 5040.0 / temp[0][id]
#//NEW Determine temperature dependent partition functions Uw: lburns
        thisTemp = temp[0][id]
        if (Ttheta >= 1.0):
            thisLogUw = logUw[0]
        if (Ttheta <= 0.5):
            thisLogUw = logUw[1]
        if (Ttheta > 0.5 and Ttheta < 1.0):
            thisLogUw = ( logUw[1] * (Ttheta - 0.5)/(1.0 - 0.5) ) \
                      + ( logUw[0] * (1.0 - Ttheta)/(1.0 - 0.5) )
        thisLogUw = ToolBox.valueFromFit(logUwFit,thisTemp)#u(T) value extrapolated

        if (thisTemp >= 10000.0):
            thisLogUw = logUw[4]
        if (thisTemp <= 130.0):
            thisLogUw = logUw[0]
        if (thisTemp > 130 and thisTemp <= 500):
            thisLogUw = logUw[1] * (thisTemp - 130)/(500 - 130) \
                      + logUw[0] * (500 - thisTemp)/(500 - 130)
        if (thisTemp > 500 and thisTemp <= 3000):
            thisLogUw = logUw[2] * (thisTemp - 500)/(3000 - 500) \
                      + logUw[1] * (3000 - thisTemp)/(3000 - 500)
        if (thisTemp > 3000 and thisTemp <= 8000):
            thisLogUw = logUw[3] * (thisTemp - 3000)/(8000 - 3000) \
                      + logUw[2] * (8000 - thisTemp)/(8000 - 3000)
        if (thisTemp > 8000 and thisTemp < 10000):
            thisLogUw = logUw[4] * (thisTemp - 8000)/(10000 - 8000) \
                      + logUw[3] * (10000 - thisTemp)/(10000 - 8000)
        #print("logUw ", logUw, " thisLogUw ", thisLogUw)

        #//System.out.println("LevPops: ionized branch taken, ionized =  " + ionized);
        #// Take stat weight of ground state as partition function:
        logNums[id] = logNStage[id] - boltzFacL / temp[0][id] + logGwL - thisLogUw #// lower level of b-b transition
        #print("LevelPopsServer.stagePops id ", id, " logNStage[id] ", logNStage[id], " boltzFacL ", boltzFacL, " temp[0][id] ", temp[0][id], " logGwL ", logGwL, " thisLogUw ", thisLogUw, " logNums[id] ", logNums[id]);

        #// System.out.println("LevelPops: id, logNums[0][id], logNums[1][id], logNums[2][id], logNums[3][id]: " + id + " "
        #//          + Math.exp(logNums[0][id]) + " "
        #//         + Math.exp(logNums[1][id]) + " "
        #//          + Math.exp(logNums[2][id]) + " "
        #//        + Math.exp(logNums[3][id]));
        #//System.out.println("LevelPops: id, logNums[0][id], logNums[1][id], logNums[2][id], logNums[3][id], logNums[4][id]: " + id + " "
        #//        + logE * (logNums[0][id]) + " "
        #//        + logE * (logNums[1][id]) + " "
        #//        + logE * (logNums[2][id]) + " "
        # //        + logE * (logNums[3][id]) + " "
        #//        + logE * (logNums[4][id]) );
        #//System.out.println("LevelPops: id, logIonFracI, logIonFracII: " + id + " " + logE*logIonFracI + " " + logE*logIonFracII
        #//        + "logNum, logNumI, logNums[0][id], logNums[1][id] "
        #//        + logE*logNum + " " + logE*logNumI + " " + logE*logNums[0][id] + " " + logE*logNums[1][id]);
        #//System.out.println("LevelPops: id, logIonFracI: " + id + " " + logE*logIonFracI
        #//        + "logNums[0][id], boltzFacL/temp[0][id], logNums[2][id]: " 
        #//        + logNums[0][id] + " " + boltzFacL/temp[0][id] + " " + logNums[2][id]);
    #//id loop
    #print (uw)
    return logNums

#//This version - ionization equilibrium *WITHOUT* molecules - logNum is TOTAL element population
#def stagePops2(logNum, Ne, chiIArr, log10UwAArr,  \
#               numMols, logNumB, dissEArr, log10UwBArr, logQwABArr, logMuABArr, \
#               numDeps, temp):
def stagePops(logNum, Ne, chiIArr, logUw,  \
               numDeps, temp):
    #line 1: //species A data - ionization equilibrium of A
    #line 2: //data for set of species "B" - molecular equlibrium for set {AB}
    """Ionization equilibrium routine WITHOUT molecule formation:
    // Returns depth distribution of ionization stage populations 

    // Input parameters:
    // logNum - array with depth-dependent total element number densities (cm^-3) 
    // chiI1 - ground state ionization energy of neutral stage 
    // chiI2 - ground state ionization energy of singly ionized stage 
    // Also needs atsmopheric structure information:
    // numDeps
    // temp structure 
    // rho structure
    // Atomic element A is the one whose ionization fractions are being computed

    ln10 = math.log(10.0)
    logE = math.log10(math.e) #// for debug output
    log2pi = math.log(2.0 * math.pi)
    log2 = math.log(2.0)

    numStages = len(chiIArr)  #// + 1; //need one more stage above the highest stage to be populated

#//    var numMols = dissEArr.length;

#// Parition functions passed in are 2-element vectore with remperature-dependent base 10 log Us
#// Convert to natural logs:
        #double Ttheta, thisTemp;
#//Default initializations:
#//We need one more stage in size of saha factor than number of stages we're actualy populating
    thisLogUw = [ 0.0 for i in range(numStages+1) ]
    for i in range(numStages+1):
        thisLogUw[i] = 0.0

    logE10 = math.log(10.0)

#//atomic ionization stage Boltzmann factors:
        #double logChiI, logBoltzFacI;
    boltzFacI = [ 0.0 for i in range(numStages) ]
    #print("numStages ", numStages, " Useful.logEv ", Useful.logEv())
    for i in range(numStages):
        #print("i ", i, " chiIArr ", chiIArr[i])
        logChiI = math.log(chiIArr[i]) + Useful.logEv() 
        logBoltzFacI = logChiI  - Useful.logK()
        boltzFacI[i] = math.exp(logBoltzFacI)

    logSahaFac = log2 + (3.0 / 2.0) * (log2pi + Useful.logMe() + Useful.logK() - 2.0 * Useful.logH())

    #// return a 2D 5 x numDeps array of logarithmic number densities
    #// Row 0: neutral stage ground state population
    #// Row 1: singly ionized stage ground state population
    #// Row 2: doubly ionized stage ground state population        
    #// Row 3: triply ionized stage ground state population        
    #// Row 4: quadruply ionized stage ground state population        
        #double[][] logNums = new double[numStages][numDeps];
    logNums = [ [ 0.0 for i in range(numDeps)] for j in range(numStages) ]

    #//We need one more stage in size of saha factor than number of stages we're actualy populating
    #//   for index accounting pirposes
    #//   For atomic ionization stages:

    logSaha = [ [ 0.0 for i in range(numStages+1)] for j in range(numStages+1) ]
    saha = [ [ 0.0 for i in range(numStages+1)] for j in range(numStages+1) ]
    logIonFrac = [ 0.0 for i in range(numStages) ]
        #double expFac, logNe;

#// Now - molecular variables:

    thisLogUwA = 0.0 #// element A 
    #thisLogQwAB = math.log(300.0) 
#//For clarity: neutral stage of atom whose ionization equilibrium is being computed is element A
#// for molecule formation:
    logUwA = [ 0.0 for i in range(5) ]

    for iStg in range(numStages):
        currentUwArr=list(logUw[iStg])#u(T) determined values
        UwFit = ToolBox.cubicFit(masterTemp,currentUwArr)#u(T) fit

    for id in range(numDeps):

        #//// reduce or enhance number density by over-all Rosseland opcity scale parameter
        #//Row 1 of Ne is log_e Ne in cm^-3
        logNe = Ne[1][id]

        #//Determine temperature dependent partition functions Uw:
        thisTemp = temp[0][id]
        #Ttheta = 5040.0 / thisTemp

    #use temps and partition values to create a function
    #then use said function to extrapolate values for all points
        thisLogUw[numStages] = 0.0
        for iStg in range(numStages):
            thisLogUw[iStg] = ToolBox.valueFromFit(uua[iStg],thisTemp)#u(T) value extrapolated

#// NEW Determine temperature dependent partition functions Uw: lburns
        if (thisTemp <= 130.0):
            for iStg in range(numStages):
                thisLogUw[iStg] = logUw[iStg][0]            
            #for iMol in range(numMols):
            #    thisLogUwB[iMol] = logUwB[iMol][0]

        if (thisTemp >= 10000.0):
            for iStg in range(numStages):
                thisLogUw[iStg] = logUw[iStg][4]            
            #for iMol in range(numMols):
            #    thisLogUwB[iMol] = logUwB[iMol][4]

#//For clarity: neutral stage of atom whose ionization equilibrium is being computed is element A
#// for molecule formation:
        thisLogUwA = thisLogUw[0];

        #//Ionization stage Saha factors: 
        for iStg in range(numStages):
            #print("iStg ", iStg)
            logSaha[iStg+1][iStg] = logSahaFac - logNe - (boltzFacI[iStg] /temp[0][id]) + (3.0 * temp[1][id] / 2.0) + thisLogUw[iStg+1] - thisLogUw[iStg]
            saha[iStg+1][iStg] = math.exp(logSaha[iStg+1][iStg])

#//Compute log of denominator is ionization fraction, f_stage 
        denominator = 1.0 #//default initialization - leading term is always unity 
#//ion stage contributions:
        for jStg in range(1, numStages+1):
            addend = 1.0 #//default initialization for product series
            for iStg in range(jStg):
                #//console.log("jStg " + jStg + " saha[][] indices " + (iStg+1) + " " + iStg); 
                addend = addend * saha[iStg+1][iStg] 
            denominator = denominator + addend 

        logDenominator = math.log(denominator) 

        logIonFrac[0] = -1.0 * logDenominator     #// log ionization fraction in stage I

        for jStg in range(1, numStages):
            addend = 0.0 #//default initialization for product series
            for iStg in range(jStg):
                #//console.log("jStg " + jStg + " saha[][] indices " + (iStg+1) + " " + iStg); 
                addend = addend + logSaha[iStg+1][iStg]
            logIonFrac[jStg] = addend - logDenominator

        for iStg in range(numStages):
            logNums[iStg][id] = logNum[id] + logIonFrac[iStg]
    #//id loop

    return logNums;
    #//end method stagePops

#end method levelPops

#def stagePops2(logNum, Ne, chiIArr, log10UwAArr,  \
#               numMols, logNumB, dissEArr, log10UwBArr, logQwABArr, logMuABArr, \
#               numDeps, temp):
def stagePops2(logNum, Ne, chiIArr, logUw,  \
               numMols, logNumB, dissEArr, logUwB, logQwABArr, logMuABArr, \
               numDeps, temp):
    #line 1: //species A data - ionization equilibrium of A
    #line 2: //data for set of species "B" - molecular equlibrium for set {AB}
    """Ionization equilibrium routine that accounts for molecule formation:
    // Returns depth distribution of ionization stage populations 

    // Input parameters:
    // logNum - array with depth-dependent total element number densities (cm^-3) 
    // chiI1 - ground state ionization energy of neutral stage 
    // chiI2 - ground state ionization energy of singly ionized stage 
    // Also needs atsmopheric structure information:
    // numDeps
    // temp structure 
    // rho structure
    // Atomic element A is the one whose ionization fractions are being computed
    //  Element B refers to array of other species with which A forms molecules AB """

    ln10 = math.log(10.0)
    logE = math.log10(math.e) #// for debug output
    log2pi = math.log(2.0 * math.pi)
    log2 = math.log(2.0)

    numStages = len(chiIArr)  #// + 1; //need one more stage above the highest stage to be populated

#//    var numMols = dissEArr.length;

#// Parition functions passed in are 2-element vectore with remperature-dependent base 10 log Us
#// Convert to natural logs:
        #double Ttheta, thisTemp;
#//Default initializations:
#//We need one more stage in size of saha factor than number of stages we're actualy populating
    thisLogUw = [ 0.0 for i in range(numStages+1) ]
    for i in range(numStages+1):
        thisLogUw[i] = 0.0

    logE10 = math.log(10.0)

#//atomic ionization stage Boltzmann factors:
        #double logChiI, logBoltzFacI;
    boltzFacI = [ 0.0 for i in range(numStages) ]
    #print("numStages ", numStages, " Useful.logEv ", Useful.logEv())
    for i in range(numStages):
        #print("i ", i, " chiIArr ", chiIArr[i])
        logChiI = math.log(chiIArr[i]) + Useful.logEv() 
        logBoltzFacI = logChiI  - Useful.logK()
        boltzFacI[i] = math.exp(logBoltzFacI)

    logSahaFac = log2 + (3.0 / 2.0) * (log2pi + Useful.logMe() + Useful.logK() - 2.0 * Useful.logH())

    #// return a 2D 5 x numDeps array of logarithmic number densities
    #// Row 0: neutral stage ground state population
    #// Row 1: singly ionized stage ground state population
    #// Row 2: doubly ionized stage ground state population        
    #// Row 3: triply ionized stage ground state population        
    #// Row 4: quadruply ionized stage ground state population        
        #double[][] logNums = new double[numStages][numDeps];
    logNums = [ [ 0.0 for i in range(numDeps)] for j in range(numStages) ]

    #//We need one more stage in size of saha factor than number of stages we're actualy populating
    #//   for index accounting pirposes
    #//   For atomic ionization stages:

    logSaha = [ [ 0.0 for i in range(numStages+1)] for j in range(numStages+1) ]
    saha = [ [ 0.0 for i in range(numStages+1)] for j in range(numStages+1) ]
    logIonFrac = [ 0.0 for i in range(numStages) ]
        #double expFac, logNe;

#// Now - molecular variables:

#//Treat at least one molecule - if there are really no molecules for an atomic species, 
#//there will be one phantom molecule in the denominator of the ionization fraction
#//with an impossibly high dissociation energy
    ifMols = True
    if (numMols == 0):
        ifMols = False
        numMols = 1
#//This should be inherited, but let's make sure: 
        dissEArr[0] = 19.0 #//eV

#//Molecular partition functions - default initialization:
       #double[] thisLogUwB = new double[numMols];
    thisLogUwB = [ 0.0 for i in range(numMols) ]
    for iMol in range(numMols):
        thisLogUwB[iMol] = 0.0 #// variable for temp-dependent computed partn fn of array element B 
    thisLogUwA = 0.0 #// element A 
    thisLogQwAB = math.log(300.0) 

#//For clarity: neutral stage of atom whose ionization equilibrium is being computed is element A
#// for molecule formation:
    logUwA = [ 0.0 for i in range(5) ]
    if (numMols > 0):
        for kk in range(len(logUwA)):
            logUwA[kk] = logUw[0][kk]
         #// lburns

#//// Molecular partition functions:

#//Molecular dissociation Boltzmann factors:
    boltzFacIAB = [ 0.0 for i in range(numMols) ]
    logMolSahaFac = [ 0.0 for i in range(numMols) ]
    #//if (numMols > 0){
    #double logDissE, logBoltzFacIAB;
    for iMol in range(numMols):
        logDissE = math.log(dissEArr[iMol]) + Useful.logEv() 
        logBoltzFacIAB = logDissE  - Useful.logK()
        boltzFacIAB[iMol] = math.exp(logBoltzFacIAB)
        logMolSahaFac[iMol] = (3.0 / 2.0) * (log2pi + logMuABArr[iMol] + Useful.logK() - 2.0 * Useful.logH())
        #//console.log("iMol " + iMol + " dissEArr[iMol] " + dissEArr[iMol] + " logDissE " + logE*logDissE + " logBoltzFacIAB " + logE*logBoltzFacIAB + " boltzFacIAB[iMol] " + boltzFacIAB[iMol] + " logMuABArr " + logE*logMuABArr[iMol] + " logMolSahaFac " + logE*logMolSahaFac[iMol]);
#//   For molecular species:
    logSahaMol = [ 0.0 for i in range(numMols) ]
    invSahaMol = [ 0.0 for i in range(numMols) ]
    for iStg in range(numStages):
        currentUwArr=list(logUw[iStg])#u(T) determined values
        UwFit = ToolBox.cubicFit(masterTemp,currentUwArr)#u(T) fit

    for iMol in range(numMols):
        currentUwBArr=list(logUwB[iMol])#u(T) determined values
        UwBFit = ToolBox.cubicFit(masterTemp,currentUwBArr)#u(T) fit
    for id in range(numDeps):

        #//// reduce or enhance number density by over-all Rosseland opcity scale parameter
        #//Row 1 of Ne is log_e Ne in cm^-3
        logNe = Ne[1][id]

        #//Determine temperature dependent partition functions Uw:
        thisTemp = temp[0][id]
        #Ttheta = 5040.0 / thisTemp

    #use temps and partition values to create a function
    #then use said function to extrapolate values for all points
        thisLogUw[numStages] = 0.0
        for iStg in range(numStages):
            thisLogUw[iStg] = ToolBox.valueFromFit(uua[iStg],thisTemp)#u(T) value extrapolated
        for iMol in range(numMols):
            thisLogUwB[iMol] = ToolBox.valueFromFit(uub[iMol],thisTemp)#u(T) value extrapolated
#// NEW Determine temperature dependent partition functions Uw: lburns
        if (thisTemp <= 130.0):
            for iStg in range(numStages):
                thisLogUw[iStg] = logUw[iStg][0]            
            for iMol in range(numMols):
                thisLogUwB[iMol] = logUwB[iMol][0]

        if (thisTemp >= 10000.0):
            for iStg in range(numStages):
                thisLogUw[iStg] = logUw[iStg][4]            
            for iMol in range(numMols):
                thisLogUwB[iMol] = logUwB[iMol][4]

        for iMol in range(numMols):
            if (thisTemp < 3000.0):
                thisLogQwAB = ( logQwABArr[iMol][1] * (3000.0 - thisTemp)/(3000.0 - 500.0) ) \
                            + ( logQwABArr[iMol][2] * (thisTemp - 500.0)/(3000.0 - 500.0) )
            if ( (thisTemp >= 3000.0) and (thisTemp <= 8000.0) ):
                thisLogQwAB = ( logQwABArr[iMol][2] * (8000.0 - thisTemp)/(8000.0 - 3000.0) ) \
                            + ( logQwABArr[iMol][3] * (thisTemp - 3000.0)/(8000.0 - 3000.0) )
            if ( thisTemp > 8000.0 ):
                thisLogQwAB = ( logQwABArr[iMol][3] * (10000.0 - thisTemp)/(10000.0 - 8000.0) ) \
                            + ( logQwABArr[iMol][4] * (thisTemp - 8000.0)/(10000.0 - 8000.0) )
        #// iMol loop 
#//For clarity: neutral stage of atom whose ionization equilibrium is being computed is element A
#// for molecule formation:
        thisLogUwA = thisLogUw[0];

        #//Ionization stage Saha factors: 
        for iStg in range(numStages):
            #print("iStg ", iStg)
            logSaha[iStg+1][iStg] = logSahaFac - logNe - (boltzFacI[iStg] /temp[0][id]) + (3.0 * temp[1][id] / 2.0) + thisLogUw[iStg+1] - thisLogUw[iStg]
            saha[iStg+1][iStg] = math.exp(logSaha[iStg+1][iStg])
#//Molecular Saha factors:
        for iMol in range(numMols):
            logSahaMol[iMol] = logMolSahaFac[iMol] - logNumB[iMol][id] - (boltzFacIAB[iMol] / temp[0][id]) + (3.0 * temp[1][id] / 2.0) + thisLogUwB[iMol] + thisLogUwA - thisLogQwAB
#//For denominator of ionization fraction, we need *inverse* molecular Saha factors (N_AB/NI):
            logSahaMol[iMol] = -1.0 * logSahaMol[iMol]
            invSahaMol[iMol] = math.exp(logSahaMol[iMol])

#//Compute log of denominator is ionization fraction, f_stage 
        denominator = 1.0 #//default initialization - leading term is always unity 
#//ion stage contributions:
        for jStg in range(1, numStages+1):
            addend = 1.0 #//default initialization for product series
            for iStg in range(jStg):
                #//console.log("jStg " + jStg + " saha[][] indices " + (iStg+1) + " " + iStg); 
                addend = addend * saha[iStg+1][iStg] 
            denominator = denominator + addend 
#//molecular contribution
        if (ifMols == True):
            for iMol in range(numMols):
                denominator = denominator + invSahaMol[iMol]
        logDenominator = math.log(denominator) 

        logIonFrac[0] = -1.0 * logDenominator     #// log ionization fraction in stage I

        for jStg in range(1, numStages):
            addend = 0.0 #//default initialization for product series
            for iStg in range(jStg):
                #//console.log("jStg " + jStg + " saha[][] indices " + (iStg+1) + " " + iStg); 
                addend = addend + logSaha[iStg+1][iStg]
            logIonFrac[jStg] = addend - logDenominator

        for iStg in range(numStages):
            logNums[iStg][id] = logNum[id] + logIonFrac[iStg]
    #//id loop

    return logNums;
    #//end method stagePops
def stagePops3(logNum, Ne, chiIArr, logUw, numDeps, temp):
    #Version for ChromaStarPyGas: logNum is now *neutral stage* population from Phil
    # Bennett's GAS package
    #line 1: //species A data - ionization equilibrium of A
    #line 2: //data for set of species "B" - molecular equlibrium for set {AB}
    """Ionization equilibrium routine that accounts for molecule formation:
    // Returns depth distribution of ionization stage populations 

    // Input parameters:
    // logNum - array with depth-dependent neutral stage  number densities (cm^-3) 
    // chiI1 - ground state ionization energy of neutral stage 
    // chiI2 - ground state ionization energy of singly ionized stage 
    // Also needs atsmopheric structure information:
    // numDeps
    // temp structure 
    // rho structure
    // Atomic element A is the one whose ionization fractions are being computed
    //  Element B refers to array of other species with which A forms molecules AB """

    ln10 = math.log(10.0)
    logE = math.log10(math.e) #// for debug output
    log2pi = math.log(2.0 * math.pi)
    log2 = math.log(2.0)

    numStages = len(chiIArr)  #// + 1; //need one more stage above the highest stage to be populated

#//    var numMols = dissEArr.length;

#// Parition functions passed in are 2-element vectore with remperature-dependent base 10 log Us
#// Convert to natural logs:
        #double Ttheta, thisTemp;
#//Default initializations:
#//We need one more stage in size of saha factor than number of stages we're actualy populating
    thisLogUw = [ 0.0 for i in range(numStages+1) ]
    for i in range(numStages+1):
        thisLogUw[i] = 0.0

    logE10 = math.log(10.0)

#//atomic ionization stage Boltzmann factors:
        #double logChiI, logBoltzFacI;
    boltzFacI = [ 0.0 for i in range(numStages) ]
    #print("numStages ", numStages, " Useful.logEv ", Useful.logEv())
    for i in range(numStages):
        #print("i ", i, " chiIArr ", chiIArr[i])
        logChiI = math.log(chiIArr[i]) + Useful.logEv() 
        logBoltzFacI = logChiI  - Useful.logK()
        boltzFacI[i] = math.exp(logBoltzFacI)

    logSahaFac = log2 + (3.0 / 2.0) * (log2pi + Useful.logMe() + Useful.logK() - 2.0 * Useful.logH())

    #// return a 2D 5 x numDeps array of logarithmic number densities
    #// Row 0: neutral stage ground state population
    #// Row 1: singly ionized stage ground state population
    #// Row 2: doubly ionized stage ground state population        
    #// Row 3: triply ionized stage ground state population        
    #// Row 4: quadruply ionized stage ground state population        
        #double[][] logNums = new double[numStages][numDeps];
    logNums = [ [ 0.0 for i in range(numDeps)] for j in range(numStages) ]

    #//We need one more stage in size of saha factor than number of stages we're actualy populating
    #//   for index accounting pirposes
    #//   For atomic ionization stages:

    #logSaha = [ [ 0.0 for i in range(numStages+1)] for j in range(numStages+1) ]
    #saha = [ [ 0.0 for i in range(numStages+1)] for j in range(numStages+1) ]
    #logIonFrac = [ 0.0 for i in range(numStages) ]
        #double expFac, logNe;

    for iStg in range(numStages):
        currentUwArr=list(logUw[iStg])#u(T) determined values
        UwFit = ToolBox.cubicFit(masterTemp,currentUwArr)#u(T) fit
    for id in range(numDeps):

        #//// reduce or enhance number density by over-all Rosseland opcity scale parameter
        #//Row 1 of Ne is log_e Ne in cm^-3
        logNe = Ne[1][id]

        #//Determine temperature dependent partition functions Uw:
        thisTemp = temp[0][id]
        #Ttheta = 5040.0 / thisTemp

    #use temps and partition values to create a function
    #then use said function to extrapolate values for all points
        thisLogUw[numStages] = 0.0
        for iStg in range(numStages):
            thisLogUw[iStg] = ToolBox.valueFromFit(uua[iStg],thisTemp)#u(T) value extrapolated
#// NEW Determine temperature dependent partition functions Uw: lburns
        if (thisTemp <= 130.0):
            for iStg in range(numStages):
                thisLogUw[iStg] = logUw[iStg][0]            

        if (thisTemp >= 10000.0):
            for iStg in range(numStages):
                thisLogUw[iStg] = logUw[iStg][4]
#//For clarity: neutral stage of atom whose ionization equilibrium is being computed is element A
#// for molecule formation:
        #thisLogUwA = thisLogUw[0];

        #//Ionization stage Saha factors:
        logNums[0][id] = logNum[id] 
        for iStg in range(1, numStages):
            #print("iStg ", iStg)
            thisLogSaha = logSahaFac - logNe - (boltzFacI[iStg-1] /temp[0][id]) + (3.0 * temp[1][id] / 2.0) + thisLogUw[iStg] - thisLogUw[iStg-1]
            #saha[iStg+1][iStg] = math.exp(logSaha[iStg+1][iStg])
            logNums[iStg][id] = logNums[iStg-1][id] + thisLogSaha
    #//id loop

    return logNums;
    #//end method stagePops
#def sahaRHS(chiI, log10UwUArr, log10UwLArr, temp):
def sahaRHS(chiI, logUwU, logUwL, temp):    

    """RHS of partial pressure formulation of Saha equation in standard form (N_U*P_e/N_L on LHS)
 // Returns depth distribution of LHS: Phi(T) === N_U*P_e/N_L (David Gray notation)

// Input parameters:
// chiI - ground state ionization energy of lower stage 
// log10UwUArr, log10UwLArr - array of temperature-dependent partition function for upper and lower ionization stage
// Also needs atsmopheric structure information:
// numDeps
// temp structure 
// Atomic element "A" is the one whose ionization fractions are being computed
//  Element "B" refers to array of other species with which A forms molecules "AB" """
    ln10 = math.log(10.0)
    logE = math.log10(math.e) #// for debug output
    log2pi = math.log(2.0 * math.pi)
    log2 = math.log(2.0)

#//    var numMols = dissEArr.length;

#// Parition functions passed in are 2-element vectore with remperature-dependent base 10 log Us
#// Convert to natural logs:
    #double Ttheta, thisTemp;
#//Default initializations:
#//We need one more stage in size of saha factor than number of stages we're actualy populating
    thisLogUwU = 0.0
    thisLogUwL = 0.0

    logE10 = math.log(10.0)
#//We need one more stage in size of saha factor than number of stages we're actualy populating
    #logUwU = [0.0 for i in range(5)]
    #logUwL = [0.0 for i in range(5)]   
    for kk in range(len(logUwL)):
        logUwU[kk] = logUwL[kk]
    #   logUwL[kk] = logE10*log10UwLArr[kk]


    #//System.out.println("chiL before: " + chiL);
    #// If we need to subtract chiI from chiL, do so *before* converting to tiny numbers in ergs!

#//atomic ionization stage Boltzmann factors:
    #double logChiI, logBoltzFacI;
    #double boltzFacI;
    logChiI = math.log(chiI) + Useful.logEv() 
    logBoltzFacI = logChiI  - Useful.logK()
    boltzFacI = math.exp(logBoltzFacI)

#//Extra factor of k to get k^5/2 in the P_e formulation of Saha Eq.
    logSahaFac = log2 + (3.0 / 2.0) * (log2pi + Useful.logMe() + Useful.logK() - 2.0 * Useful.logH()) + Useful.logK()

    #//double[] logLHS = new double[numDeps];
    #double logLHS;

#//   For atomic ionization stages:
    #double logSaha, saha, expFac;

#//  for (int id = 0; id < numDeps; id++) {

#//Determine temperature dependent partition functions Uw:
    thisTemp = temp[0]
    #Ttheta = 5040.0 / thisTemp

    if (Ttheta >= 1.0):
        thisLogUwU = logUwU[0]
        thisLogUwL = logUwL[0]
    if (Ttheta <= 0.5):
        thisLogUwU = logUwU[1]
        thisLogUwL = logUwL[1]
    if (Ttheta > 0.5 and Ttheta < 1.0):
        thisLogUwU = ( logUwU[1] * (Ttheta - 0.5)/(1.0 - 0.5) )
        + ( logUwU[0] * (1.0 - Ttheta)/(1.0 - 0.5) )
        thisLogUwL = ( logUwL[1] * (Ttheta - 0.5)/(1.0 - 0.5) )
        + ( logUwL[0] * (1.0 - Ttheta)/(1.0 - 0.5) )
    currentUwUArr=list(logUwU)#u(T) determined values
    UwUFit = ToolBox.cubicFit(masterTemp,currentUwUArr)#u(T) fit
    thisLogUwU = ToolBox.valueFromFit(UwUFit,thisTemp)#u(T) value extrapolated

    currentUwLArr=list(logUwL)#u(T) determined values
    UwLFit = ToolBox.cubicFit(masterTemp,currentUwLArr)#u(T) fit
    thisLogUwL = ToolBox.valueFromFit(UwLFit,thisTemp)#u(T) value extrapolated

    #will need to do this one in Main as it goes through its own loop of temp
    #if thisTemp == superTemp[0][len(superTemp[0])]:
    #    uwu.append(UwUFit)
    #    uwl.append(UwLFit)
    if (thisTemp <= 130.0):
        thisLogUwU = logUwU[0]
        thisLogUwL = logUwL[0]
    if (thisTemp >= 10000.0):
        thisLogUwU = logUwU[4]
        thisLogUwL = logUwL[4]
    if (thisTemp > 130 and thisTemp <= 500):
        thisLogUwU = logUwU[1] * (thisTemp - 130)/(500 - 130) \
            + logUwU[0] * (500 - thisTemp)/(500 - 130)
        thisLogUwL = logUwL[1] * (thisTemp - 130)/(500 - 130) \
            + logUwL[0] * (500 - thisTemp)/(500 - 130)
    if (thisTemp > 500 and thisTemp <= 3000):
        thisLogUwU = logUwU[2] * (thisTemp - 500)/(3000 - 500) \
            + logUwU[1] * (3000 - thisTemp)/(3000 - 500)
        thisLogUwL = logUwL[2] * (thisTemp - 500)/(3000 - 500) \
            + logUwL[1] * (3000 - thisTemp)/(3000 - 500)
    if (thisTemp > 3000 and thisTemp <= 8000):
        thisLogUwU = logUwU[3] * (thisTemp - 3000)/(8000 - 3000) \
            + logUwU[2] * (8000 - thisTemp)/(8000 - 3000)
        thisLogUwL = logUwL[3] * (thisTemp - 3000)/(8000 - 3000) \
            + logUwL[2] * (8000 - thisTemp)/(8000 - 3000)
    if (thisTemp > 8000 and thisTemp < 10000): 
        thisLogUwU = logUwU[4] * (thisTemp - 8000)/(10000 - 8000) \
            + logUwU[3] * (10000 - thisTemp)/(10000 - 8000)
        thisLogUwL = logUwL[4] * (thisTemp - 8000)/(10000 - 8000) \
            + logUwL[3] * (10000 - thisTemp)/(10000 - 8000)
    if (thisTemp >= 10000):
        thisLogUwU = logUwU[4]
        thisLogUwL = logUwL[4]

#//Ionization stage Saha factors: 
#//Need T_kin^5/2 in the P_e formulation of Saha Eq.
    logSaha = logSahaFac - (boltzFacI /temp[0]) + (5.0 * temp[1] / 2.0) + thisLogUwU - thisLogUwL
    #// saha = Math.exp(logSaha);

    #//logLHS[id] = logSaha;
    logLHS = logSaha;
#//    } //id loop

    return logLHS;
    #return [logLHS,[[UwUFit,thisLogUwU],[UwLFit,thisLogUwL]]]
#    } //end method sahaRHS    
#def molPops(nmrtrLogNumB, nmrtrDissE, log10UwA, nmrtrLog10UwB, nmrtrLogQwAB, nmrtrLogMuAB, \
#            numMolsB, logNumB, dissEArr, log10UwBArr, logQwABArr, logMuABArr,   \
#            logGroundRatio, numDeps, temp):
def molPops(nmrtrLogNumB, nmrtrDissE, logUwA, nmrtrLogUwB, nmrtrLogQwAB, nmrtrLogMuAB, \
            numMolsB, logNumB, dissEArr, logUwB, logQwABArr, logMuABArr,   \
            logGroundRatio, numDeps, temp):
    # line 1: //species A data - ionization equilibrium of A
    # //data for set of species "B" - molecular equlibrium for set {AB}
    """Diatomic molecular equilibrium routine that accounts for molecule formation:
 // Returns depth distribution of molecular population 

// Input parameters:
// logNum - array with depth-dependent total element number densities (cm^-3) 
// chiI1 - ground state ionization energy of neutral stage 
// chiI2 - ground state ionization energy of singly ionized stage 
// Also needs atsmopheric structure information:
// numDeps
// temp structure 
// rho structure
// Atomic element "A" is the one kept on the LHS of the master fraction, whose ionization fractions are included 
//   in the denominator of the master fraction
//  Element "B" refers to array of other sintpecies with which A forms molecules "AB" """

    logE = math.log10(math.e) #// for debug output
    #//System.out.println("molPops: nmrtrDissE " + nmrtrDissE + " log10UwA " + log10UwA[0] + " " + log10UwA[1] + " nmrtrLog10UwB " +
    #//     nmrtrLog10UwB[0] + " " + nmrtrLog10UwB[1] + " nmrtrLog10QwAB " + logE*nmrtrLogQwAB[2] + " nmrtrLogMuAB " + logE*nmrtrLogMuAB
    #//     + " numMolsB " + numMolsB + " dissEArr " + dissEArr[0] + " log10UwBArr " + log10UwBArr[0][0] + " " + log10UwBArr[0][1] + " log10QwABArr " +
    #//     logE*logQwABArr[0][2] + " logMuABArr " + logE*logMuABArr[0]);
    #//System.out.println("Line: nmrtrLog10UwB[0] " + logE*nmrtrLog10UwB[0] + " nmrtrLog10UwB[1] " + logE*nmrtrLog10UwB[1]);

    ln10 = math.log(10.0)
    log2pi = math.log(2.0 * math.pi)
    log2 = math.log(2.0)

    logE10 = math.log(10.0)
#// Convert to natural logs:
    #double Ttheta, thisTemp;

#//Treat at least one molecule - if there are really no molecules for an atomic species, 
#//there will be one phantom molecule in the denominator of the ionization fraction
#//with an impossibly high dissociation energy
    if (numMolsB == 0):
        numMolsB = 1
#//This should be inherited, but let's make sure: 
        dissEArr[0] = 29.0 #//eV

    #//var molPops = function(logNum, numeratorLogNumB, numeratorDissE, numeratorLog10UwA, numeratorLog10QwAB, numeratorLogMuAB,  //species A data - ionization equilibrium of A
    #//Molecular partition functions - default initialization:
    thisLogUwB = [0.0 for i in range(numMolsB)]
    for iMol in range(numMolsB):
        thisLogUwB[iMol] = 0.0 #// variable for temp-dependent computed partn fn of array element B 
    thisLogUwA = 0.0 #// element A 
    nmrtrThisLogUwB = 0.0 #// element A 
    thisLogQwAB = math.log(300.0)
    nmrtrThisLogQwAB = math.log(300.0)

#//For clarity: neutral stage of atom whose ionization equilibrium is being computed is element A
#// for molecule formation:
    #logUwA = [0.0 for i in range(5)]
    #nmrtrLogUwB = [0.0 for i in range(5)]
    #for kk in range(len(logUwA)):
        #logUwA[kk] = logE10*log10UwA[kk]
        #nmrtrLogUwB[kk] = logE10*nmrtrLog10UwB[kk]

        #// lburns 
#// Array of elements B for all molecular species AB:
    #double[][] logUwB = new double[numMolsB][2];
    #logUwB = [ [ 0.0 for i in range(5) ] for j in range(numMolsB) ]
    #//if (numMolsB > 0){
    #for iMol in range(numMolsB):
    #    for kk in range(5):
    #        logUwB[iMol][kk] = logE10*log10UwBArr[iMol][kk]
           # // lburns new loop
#// Molecular partition functions:
#//       double nmrtrLogQwAB = logE10*nmrtrLog10QwAB;
#//       double[] logQwAB = new double[numMolsB];
#//      //if (numMolsB > 0){
#//       for (int iMol = 0; iMol < numMolsB; iMol++){
#//          logQwAB[iMol] = logE10*log10QwABArr[iMol];
#//       }
#      //}
#//Molecular dissociation Boltzmann factors:
    nmrtrBoltzFacIAB = 0.0
    nmrtrLogMolSahaFac = 0.0
    logDissE = math.log(nmrtrDissE)  + Useful.logEv()
    #//System.out.println("logDissE " + logE*logDissE)
    logBoltzFacIAB = logDissE  - Useful.logK()
    #//System.out.println("logBoltzFacIAB " + logE*logBoltzFacIAB);
    nmrtrBoltzFacIAB = math.exp(logBoltzFacIAB)
    nmrtrLogMolSahaFac = (3.0 / 2.0) * (log2pi + nmrtrLogMuAB  + Useful.logK() - 2.0 * Useful.logH())
    #//System.out.println("nmrtrLogMolSahaFac " + logE*nmrtrLogMolSahaFac);
    #//System.out.println("nmrtrDissE " + nmrtrDissE + " logDissE " + logE*logDissE + " logBoltzFacIAB " + logE*logBoltzFacIAB + " nmrtrBoltzFacIAB " + nmrtrBoltzFacIAB + " nmrtrLogMuAB " + logE*nmrtrLogMuAB + " nmrtrLogMolSahaFac " + logE*nmrtrLogMolSahaFac);
    boltzFacIAB = [0.0 for i in range(numMolsB)]
    logMolSahaFac = [0.0 for i in range(numMolsB)]
    #//if (numMolsB > 0){
    for iMol in range(numMolsB):
        logDissE = math.log(dissEArr[iMol]) + Useful.logEv() 
        logBoltzFacIAB = logDissE  - Useful.logK()
        boltzFacIAB[iMol] = math.exp(logBoltzFacIAB)
        logMolSahaFac[iMol] = (3.0 / 2.0) * (log2pi + logMuABArr[iMol] + Useful.logK() - 2.0 * Useful.logH())
  #//System.out.println("logMolSahaFac[iMol] " + logE*logMolSahaFac[iMol]);
  #//System.out.println("iMol " + iMol + " dissEArr[iMol] " + dissEArr[iMol] + " logDissE " + logE*logDissE + " logBoltzFacIAB " + logE*logBoltzFacIAB + " boltzFacIAB[iMol] " + boltzFacIAB[iMol] + " logMuABArr " + logE*logMuABArr[iMol] + " logMolSahaFac " + logE*logMolSahaFac[iMol]);
  #//double[] logNums = new double[numDeps]
#//   For molecular species:
    #double nmrtrSaha, nmrtrLogSahaMol, nmrtrLogInvSahaMol; //, nmrtrInvSahaMol;
    logMolFrac = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    logSahaMol = [0.0 for i in range(numMolsB)]
    invSahaMol = [0.0 for i in range(numMolsB)]
    currentUwAArr=list(logUwA)#u(T) determined values
    UwAFit = ToolBox.cubicFit(masterTemp, currentUwAArr)#u(T) fit    

    nmrtrLogUwBArr=list(nmrtrLogUwB)#u(T) determined values
    nmrtrLogUwBFit = ToolBox.cubicFit(masterTemp, nmrtrLogUwBArr)#u(T) fit

    qwabFit = []
    for iMol in range(numMolsB):
          UwBFit = ToolBox.cubicFit(masterTemp, currentUwBArr)
          currentLogQwABArr=list(logQwABArr[iMol])#u(T) determined values
          QwABFit = ToolBox.cubicFit(masterTemp, currentLogQwABArr)#u(T) fit
    #nmrtrQwABArr=list(nmrtrLogQwAB)#u(T) determined values
    #nmrtrQwABFit = ToolBox.cubicFit(masterTemp, nmrtrQwABArr)#u(T) fit

    #for Mols in range(numMolsB):
    #    currentLogUwBArr=list(logUwB[Mols])#u(T) determined values
    #    UwBFit=cubicFit(masterTemp,currentLogUwBArr)#u(T) fit
    #//  System.out.println("molPops: id      nmrtrLogNumB      logNumBArr[0]      logGroundRatio");
    for id in range(numDeps):

        #//System.out.format("%03d, %21.15f, %21.15f, %21.15f, %n", id, logE*nmrtrLogNumB[id], logE*logNumB[0][id], logE*logGroundRatio[id]);

        #//// reduce or enhance number density by over-all Rosseland opcity scale parameter

#//Determine temparature dependent partition functions Uw:
        thisTemp = temp[0][id]
        #Ttheta = 5040.0 / thisTemp
        if (Ttheta >= 1.0):
            thisLogUwA = logUwA[0]
            nmrtrThisLogUwB = nmrtrLogUwB[0]
            for iMol in range(numMolsB):
                thisLogUwB[iMol] = logUwB[iMol][0]
        if (Ttheta <= 0.5):
            thisLogUwA = logUwA[1]
            nmrtrThisLogUwB = nmrtrLogUwB[1]
            for iMol in range(numMolsB):
                thisLogUwB[iMol] = logUwB[iMol][1]
        if (Ttheta > 0.5 and Ttheta < 1.0):
            thisLogUwA = ( logUwA[1] * ((Ttheta - 0.5)/(1.0 - 0.5)) ) \
            + ( logUwA[0] * ((1.0 - Ttheta)/(1.0 - 0.5)) )
            nmrtrThisLogUwB = ( nmrtrLogUwB[1] * ((Ttheta - 0.5)/(1.0 - 0.5)) ) \
            + ( nmrtrLogUwB[0] * ((1.0 - Ttheta)/(1.0 - 0.5)) )
            for iMol in range(numMolsB):
                thisLogUwB[iMol] = ( logUwB[iMol][1] * ((Ttheta - 0.5)/(1.0 - 0.5)) ) \
                + ( logUwB[iMol][0] * ((1.0 - Ttheta)/(1.0 - 0.5)) )
        thisLogUwA = float(ToolBox.valueFromFit(UwAFit,thisTemp))#u(T) value extrapolated
        nmrtrThisLogUwB = float(ToolBox.valueFromFit(nmrtrLogUwBFit,thisTemp))#u(T) value extrapolated
    #for iMol in range(numMolsB):
    #    thisLogUwB[iMol]=logUwB[iMol]
        for iMol in range(numMolsB):
            thisLogUwB[iMol] = ToolBox.valueFromFit(uwbFits[iMol],thisTemp)#u(T) value extrapolated
#// NEW Determine temperature dependent partition functions Uw: lburns
        thisTemp = temp[0][id]
        if (thisTemp <= 130.0):
            thisLogUwA = logUwA[0]
            nmrtrThisLogUwB = nmrtrLogUwB[0]
            for iMol in range(numMolsB):
                thisLogUwB[iMol] = logUwB[iMol][0]
        if (thisTemp >= 10000.0):
            thisLogUwA = logUwA[4]
            nmrtrThisLogUwB = nmrtrLogUwB[4]
            for iMol in range(numMolsB):
                thisLogUwB[iMol] = logUwB[iMol][4]           
        if (thisTemp > 130 and thisTemp <= 500):
            thisLogUwA = logUwA[1] * (thisTemp - 130)/(500 - 130) \
                       + logUwA[0] * (500 - thisTemp)/(500 - 130)
            nmrtrThisLogUwB = nmrtrLogUwB[1] * (thisTemp - 130)/(500 - 130) \
                            + nmrtrLogUwB[0] * (500 - thisTemp)/(500 - 130)
            for iMol in range(numMolsB):
                thisLogUwB[iMol] = logUwB[iMol][1] * (thisTemp - 130)/(500 - 130) \
                                 + logUwB[iMol][0] * (500 - thisTemp)/(500 - 130)
        if (thisTemp > 500 and thisTemp <= 3000):
            thisLogUwA = logUwA[2] * (thisTemp - 500)/(3000 - 500) \
                       + logUwA[1] * (3000 - thisTemp)/(3000 - 500)
            nmrtrThisLogUwB = nmrtrLogUwB[2] * (thisTemp - 500)/(3000 - 500) \
                            + nmrtrLogUwB[1] * (3000 - thisTemp)/(3000 - 500)
            for iMol in range(numMolsB):
                thisLogUwB[iMol] = logUwB[iMol][2] * (thisTemp - 500)/(3000 - 500) \
                                 + logUwB[iMol][1] * (3000 - thisTemp)/(3000 - 500)
        if (thisTemp > 3000 and thisTemp <= 8000):
            thisLogUwA = logUwA[3] * (thisTemp - 3000)/(8000 - 3000) \
                       + logUwA[2] * (8000 - thisTemp)/(8000 - 3000)
            nmrtrThisLogUwB = nmrtrLogUwB[3] * (thisTemp - 3000)/(8000 - 3000) \
                            + nmrtrLogUwB[2] * (8000 - thisTemp)/(8000 - 3000)
            for iMol in range(numMolsB):
                thisLogUwB[iMol] = logUwB[iMol][3] * (thisTemp - 3000)/(8000 - 3000) \
                                 + logUwB[iMol][2] * (8000 - thisTemp)/(8000 - 3000)
        if (thisTemp > 8000 and thisTemp < 10000):
            thisLogUwA = logUwA[4] * (thisTemp - 8000)/(10000 - 8000) \
                       + logUwA[3] * (10000 - thisTemp)/(10000 - 8000)
            nmrtrThisLogUwB = nmrtrLogUwB[4] * (thisTemp - 8000)/(10000 - 8000) \
                            + nmrtrLogUwB[3] * (10000 - thisTemp)/(10000 - 8000)
            for iMol in range(numMolsB):
                thisLogUwB[iMol] = logUwB[iMol][4] * (thisTemp - 8000)/(10000 - 8000) \
                                + logUwB[iMol][3] * (10000 - thisTemp)/(10000 - 8000)
        if (thisTemp >= 10000):
            thisLogUwA = logUwA[4]
            nmrtrThisLogUwB = nmrtrLogUwB[4]
            for iMol in range(numMolsB):
                thisLogUwB[iMol] = logUwB[iMol][4]


        #iMol loops for Q's
        for iMol in range(numMolsB):
            if (thisTemp < 3000.0):
                thisLogQwAB = ( logQwABArr[iMol][1] * (3000.0 - thisTemp)/(3000.0 - 500.0) ) \
                + ( logQwABArr[iMol][2] * (thisTemp - 500.0)/(3000.0 - 500.0) )         
            if ( (thisTemp >= 3000.0) and (thisTemp <= 8000.0) ):
                thisLogQwAB = ( logQwABArr[iMol][2] * (8000.0 - thisTemp)/(8000.0 - 3000.0) ) \
                + ( logQwABArr[iMol][3] * (thisTemp - 3000.0)/(8000.0 - 3000.0) )         
            if ( thisTemp > 8000.0 ):
                thisLogQwAB = ( logQwABArr[iMol][3] * (10000.0 - thisTemp)/(10000.0 - 8000.0) ) \
                + ( logQwABArr[iMol][4] * (thisTemp - 8000.0)/(10000.0 - 8000.0) )      
            if (thisTemp < 3000.0):
                nmrtrThisLogQwAB = ( nmrtrLogQwAB[1] * (3000.0 - thisTemp)/(3000.0 - 500.0) ) \
                + ( nmrtrLogQwAB[2] * (thisTemp - 500.0)/(3000.0 - 500.0) )         
            if ( (thisTemp >= 3000.0) and (thisTemp <= 8000.0) ):
                nmrtrThisLogQwAB = ( nmrtrLogQwAB[2] * (8000.0 - thisTemp)/(8000.0 - 3000.0) ) \
                + ( nmrtrLogQwAB[3] * (thisTemp - 3000.0)/(8000.0 - 3000.0) )         
            if ( thisTemp > 8000.0 ):
                nmrtrThisLogQwAB = ( nmrtrLogQwAB[3] * (10000.0 - thisTemp)/(10000.0 - 8000.0) ) \
                + ( nmrtrLogQwAB[4] * (thisTemp - 8000.0)/(10000.0 - 8000.0) ) 
#//For clarity: neutral stage of atom whose ionization equilibrium is being computed is element A
#// for molecule formation:

#   //Ionization stage Saha factors: 
#//System.out.println("id " + id + " nmrtrLogNumB[id] " + logE*nmrtrLogNumB[id]);   
#  // if (id == 16){ 
#  //   System.out.println("id " + id + " nmrtrLogNumB[id] " + logE*nmrtrLogNumB[id] + " pp nmrtB " + (logE*(nmrtrLogNumB[id]+temp[1][id]+Useful.logK())) + " nmrtrThisLogUwB " + logE*nmrtrThisLogUwB + " thisLogUwA " + logE*thisLogUwA + " nmrtrLogQwAB " + logE*nmrtrThisLogQwAB);         
#   //System.out.println("nmrtrThisLogUwB " + logE*nmrtrThisLogUwB + " thisLogUwA " + logE*thisLogUwA + " nmrtrThisLogQwAB " + logE*nmrtrThisLogQwAB);
#   // }
        nmrtrLogSahaMol = nmrtrLogMolSahaFac - nmrtrLogNumB[id] - (nmrtrBoltzFacIAB / temp[0][id]) + (3.0 * temp[1][id] / 2.0) + nmrtrThisLogUwB + thisLogUwA - nmrtrThisLogQwAB
        nmrtrLogInvSahaMol = -1.0 * nmrtrLogSahaMol
        #//System.out.println("nmrtrLogInvSahaMol " + logE*nmrtrLogInvSahaMol);
        #//nmrtrInvSahaMol = Math.exp(nmrtrLogSahaMol);
        #//   if (id == 16){
        #//       System.out.println("nmrtrLogInvSahaMol " + logE*nmrtrLogInvSahaMol);
        #//   }
        #//   if (id == 16){
        #//        System.out.println("nmrtrBoltzFacIAB " + nmrtrBoltzFacIAB + " nmrtrThisLogUwB " + logE*nmrtrThisLogUwB + " thisLogUwA " + logE*thisLogUwA + " nmrtrThisLogQwAB " + nmrtrThisLogQwAB);   
        #//        System.out.println("nmrtrLogSahaMol " + logE*nmrtrLogSahaMol); // + " nmrtrInvSahaMol " + nmrtrInvSahaMol);
        #//   }

#//Molecular Saha factors:
        for iMol in range(numMolsB):
#//System.out.println("iMol " + iMol + " id " + id + " logNumB[iMol][id] " + logE*nmrtrLogNumB[id]);             
#//System.out.println("iMol " + iMol + " thisLogUwB[iMol] " + logE*thisLogUwB[iMol] + " thisLogUwA " + logE*thisLogUwA + " thisLogQwAB " + logE*thisLogQwAB);
            logSahaMol[iMol] = logMolSahaFac[iMol] - logNumB[iMol][id] - (boltzFacIAB[iMol] / temp[0][id]) + (3.0 * temp[1][id] / 2.0) + float(thisLogUwB[iMol]) + thisLogUwA - thisLogQwAB
#//For denominator of ionization fraction, we need *inverse* molecular Saha factors (N_AB/NI):
            logSahaMol[iMol] = -1.0 * logSahaMol[iMol]
            invSahaMol[iMol] = math.exp(logSahaMol[iMol])
            #//TEST invSahaMol[iMol] = 1.0e-99; //test
     #//     if (id == 16){
     #//         System.out.println("iMol " + iMol + " boltzFacIAB[iMol] " + boltzFacIAB[iMol] + " thisLogUwB[iMol] " + logE*thisLogUwB[iMol] + " logQwAB[iMol] " + logE*thisLogQwAB + " logNumB[iMol][id] " + logE*logNumB[iMol][id] + " logMolSahaFac[iMol] " + logE*logMolSahaFac[iMol]);   
     #//         System.out.println("iMol " + iMol + " logSahaMol " + logE*logSahaMol[iMol] + " invSahaMol[iMol] " + invSahaMol[iMol]);
     #//     }

#//Compute log of denominator is ionization fraction, f_stage 
#        //default initialization 
#        //  - ratio of total atomic particles in all ionization stages to number in ground state: 
        denominator = math.exp(logGroundRatio[id]) #//default initialization - ratio of total atomic particles in all ionization stages to number in ground state 
#//molecular contribution
        for iMol in range(numMolsB):
            #//  if (id == 16){
            #//   System.out.println("invSahaMol[iMol] " + invSahaMol[iMol] + " denominator " + denominator);
            #//  }
            denominator = denominator + invSahaMol[iMol]
        logDenominator = math.log(denominator) 
        #//System.out.println("logGroundRatio[id] " + logE*logGroundRatio[id] + " logDenominator " + logE*logDenominator);
        #//  if (id == 16){
        #// System.out.println("id " + id + " logGroundRatio " + logGroundRatio[id] + " logDenominator " + logDenominator);
        #//  } 
        #//if (id == 36){
        #//     System.out.println("logDenominator " + logE*logDenominator);
        #// }
        #//var logDenominator = Math.log( 1.0 + saha21 + (saha32 * saha21) + (saha43 * saha32 * saha21) + (saha54 * saha43 * saha32 * saha21) );

        logMolFrac[id] = nmrtrLogInvSahaMol - logDenominator
        #//  if (id == 16){
        #//       System.out.println("id " + id + " logMolFrac[id] " + logE*logMolFrac[id]);
        #//  }

        #//logNums[id] = logNum[id] + logMolFrac;
    #} //id loop
    #JB - check (never used)#
    for t in masterTemp:
    for t in masterTemp:
    for t in masterTemp:

    for t in masterTemp:

    for t in masterTemp:
    return logMolFrac
    #//end method stagePops    
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