# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license ## IP ADDRESS HANDLING ## abstract type IPAddr end Base.isless(a::T, b::T) where {T<:IPAddr} = isless(a.host, b.host) Base.convert(dt::Type{<:Integer}, ip::IPAddr) = dt(ip.host) struct IPv4 <: IPAddr host::UInt32 IPv4(host::UInt32) = new(host) IPv4(a::UInt8,b::UInt8,c::UInt8,d::UInt8) = new(UInt32(a)<<24| UInt32(b)<<16| UInt32(c)<<8| d) function IPv4(a::Integer,b::Integer,c::Integer,d::Integer) if !(0<=a<=255 && 0<=b<=255 && 0<=c<=255 && 0<=d<=255) throw(ArgumentError("IPv4 field out of range (must be 0-255)")) end IPv4(UInt8(a),UInt8(b),UInt8(c),UInt8(d)) end end """ IPv4(host::Integer) -> IPv4 Returns an IPv4 object from ip address `host` formatted as an [`Integer`](@ref). ```jldoctest julia> IPv4(3223256218) ip"" ``` """ function IPv4(host::Integer) if host < 0 throw(ArgumentError("IPv4 address must be positive")) elseif typemax(typeof(host)) > typemax(UInt32) && host > typemax(UInt32) throw(ArgumentError("IPv4 address must fit within 32 bits")) else return IPv4(UInt32(host)) end end # constructor: ("") IPv4(str::AbstractString) = parse(IPv4, str) show(io::IO,ip::IPv4) = print(io,"ip\"",ip,"\"") print(io::IO,ip::IPv4) = print(io,dec((ip.host&(0xFF000000))>>24),".", dec((ip.host&(0xFF0000))>>16),".", dec((ip.host&(0xFF00))>>8),".", dec(ip.host&0xFF)) struct IPv6 <: IPAddr host::UInt128 IPv6(host::UInt128) = new(host) IPv6(a::UInt16,b::UInt16,c::UInt16,d::UInt16, e::UInt16,f::UInt16,g::UInt16,h::UInt16) = new(UInt128(a)<<(7*16)| UInt128(b)<<(6*16)| UInt128(c)<<(5*16)| UInt128(d)<<(4*16)| UInt128(e)<<(3*16)| UInt128(f)<<(2*16)| UInt128(g)<<(1*16)| h) function IPv6(a::Integer,b::Integer,c::Integer,d::Integer, e::Integer,f::Integer,g::Integer,h::Integer) if !(0<=a<=0xFFFF && 0<=b<=0xFFFF && 0<=c<=0xFFFF && 0<=d<=0xFFFF && 0<=e<=0xFFFF && 0<=f<=0xFFFF && 0<=g<=0xFFFF && 0<=h<=0xFFFF) throw(ArgumentError("IPv6 field out of range (must be 0-65535)")) end IPv6(UInt16(a),UInt16(b),UInt16(c),UInt16(d), UInt16(e),UInt16(f),UInt16(g),UInt16(h)) end end """ IPv6(host::Integer) -> IPv6 Returns an IPv6 object from ip address `host` formatted as an [`Integer`](@ref). ```jldoctest julia> IPv6(3223256218) ip"::c01e:fc9a" ``` """ function IPv6(host::Integer) if host < 0 throw(ArgumentError("IPv6 address must be positive")) # We allow passing bigger integer types, but need to be careful to avoid overflow # Let's hope promotion rules are sensible elseif typemax(typeof(host)) > typemax(UInt128) && host > typemax(UInt128) throw(ArgumentError("IPv6 address must fit within 128 bits")) else return IPv6(UInt128(host)) end end IPv6(str::AbstractString) = parse(IPv6, str) # Suppress leading '0's and "0x" print_ipv6_field(io,field::UInt16) = print(io,hex(field)) print_ipv6_field(io,ip,i) = print_ipv6_field(io,ipv6_field(ip,i)) function ipv6_field(ip::IPv6,i) if i < 0 || i > 7 throw(BoundsError()) end UInt16(ip.host&(UInt128(0xFFFF)<<(i*16))>>(i*16)) end show(io::IO, ip::IPv6) = print(io,"ip\"",ip,"\"") # RFC 5952 compliant show function # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5952 function print(io::IO,ip::IPv6) i = 8 m = 0 longest_sub_i = -1 while i!=0 i-=1 field = ipv6_field(ip,i) if field == 0 && longest_sub_i == -1 # Find longest subsequence of 0 longest_sub_i,j,m,c = i,i,1,1 while j != 0 j-=1 if ipv6_field(ip,j) == 0 c += 1 else c = 0 end if c > m if j+c != longest_sub_i+1 longest_sub_i = j+c-1 end m = c end end # Prevent single 0 from contracting to :: as required if m == 1 longest_sub_i = 9 end end if i == longest_sub_i print(io,":") i -= m-1 if i == 0 print(io,":") break end else if i != 7 print(io,":") end print_ipv6_field(io,field) end end end # Parsing const ipv4_leading_zero_error = """ Leading zeros in IPv4 addresses are disallowed due to ambiguity. If the address is in octal or hexadecimal, convert it to decimal, otherwise remove the leading zero. """ function parse(::Type{IPv4}, str::AbstractString) fields = split(str,'.') i = 1 ret = 0 for f in fields if isempty(f) throw(ArgumentError("empty field in IPv4 address")) end if length(f) > 1 && f[1] == '0' throw(ArgumentError(ipv4_leading_zero_error)) else r = parse(Int,f,10) end if i != length(fields) if r < 0 || r > 255 throw(ArgumentError("IPv4 field out of range (must be 0-255)")) end ret |= UInt32(r) << ((4-i)*8) else if r > ((UInt64(1)<<((5-length(fields))*8))-1) throw(ArgumentError("IPv4 field too large")) end ret |= r end i+=1 end IPv4(ret) end function parseipv6fields(fields,num_fields) if length(fields) > num_fields throw(ArgumentError("too many fields in IPv6 address")) end cf = 7 ret = UInt128(0) for f in fields if isempty(f) # ::abc:... and ..:abc:: if cf != 7 && cf != 0 cf -= num_fields-length(fields) end cf -= 1 continue end ret |= UInt128(parse(Int,f,16))<<(cf*16) cf -= 1 end ret end parseipv6fields(fields) = parseipv6fields(fields,8) function parse(::Type{IPv6}, str::AbstractString) fields = split(str,':') if length(fields) > 8 throw(ArgumentError("too many fields in IPv6 address")) elseif length(fields) == 8 return IPv6(parseipv6fields(fields)) elseif in('.',fields[end]) return IPv6((parseipv6fields(fields[1:(end-1)],6)) | parse(IPv4, fields[end]).host ) else return IPv6(parseipv6fields(fields)) end end # # This support IPv4 addresses in the common dot (IPv4) or colon (IPv6) # separated formats. Most other common formats use a standard integer encoding # of the appropriate size and should use the appropriate constructor # function parse(::Type{IPAddr}, str::AbstractString) if ':' in str return parse(IPv6, str) else return parse(IPv4, str) end end macro ip_str(str) return parse(IPAddr, str) end struct InetAddr{T<:IPAddr} host::T port::UInt16 end InetAddr(ip::IPAddr, port) = InetAddr{typeof(ip)}(ip, port) ## SOCKETS ## mutable struct TCPSocket <: LibuvStream handle::Ptr{Void} status::Int buffer::IOBuffer readnotify::Condition connectnotify::Condition closenotify::Condition sendbuf::Nullable{IOBuffer} lock::ReentrantLock throttle::Int function TCPSocket(handle::Ptr{Void}, status) tcp = new( handle, status, PipeBuffer(), Condition(), Condition(), Condition(), nothing, ReentrantLock(), DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SZ) associate_julia_struct(tcp.handle, tcp) finalizer(uvfinalize, tcp) return tcp end end # kw arg "delay": if true, libuv delays creation of the socket fd till the first bind call function TCPSocket(; delay=true) tcp = TCPSocket(Libc.malloc(_sizeof_uv_tcp), StatusUninit) af_spec = delay ? 0 : 2 # AF_UNSPEC is 0, AF_INET is 2 err = ccall(:uv_tcp_init_ex, Cint, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Cuint), eventloop(), tcp.handle, af_spec) uv_error("failed to create tcp socket", err) tcp.status = StatusInit return tcp end mutable struct TCPServer <: LibuvServer handle::Ptr{Void} status::Int connectnotify::Condition closenotify::Condition function TCPServer(handle::Ptr{Void}, status) tcp = new( handle, status, Condition(), Condition()) associate_julia_struct(tcp.handle, tcp) finalizer(uvfinalize, tcp) return tcp end end # Keyword arg "delay": if true, libuv delays creation of socket fd till bind. # It can be set to false if there is a need to set socket options before # further calls to `bind` and `listen`, e.g. `SO_REUSEPORT`. function TCPServer(; delay=true) tcp = TCPServer(Libc.malloc(_sizeof_uv_tcp), StatusUninit) af_spec = delay ? 0 : 2 # AF_UNSPEC is 0, AF_INET is 2 err = ccall(:uv_tcp_init_ex, Cint, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Cuint), eventloop(), tcp.handle, af_spec) uv_error("failed to create tcp server", err) tcp.status = StatusInit return tcp end isreadable(io::TCPSocket) = isopen(io) || nb_available(io) > 0 iswritable(io::TCPSocket) = isopen(io) && io.status != StatusClosing ## VARIOUS METHODS TO BE MOVED TO BETTER LOCATION _jl_connect_raw(sock::TCPSocket, sockaddr::Ptr{Void}) = ccall(:jl_connect_raw, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}), sock.handle, sockaddr, uv_jl_connectcb::Ptr{Void}) _jl_sockaddr_from_addrinfo(addrinfo::Ptr{Void}) = ccall(:jl_sockaddr_from_addrinfo, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void},), addrinfo) _jl_sockaddr_set_port(ptr::Ptr{Void}, port::UInt16) = ccall(:jl_sockaddr_set_port, Void, (Ptr{Void}, UInt16), ptr, port) """ accept(server[,client]) Accepts a connection on the given server and returns a connection to the client. An uninitialized client stream may be provided, in which case it will be used instead of creating a new stream. """ accept(server::TCPServer) = accept(server, TCPSocket()) # Libuv will internally reset the readable and writable flags on # this pipe after it has successfully accepted the connection, to # remember that before that this is an invalid pipe accept(server::PipeServer) = accept(server, init_pipe!(PipeEndpoint(); readable=false, writable=false, julia_only=true)) # UDP mutable struct UDPSocket <: LibuvStream handle::Ptr{Void} status::Int recvnotify::Condition sendnotify::Condition closenotify::Condition function UDPSocket(handle::Ptr{Void}, status) udp = new( handle, status, Condition(), Condition(), Condition()) associate_julia_struct(udp.handle, udp) finalizer(uvfinalize, udp) return udp end end function UDPSocket() this = UDPSocket(Libc.malloc(_sizeof_uv_udp), StatusUninit) err = ccall(:uv_udp_init, Cint, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}), eventloop(), this.handle) uv_error("failed to create udp socket", err) this.status = StatusInit return this end show(io::IO, stream::UDPSocket) = print(io, typeof(stream), "(", uv_status_string(stream), ")") function _uv_hook_close(sock::UDPSocket) sock.handle = C_NULL sock.status = StatusClosed notify(sock.closenotify) notify(sock.sendnotify) notify_error(sock.recvnotify,EOFError()) end # Disables dual stack mode. const UV_TCP_IPV6ONLY = 1 # Disables dual stack mode. Only available when using ipv6 binf const UV_UDP_IPV6ONLY = 1 # Indicates message was truncated because read buffer was too small. The # remainder was discarded by the OS. const UV_UDP_PARTIAL = 2 # Indicates if SO_REUSEADDR will be set when binding the handle in uv_udp_bind. This sets # the SO_REUSEPORT socket flag on the BSDs and OS X. On other Unix platforms, it sets the # SO_REUSEADDR flag. What that means is that multiple threads or processes can bind to the # same address without error (provided they all set the flag) but only the last one to bind # will receive any traffic, in effect "stealing" the port from the previous listener. const UV_UDP_REUSEADDR = 4 ## _bind(sock::TCPServer, host::IPv4, port::UInt16, flags::UInt32 = UInt32(0)) = ccall(:jl_tcp_bind, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, UInt16, UInt32, Cuint), sock.handle, hton(port), hton(host.host), flags) _bind(sock::TCPServer, host::IPv6, port::UInt16, flags::UInt32 = UInt32(0)) = ccall(:jl_tcp_bind6, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, UInt16, Ptr{UInt128}, Cuint), sock.handle, hton(port), Ref(hton(host.host)), flags) _bind(sock::UDPSocket, host::IPv4, port::UInt16, flags::UInt32 = UInt32(0)) = ccall(:jl_udp_bind, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, UInt16, UInt32, UInt32), sock.handle, hton(port), hton(host.host), flags) _bind(sock::UDPSocket, host::IPv6, port::UInt16, flags::UInt32 = UInt32(0)) = ccall(:jl_udp_bind6, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, UInt16, Ptr{UInt128}, UInt32), sock.handle, hton(port), Ref(hton(host.host)), flags) """ bind(socket::Union{UDPSocket, TCPSocket}, host::IPAddr, port::Integer; ipv6only=false, reuseaddr=false, kws...) Bind `socket` to the given `host:port`. Note that `` will listen on all devices. * The `ipv6only` parameter disables dual stack mode. If `ipv6only=true`, only an IPv6 stack is created. * If `reuseaddr=true`, multiple threads or processes can bind to the same address without error if they all set `reuseaddr=true`, but only the last to bind will receive any traffic. """ function bind(sock::Union{TCPServer, UDPSocket}, host::IPAddr, port::Integer; ipv6only = false, reuseaddr = false, kws...) if sock.status != StatusInit error("$(typeof(sock)) is not in initialization state") end flags = 0 if isa(host,IPv6) && ipv6only flags |= isa(sock, UDPSocket) ? UV_UDP_IPV6ONLY : UV_TCP_IPV6ONLY end if isa(sock, UDPSocket) && reuseaddr flags |= UV_UDP_REUSEADDR end err = _bind(sock, host, UInt16(port), UInt32(flags)) if err < 0 if err != UV_EADDRINUSE && err != UV_EACCES && err != UV_EADDRNOTAVAIL #TODO: this codepath is not currently tested throw(UVError("bind", err)) else return false end end sock.status = StatusOpen isa(sock, UDPSocket) && setopt(sock; kws...) return true end bind(sock::TCPServer, addr::InetAddr) = bind(sock, addr.host, addr.port) """ setopt(sock::UDPSocket; multicast_loop = nothing, multicast_ttl=nothing, enable_broadcast=nothing, ttl=nothing) Set UDP socket options. * `multicast_loop`: loopback for multicast packets (default: `true`). * `multicast_ttl`: TTL for multicast packets (default: `nothing`). * `enable_broadcast`: flag must be set to `true` if socket will be used for broadcast messages, or else the UDP system will return an access error (default: `false`). * `ttl`: Time-to-live of packets sent on the socket (default: `nothing`). """ function setopt(sock::UDPSocket; multicast_loop = nothing, multicast_ttl=nothing, enable_broadcast=nothing, ttl=nothing) if sock.status == StatusUninit error("Cannot set options on uninitialized socket") end if multicast_loop !== nothing uv_error("multicast_loop",ccall(:uv_udp_set_multicast_loop,Cint,(Ptr{Void},Cint),sock.handle,multicast_loop) < 0) end if multicast_ttl !== nothing uv_error("multicast_ttl",ccall(:uv_udp_set_multicast_ttl,Cint,(Ptr{Void},Cint),sock.handle,multicast_ttl)) end if enable_broadcast !== nothing uv_error("enable_broadcast",ccall(:uv_udp_set_broadcast,Cint,(Ptr{Void},Cint),sock.handle,enable_broadcast)) end if ttl !== nothing uv_error("ttl",ccall(:uv_udp_set_ttl,Cint,(Ptr{Void},Cint),sock.handle,ttl)) end end """ recv(socket::UDPSocket) Read a UDP packet from the specified socket, and return the bytes received. This call blocks. """ function recv(sock::UDPSocket) addr, data = recvfrom(sock) return data end """ recvfrom(socket::UDPSocket) -> (address, data) Read a UDP packet from the specified socket, returning a tuple of `(address, data)`, where `address` will be either IPv4 or IPv6 as appropriate. """ function recvfrom(sock::UDPSocket) # If the socket has not been bound, it will be bound implicitly to ::0 and a random port if sock.status != StatusInit && sock.status != StatusOpen && sock.status != StatusActive error("UDPSocket is not initialized and open") end if ccall(:uv_is_active, Cint, (Ptr{Void},), sock.handle) == 0 uv_error("recv_start", ccall(:uv_udp_recv_start, Cint, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}), sock.handle, uv_jl_alloc_buf::Ptr{Void}, uv_jl_recvcb::Ptr{Void})) end sock.status = StatusActive return stream_wait(sock, sock.recvnotify)::Tuple{Union{IPv4, IPv6}, Vector{UInt8}} end alloc_buf_hook(sock::UDPSocket, size::UInt) = (Libc.malloc(size), size) function uv_recvcb(handle::Ptr{Void}, nread::Cssize_t, buf::Ptr{Void}, addr::Ptr{Void}, flags::Cuint) # C signature documented as (*uv_udp_recv_cb)(...) sock = @handle_as handle UDPSocket if nread < 0 Libc.free(buf_addr) notify_error(sock.recvnotify, UVError("recv", nread)) elseif flags & UV_UDP_PARTIAL > 0 Libc.free(buf_addr) notify_error(sock.recvnotify, "Partial message received") else buf_addr = ccall(:jl_uv_buf_base, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void},), buf) buf_size = ccall(:jl_uv_buf_len, Csize_t, (Ptr{Void},), buf) # need to check the address type in order to convert to a Julia IPAddr addrout = if addr == C_NULL IPv4(0) elseif ccall(:jl_sockaddr_in_is_ip4, Cint, (Ptr{Void},), addr) == 1 IPv4(ntoh(ccall(:jl_sockaddr_host4, UInt32, (Ptr{Void},), addr))) else tmp = [UInt128(0)] ccall(:jl_sockaddr_host6, UInt32, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{UInt8}), addr, pointer(tmp)) IPv6(ntoh(tmp[1])) end buf = unsafe_wrap(Array, convert(Ptr{UInt8}, buf_addr), Int(nread), true) notify(sock.recvnotify, (addrout, buf)) end ccall(:uv_udp_recv_stop, Cint, (Ptr{Void},), sock.handle) sock.status = StatusOpen nothing end function _send(sock::UDPSocket, ipaddr::IPv4, port::UInt16, buf) ccall(:jl_udp_send, Cint, (Ptr{Void}, UInt16, UInt32, Ptr{UInt8}, Csize_t, Ptr{Void}), sock.handle, hton(port), hton(ipaddr.host), buf, sizeof(buf), uv_jl_sendcb::Ptr{Void}) end function _send(sock::UDPSocket, ipaddr::IPv6, port::UInt16, buf) ccall(:jl_udp_send6, Cint, (Ptr{Void}, UInt16, Ref{UInt128}, Ptr{UInt8}, Csize_t, Ptr{Void}), sock.handle, hton(port), hton(ipaddr.host), buf, sizeof(buf), uv_jl_sendcb::Ptr{Void}) end """ send(socket::UDPSocket, host, port::Integer, msg) Send `msg` over `socket` to `host:port`. """ function send(sock::UDPSocket,ipaddr,port,msg) # If the socket has not been bound, it will be bound implicitly to ::0 and a random port if sock.status != StatusInit && sock.status != StatusOpen && sock.status != StatusActive error("UDPSocket is not initialized and open") end uv_error("send", _send(sock, ipaddr, UInt16(port), msg)) stream_wait(sock, sock.sendnotify) nothing end function uv_sendcb(handle::Ptr{Void}, status::Cint) sock = @handle_as handle UDPSocket if status < 0 notify_error(sock.sendnotify, UVError("UDP send failed", status)) end notify(sock.sendnotify) Libc.free(handle) nothing end ## struct DNSError <: Exception host::String code::Int32 end function show(io::IO, err::DNSError) print(io, "DNSError: ", err.host, ", ", struverror(err.code), " (", uverrorname(err.code), ")") end function uv_getaddrinfocb(req::Ptr{Void}, status::Cint, addrinfo::Ptr{Void}) data = uv_req_data(req) if data != C_NULL t = unsafe_pointer_to_objref(data)::Task uv_req_set_data(req, C_NULL) if status != 0 || addrinfo == C_NULL schedule(t, UVError("getaddrinfocb", status)) else freeaddrinfo = addrinfo addrs = IPAddr[] while addrinfo != C_NULL sockaddr = ccall(:jl_sockaddr_from_addrinfo, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void},), addrinfo) if ccall(:jl_sockaddr_is_ip4, Int32, (Ptr{Void},), sockaddr) == 1 ip4addr = ccall(:jl_sockaddr_host4, UInt32, (Ptr{Void},), sockaddr) push!(addrs, IPv4(ntoh(ip4addr))) elseif ccall(:jl_sockaddr_is_ip6, Int32, (Ptr{Void},), sockaddr) == 1 ip6addr = Ref{UInt128}() scope_id = ccall(:jl_sockaddr_host6, UInt32, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{UInt128}), sockaddr, ip6addr) push!(addrs, IPv6(ntoh(ip6addr[]))) end addrinfo = ccall(:jl_next_from_addrinfo, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void},), addrinfo) end ccall(:uv_freeaddrinfo, Void, (Ptr{Void},), freeaddrinfo) schedule(t, addrs) end else # no owner for this req, safe to just free it Libc.free(req) end nothing end """ getalladdrinfo(host::AbstractString) -> Vector{IPAddr} Gets all of the IP addresses of the `host`. Uses the operating system's underlying getaddrinfo implementation, which may do a DNS lookup. """ function getalladdrinfo(host::String) isascii(host) || error("non-ASCII hostname: $host") req = Libc.malloc(_sizeof_uv_getaddrinfo) uv_req_set_data(req, C_NULL) # in case we get interrupted before arriving at the wait call status = ccall(:jl_getaddrinfo, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Cstring, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}), eventloop(), req, host, #=service=#C_NULL, uv_jl_getaddrinfocb::Ptr{Void}) if status < 0 Libc.free(req) if status == UV_EINVAL throw(ArgumentError("Invalid getaddrinfo argument")) elseif status == UV_ENOMEM || status == UV_ENOBUFS throw(OutOfMemoryError()) end uv_error("getaddrinfo", status) end ct = current_task() preserve_handle(ct) r = try uv_req_set_data(req, ct) wait() finally if uv_req_data(req) != C_NULL # req is still alive, # so make sure we don't get spurious notifications later uv_req_set_data(req, C_NULL) ccall(:uv_cancel, Int32, (Ptr{Void},), req) # try to let libuv know we don't care anymore else # done with req Libc.free(req) end unpreserve_handle(ct) end if isa(r, UVError) code = r.code if code in (UV_EAI_ADDRFAMILY, UV_EAI_AGAIN, UV_EAI_BADFLAGS, UV_EAI_BADHINTS, UV_EAI_CANCELED, UV_EAI_FAIL, UV_EAI_FAMILY, UV_EAI_NODATA, UV_EAI_NONAME, UV_EAI_OVERFLOW, UV_EAI_PROTOCOL, UV_EAI_SERVICE, UV_EAI_SOCKTYPE) throw(DNSError(host, code)) elseif code == UV_EAI_MEMORY throw(OutOfMemoryError()) else throw(UVError("getaddrinfo", code)) end end return r::Vector{IPAddr} end getalladdrinfo(host::AbstractString) = getalladdrinfo(String(host)) """ getalladdrinfo(host::AbstractString, IPAddr=IPv4) -> IPAddr Gets the first IP address of the `host` of the specified IPAddr type. Uses the operating system's underlying getaddrinfo implementation, which may do a DNS lookup. """ function getaddrinfo(host::String, T::Type{<:IPAddr}) addrs = getalladdrinfo(host) for addr in addrs if addr isa T return addr end end throw(DNSError(host, UV_EAI_NONAME)) end getaddrinfo(host::AbstractString, T::Type{<:IPAddr}) = getaddrinfo(String(host), T) getaddrinfo(host::AbstractString) = getaddrinfo(String(host), IPv4) function uv_getnameinfocb(req::Ptr{Void}, status::Cint, hostname::Cstring, service::Cstring) data = uv_req_data(req) if data != C_NULL t = unsafe_pointer_to_objref(data)::Task uv_req_set_data(req, C_NULL) if status != 0 schedule(t, UVError("getnameinfocb", status)) else schedule(t, unsafe_string(hostname)) end else # no owner for this req, safe to just free it Libc.free(req) end nothing end """ getnameinfo(host::IPAddr) -> String Performs a reverse-lookup for IP address to return a hostname and service using the operating system's underlying getnameinfo implementation. """ function getnameinfo(address::Union{IPv4, IPv6}) req = Libc.malloc(_sizeof_uv_getnameinfo) uv_req_set_data(req, C_NULL) # in case we get interrupted before arriving at the wait call ev = eventloop() port = hton(UInt16(0)) flags = 0 uvcb = uv_jl_getnameinfocb::Ptr{Void} status = UV_EINVAL if address isa IPv4 status = ccall(:jl_getnameinfo, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, UInt32, UInt16, Cint, Ptr{Void}), ev, req, hton(address.host), port, flags, uvcb) elseif address isa IPv6 status = ccall(:jl_getnameinfo6, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Ref{UInt128}, UInt16, Cint, Ptr{Void}), ev, req, hton(address.host), port, flags, uvcb) end if status < 0 Libc.free(req) if status == UV_EINVAL throw(ArgumentError("Invalid getnameinfo argument")) elseif status == UV_ENOMEM || status == UV_ENOBUFS throw(OutOfMemoryError()) end uv_error("getnameinfo", status) end ct = current_task() preserve_handle(ct) r = try uv_req_set_data(req, ct) wait() finally if uv_req_data(req) != C_NULL # req is still alive, # so make sure we don't get spurious notifications later uv_req_set_data(req, C_NULL) ccall(:uv_cancel, Int32, (Ptr{Void},), req) # try to let libuv know we don't care anymore else # done with req Libc.free(req) end unpreserve_handle(ct) end if isa(r, UVError) code = r.code if code in (UV_EAI_ADDRFAMILY, UV_EAI_AGAIN, UV_EAI_BADFLAGS, UV_EAI_BADHINTS, UV_EAI_CANCELED, UV_EAI_FAIL, UV_EAI_FAMILY, UV_EAI_NODATA, UV_EAI_NONAME, UV_EAI_OVERFLOW, UV_EAI_PROTOCOL, UV_EAI_SERVICE, UV_EAI_SOCKTYPE) throw(DNSError(repr(address), code)) elseif code == UV_EAI_MEMORY throw(OutOfMemoryError()) else throw(UVError("getnameinfo", code)) end end return r::String end const _sizeof_uv_interface_address = ccall(:jl_uv_sizeof_interface_address,Int32,()) """ getipaddr() -> IPAddr Get the IP address of the local machine. """ function getipaddr() addr_ref = Ref{Ptr{UInt8}}(C_NULL) count_ref = Ref{Int32}(1) lo_present = false err = ccall(:jl_uv_interface_addresses, Int32, (Ref{Ptr{UInt8}}, Ref{Int32}), addr_ref, count_ref) uv_error("getlocalip", err) addr, count = addr_ref[], count_ref[] for i = 0:(count-1) current_addr = addr + i*_sizeof_uv_interface_address if 1 == ccall(:jl_uv_interface_address_is_internal, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8},), current_addr) lo_present = true continue end sockaddr = ccall(:jl_uv_interface_address_sockaddr, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{UInt8},), current_addr) if ccall(:jl_sockaddr_in_is_ip4, Int32, (Ptr{Void},), sockaddr) == 1 rv = IPv4(ntoh(ccall(:jl_sockaddr_host4, UInt32, (Ptr{Void},), sockaddr))) ccall(:uv_free_interface_addresses, Void, (Ptr{UInt8}, Int32), addr, count) return rv # Uncomment to enbable IPv6 #elseif ccall(:jl_sockaddr_in_is_ip6, Int32, (Ptr{Void},), sockaddr) == 1 # host = Vector{UInt128}(uninitialized, 1) # ccall(:jl_sockaddr_host6, UInt32, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{UInt128}), sockaddrr, host) # return IPv6(ntoh(host[1])) end end ccall(:uv_free_interface_addresses, Void, (Ptr{UInt8}, Int32), addr, count) return lo_present ? localhost : error("No networking interface available") end ## function connect!(sock::TCPSocket, host::IPv4, port::Integer) if sock.status != StatusInit error("TCPSocket is not in initialization state") end if !(0 <= port <= typemax(UInt16)) throw(ArgumentError("port out of range, must be 0 ≤ port ≤ 65535, got $port")) end uv_error("connect", ccall(:jl_tcp4_connect, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, UInt32, UInt16, Ptr{Void}), sock.handle, hton(host.host), hton(UInt16(port)), uv_jl_connectcb::Ptr{Void})) sock.status = StatusConnecting nothing end function connect!(sock::TCPSocket, host::IPv6, port::Integer) if sock.status != StatusInit error("TCPSocket is not in initialization state") end if !(0 <= port <= typemax(UInt16)) throw(ArgumentError("port out of range, must be 0 ≤ port ≤ 65535, got $port")) end uv_error("connect", ccall(:jl_tcp6_connect, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Ref{UInt128}, UInt16, Ptr{Void}), sock.handle, hton(host.host), hton(UInt16(port)), uv_jl_connectcb::Ptr{Void})) sock.status = StatusConnecting nothing end connect!(sock::TCPSocket, addr::InetAddr) = connect!(sock, addr.host, addr.port) # Default Host to localhost """ connect([host], port::Integer) -> TCPSocket Connect to the host `host` on port `port`. """ connect(sock::TCPSocket, port::Integer) = connect(sock, localhost, port) connect(port::Integer) = connect(localhost, port) # Valid connect signatures for TCP connect(host::AbstractString, port::Integer) = connect(TCPSocket(), host, port) connect(addr::IPAddr, port::Integer) = connect(TCPSocket(), addr, port) connect(addr::InetAddr) = connect(TCPSocket(), addr) default_connectcb(sock, status) = nothing function connect!(sock::TCPSocket, host::AbstractString, port::Integer) if sock.status != StatusInit error("TCPSocket is not in initialization state") end ipaddr = getaddrinfo(host) sock.status = StatusInit connect!(sock,ipaddr,port) sock.status = StatusConnecting return sock end ## """ listen([addr, ]port::Integer; backlog::Integer=BACKLOG_DEFAULT) -> TCPServer Listen on port on the address specified by `addr`. By default this listens on `localhost` only. To listen on all interfaces pass `IPv4(0)` or `IPv6(0)` as appropriate. `backlog` determines how many connections can be pending (not having called [`accept`](@ref)) before the server will begin to reject them. The default value of `backlog` is 511. """ function listen(addr; backlog::Integer=BACKLOG_DEFAULT) sock = TCPServer() !bind(sock, addr) && error("cannot bind to port; may already be in use or access denied") listen(sock; backlog=backlog) return sock end listen(port::Integer; backlog::Integer=BACKLOG_DEFAULT) = listen(localhost, port; backlog=backlog) listen(host::IPAddr, port::Integer; backlog::Integer=BACKLOG_DEFAULT) = listen(InetAddr(host, port); backlog=backlog) function listen(callback, server::Union{TCPSocket, UDPSocket}) @async begin local client = TCPSocket() while isopen(server) err = accept_nonblock(server, client) if err == 0 callback(client) client = TCPSocket() elseif err != UV_EAGAIN uv_error("accept", err) else stream_wait(server, server.connectnotify) end end end return sock end ## function accept_nonblock(server::TCPServer, client::TCPSocket) if client.status != StatusInit error("client TCPSocket is not in initialization state") end err = ccall(:uv_accept, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}), server.handle, client.handle) if err == 0 client.status = StatusOpen end return err end function accept_nonblock(server::TCPServer) client = TCPSocket() uv_error("accept", accept_nonblock(server, client)) return client end ## Utility functions const localhost = ip"" """ listenany([host::IPAddr,] port_hint) -> (UInt16, TCPServer) Create a `TCPServer` on any port, using hint as a starting point. Returns a tuple of the actual port that the server was created on and the server itself. """ function listenany(host::IPAddr, default_port) addr = InetAddr(host, default_port) while true sock = TCPServer() if bind(sock, addr) && trylisten(sock) == 0 if default_port == 0 _addr, port = getsockname(sock) return (port, sock) end return (addr.port, sock) end close(sock) addr = InetAddr(addr.host, addr.port + 1) if addr.port == default_port error("no ports available") end end end listenany(default_port) = listenany(localhost, default_port) """ getsockname(sock::Union{TCPServer, TCPSocket}) -> (IPAddr, UInt16) Get the IP address and port that the given socket is bound to. """ getsockname(sock::Union{TCPSocket, TCPServer}) = _sockname(sock, true) """ getpeername(sock::TCPSocket) -> (IPAddr, UInt16) Get the IP address and port of the remote endpoint that the given socket is connected to. Valid only for connected TCP sockets. """ getpeername(sock::TCPSocket) = _sockname(sock, false) function _sockname(sock, self=true) rport = Ref{Cushort}(0) raddress = zeros(UInt8, 16) rfamily = Ref{Cuint}(0) if self r = ccall(:jl_tcp_getsockname, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Ref{Cushort}, Ptr{Void}, Ref{Cuint}), sock.handle, rport, raddress, rfamily) else r = ccall(:jl_tcp_getpeername, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Ref{Cushort}, Ptr{Void}, Ref{Cuint}), sock.handle, rport, raddress, rfamily) end uv_error("cannot obtain socket name", r) if r == 0 port = ntoh(rport[]) af_inet6 = @static if Sys.iswindows() # AF_INET6 in 23 elseif Sys.isapple() 30 elseif Sys.KERNEL ∈ (:FreeBSD, :DragonFly) 28 elseif Sys.KERNEL ∈ (:NetBSD, :OpenBSD) 24 else 10 end if rfamily[] == 2 # AF_INET addrv4 = raddress[1:4] naddr = ntoh(unsafe_load(Ptr{Cuint}(pointer(addrv4)), 1)) addr = IPv4(naddr) elseif rfamily[] == af_inet6 naddr = ntoh(unsafe_load(Ptr{UInt128}(pointer(raddress)), 1)) addr = IPv6(naddr) else error(string("unsupported address family: ", getindex(rfamily))) end else error("cannot obtain socket name") end return addr, port end