Raw File
Tip revision: 96e9ae2336937469a8f1602c178ea5e0cb8564b6 authored by Lukas Klimmasch on 13 August 2021, 14:16:04 UTC
Merge branch 'alternateRearing' of into alternateRearing
Tip revision: 96e9ae2
classdef Model < handle
        scModel;            % SparseCoding cell array containing respective classes
        rlModel;            % ReinforcementLearning class

        focalLength;        % focal length [px]
        baseline;           % interocular distance
        objDistMin;         % object distance to eyes [m]
        muscleInitMin;      % minimal initial muscle innervation
        muscleInitMax;      % maximal initial muscle innervation
        interval;           % period of eye stimulus change at training
        testInterval;       % period of eye stimulus change at testing
        desiredAngleMin;    % min/max desired vergence angle

        textureFile;        % config file containing texture stimulus list
        nTrainStim;         % number of trainig stimuli loaded into the renderer
        nTestStim;          % number of stimuli for testing
        trainTime;          % number of training (intended) iterations
        trainedUntil;       % how long did the training actually proceed?
        simulatedTime;      % how long did the model take to be learned (min)
        testAt;             % at which iteration steps online testing is performed
        inputParams;        % non-default parameter vector used to generate model with configVar
        initMethod;         % string identifying the initialization of muscle commands
        lapSig;             % for drawing laplacian distributed disparities
        strabAngle;         % fixed offset for the right eye to simulate strabism
        objSize;            % hight and width of the stimulus plane
        maxYaw;             % maximal yaw angle of object plane
        maxTilt;            % maximal tilt angle of object plane
        maxRoll;            % maximal roll angle of object plane
        aniseikonia;        % different magnification values for the images

        sparseCodingType;   % type of sparse coding

        lambdaMuscleFB;     % factor of muscle activity feedback to RL feature vector
        lambdaRec;          % reconstruction error factor
        lambdaMet;          % factor of metCosts for reward function
        metCostRange;       % in case of metabolic costs decay, this provides the range
        metCostDec;         % auxiliary factor for the decay
        lambdaMet_hist;     % tracks the lambdaMet in case of metCost decay
        reward_mean;        % tracks the exponentially weighted average of rewards
        reward_variance;    % and the variance for normalizing the reward (if desired)

        % Model data history
        recerr_hist;        % reconstruction error [coarse scale, fine scale]
        metCost_hist;       % metabolic costs
        reward_hist;        % reward (usefull when normalization comes into play)
        % disp_hist;          % disparity
        vergerr_hist;       % vergence error
        % verge_actual;       % actual vergence angle
        % verge_desired;      % desired vergence angle
        % Z;                  % object depth
        % fixZ;               % fixation depth
        td_hist;            % temporal difference (td) error
        feature_hist;       % feature vector
        cmd_hist;           % vergence commands
        relCmd_hist;        % relativ changes in motor commands
        weight_hist;        % L1/L2, i.e. sum abs, sum pow2 weights of actor and critic
        actorLR_hist;       % actor learning rate
        criticLR_hist;      % critic learning rate
        variance_hist;      % exploratory variance of actor
        savePath;           % where all the data are stored
        notes;              % is there any special things about this model to note?

        % Model results at testing procedure
        testHist;           % history of testing performance over traintime

        % Image processing

        % Providing relevant methods
        degrees;        % contains a tabular that maps muscle activity to angles
        degreesIncRes;  % contains a part of degrees with increased resolution
        metCostsIncRes; % contains a part of metCosts with increased resolution
        degDiff;        % difference between entries in degreesIncRes
        metCosts;       % contains a tabular that maps muscle activity to metabolic costs
        mfunctionMR;    % contains a function approx. of the mapping from activity to angle
                        % for the medial rectus with activation of lateral rectus equals 0
        mfunctionLR;    % analogous for the lateral rectus
        dmf;            % delta in muscle force (for mfunctions) dmf2
        dAngleMR;       % delta in angle (for mfunctions) dmf
        dAngleLR;       % delta in muscle force (for mfunctionLR) dmf3
        angleMin;       % minimal and maximal angle that can be reached by one-dimensional muscle commands

        imgRawLeft;     % images that are updated by refreshImages

        filterLeft;     % convolution filter for the left and right images
        filterLeftProb; % probabilities for the application of the according filter

        normFeatVect;   % keep(0) or normalize(1) feature fector by z-transform
        currMean;       % approximations for online signal normalization
        desiredStdZT;   % desired standard deviation of each z-transformed variable

        whitening;      % should the images be whitened

        function obj = Model(PARAM)
            %% if isempty(PARAM{1}{1}) -> indicator for copy constructor
            if (~isempty(PARAM{1}{1}))
                obj.textureFile = PARAM{1}{1};
                texture = load(sprintf('config/%s', obj.textureFile{2}));
                obj.nTrainStim = length(texture.texture);
                texture = load(sprintf('config/%s', obj.textureFile{1}));
                obj.nTestStim = length(texture.texture);
                obj.trainTime = PARAM{1}{2};
                obj.testAt = PARAM{1}{3};
                if (~(isempty(obj.testAt)) && (obj.testAt(1) ~= 0))
                    obj.testAt = horzcat(0, obj.testAt);
                obj.testInterval = PARAM{1}{28};
                obj.inputParams = PARAM{1}{25};
                obj.sparseCodingType = PARAM{1}{4};
                obj.focalLength = PARAM{1}{5};
                obj.baseline = PARAM{1}{6};
                obj.objDistMin = PARAM{1}{7};
                obj.objDistMax = PARAM{1}{8};
                obj.muscleInitMin = PARAM{1}{9};
                obj.muscleInitMax = PARAM{1}{10};
                obj.interval = PARAM{1}{11};
                obj.lambdaMuscleFB = PARAM{1}{12};
                obj.lambdaRec = PARAM{1}{13};
                obj.metCostRange = PARAM{1}{14};
                obj.lambdaMet = obj.metCostRange(1);
                obj.metCostDec = PARAM{1}{23};
                obj.fixDistMin = PARAM{1}{19};
                obj.fixDistMax = PARAM{1}{20};
                obj.initMethod = PARAM{1}{24};
                obj.lapSig = PARAM{1}{34};
                obj.strabAngle = PARAM{1}{35};
                obj.objSize = PARAM{1}{36};
                obj.maxYaw = PARAM{1}{37};
                obj.maxTilt = PARAM{1}{38};
                obj.maxRoll = PARAM{1}{39};
                obj.aniseikonia = PARAM{1}{40};

                obj.filterLeft = PARAM{1}{29};
                obj.filterRight = PARAM{1}{31};
                obj.filterLeftProb = PARAM{1}{30};
                obj.filterRightProb = PARAM{1}{32};

                obj.whitening = PARAM{1}{33};

                % single eye
                obj.desiredAngleMin = atand(obj.baseline / (2 * obj.objDistMax));
                obj.desiredAngleMax = atand(obj.baseline / (2 * obj.objDistMin));

                obj.vergAngleMin = 2 * atand(obj.baseline / (2 * obj.fixDistMax));
                obj.vergAngleMax = 2 * atand(obj.baseline / (2 * obj.fixDistMin));

                % obj.vergAngleFixMin = 2 * atand(obj.baseline / (2 * 2));
                obj.vergAngleFixMin = 2 * atand(obj.baseline / (2 * obj.objDistMax));
                obj.vergAngleFixMax = 2 * atand(obj.baseline / (2 * obj.objDistMin));

                %%% Create RL models
                % Discrete or continuous policy
                if (PARAM{3}{11} == 1)
                    obj.rlModel = ReinforcementLearningCont(PARAM{3});
                    obj.rlModel = ReinforcementLearning(PARAM{3});

                % obj.recerr_hist = zeros(obj.trainTime, length(PARAM{2}{1})); % recerr_hist = t x #SC_scales
                obj.recerr_hist = zeros(obj.trainTime / obj.interval, length(PARAM{2}{1})); % recerr_hist = t x #SC_scales
                % obj.disp_hist = zeros(obj.trainTime, 1);
                obj.vergerr_hist = zeros(obj.trainTime, 1);
                obj.reward_hist = zeros(obj.trainTime, 1);
                % obj.verge_actual = zeros(obj.trainTime, 1);
                % obj.verge_desired = zeros(obj.trainTime, 1);
                % obj.Z = zeros(obj.trainTime, 1);
                % obj.fixZ = zeros(obj.trainTime, 1);

                obj.td_hist = zeros(obj.trainTime, 1);
                % obj.feature_hist = zeros(obj.trainTime, PARAM{3}{9}(1)); % PARAM{3}{9}(1) : inputDim
                obj.cmd_hist = zeros(obj.trainTime, 2);
                obj.relCmd_hist = zeros(obj.trainTime, PARAM{3}{9}(3)); % relCmd_hist = t x output_dim
                % obj.weight_hist = zeros(obj.trainTime, 4);
                obj.weight_hist = zeros(obj.trainTime, 6); % for also traking change in weights
                obj.metCost_hist = zeros(obj.trainTime, 1);
                obj.lambdaMet_hist = zeros(obj.trainTime, 1);
                obj.variance_hist = zeros(obj.trainTime, 1);

                % normalization of [recErrSignal, metCostSignal, rewardSignal]
                % obj.currMean = zeros(1, 3);
                % obj.currM2 = zeros(1, 3);
                % obj.desiredStdZT = PARAM{1}{26};

                % normalization of nth entry in feature vector
                obj.normFeatVect = PARAM{1}{26};
                obj.currMean = zeros(1, PARAM{3}{9}(1));
                obj.currM2 = ones(1, PARAM{3}{9}(1)); % formerly zeros
                obj.desiredStdZT = PARAM{1}{27};

                % test results
                obj.responseResults = struct();
                obj.testResult = [];
                obj.testResult2 = [];
                obj.testResult3 = [];
                obj.testResult4 = [];
                obj.testResult5 = [];
                obj.testResult6 = [];
                obj.testResult7 = [];
                obj.vergenceAngleApproach = [];
                obj.metCostsApproach = [];
                obj.musclePlaneResponse = [];
                % rmse(vergerr), mean(abs(vergErr)), std(abs(vergErr)), rmse(deltaMetCost), mean(abs(deltaMetCost)), std(abs(deltaMetCost))
                obj.testHist = zeros(length(obj.testAt), 6);
                % insert modelAt0 entry
                % TODO: update for bias as well
                if obj.normFeatVect == 0
                    obj.testHist(1, :) = [1.1593, 1.3440, 1.5243, 1.0736, 1.1527, 0.9517];
                    obj.testHist(1, :) = [1.1557, 1.3355, 1.5078, 1.0812, 1.1689, 0.9552];
                obj.simulatedTime = 0;
                obj.trainedUntil = 0;
                obj.notes = '';

                %%% Generate image processing constants
                obj.patchSize = PARAM{1}{15};
                obj.pxFieldOfView = PARAM{1}{16};
                obj.dsRatio = PARAM{1}{17};
                obj.stride = PARAM{1}{18};
                obj.overlap = PARAM{1}{21};
                obj.cutout = PARAM{1}{22};

                % Prepare index matrix for image patches
                % cut out central region
                if (obj.cutout == 1)

                %%% Create SC models
                obj.scModel = {};
                PARAM{2}{end + 1} = [cellfun('length', obj.columnInd)]; % append image batch size`s 2nd dimensions
                if (obj.sparseCodingType == 0)
                    for i = 1 : length(PARAM{2}{1})
                        % pick respective parameters from PARAM cell array for ith SC model constructor
                        obj.scModel{end + 1} = SparseCoding2(cellfun(@(x) x(i), PARAM{2}, 'UniformOutput', true));
                        % obj.scModel{end + 1} = SparseCoding2(cellfun(@(x) x(i), PARAM{2}, 'UniformOutput', false));
                    %TODO: update depricated SparseCodingHomeo class
                    error('SparseCodingHomeo class is DEPRICATED and therefore currently not supported!');
                    % obj.scModel_Large = SparseCodingHomeo(PARAM{2}{1}); %coarse scale
                    % obj.scModel_Small = SparseCodingHomeo(PARAM{2}{2}); %fine scale

                % Intermediate patch matricies
                obj.patchesLeft = cell(1, length(obj.scModel));
                obj.patchesRight = cell(1, length(obj.scModel));
                for i = 1 : length(obj.scModel)
                    obj.patchesLeft{i} = zeros(obj.patchSize ^ 2, length(obj.columnInd{i}));
                    obj.patchesRight{i} = zeros(obj.patchSize ^ 2, length(obj.columnInd{i}));

                %%% Preparing Functions
                % getMF functions

                % interpolation tables, each for a _single_ eye
                obj.degrees = load('Degrees.mat');              % f(medial_rectus_activiation, medial_rectus_activiation) = vergence_angle table 'results_deg'
                % obj.degrees = load('DegreesFlatter.mat');
                % obj.degrees = load('DegreesFlatInverted.mat');
                % obj.degrees = load('DegreesFlatRotated.mat');
                obj.metCosts = load('MetabolicCosts.mat');      % f(medial_rectus_activiation, medial_rectus_activiation) = metabolic_cost table 'results'

                % factor by which the resolution of the tabular should be increased
                % resFac, size of tabular: 5,33 | 6,65 | 10,1025 | 13,8193 | x,(2^x)+1
                % resFactor = 13; % results in comparable amount of entries as the mfunctions
                resFactor = 10;

                % between 0 and 0.2/0.1 mus. act. the resolution is increased
                usedRows = 3;
                usedCols = 2;
                obj.degreesIncRes = interp2(obj.degrees.results_deg(1 : usedRows, 1 : usedCols), resFactor);
%                 obj.degreesIncRes = interp2(obj.degrees.results_deg(end - usedRows + 1 : end, end - usedCols + 1 : end), resFactor);

                obj.degDiff = abs(max(max(diff(obj.degreesIncRes)))); % distance between the entries
                % obj.degDiff = max(max(diff(obj.degreesIncRes)));

                obj.scaleFacMR = ((usedRows - 1) / 10) / size(obj.degreesIncRes, 1);    % table scaling factors for backwards
                obj.scaleFacLR = ((usedCols - 1) / 10) / size(obj.degreesIncRes, 2);	% calculation of table_index -> muscle inervation

                % increased resolution of metCosts table
                obj.metCostsIncRes = interp2(obj.metCosts.results(1 : usedRows, 1 : usedCols), resFactor, 'spline');
%                 obj.metCostsIncRes = interp2(obj.metCosts.results(end - usedRows + 1 : end, end - usedCols + 1 : end), resFactor);

                % muscle function :=  mf(vergence_angle) = muscle force [single muscle]
                resolution = 100001;
                approx = spline(1 : 11, obj.degrees.results_deg(:, 1));

                xValPos = ppval(approx, 1 : 0.0001 : 11)';
                yValPos = linspace(0, 1, resolution)';

                % xValNeg = flipud(ppval(approx, 1 : 0.0001 : 11)' * -1);
                % yValNeg = linspace(-1, 0, resolution)';

                % mfunction = [xValNeg(1 : end - 1), yValNeg(1 : end - 1); xValPos, yValPos];
                obj.mfunctionMR = [xValPos, yValPos];
                obj.mfunctionMR(:, 1) = obj.mfunctionMR(:, 1) * 2;      % angle for two eyes
                obj.dAngleMR = abs(diff(obj.mfunctionMR(1 : 2, 1)));    % delta in angle
                obj.dmf = diff(obj.mfunctionMR(1 : 2, 2));              % delta in muscle force

                approx = spline(1 : 11, obj.degrees.results_deg(1, :));
                xValPos = ppval(approx, 1 : 0.0001 : 11)';
                yValPos = linspace(0, 1, resolution)';

                obj.mfunctionLR = [xValPos, yValPos];
                obj.mfunctionLR(:, 1) = obj.mfunctionLR(:, 1) * 2;      % angle for two eyes
                obj.dAngleLR = abs(diff(obj.mfunctionLR(1 : 2, 1)));    % delta in angle

                obj.angleMin = min(obj.mfunctionLR(obj.mfunctionLR(:, 1) > 0));
                obj.angleMax = obj.mfunctionMR(end, 1);

                % refreshImages
                obj.imgRawLeft = uint8(zeros(240, 320, 3));
                obj.imgRawRight = uint8(zeros(240, 320, 3));
                obj.imgGrayLeft = uint8(zeros(240, 320, 3));
                obj.imgGrayRight = uint8(zeros(240, 320, 3));

        %%% Copy constructor
        %   Creates a (deep) copy of a handle object
        function new = copy(this)
            % Instantiate new object of the same class
            dummyParams = {{''}, ...
                           {}, ...
            new = feval(class(this), dummyParams);

            % Copy all non-hidden properties
            p = properties(this);
            % Copy hidden properties which don't show up in the result
            % of properties(this)
            % p = fieldnames(struct(this));
            for i = 1 : length(p)
                new.(p{i}) = this.(p{i});

        %%% Generates index matrix for image patches
        %   Filled image batch, i.e. all patches for the respective scale are used
        function prepareColumnInd(this)
            % index matrix
            this.columnInd = {};
            % pixel index of left upper corner of last patch
            ilp = this.pxFieldOfView - this.patchSize + 1;

            % for #scales
            for i = 1 : length(this.dsRatio)
                k = 1;
                % number of patches per row/column
                nprc = length(1 : this.stride(i) : ilp(i));

                % each scale has nprc * nprc patches
                this.columnInd{end + 1} = zeros(1, nprc ^ 2);

                % calculate indices of patches with respect to stride
                for j = 1 : this.stride(i) : ilp(i)
                    this.columnInd{i}((k - 1) * nprc + 1 : k * nprc) = (j - 1) * ilp(i) + 1 : this.stride(i) : j * ilp(i);
                    k = k + 1;

        %%% Cuts out smaller scales from larger scales' fields of view
        function prepareCutout(this)
            % most inner layer does not need a cutout
            % therefore n-1 cuts per n layers
            for i = 1 : (length(this.dsRatio) - 1)
                % Calculate cutout area, upsample to orig and downsample to current (substract more if needed)
                foveaSmallerAdjusted = ceil((this.pxFieldOfView(i + 1) - 2 * this.overlap(i)) * (this.dsRatio(i + 1) / this.dsRatio(i)));

                % Calculate offset of coarse scale [px]
                offsetCoarse = (this.pxFieldOfView(i) - foveaSmallerAdjusted) / 2;

                % # stride applications =^ offset width
                offsetWidth = ceil(((offsetCoarse - this.patchSize) / this.stride(i)) + 1);

                % number of patches per row/column
                nprc = floor((this.pxFieldOfView(i) - this.patchSize) / this.stride(i) + 1);

                % remaining patches vector [indices]
                remainder = [];

                % full rows + first left border part
                startPart = 1 : (offsetWidth * (nprc + 1));
                % remainder(1 : length(startPart)) = startPart;
                remainder = [remainder, startPart];

                % right border + next row's left border patches
                for j = 1 : (nprc - 2 * offsetWidth - 1)
                    borderPart = (nprc * (offsetWidth + j) - offsetWidth + 1) : (nprc * (offsetWidth + j) + offsetWidth);
                    % remainder(length(startPart) + length(borderPart) * (j - 1) + 1 : length(startPart) + length(borderPart) * j) = borderPart;
                    remainder = [remainder, borderPart];

                % right border + remaining full rows
                endPart = (nprc * (offsetWidth + j + 1) - offsetWidth + 1) : nprc ^ 2;
                % remainder(length(startPart) + length(borderPart) * j + 1 : end) = endPart;
                remainder = [remainder, endPart];

                % Cutting columnInd to eradicate the inner patches in the outer layer
                this.columnInd{i} = this.columnInd{i}(:, remainder);

        %%% Patch generation
        %   param scScale:  SC scale index elem {coarse := 1, 2, ..., fine = #}
        %   param eyePos:   eye position index elem {1 := left, 2 := right}
        function preprocessImage(this, scScale, eyePos)
            if (eyePos == 1)
                img = this.imgGrayLeft;
                img = this.imgGrayRight;

            % whitening with a constant filter
            if this.whitening
                % N = size(img, 1);
                [n, m] = size(img);
                % [fx, fy] = meshgrid(-N/2 : N/2-1, -N/2 : N/2-1);
                [fx, fy] = meshgrid(-n/2 : n/2-1, -m/2 : m/2-1);
                rho = sqrt(fx.*fx + fy.*fy);
                f_0 = 0.4*n;
                filt = rho.*exp(-(rho/f_0).^4);
                If = fft2(img);
                img = real(ifft2(If.*fftshift(filt')));
                % img = imagew;

            % down scale image
            for k = 1 : log2(this.dsRatio(scScale))
                img = impyramid(img, 'reduce');

            % convert to double
            img = double(img);

            % cut fovea in the center
            [h, w, ~] = size(img);
            img = img(fix(h / 2 + 1 - this.pxFieldOfView(scScale) / 2) : fix(h / 2 + this.pxFieldOfView(scScale) / 2), ...
                      fix(w / 2 + 1 - this.pxFieldOfView(scScale) / 2) : fix(w / 2 + this.pxFieldOfView(scScale) / 2));

            % cut patches and store them as col vectors
            patches = im2col(img, [this.patchSize, this.patchSize], 'sliding'); % slide window of 1 px

            % take patches by application of respective strides
            patches = patches(:, this.columnInd{scScale});

            % pre-processing steps (0 mean, unit norm)
            patches = patches - repmat(mean(patches), [size(patches, 1), 1]);   % 0 mean
            normp = sqrt(sum(patches .^ 2));                                    % patches norm

            % normalize patches to norm 1
            normp(normp == 0) = eps;                                            % regularizer
            patches = patches ./ repmat(normp, [size(patches, 1), 1]);          % normalized patches

            if (eyePos == 1)
                this.patchesLeft{scScale} = patches;
                this.patchesRight{scScale} = patches;

        %% update and display patches
        function updatePatches(this, simulator, stimulus, objDist, disp, nRows, nCols)

            angleDes = 2 * atand(this.baseline / (2 * objDist))
            angle = angleDes - disp %TODO: check not plus?
            this.refreshImagesNew(simulator, stimulus, angle/2, objDist, 3, [0, 0, 0]);

            for s = 1:length(this.scModel)
                this.preprocessImage(s, 1)
                this.preprocessImage(s, 2)

            this.displayPatches(nRows, nCols);

        %% Display the current patches
        function displayPatches(this, nRows, nCols)

            n = size(this.patchesLeft{1}, 2);
            p = this.patchSize;

            if nargin < 3
                nRows = 3; nCols = 3;
            elseif nargin < 4
                nCols = floor(n/nRows);

            if nRows*nCols > n
                sprintf('Reducing the number of columns.')
                nCols = floor(n/nRows);

%             pleft = this.patchesLeft{scale};
%             pright = this.patchesRight{scale};
%             leftp = col2im(pleft,[p,p],[p,p*n],'distinct');
%             rightp = col2im(pright,[p,p],[p,p*n],'distinct');
%             left and right concatenieren und untereinander darstellen
            hold on;
%             for i = 1 : nRows*nCols
%                 subplot(nRows,nCols,i);
%                 pBin = horzcat(pleft(:,i), pright(:,i));
%                 binIm = col2im(pBin, [p,p], [p*2,p], 'distinct');
% %                 pBin = horzcat([pleft(:,i); ones(8,1)], [pright(:,i); ones(8,1)]);
% %                 binIm = col2im(pBin, [p,p], [p*2,p+1], 'distinct');
%                 imshow(mat2gray(binIm),'initialMagnification','fit');
%             end

            % this version is more like the basis displaying
            for s = 1 : length(this.scModel)
                pBin = vertcat(this.patchesLeft{s}, this.patchesRight{s});
                [di,~] = size(pBin);

                fun1 = @(blc_struct) padarray(padarray(reshape(permute(padarray(reshape(, sqrt(di / 2), ...
                         sqrt(di / 2), 2), [1, 1], 'pre'), [1, 3, 2]), (sqrt(di / 2) + 1) * 2, sqrt(di / 2) + 1), [1, 1], ...
                         'post') - 1, [1 1], 'pre') + 1;

                A = pBin(:,1:end-1); % remove last patch to display them in a grid
                [~,num] = size(A);
                % B = reshape(A,di*r,c);
                B = reshape(A, di*nRows, num/nRows);
                B = B/max(max(abs(B))) + 0.5;
                C = padarray(padarray(blockproc(B,[di,1],fun1)-1,[1 1],'post')+1,[2,2]);
                % imshow(mat2gray(col2im(pBin,[8,16],[8*8,16*6],'distinct')'));
                % imshow(mat2gray(col2im(pBin,[8,16],[8*8,16*10],'distinct')));


        %%% Generate Feature Vector and Reward
        function [totalFeature, totalReward, errorArray] = generateFR(this, imageBatch)
            errorArray = zeros(1, length(this.scModel));
            rewardArray = zeros(1, length(this.scModel));
            featureArray = cell(1, 2);

            for i = 1 : length(this.scModel)
                tmpImages = imageBatch{i};
                imPind = find(sum(tmpImages .^ 2)); %find non-zero patches (columns)
                if (isempty(imPind))
                    % try
                    %     feature_L = zeros(this.scModel_Large.Basis_num, 1);
                    %     reward_L = this.rlModel.J; %TODO: not supported for continuous rlModel
                    % catch
                    % end
                    error('All values in the extracted patches are zero. Check if the image rendering is alright!');
                errorArray(i) = sum(sum(this.scModel{i}.currentError .^ 2)) / sum(sum(tmpImages .^ 2));
                % note that division by norm of patches can be omitted if patches are normalized
                rewardArray(i) = -errorArray(i);
                % feature vector, i.e. average activation, Eq. 3.1
                featureArray{i} = mean(this.scModel{i}.currentCoef(:, imPind) .^ 2, 2);

            % Compute total reconstruction error and reward
            % totalError = sum(errorArray);             % total reconstruction error
            totalReward = sum(rewardArray);             % sum rewards
            totalFeature = vertcat(featureArray{:});    % join feature vectors

        %%% Online signal normalization to 0 mean and unit variance by Welford (1962)
        %   also known as z-transformation
        %   currMean :=         current mean approximation
        %   currM2 :=           current sum of squares of differences from the current mean
        %   desiredStdZT :=     desired std. deviation
        %   param n:            index of sample
        %   param dataSample:   new datapoint
        %   param signalType:   {1, 2, 3} := recErrSignal, metCostSignal, rewardSignal; for reward normalization
        %                       {1, 2, ..., feature_n} := nth entry in feature vector; for feature vector normalization
        %   param updateFlag:   {0, 1} := whether current means and M2s shall be updated
        %   return:             normalized data sample point
        function normDataSample = onlineNormalize(this, n, dataSample, signalType, updateFlag)
            if (n < 2)
                normDataSample = dataSample * this.desiredStdZT;

            if (updateFlag == 1)
                delta = dataSample - this.currMean(signalType);
                this.currMean(signalType) = this.currMean(signalType) + delta / n;
                this.currM2(signalType) = this.currM2(signalType) + delta * (dataSample - this.currMean(signalType));

            % n - 1 to get unbiased variance
            normDataSample = ((dataSample - this.currMean(signalType)) / sqrt(this.currM2(signalType) / (n - 1))) * this.desiredStdZT;

            % catch case if signal == 0 until now
            if (isnan(normDataSample))
                normDataSample = 0;

        %%% Calculates muscle force for medial rectus
        %   maps {vergenceAngle} -> {muscleForce} for one muscle
        function mf = getMF(this, vergAngle)
            % look up index of vergAngle
            if (vergAngle >= this.degrees.results_deg(1, 1) * 2)
                indVergAngle = find(this.mfunctionMR(:, 1) <= vergAngle + this.dAngleMR & this.mfunctionMR(:, 1) >= vergAngle - this.dAngleMR);
                mf = this.mfunction(indVergAngle, 2);
                mf = mf(ceil(length(mf) / 2));
                mf = 0;

        %%% Calculates muscle force for two muscles
        %   the activation of one muscle is always 0.
        %   mf:        [lateralRectusActivation; medialRectusActivation]
        %   angleInit: desired init angle for given vergence error [deg]
        function [mf, angleInit] = getMF2(this, objDist, desVergErr)
            % correct vergence angle for given object distance
            angleCorrect = 2 * atand(this.baseline / (2 * objDist));
            % desired init angle for given vergence error [deg]
            angleInit = angleCorrect - desVergErr;
            % look up index of angleInit
            if (angleInit >= this.mfunctionMR(1, 1))
                if angleInit > this.mfunctionMR(end,1)
                    mf = [0; this.mfunction(end,1)];
                    indAngleInit = find(this.mfunctionMR(:, 1) <= angleInit + this.dAngleMR & this.mfunctionMR(:, 1) >= angleInit - this.dAngleMR);
                    mf = this.mfunctionMR(indAngleInit, 2);
                    mf = [0; mf(ceil(length(mf) / 2))]; % take middle entry
                % if objDist not fixateable with medial rectus, use lateral rectus
                if angleInit < this.mfunctionLR(end, 1)
                    mf = [this.mfunction(end,1), 0];
                    indAngleInit = find(this.mfunctionLR(:, 1) <= angleInit + this.dAngleLR & this.mfunctionLR(:, 1) >= angleInit - this.dAngleLR);
                    mf = this.mfunctionLR(indAngleInit, 2);
                    mf = [mf(ceil(length(mf) / 2)); 0]; % take middle entry

        %%% Calculates muscle force for two muscles
        %   drawn from all permitted mf(l, m) ^= f(objDist, desVergErr), where l, m >= 0
        %   == get muscle force equally distributed over object distance.
        function [command, angleInit] = getMFedood(this, objDist, desVergErr)
            angleCorrect = 2 * atand(this.baseline / (2 * objDist));
            angleInit = angleCorrect - desVergErr;

            % angleInit is the angle for both eyes, but degreesIncRes only
            % contains angles for one eye
            [xi, yi] = find(this.degreesIncRes <= (angleInit / 2) + this.degDiff & this.degreesIncRes >= (angleInit / 2) - this.degDiff);

            i = randi(length(xi));

            % transform indizes to muscle activities
            mfMR = xi(i) * this.scaleFacMR;
            mfLR = yi(i) * this.scaleFacLR;

%             mfMR = mfMR + 0.6; % for the rotated angles tabular
%             mfLR = mfLR + 0.7;

            command = [mfLR; mfMR];

        %%% Calculates muscle force for two muscles
        %   drawn from all permitted mf(l, m) ^= f(objDist, desVergErr), where l, m >= 0
        %   == get muscle force equally distributed over object distance
        %   BUT
        function [command, angleInit] = getMFedoodD(this, objDist, desVergErr, Distance)
            angleCorrect = 2 * atand(this.baseline / (2 * objDist));
            angleInit = angleCorrect - desVergErr;

            if Distance > 0.1
                Distance = 0.1
                warning('your Distance was too big ;) I set it to 0.1 ;-*');
            % angleInit is the angle for both eyes, but degreesIncRes only
            % contains angles for one eye
            [xi, yi] = find(this.degreesIncRes <= (angleInit / 2) + this.degDiff & this.degreesIncRes >= (angleInit / 2) - this.degDiff);

            i = find((yi .* this.scaleFacLR) >= Distance);

            % transform indizes to muscle activities
            mfMR = xi(i(1)) * this.scaleFacMR;
            mfLR = yi(i(1)) * this.scaleFacLR;

            command = [mfLR; mfMR];

        %%% Maps {objDist, desVergErr} -> {medialRectusActivations, lateralRectusActivations},
        %   i.e. calculates all muscle activity combinations corresponding to specified {objDist, desVergErr}
        function [mfLR, mfMR] = getAnglePoints(this, objDist, desVergErr)
            angleCorrect = 2 * atand(this.baseline / (2 * objDist));
            angleInit = angleCorrect - desVergErr;

            % angleInit is the angle for both eyes, but degreesIncRes only
            % contains angles for one eye
            [xi, yi] = find(this.degreesIncRes <= (angleInit / 2) + this.degDiff & this.degreesIncRes >= (angleInit / 2) - this.degDiff);

            % transform indizes to muscle activities
            mfMR = xi .* this.scaleFacMR;
            mfLR = yi .* this.scaleFacLR;

        %%% Maps {medialRectusActivations, lateralRectusActivations} -> vergence angle (single eye)
        %   i.e. maps muscle activity to angle (one eye)
        function angle = getAngle(this, command)
            cmd = (command * 10) + 1;                                               % scale commands to table entries
            angle = interp2(this.degrees.results_deg, cmd(1), cmd(2), 'spline');    % interpolate in table by cubic splines

        %%% Maps {medialRectusActivations, lateralRectusActivations} -> VergErr
        %   DEPRICATED method: slightly faster variant, also a bit less precise,
        %   only works for the medial rectus
        function angle = getAngle2(this, command)
            angleIndex = find(this.mfunctionMR(:, 2) <= command(2) + this.dmf & this.mfunctionMR(:, 2) >= command(2) - this.dmf);
            angle = this.mfunctionMR(angleIndex, 1);
            angle = angle(ceil(length(angle) / 2));

        %%% Calculates/interpolates metabolic costs resulting from given command
        function tmpMetCost = getMetCost(this, command)
            cmd = (command * 10) + 1;                                               % scale commands to table entries
            tmpMetCost = interp2(this.metCosts.results, cmd(1), cmd(2), 'spline');  % interpolate in table by cubic splines

        %%% Calculates max. permitted verg_angle {objDist} -> {maxVergErr}
        function vergErrMax = getVergErrMax(this, objDist)
            % correct vergence angle for given object distance
            angleCorrect = 2 * atand(this.baseline / (2 * objDist));
            vergErrMax = angleCorrect - this.angleMin;

        %% Depricated: use refreshImagesNew instead.
        %%% Updates images during simulation by generating two new images for both eyes
        %   param simulator:    a renderer instance
        %   param texture:      file path of texture input
        %   param eyeAngle:     angle of single eye (rotation from offspring)
        %   param objDist:      distance of stimulus
        %   param scaleImSize:  scaling factor of stimulus plane [m]
        function refreshImages(this, simulator, texture, eyeAngle, objDist, scaleImSize)
            simulator.add_texture(1, texture);
            simulator.set_params(1, eyeAngle, objDist, 0, scaleImSize); % scaling of obj plane size

            result1 = simulator.generate_left();
            result2 = simulator.generate_right();

            this.imgRawLeft = permute(reshape(result1, ...
                                         [size(this.imgRawLeft, 3), ...
                                          size(this.imgRawLeft, 2), ...
                                          size(this.imgRawLeft, 1)]), ...
                                         [3, 2, 1]);

            this.imgRawRight = permute(reshape(result2, ...
                                          [size(this.imgRawRight, 3), ...
                                           size(this.imgRawRight, 2), ...
                                           size(this.imgRawRight, 1)]), ...
                                          [3, 2, 1]);

            % convert images to gray scale
            this.imgGrayLeft = 0.2989 * this.imgRawLeft(:, :, 1) + 0.5870 * this.imgRawLeft(:, :, 2) + 0.1140 * this.imgRawLeft(:, :, 3);
            this.imgGrayRight = 0.2989 * this.imgRawRight(:, :, 1) + 0.5870 * this.imgRawRight(:, :, 2) + 0.1140 * this.imgRawRight(:, :, 3);

        %%% Generates two new images for both eyes for experimental renderer
        %   param simulator:        a renderer instance
        %   param textureNumber:    index of stimulus in memory buffer
        %   param eyeAngle:         angle of single eye (rotation from offspring)
        %   param objDist:          distance of stimulus
        %   param scaleImSize:      scaling factor of stimulus plane [m]
        %   param rotatePlane:      [tilt, yaw, roll] angles for the object plane
        function refreshImagesNew(this, simulator, textureNumber, eyeAngle, objDist, scaleImSize, rotatePlane)

            if isempty(this.strabAngle)
                simulator.set_params(textureNumber, eyeAngle, objDist, 0, scaleImSize, rotatePlane(1), rotatePlane(2), rotatePlane(3));
                simulator.set_params(textureNumber, eyeAngle, objDist, this.strabAngle, scaleImSize, rotatePlane(1), rotatePlane(2), rotatePlane(3));

            result1 = simulator.generate_left();
            result2 = simulator.generate_right();

            this.imgRawLeft = permute(reshape(result1, ...
                                         [size(this.imgRawLeft, 3), ...
                                          size(this.imgRawLeft, 2), ...
                                          size(this.imgRawLeft, 1)]), ...
                                         [3, 2, 1]);

            this.imgRawRight = permute(reshape(result2, ...
                                          [size(this.imgRawRight, 3), ...
                                           size(this.imgRawRight, 2), ...
                                           size(this.imgRawRight, 1)]), ...
                                          [3, 2, 1]);

            % convert images to gray scale
            this.imgGrayLeft = 0.2989 * this.imgRawLeft(:, :, 1) + 0.5870 * this.imgRawLeft(:, :, 2) + 0.1140 * this.imgRawLeft(:, :, 3);
            this.imgGrayRight = 0.2989 * this.imgRawRight(:, :, 1) + 0.5870 * this.imgRawRight(:, :, 2) + 0.1140 * this.imgRawRight(:, :, 3);

        %%% Calculate binocularity indizes, plot them and save the figure as specified
        function plotBinocularity(this, scale, savePath)
            leftBasis = this.scModel{scale}.basis(1:end/2, :);
            rightBasis = this.scModel{scale}.basis(end/2+1:end, :);

            binocularity = (sqrt(sum(leftBasis.^2)) - sqrt(sum(rightBasis.^2))) ./ (sqrt(sum(leftBasis.^2)) + sqrt(sum(rightBasis.^2)));
            binocularity = -binocularity;
            binocularity = squeeze(binocularity(1, :));

            bins = [-1, -0.85, -0.5, -0.15, 0.15, 0.5, 0.85, 1];
%             bins = [-1 : 2/7 : 1];
            [N, ~] = histcounts(binocularity, bins);
%             [N, ~] = histcounts(binocularity, 21);

            h = figure;
            bar((N./sum(N))*100, 1);
            grid on;
            ylabel('Percentage of Bases [%]');
%             xlim([0.5 7.5]);
            ylim([0 100]);
            title(sprintf('Scale %d', scale));

            saveas(h, sprintf('%s/binocularity_sc%d.png', savePath, scale));
            % saveas(h, [savePath, '/binocularity.png']);

        %%% Plot all gathered performance data and save graphs
        %   param level:    # of plot elem range [1, 8]
        %   1               # vergence error
        %   2               # reconstruction error
        %   3               # verg angle over fix distance (outdated)
        %   4               # muscle graphs
        %   5               # RL weights
        %   6               # reward composition
        %   7               # testing performance over train time
        %   8               # binocularity plot
        %   9               # fitting of basis functions
        function allPlotSave(this, level)

            % only take the last value before the image/texture is changed
            ind = this.interval : this.interval : this.trainTime;
            windowSize3 = ceil(this.trainTime * 0.01);
            metCost_hist_sma = filter(ones(1, windowSize3) / windowSize3, 1, this.metCost_hist(ind));

            windowSize = 1000;

            %% Vergence error
            if (~isempty(find(level == 1)))
                if (this.trainTime < windowSize * this.interval)
                    windowSize = round(this.trainTime / this.interval / 5);

                %% Simple Moving Average Vergence Error
                vergerr = filter(ones(1, windowSize) / windowSize, 1, abs(this.vergerr_hist(ind)));

                hold on;
                grid on;
                plot((windowSize + 1) * this.interval : this.interval : size(this.vergerr_hist), vergerr(windowSize + 1 : end), ...
                     'LineWidth', 1.3);

                xlabel(sprintf('Iteration # (interval=%d)', this.interval), 'FontSize', 12);
                ylabel('SMA(|verg_{err}|) [deg]', 'FontSize', 12);
                title('Moving Average of Vergence Error');
                plotpath = sprintf('%s/vergErrSMA', this.savePath);
                saveas(gcf, plotpath, 'png');

                %% Root Mean Squared Vergence Error
                if (this.trainTime < windowSize * this.interval)
                    windowSize = round(this.trainTime / this.interval / 5);

                vergerr = this.vergerr_hist(ind);
                rmse = zeros(length(1 : windowSize : length(vergerr) - mod(length(vergerr), 2)), 1); % cut if odd length
                k = 1 : windowSize : length(vergerr) - mod(length(vergerr), 2);
                for i = 1 : length(rmse)
                        rmse(i) = sqrt(mean(vergerr(k(i) : k(i) + windowSize - 1) .^ 2));
                        % if windowsize > values in vergerr
                        rmse(i) = 0;

                    hold on;
                    grid on;
                    plot(windowSize * this.interval : windowSize * this.interval : (length(vergerr) - mod(length(vergerr), 2)) * this.interval, ...
                         rmse, 'LineWidth', 1.3);
                    axis([-inf, inf, 0, inf]);
                    xlabel(sprintf('Iteration # (windowSize=%d)', windowSize * this.interval), 'FontSize', 12);
                    ylabel('RMSE(verg_{err}) [deg]', 'FontSize', 12);
                    title('RMSE of Vergence Error');
                    plotpath = sprintf('%s/vergErrRMSE', this.savePath);
                    saveas(gcf, plotpath, 'png');
                    % if windowsize > values in vergerr
                    warning('windowSize >= vergerr. vergErrRMSE graph will not be generated.');

            %% Reconstruction Error
            if (~isempty(find(level == 2)))
                    hold on;
                    grid on;
                    handleArray = zeros(1, length(this.scModel));
                    for i = 1 : length(this.scModel)
                        tmpError = filter(ones(1, windowSize) / windowSize, 1, this.recerr_hist(:, i));
                        handleArray(i) = plot((windowSize + 1) : size(this.recerr_hist, 1), ...
                                              tmpError(windowSize + 1 : end), ...
                                              'color', [rand, rand, rand], 'LineWidth', 1.3);
                    xlabel(sprintf('Episode # (interval=%d)', this.interval), 'FontSize', 12);
                    ylabel('Reconstruction Error [AU]', 'FontSize', 12);
                    captions = cell(1, length(handleArray));
                    for i = 1 : length(handleArray)
                        captions{i} = strcat('scale', sprintf(' %d', i));
                    l = legend(handleArray, captions);
                    plotpath = sprintf('%s/recErr', this.savePath);
                    saveas(gcf, plotpath, 'png');
                    % if windowsize > values in recerr_hist
                    warning('windowSize >= recerr_hist. recErr graph will not be generated.');

            % %% Vergence angle / fixation distance
            % if (~isempty(find(level == 3)))
            %     obsWin = 99; %249; % #last iterations to plot
            %     figure;
            %     hold on;
            %     grid on;
            %     if (length(this.verge_desired) >= obsWin)
            %         % plot(this.verge_desired(end - obsWin : end), 'color', [0, 0.7255, 0.1765], 'LineWidth', 1.8);
            %         % plot(this.verge_actual(end - obsWin : end), 'color', [0, 0.6863, 1.0000], 'LineWidth', 1.3);
            %         plot(this.Z(this.trainedUntil - obsWin : this.trainedUntil), 'color', [0, 0.7255, 0.1765], 'LineWidth', 1.8);
            %         plot(this.fixZ(this.trainedUntil - obsWin : this.trainedUntil), 'color', [0, 0.6863, 1.0000], 'LineWidth', 1.3);
            %     else
            %         % plot(this.verge_desired, 'color', [0, 0.7255, 0.1765], 'LineWidth', 1.8);
            %         % plot(this.verge_actual, 'color', [0, 0.6863, 1.0000], 'LineWidth', 1.3);
            %         plot(this.Z, 'color', [0, 0.7255, 0.1765], 'LineWidth', 1.8);
            %         plot(this.fixZ, 'color', [0, 0.6863, 1.0000], 'LineWidth', 1.3);
            %     end

            %     xlabel(sprintf('Iteration # (interval=%d)', this.interval), 'FontSize', 12);
            %     % ylabel('Angle [deg]', 'FontSize', 12);
            %     ylabel('Object Distance [m]', 'FontSize', 12);
            %     ylim([this.objDistMin - 1, this.objDistMax + 1]);
            %     legend('desired', 'actual');
            %     title(sprintf('Vergence at last %d steps of training', obsWin + 1));
            %     % plotpath = sprintf('%s/vergenceAngle', this.savePath);
            %     plotpath = sprintf('%s/fixationDistTraining', this.savePath);
            %     saveas(gcf, plotpath, 'png');
            % end

            %% Muscel graphs
            if (~isempty(find(level == 4)))
                if (this.rlModel.continuous == 1)
                    ind2 = 1 : 25 : this.trainTime;
                    windowSize = ceil(this.trainTime * 0.005);
                    windowSize2 = ceil(this.trainTime * 0.01);
                    if (this.trainTime < windowSize * this.interval)
                        windowSize = round(this.trainTime / this.interval / 5);
                    if windowSize < 2
                        windowSize = 2;
                    if windowSize2 < 2
                        windowSize2 = 2;
                    cmd_hist_sma = filter(ones(1, windowSize) / windowSize, 1, this.cmd_hist(ind2, 1));
                    relCmd_hist_sma = filter(ones(1, windowSize2) / windowSize2, 1, this.relCmd_hist(ind2, 1));

                    % Two eye muscles
                    if (this.rlModel.CActor.output_dim == 2)
                        xVal = [1 : length(cmd_hist_sma)];
                        cmd_hist_sma = [cmd_hist_sma, filter(ones(1, windowSize) / windowSize, 1, this.cmd_hist(ind2, 2))];
                        relCmd_hist_sma = [relCmd_hist_sma, filter(ones(1, windowSize2) / windowSize2, 1, this.relCmd_hist(ind2, 2))];
                        figHandle = figure('OuterPosition', [100, 100, 768, 1024]); % static figure resolution/size

                        % Lateral Rectus
                        % Total muscle commands
                        subplot(3, 2, 1);
                        hold on;
                        grid on;
                        tmpSTD = movingstd(cmd_hist_sma(:, 1), windowSize, 'backward');
                        [hl1, hp1] = boundedline(xVal, ...
                                                 cmd_hist_sma(:, 1), ...
                                                 tmpSTD, ...

                        hl1.Color = [rand, rand, rand];
                        hp1.FaceColor = hl1.Color;
                            axis([windowSize * 2, length(cmd_hist_sma(:, 1)), ...
                                  min(cmd_hist_sma(windowSize * 2 : end, 1) - tmpSTD(windowSize * 2 : end)) * 0.9, ...
                                  max(cmd_hist_sma(windowSize * 2 : end, 1) + tmpSTD(windowSize * 2 : end)) * 1.1]);
                        xlabel('Iteration #', 'FontSize', 8);
                        ylabel(sprintf('Total Muscle\nCommands [%%]'), 'FontSize', 12);
                        title('Lateral Rectus', 'fontweight','normal');

                        % Delta muscle commands
                        xVal = [1 : length(relCmd_hist_sma)];
                        subplot(3, 2, 3);
                        hold on;
                        grid on;
                        tmpSTD = movingstd(relCmd_hist_sma(:, 1), windowSize2, 'backward');
                        [hl2, hp2] = boundedline(xVal, ...
                                                relCmd_hist_sma(:, 1), ...
                                                tmpSTD, ...

                        hl2.Color = [rand, rand, rand];
                        hp2.FaceColor = hl2.Color;
                            axis([windowSize2 * 2, length(relCmd_hist_sma(:, 1)), ...
                                  min(relCmd_hist_sma(windowSize2 * 2 : end, 1) - tmpSTD(windowSize2 * 2 : end)) * 1.1, ...
                                  max(relCmd_hist_sma(windowSize2 * 2 : end, 1) + tmpSTD(windowSize2 * 2 : end)) * 1.1]);

                        xlabel('Iteration #', 'FontSize', 8);
                        ylabel(strcat('\Delta', sprintf('Muscle\nCommands [%%]')), 'FontSize', 12);

                        % Medial Rectus
                        % Total muscle commands
                        xVal = [1 : length(cmd_hist_sma)];
                        subplot(3, 2, 2);
                        hold on;
                        grid on;
                        tmpSTD = movingstd(cmd_hist_sma(:, 2), windowSize, 'backward');
                        [hl3, hp3] = boundedline(xVal, ...
                                                cmd_hist_sma(:, 2), ...
                                                tmpSTD, ...

                        hl3.Color = [rand, rand, rand];
                        hp3.FaceColor = hl3.Color;
                            axis([windowSize * 2, length(cmd_hist_sma(:, 2)), ...
                                  min(cmd_hist_sma(windowSize * 2 : end, 2) - tmpSTD(windowSize * 2 : end)) * 0.9, ...
                                  max(cmd_hist_sma(windowSize * 2 : end, 2) + tmpSTD(windowSize * 2 : end)) * 1.1]);

                        xlabel('Iteration #', 'FontSize', 8);
                        % ylabel('Value', 'FontSize', 12);
                        % set(gca,'yaxislocation','right');
                        title('Medial rectus', 'fontweight','normal');

                        % Delta muscle commands
                        xVal = [1 : length(relCmd_hist_sma)];
                        subplot(3, 2, 4);
                        hold on;
                        grid on;
                        tmpSTD = movingstd(relCmd_hist_sma(:, 2), windowSize2, 'backward');
                        [hl4, hp4] = boundedline(xVal, ...
                                                relCmd_hist_sma(:, 2), ...
                                                tmpSTD, ...

                        hl4.Color = [rand, rand, rand];
                        hp4.FaceColor = hl4.Color;
                            axis([windowSize2 * 2, length(relCmd_hist_sma(:, 2)), ...
                                  min(relCmd_hist_sma(windowSize2 * 2 : end, 2) - tmpSTD(windowSize2 * 2 : end)) * 1.1, ...
                                  max(relCmd_hist_sma(windowSize2 * 2 : end, 2) + tmpSTD(windowSize2 * 2 : end)) * 1.1]);
                        xlabel('Iteration #', 'FontSize', 8);
                        % ylabel('Value', 'FontSize', 12);
                        % set(gca,'yaxislocation','right');

                        % Metabolic costs
                        xVal = [1 : length(metCost_hist_sma)];
                        subplot(3, 2, 5 : 6);
                        hold on;
                        grid on;
                        tmpSTD = movingstd(metCost_hist_sma, windowSize3, 'backward');
                        [hl5, hp5] = boundedline(xVal, ...
                                                metCost_hist_sma, ...
                                                tmpSTD, ...

                        hl5.Color = [rand, rand, rand];
                        hp5.FaceColor = hl5.Color;
                            axis([windowSize3 * 2, length(metCost_hist_sma), ...
                                  min(metCost_hist_sma(windowSize3 * 2 : end) - tmpSTD(windowSize3 * 2 : end)) * 0.95, ...
                                  max(metCost_hist_sma(windowSize3 * 2 : end) + tmpSTD(windowSize3 * 2 : end)) * 1.05]);

                        xlabel(sprintf('Iteration # (interval=%d)', this.interval), 'FontSize', 8);
                        ylabel('Value', 'FontSize', 12);
                        title('Metabolic Costs', 'FontSize', 14, 'FontWeight','normal');

                        % Subplot overall title
                        suptitle('Muscle Activities');

                        set(figHandle,'PaperPositionMode','auto'); % keep aspect ratio
                        plotpath = sprintf('%s/muscleGraphs', this.savePath);
                        saveas(gcf, plotpath, 'png');
                        % Medial Rectus

                        % Total muscle commands
                        xVal = [1 : length(cmd_hist_sma)];
                        subplot(3, 1, 1);
                        hold on;
                        grid on;
                        tmpSTD = movingstd(cmd_hist_sma, windowSize, 'backward');
                        [hl3, hp3] = boundedline(xVal, ...
                                                cmd_hist_sma, ...
                                                tmpSTD, ...

                        hl3.Color = [rand, rand, rand];
                        hp3.FaceColor = hl3.Color;
                        axis([windowSize * 2, length(cmd_hist_sma), ...
                              min(cmd_hist_sma(windowSize * 2 : end) - tmpSTD(windowSize * 2 : end)) * 0.9, ...
                              max(cmd_hist_sma(windowSize * 2 : end) + tmpSTD(windowSize * 2 : end)) * 1.1]);

                        xlabel('Iteration * interval^{-1}', 'FontSize', 8);
                        ylabel('Value', 'FontSize', 12);
                        title('Total Muscle Commands', 'fontweight','normal');

                        % Delta muscle commands
                        xVal = [1 : length(relCmd_hist_sma)];
                        subplot(3, 1, 2);
                        hold on;
                        grid on;
                        tmpSTD = movingstd(relCmd_hist_sma, windowSize2, 'backward');
                        [hl4, hp4] = boundedline(xVal, ...
                                                relCmd_hist_sma, ...
                                                tmpSTD, ...

                        hl4.Color = [rand, rand, rand];
                        hp4.FaceColor = hl4.Color;
                        axis([windowSize2 * 2, length(relCmd_hist_sma), ...
                              min(relCmd_hist_sma(windowSize2 * 2 : end) - tmpSTD(windowSize2 * 2 : end)) * 1.1, ...
                              max(relCmd_hist_sma(windowSize2 * 2 : end) + tmpSTD(windowSize2 * 2 : end)) * 1.1]);

                        xlabel('Iteration * interval^{-1}', 'FontSize', 8);
                        ylabel('Value', 'FontSize', 12);
                        title('\Delta Muscle Commands');

                        % Metabolic costs
                        subplot(3, 1, 3);
                        hold on;
                        grid on;
                        tmpSTD = movingstd(metCost_hist_sma, windowSize3, 'backward');
                        [hl5, hp5] = boundedline(xVal, ...
                                                metCost_hist_sma, ...
                                                tmpSTD, ...

                        hl5.Color = [rand, rand, rand];
                        hp5.FaceColor = hl5.Color;
                        axis([windowSize3 * 2, length(metCost_hist_sma), ...
                              min(metCost_hist_sma(windowSize3 * 2 : end) - tmpSTD(windowSize3 * 2 : end)) * 0.9, ...
                              max(metCost_hist_sma(windowSize3 * 2 : end) + tmpSTD(windowSize3 * 2 : end)) * 1.1]);

                        xlabel(sprintf('Iteration * interval^{-1} # (interval=%d)', this.interval), 'FontSize', 8);
                        ylabel('Value', 'FontSize', 12);
                        title('Metabolic Costs', 'FontSize', 14, 'FontWeight','normal');

                        % Subplot overall title
                        suptitle('Muscle Activities (medial rectus)');

                        plotpath = sprintf('%s/muscleGraphsMedialRectus', this.savePath);
                        saveas(gcf, plotpath, 'png');

                    if (this.rlModel.CActor.output_dim == 2)
                        % Muscle correlation check
                        % extract last x per cent of iterations
                        pcOffset = 0.01;
                        tmpOffset = ceil(size(this.cmd_hist, 1) * pcOffset);
                        tmpEnd = this.trainedUntil;
                        if tmpOffset > tmpEnd
                            tmpOffset = tmpEnd;

                        % Total
                        hold on;
                        % scatter(this.cmd_hist(tmpEnd - tmpOffset : tmpEnd, 1), this.cmd_hist(tmpEnd - tmpOffset : tmpEnd, 2), 5,'MarkerFaceColor',[0, 0.7, 0.7]);
                        histHandle = hist3(this.cmd_hist(tmpEnd - tmpOffset : tmpEnd, :), [40, 40]);

                        corrl = corr(this.cmd_hist(tmpEnd - tmpOffset : tmpEnd, 1), this.cmd_hist(tmpEnd - tmpOffset : tmpEnd, 2));
                        xb = linspace(min(this.cmd_hist(tmpEnd - tmpOffset : tmpEnd, 1)), max(this.cmd_hist(tmpEnd - tmpOffset : tmpEnd, 1)), size(histHandle, 1));
                        yb = linspace(min(this.cmd_hist(tmpEnd - tmpOffset : tmpEnd, 2)), max(this.cmd_hist(tmpEnd - tmpOffset : tmpEnd, 2)), size(histHandle, 1));

                        xlabel('Lateral rectus [%]', 'FontSize', 12);
                        ylabel('Medial rectus [%]', 'FontSize', 12);
                        title(strcat('Total Muscle Commands (training)', sprintf('\nCorrelation = %1.2e at last %d iterations', corrl, tmpOffset)));

                        pcHandle = pcolor(xb, yb, histHandle);
                        axis([0, max(xb(end), 0.01), 0, max(yb(end), 0.01)]);
                        shading interp;
                        set(pcHandle, 'EdgeColor', 'none');

                        cb = colorbar();
                        cb.Label.String = '# Occurences';

                        plotpath = sprintf('%s/muscleTotalCmdTraining', this.savePath);
                        saveas(gcf, plotpath, 'png');

                        % Delta
                        hold on;
                        % scatter(this.relCmd_hist(tmpEnd - tmpOffset : tmpEnd, 1), this.relCmd_hist(tmpEnd - tmpOffset : tmpEnd, 2), 5,'MarkerFaceColor',[0, 0.7, 0.7]);
                        histHandle = hist3(this.relCmd_hist(tmpEnd - tmpOffset : tmpEnd, :), [40, 40]);

                        corrl = corr(this.relCmd_hist(tmpEnd - tmpOffset : tmpEnd, 1), this.relCmd_hist(tmpEnd - tmpOffset : tmpEnd, 2));
                        xb = linspace(min(this.relCmd_hist(tmpEnd - tmpOffset : tmpEnd, 1)), max(this.relCmd_hist(tmpEnd - tmpOffset : tmpEnd, 1)), size(histHandle, 1));
                        yb = linspace(min(this.relCmd_hist(tmpEnd - tmpOffset : tmpEnd, 2)), max(this.relCmd_hist(tmpEnd - tmpOffset : tmpEnd, 2)), size(histHandle, 1));

                        xlabel('Lateral rectus [%]', 'FontSize', 12);
                        ylabel('Medial rectus [%]', 'FontSize', 12);
                        title(strcat('\Delta Muscle Commands (training)', sprintf('\nCorrelation = %1.2e at last %d iterations', corrl, tmpOffset)));

                        pcHandle = pcolor(xb, yb, histHandle);
                            axis([xb(1), xb(end), yb(1), yb(end)]);
                        shading interp;
                        set(pcHandle, 'EdgeColor', 'none');

                        cb = colorbar();
                        cb.Label.String = '# Occurences';

                        plotpath = sprintf('%s/muscleDeltaCmdTraining', this.savePath);
                        saveas(gcf, plotpath, 'png');

            %% Weights
            if (~isempty(find(level == 5)))
                if (this.rlModel.continuous == 1)
                    hold on;
                    grid on;
                    subplot(3, 1, 1);
                    plot(this.weight_hist(:, 1), 'color', [0, 0.5882, 0.9608], 'LineWidth', 1.3);
                    ylabel('\Sigma \midweights\mid', 'FontSize', 12);
                    subplot(3, 1, 2);
                    plot(this.weight_hist(:, 2), 'color', [0.5882, 0.9608, 0], 'LineWidth', 1.3);
                    ylabel('\Sigma \midweights\mid', 'FontSize', 12);
                    subplot(3, 1, 3);
                    plot(this.weight_hist(:, 3), 'color', [1, 0.5098, 0.1961], 'LineWidth', 1.3);
                    xlabel(sprintf('Iteration # (interval=%d)', this.interval), 'FontSize', 12);
                    ylabel('\Sigma \midweights\mid', 'FontSize', 12);
                    plotpath = sprintf('%s/weightsDevelopment', this.savePath);
                    saveas(gcf, plotpath, 'png');
                    hold on;
                    grid on;
                    subplot(2, 1, 1);
                    plot(this.weight_hist(:, 1), 'color', [0, 0.5882, 0.9608], 'LineWidth', 1.3);
                    ylabel('\Sigma \midweights\mid', 'FontSize', 12);
                    subplot(2, 1, 2);
                    plot(this.weight_hist(:, 2), 'color', [0.5882, 0.9608, 0], 'LineWidth', 1.3);
                    ylabel('\Sigma \midweights\mid', 'FontSize', 12);
                    xlabel(sprintf('Iteration # (interval=%d)', this.interval), 'FontSize', 12);
                    plotpath = sprintf('%s/weightsDevelopment', this.savePath);
                    saveas(gcf, plotpath, 'png');

            %% Reward composition
            if (~isempty(find(level == 6)))
                if (this.rlModel.continuous == 1)
                    windowSize = ceil(this.trainTime * 0.01);

                    % backward compatibility
                    if (length(this.recerr_hist) == length(this.trainTime))
                        tmp = this.recerr_hist(ind, :);
                        this.recerr_hist = zeros(this.trainTime / this.interval, size(this.recerr_hist, 2));
                        this.recerr_hist = tmp;

                    recerr_hist_sma = filter(ones(1, windowSize) / windowSize, 1, sum(this.recerr_hist, 2));

                    hold on;
                    grid on;
                    r = [- this.lambdaMet * metCost_hist_sma, ...
                         - this.lambdaRec * recerr_hist_sma];
                    handle = area(r, 'LineStyle','none');
                    xlabel(sprintf('Iteration # (interval=%d)', this.interval), 'FontSize', 12);
                    ylabel('Value', 'FontSize', 12);
                    l = legend('\lambdaMetabolic_{cost}', 'Reconstruction_{error}');
                    handle(1).FaceColor = [1, 0.25, 0];
                    handle(2).FaceColor = [1, 0.549, 0];
                    axis([windowSize, inf, -inf, 0]);
                    l.Location = 'best';
                    tmpstr = '\lambda = ';
                    title(strcat(sprintf('Reward composition (SMA)\n%s %6.4f, ~%4.1f%% Metabolic Costs',tmpstr, this.lambdaMet, (this.lambdaMet / 0.1622) * 100)));
                    plotpath = sprintf('%s/rewardComp', this.savePath);
                    saveas(gcf, plotpath, 'png');
                    hold on;
                    grid on;
                    plot(-sum(this.recerr_hist, 2), 'color', [1, 0.549, 0]);
                    xlabel(sprintf('Iteration # (interval=%d)', this.interval), 'FontSize', 12);
                    ylabel('Value', 'FontSize', 12);
                    plotpath = sprintf('%s/rewardHistory', this.savePath);
                    saveas(gcf, plotpath, 'png');
                %% TODO: implement plot solely for this.reward_hist

            %% Testing performance as a function of traintime
            if (~isempty(find(level == 7)))
                % if ((~(isempty(this.testAt))) ...
                %     && (~(isempty(this.testHist))) ...
                %     && (this.testHist(1, 1) == 1.1593) ...
                %     && (size(this.testHist, 1) > 1)) ...
                %     && (this.testHist(end) ~= 0)

                    % sort fields in ascending order
                    % [this.testAt, sortIndex] = sort(this.testAt);
                    %  this.testHist = this.testHist(sortIndex, :);

                % RMSE vergErr
                subplot(2, 2, 1);
                hold on;
                grid on;
                plot(this.testAt, this.testHist(:, 1), 'x-', 'LineWidth', 1.3);

                xlabel('Traintime', 'FontSize', 12);
                % ylabel('RMSE(verg_{err}) [deg]', 'FontSize', 12);
                ylabel('Mean(Red. of VE [%])', 'FontSize', 12);

                % mean, std vergErr
                subplot(2, 2, 2);
                hold on;
                grid on;
                [hl, hp] = boundedline(this.testAt, this.testHist(:, 2), this.testHist(:, 3), 'alpha');

                hl.Marker = 'x';
                hl.MarkerSize = 5;

                hl.Color = [rand, rand, rand];
                hp.FaceColor = hl.Color;
                hl.LineWidth = 1.6;

                xlabel('Traintime', 'FontSize', 12);
                % ylabel('|verg_{err}| [deg]', 'FontSize', 12);
                ylabel('Median, IQR(Red. of VE [%])', 'FontSize', 12);

                % RMSE deltaMetCost
                subplot(2, 2, 3);
                hold on;
                grid on;
                plot(this.testAt, this.testHist(:, 4), 'x-', 'LineWidth', 1.3);

                xlabel('Traintime', 'FontSize', 12);
                % ylabel('RMSE(|\Deltamc|)', 'FontSize', 12);
                ylabel('Mean(Red. of MetCost [%])', 'FontSize', 12);

                % mean, std deltaMetCost
                subplot(2, 2, 4);
                hold on;
                grid on;
                [hl, hp] = boundedline(this.testAt, this.testHist(:, 5), this.testHist(:, 6), 'alpha');

                hl.Marker = 'x';
                hl.MarkerSize = 5;

                hl.Color = [rand, rand, rand];
                hp.FaceColor = hl.Color;
                hl.LineWidth = 1.6;

                xlabel('Traintime', 'FontSize', 12);
                % ylabel('|\Deltamc| = |mc_{actual} - mc_{desired}|', 'FontSize', 12);
                ylabel('Median, IQR(Red. of MC [%])', 'FontSize', 12);

                % Subplot overall title
                suptitle('Test Performance vs. Traintime');

                plotpath = sprintf('%s/testPerformanceVsTraintime', this.savePath);
                saveas(gcf, plotpath, 'png');
                % else
                %   % depricated backward ompatibility
                %   % try to update the model
                %     try
                %         % generate new model attributes
                %         model = this.copy();

                %         % set group path
                %         if (strcmp(model.savePath(1 : 10), '../results'))
                %             tmpStr = GetFullPath(model.savePath);
                %             tmpIndex = strfind(tmpStr, 'model');
                %             if (length(tmpIndex) == 1)
                %                 model.savePath = strcat('/home/aecgroup/aecdata/Results/', tmpStr(tmpIndex(1) : end));
                %             else
                %                 model.savePath = strcat('/home/aecgroup/aecdata/Results/', tmpStr(tmpIndex(1) : tmpIndex(2) - 2));
                %             end
                %         end

                %         % Get a list of all files and folders in this folder
                %         files = dir(model.savePath);
                %         % Get a logical vector that tells which is a directory
                %         dirFlags = [files.isdir];
                %         % Extract only those that are directories.
                %         subFolders = files(dirFlags);

                %         % generate testAt & testHist fields
                %         if (isempty(model.testAt))
                %             model.testAt = zeros(1, length(subFolders) - 2); % skip '.' and '..'
                %         end
                %         if (isempty(model.testHist))
                %             model.testHist = zeros(length(subFolders) - 2, 6); % skip '.' and '..'
                %         end

                %         % add modelAt0 entry
                %         if (str2num(subFolders(3).name(8 : end)) ~= 0)
                %             if (model.testAt(1) ~= 0)
                %                 model.testAt = horzcat(0, model.testAt);
                %             end

                %             if (model.testHist(1, 1 : 2) ~= [1.1593, 1.3440])
                %                 model.testHist = vertcat([1.1593, 1.3440, 1.5243, 1.0736, 1.1527, 0.9517], model.testHist);
                %             end
                %         end

                %         % Extract all relevant data
                %         for k = 3 : length(subFolders) % skip '.' and '..'
                %             % load intermediate model objects
                %             tmpModel = load(strcat(model.savePath, '/', subFolders(k).name, '/model.mat'));
                %             tmpModel = tmpModel.model;

                %             % get test iteration number
                %             model.testAt(k - 1) = str2num(subFolders(k).name(8 : end));

                %             % check if testing procedure needs to be repeated
                %             % generate test history, assumes testInterval = 20
                %             testInterval = tmpModel.interval * 2;
                %             % testInterval = 200;
                %             if (isempty(tmpModel.testResult7))
                %                 warning('testResult7 is empty in %s, please execute testModelContiuous again.', subFolders(k).name);
                %                 model.testHist(k - 1, :) = [sqrt(mean(tmpModel.testResult3(:, testInterval) .^ 2)), ...
                %                                         mean(abs(tmpModel.testResult3(:, testInterval) .^ 2)), ...
                %                                         std(abs(tmpModel.testResult3(:, testInterval) .^ 2)), ...
                %                                         0, ...
                %                                         0, ...
                %                                         0];
                %             else
                %                 model.testHist(k - 1, :) = [sqrt(mean(tmpModel.testResult3(:, testInterval) .^ 2)), ...
                %                                         mean(abs(tmpModel.testResult3(:, testInterval) .^ 2)), ...
                %                                         std(abs(tmpModel.testResult3(:, testInterval) .^ 2)), ...
                %                                         sqrt(mean(tmpModel.testResult7(:, testInterval) .^ 2)), ...
                %                                         mean(abs(tmpModel.testResult7(:, testInterval) .^ 2)), ...
                %                                         std(abs(tmpModel.testResult7(:, testInterval) .^ 2))];
                %             end
                %         end

                %         % sort fields in ascending order
                %         [model.testAt, sortIndex] = sort(model.testAt);
                %          model.testHist = model.testHist(sortIndex, :);

                %         % overwrite old model
                %         save(strcat(model.savePath, '/model'), 'model');

                %         % try to plot again
                %         model.allPlotSave(7);
                %     catch
                %         error('One or more file operations failed. Check path strings and directory items.');
                %     end
                % end

            %% Binocularity plot
            if (~isempty(find(level == 8)))
                for s = 1:length(this.scModel)
                    this.plotBinocularity(s, this.savePath);

            % Fit Gabors to BFs and plot histogram of orientations and
            % disparities
            if (~isempty(find(level == 9)))
                fname = strcat(this.savePath, '/modelAt', num2str(this.trainedUntil));

                % Thresfold used to exculde gabor fits with high residual error
                Threshold = 0.2;
                for s = 1:length(this.scModel)
                    % if isempty(this.scModel{s}.BFfitFreq)
                    %     fitFreq = 0; % for older models, use former procedure
                    % else
                    %     fitFreq = this.scModel{s}.BFfitFreq;
                    % end
                    fitFreq = 1;

                    name = strcat(fname, '/scModel', num2str(s));

                    for eye = 1:3
                        if fitFreq == 1
                            name_orientation_plot = strcat(name, 'eyes', num2str(eye), '_freq');
                            name_orientation_plot = strcat(name, 'eyes', num2str(eye)); % for fitting wavelength instead of frequency

                       [Fitted_Gabor_Filter_Parameters, Error] = Gabor_Fitting_for_Basis(this.scModel{s}.basis, eye, fitFreq);

                       % Save fit parameters and errors
                       save(name_orientation_plot, 'Fitted_Gabor_Filter_Parameters', 'Error')

                       % Exclude fits with high error
                       idx = find(Error < Threshold);

                       % Plot histogram of disparities, only for both eyes
                       if eye == 1
                           hh = figure;
                           bins_disp = -8.5:1:8.5;

                           res = [];
                           for i=1:length(idx)
%                                res(end+1) = (Fitted_Gabor_Filter_Parameters(i,3)/(2*pi)*cos(Fitted_Gabor_Filter_Parameters(i,2)))*(Fitted_Gabor_Filter_Parameters(i,5)-Fitted_Gabor_Filter_Parameters(i,6));
                               res(end+1) = (Fitted_Gabor_Filter_Parameters(i,3)/(2*pi*cos(Fitted_Gabor_Filter_Parameters(i,2))))*(Fitted_Gabor_Filter_Parameters(i,5)-Fitted_Gabor_Filter_Parameters(i,6));

                           N = histcounts(res, bins_disp);
                           bar(bins_disp(1:end-1)+0.5, (N./sum(N))*100, 1);
                           grid on;
                           xlabel('\theta [deg]')
                           ylabel('Percentage of Bases [%]')
                           xlim([-8.5 8.5]);
                           % ylim([0 60]);
                           set(gca,'FontSize',12,'fontWeight','bold'); %,'FontName','Courier')
                           set(findall(hh,'type','text'),'FontSize',15,'fontWeight','bold'); %,'FontName','Courier')
                           text(5, 50, strcat('N = ', num2str(length(idx))), 'FontSize', 12,'fontWeight','bold');
                           saveas(hh, strcat(strcat(name, '_disparities'), '.png'),'png');

                       % Histogram of Thetas
                       h = figure;
                       bins = -7.5:15:172.5; %0:15:165;% Edges of the bins. Bin centred around 0 deg and bin centred around 180 deg corresponds
                       % to same orientation (vertical)

                       N = histcounts(mod(Fitted_Gabor_Filter_Parameters(idx,2)*180/pi+7.5, 180)-7.5,bins);
                       bar(bins(1:end-1)+7.5, (N./sum(N))*100, 1);
                       grid on;
                       xlabel('\theta [deg]');
                       ylabel('Percentage of Bases [%]');
                       xticks([0, 45, 90, 135]);
                       xlim([-7.5 172.5]);
                       ylim([0 50]);
                       set(gca,'FontSize',12,'fontWeight','bold'); %,'FontName','Courier')
                       set(findall(h,'type','text'),'FontSize',15,'fontWeight','bold'); %,'FontName','Courier')
                       text(140, 45, strcat('N = ', num2str(length(idx))), 'FontSize', 12,'fontWeight','bold');
                       saveas(h, strcat(name_orientation_plot, '_orientations', '.png'),'png');

                       sprintf('Eye %d done', eye)
                    sprintf('Scale %d done', s)

        %%% Generates anaglyphs of the large and small scale fovea and
        %   one of the two unpreprocessed gray scale images
        %   If you desire the save images to have the same size, open a new
        %   figure before starting this script with
        %   figure('Position', [0, 0, 960, 640])
        %   After generating all images, create a video with
        %   avconv -r 10 -i anaglyphs%3d.png -b:v 1000k video.mp4
        function generateAnaglyphs(this, identifier, markScales, infos, imgNumber, saveTag)

            numberScales = length(this.scModel);
            imgOrigSize = [240, 320];

            % defining colors in the image: (from larges to smallest scale)
            scalingColors = {'blue', 'red', 'green'};
            textColor = 'yellow';
            % textColor = 'green';

            scaleImages = cell(numberScales);
            if ~isdir(sprintf('%s/movies/', this.savePath))
                mkdir(sprintf('%s/movies/', this.savePath));

            for scale = 1 : numberScales
                % Downsampling Large
%                 imgLeft = this.imgGrayLeft(:);
%                 imgLeft = reshape(imgLeft, size(this.imgGrayLeft));
%                 imgRight = this.imgGrayRight(:);
%                 imgRight = reshape(imgRight, size(this.imgGrayRight));
                imgLeft = this.imgGrayLeft(end/2+1 - 120 : end/2 + 120, end/2+1 - 160 : end/2 + 160);
                imgRight = this.imgGrayRight(end/2+1 - 120 : end/2 + 120, end/2+1 - 160 : end/2 + 160);

                for ds = 1 : log2(this.dsRatio(scale))
                    imgLeft = impyramid(imgLeft, 'reduce');
                    imgRight = impyramid(imgRight, 'reduce');

                % cut fovea in the center
                [h, w, ~] = size(imgLeft);
                cutOutVertical = [fix(h / 2 + 1 - this.pxFieldOfView(scale) / 2), fix(h / 2 + this.pxFieldOfView(scale) / 2)];
                cutOutHorizontal = [fix(w / 2 + 1 - this.pxFieldOfView(scale) / 2), fix(w / 2 + this.pxFieldOfView(scale) / 2)];

                imgLeft = imgLeft(cutOutVertical(1) : cutOutVertical(2) , cutOutHorizontal(1) : cutOutHorizontal(2));
                imgRight = imgRight(cutOutVertical(1) : cutOutVertical(2) , cutOutHorizontal(1) : cutOutHorizontal(2));

                % create an anaglyph of the two pictures, scale it up and save it
                anaglyph = imfuse(imgLeft, imgRight, 'falsecolor');

                % [hAna, vAna, ~] = size(anaglyph);
                if (markScales)
                    anaglyph = insertShape(anaglyph, 'rectangle', [this.pxFieldOfView(scale) + 1 - this.patchSize, 1, this.patchSize, this.patchSize], 'color', scalingColors(scale));

                scaleImages{scale} = anaglyph;

            % imwrite(anaglyph, [savePath '/anaglyph.png']);
            anaglyph = imfuse(this.imgGrayLeft(end/2+1 - 120 : end/2 + 120, end/2+1 - 160 : end/2 + 160), this.imgGrayRight(end/2+1 - 120 : end/2 + 120, end/2+1 - 160 : end/2 + 160), 'falsecolor');
            [h, w, ~] = size(anaglyph);

            if (markScales)
                for scale = 1:numberScales
                    % this creates a rectangle inside the image for each scale and
                    % an examplary patch
                    scaleSizeOrigImg = this.pxFieldOfView(scale) * this.dsRatio(scale);
                    patchSizeOrigImg = this.patchSize * this.dsRatio(scale);
                    windowStart = [fix(w / 2 + 1 - scaleSizeOrigImg / 2), fix(h / 2 + 1 - scaleSizeOrigImg / 2)];

                    % indexMatrix = [x, y, scaleWindow, scaleWindow; x, y, patchSize, patchSize]
%                     indexMatrix = [windowStart(1), windowStart(2), scaleSizeOrigImg, scaleSizeOrigImg; windowStart(1), windowStart(2), patchSizeOrigImg, patchSizeOrigImg];
                    % try on other side
                    indexMatrix = [windowStart(1), windowStart(2), scaleSizeOrigImg, scaleSizeOrigImg; windowStart(1)+scaleSizeOrigImg-patchSizeOrigImg, windowStart(2), patchSizeOrigImg, patchSizeOrigImg];
                    anaglyph = insertShape(anaglyph, 'rectangle', indexMatrix, 'Color', scalingColors(scale)); % whole region of scale
            % anaglyph = imfuse(leftGray, rightGray, 'falsecolor');

            % imwrite(anaglyph, sprintf('%s/anaglyph%.3d.png', savePath, identifier));

            % imwrite(imresize(anaglyphL, 20), [savePath '/anaglyphLargeScale.png']);
            % imwrite(anaglyphL, sprintf('%s/anaglyphLargeScale%.3d.png', savePath, identifier));
            % largeScaleView = imfuse(imgLeftL, imgRightL, 'montage');
            % imwrite(imresize(largeScaleView, 20), sprintf('%s/LargeScaleMontage%.3d.png', savePath, identifier));

            % imwrite(imresize(anaglyphS, 8), [savePath '/anaglyphSmallScale.png']);

            % imwrite(anaglyphS, sprintf('%s/anaglyphSmallScale%.3d.png', savePath, identifier));
            % smallScaleView = imfuse(imgLeftL, imgRightL, 'montage');
            % imwrite(imresize(smallScaleView, 8), sprintf('%s/smallScaleMontage%.3d.png', savePath, identifier));

            % xRange = [0, 320]; yRange = [0, 240];
            %% infos = {iteration, tmpObjRange, vseRange(vseIndex), angleDes, angleNew, command', relativeCommand', reward, recErrorArray};
            % xPos = [10, 220, 10, 10, 260, 10, 10, 240]; %display in headful modus: [10, 200, 10, 10, 260, 10, 10]
            % yPos = [10, 10, 230, 220, 230, 190, 200, 220];
            % % imName = strsplit(currentTexture, '/');           % stable renderer
            % % imName = strsplit(texture{currentTexture}, '/');  % experimental renderer
            % imName = strsplit(imgNumber, '/');                  % still necessary / functional?
            % imName = imName{end};
            % insert = {sprintf('Image: \t%s', imName), ...
            %             sprintf('Object distance: \t%.2f', infos{2}), ...
            %             sprintf('Vergence Error:          \t%.3f', infos{4}), ...
            %             sprintf('Start Vergence Error: \t%.3f', infos{3}), ...
            %             sprintf('Iteration: \t%d', infos{1}), ...
            %             sprintf('Muscle Activation:    \t%.3f,  \t%.3f', infos{5}(1), infos{5}(2)), ...
            %             sprintf('Relative Command: \t%.3f,  \t%.3f', infos{6}(1), infos{6}(2)), ...
            %             sprintf('Reward: \t%.3f', infos{7})};

            angleFix = this.baseline / (2 * tand(infos{5} / 2));
            % xPos = [10, 220, 220, 10, 10, 260, 10, 10, 240]; %display in headful modus: [10, 200, 10, 10, 260, 10, 10]
            xPos = [10, 220, 220, 10, 10, 260, 10, 10, 10];
            yPos = [10, 10, 20, 230, 220, 230, 190, 200, 220];
            imName = strsplit(imgNumber, '/');
            imName = imName{end};
            insert = {  sprintf(''), ... %sprintf('Image: \t%s', imName), ...
                        sprintf('Object distance: %.2f', infos{2}), ...
                        sprintf('Fixation depth:   \t%.2f', angleFix), ...
                        sprintf('Vergence Error: %.3f', infos{4} - infos{5}), ... %sprintf('Vergence Error:          \t%.3f', infos{4} - infos{5})
                        sprintf(''), ... %sprintf('Start Vergence Error: \t%.3f', infos{3}), ...
                        sprintf(''), ... %sprintf('Iteration: \t%d', infos{1}), ...
                        sprintf('Muscle Activation:    \t%.5f,  \t%.5f', infos{6}(1), infos{6}(2)), ...
                        sprintf('Relative Command: \t%.5f,  \t%.5f', infos{7}(1), infos{7}(2)), ...
                        sprintf('Reward: \t%.3f', infos{8}), ...

%             fig = figure('Position', [0, 0, 960, 640]); % create a figure with a specific size
            % subplot(2,3,[1,2,4,5]);
            % title(sprintf('Object distance: %d,\titeration: %d,\tvergence error: %d', infos(1), infos(2), infos(3)));
%             subplot('Position', [0.05, 0.12, 0.6, 0.8]); % figure('Position', [0, 0, 960, 640]);

            goldenRatio = 1 / ((1 +sqrt(5))/2);
            goldenRatio = 0.7273;%0.65;
            subplot('Position', [0, 0, goldenRatio, 1]);

            imshow(anaglyph, 'initialMagnification', 'fit');

            %% add text description --> removed for RDS video
            text(xPos, yPos, insert, 'color', textColor); % these numbers resemble white, but white will appear black after saving ;P
            text(10, 20, num2str(size(anaglyph)), 'color', 'yellow'); %[1-eps, 1-eps, 1-eps]
%             text(230, 10, sprintf('Object distance: %.2f', infos{2}), 'color', 'yellow');

            % title('Anaglyph');
            % subplot(2,3,3);
            % positionVector = [left, bottom, width, height], all between 0 and 1
            sizeScaleImg = 0.6 / numberScales;
            for sp = 1:numberScales
                if (sp == 1)
%                     subplot('Position', [0.7, 0.9 - sizeScaleImg, sizeScaleImg, sizeScaleImg]);% figure('Position', [0, 0, 960, 640]);
                    subplot('Position', [goldenRatio, 0.5, 1-goldenRatio, 0.5])
%                     subplot('Position', [0.7, 0.9 - ((sizeScaleImg + 0.05) * sp), sizeScaleImg, sizeScaleImg]);% figure('Position', [0, 0, 960, 640]);
                    subplot('Position', [goldenRatio, 0, 1-goldenRatio, 0.5])
                % descr = {sprintf('Scale %d', sp), sprintf('Reconstruction Error: %.3f', infos{9}(sp))};
                descr = {sprintf('Scale %d', sp)};
                % todo: the fist two values in text have to be adapted, especially
                % for more than 2 scales, also the size of the letters,
                text(0.03, 0.1, descr, 'color', textColor, 'Units', 'normalized')

            if ~isempty(saveTag)
                % saveas(fig, sprintf('%s/anaglyph.png', this.savePath), 'png');
                saveas(gcf, sprintf('%s/movies/anaglyphs%s_%03d.png', this.savePath, saveTag, identifier), 'png');
%             fig.delete();
        %%% Saturation function that keeps motor commands in [0, 1]
        %   corresponding to the muscelActivity/metabolicCost tables
        function [cmd] = checkCmd(this, cmd)
            i0 = cmd < 0;
            cmd(i0) = 0;
            i1 = cmd > 1;
            cmd(i1) = 1;

        %%% Creates a movement trajectory from the given paramters and plots it
        %   on the plane of object depth.
        %   Note that this script is intended solely for continuous models.
        %   param objDist:          the object distance
        %   param startVergErr:     the vergence error to muscles start with
        %   param initMethod:       either 'simple' or 'random'
        %   param numIters:         number of iterations that are executed
        %   param stimuliIndices:   an array of indizes from the texture files
        %   param simulator:        either a simulator object or [] for a new one
        %   param titleStr:         string identifier that is used for the title and the saved image
        %   param savePlot:         true or false if the resulting plots should be saved
        function h = plotTrajectory(this, objDist, startVergErr, initMethod, numIters, stimuliIndices, simulator, directory, titleStr, savePlot)
            % simulator check
            if (isempty(simulator))
                error('An initialized simulator is necessary to continue.\nPlease execute simulator = prepareSimulator();');

            %%% Saturation function that keeps motor commands in [0, 1]
            %   corresponding to the muscelActivity/metabolicCost tables
            function [cmd] = checkCmd(cmd)
                i0 = cmd < 0;
                cmd(i0) = 0;
                i1 = cmd > 1;
                cmd(i1) = 1;

            % preperation

            if strcmp(initMethod, 'advanced')
                initMethod = uint8(0);

            elseif strcmp(initMethod, 'fixed')
                initMethod = uint8(1);
                % hand-picked inits for muscles, used in initMethod 'random'
                cmdInit = [[0.03; 0.16], [0.05; 0.12], [0.07; 0.12], [0.04; 0.08], [0.06; 0.06], [0.08; 0.06]];

            elseif strcmp(initMethod, 'simple')
                initMethod = uint8(2);

            elseif strcmp(initMethod, 'perturbed')
                initMethod = uint8(3);

                error('Muscle initialization method %s not supported.', initMethod);

            plotAnaglyphs = false;
            nStimuli = length(stimuliIndices);
            trajectory = zeros(length(objDist), length(startVergErr), nStimuli, numIters + 1, 2);

            %% main loop
            if (plotAnaglyphs == true)
                figIter = 1;

            command = [0.07, 0.1];
            % vergErrMax = 2;
            % angleMin = (atand(this.baseline / (2 * this.objDistMax)) * 2) - vergErrMax; %angle for both eyes
            % angleMax = (atand(this.baseline / (2 * this.objDistMin)) * 2) + vergErrMax;
            angleMinT = 0;
            angleMaxT = (atand(this.baseline / (2 * this.objDistMax)) * 2) + 6;

            for odIndex = 1 : length(objDist)
                angleDes = 2 * atand(this.baseline / (2 * objDist(odIndex)));

                for stimIter = 1 : nStimuli
                    currentTexture = stimuliIndices(stimIter);

                    for vergErrIndex = 1 : length(startVergErr)
                        % muscle init
                        if (initMethod == 0)
                                % catch negative/divergent vergence angle
                                [command, angleNew] = this.getMFedood(objDist(odIndex), min(startVergErr(vergErrIndex), this.getVergErrMax(objDist(odIndex))));
                                % catch non-existing variables error, occuring in non-up-to-date models
                                    clone = this.copy();
                                    clear this;
                                    this = clone;
                                    [command, angleNew] = this.getMFedood(objDist(odIndex), startVergErr(vergErrIndex));
                                    clear clone;
                                    % catch when new model property isn't present in Model class yet
                                    error('One or more new model properties (variables) are not present in Model.m class yet!');
                        elseif (initMethod == 1)
                            command = cmdInit(:, stimIter);
                            angleNew = this.getAngle(command) * 2;
                        elseif (initMethod == 2)
                            [command, angleNew] = this.getMF2(objDist(odIndex), startVergErr(vergErrIndex));
                        elseif (initMethod == 3)
                            % 'perturbed' init: take the last command and add a random vector to it but stay within boundaries
                            dummy = true;
                            commandOld = command;
                            rangeMax = 0.02;

                            while dummy
                                [relativeCommand(1, 1), relativeCommand(2, 1)] = pol2cart(rand(1) * pi * 2, rand(1) * rangeMax);
                                command = command + relativeCommand;
                                command = checkCmd(command);
                                angleNew = this.getAngle(command) * 2;

                                if (angleNew > angleMinT) && (angleNew < angleMaxT)
                                    dummy = false;
                                    command = commandOld;
                                    rangeMax = rangeMax + 0.005;
                        trajectory(odIndex, vergErrIndex, stimIter, 1, :) = command;

                        for iter = 1 : numIters
                            this.refreshImagesNew(simulator, currentTexture, angleNew / 2, objDist(odIndex), 3, [0,0,0]);

                            %% change left and right images to simulate altered rearing conditions
                            if ~isempty(this.filterLeft)
                                    % model.imgGrayLeft = conv2(model.imgGrayLeft, model.filterLeft, 'same');
                                    % sligthly faster version
                                    this.imgGrayLeft = conv2(this.filterLeft{1}, this.filterLeft{2}, this.imgGrayLeft, 'same');
                            if ~isempty(this.filterRight)
                                    % model.imgGrayRight = conv2(model.imgGrayRight, model.filterRight, 'same');
                                    % slightly faster version
                                    this.imgGrayRight = conv2(this.filterRight{1}, this.filterRight{2}, this.imgGrayRight, 'same');

                            % show anaglyphs for quit performance check
                            if (plotAnaglyphs && ((iter == 1) || (iter == numIters)))
                                subplot(length(objDist) * length(startVergErr) * nStimuli, 2, figIter);
                                % imshow(stereoAnaglyph(this.imgGrayLeft, this.imgGrayRight))
                                imshow(imfuse(this.imgGrayLeft, this.imgGrayRight, 'falsecolor'))
                                if (iter == 1)
                                    title(sprintf('fix. depth = %1.1fm (%.3f°)\nverg. error = %.3f', ...
                                          (this.baseline / 2) / tand(angleNew / 2), angleNew, angleDes - angleNew));
                                figIter = figIter + 1;

                            for i = 1 : length(this.scModel)
                                this.preprocessImage(i, 1);
                                this.preprocessImage(i, 2);
                                currentView{i} = vertcat(this.patchesLeft{i}, this.patchesRight{i});

                            [bfFeature, ~, ~] = this.generateFR(currentView); % encode image patches

                            if (this.normFeatVect == 0)
                                %% Standard feature vector compilation:
                                % append muscle activities to basis function vector
                                feature = [bfFeature; command * this.lambdaMuscleFB];
                                %% Normalized feature vector:
                                % z-transform raw feature vector (no muscle feedback scaling)
                                feature = [bfFeature; command];
                                for i = 1 : length(feature)
                                    feature(i) = this.onlineNormalize(this.trainedUntil, feature(i), i, 0);
                                feature = [feature(1 : end - 2); feature(end - 1 : end) * this.lambdaMuscleFB];

                            %% bias analysis
                            if (this.rlModel.bias > 0)
                                feature = [feature; this.rlModel.bias];

                            relativeCommand = this.rlModel.act(feature);    % generate change in muscle activity
                            command = checkCmd(command + relativeCommand);  % calculate new muscle activities
                            angleNew = this.getAngle(command) * 2;          % transform into angle

                            trajectory(odIndex, vergErrIndex, stimIter, iter + 1, :) = command;

                            if (plotAnaglyphs && (iter == numIters))
                                title(sprintf('fix. depth = %1.1fm (%.3f°)\nverg. error = %.3f', ...
                                              (this.baseline / 2) / tand(angleNew / 2), angleNew, angleDes - angleNew));

            %% Plot results
            h = figure();
            hold on;
            if (isempty(titleStr))
                title('Object Fixation Trajectories');
                title(sprintf('Object Fixation Trajectories\nmodel trained for #%s iterations', titleStr));

            % pcHandle = pcolor(this.degreesIncRes); % use vergence degree as color dimension (background)
            pcHandle = pcolor(this.metCostsIncRes .* 2);  % use metabolic costs as color dimension (background)
            % shading interp;
            set(pcHandle, 'EdgeColor', 'none');

            % colormap(createCM(3));
            cb = colorbar();
            % cb.Label.String = 'vergence degree'; % use vergence degree as color dimension (background)
            cb.Label.String = 'metabolic costs';   % use metabolic costs as color dimension (background)

            ax = gca;
            set(ax, 'Layer','top'); % bring axis to the front

            ax.XTick = linspace(1, size(this.degreesIncRes, 2), 11);
            ax.YTick = linspace(1, size(this.degreesIncRes, 1), 11);

            ax.XTickLabel = strsplit(num2str(linspace(0, 10, 11)));
            ax.YTickLabel = strsplit(num2str(linspace(0, 20, 11)));

            axis([1, size(this.degreesIncRes, 2), 1, size(this.degreesIncRes, 1)]);

            for odIndex = 1 : length(objDist)
                % draw +1 pixel offset in respect to desired vergence distance
                [lateralDes, medialDes] = this.getAnglePoints(objDist(odIndex), 0.22);
                plot(lateralDes ./ this.scaleFacLR, medialDes ./ this.scaleFacMR, ...
                     'color', [0, 0.5882, 0], 'LineStyle', ':', 'LineWidth', 1.8);

                % draw -1 pixel offset in respect to desired vergence distance
                [lateralDes, medialDes] = this.getAnglePoints(objDist(odIndex), -0.22);
                plot(lateralDes ./ this.scaleFacLR, medialDes ./ this.scaleFacMR, ...
                     'color', [0, 0.5882, 0], 'LineStyle', ':', 'LineWidth', 1.8);

                % draw a line of points into the plane that represent the desired vergence
                [lateralDes, medialDes] = this.getAnglePoints(objDist(odIndex), 0);
                plot(lateralDes ./ this.scaleFacLR, medialDes ./ this.scaleFacMR, ...
                     'color', [0.6510, 1.0000, 0.6588], 'LineWidth', 1.8);

                % add corresponding distance value to desired vergence graph
                text(lateralDes(end - ceil(length(lateralDes) / 10)) / this.scaleFacLR, ...
                     medialDes(end - ceil(length(medialDes) / 10)) / this.scaleFacMR, ...
                     sprintf('%3.1fm', objDist(odIndex)));

            % draw trajectories
            for odIndex = 1 : length(objDist)
                % tmpRed = [rand, 0, 0];
                % lightOrange = [1, 201 / 255, 41 / 255]
                % orange = [1, 94 / 255, 41 / 255],
                for stim = 1 : length(stimuliIndices)
                    for vergErrIndex = 1 : length(startVergErr)

                       % trajectory(:, :, :, :, 1) = trajectory(:, :, :, :, 1) - 0.7;
                       % trajectory(:, :, :, :, 2) = trajectory(:, :, :, :, 2) - 0.6;

                        % first plot all
                        hl2 = plot(reshape(trajectory(odIndex, vergErrIndex, stim, :, 1), [numIters + 1, 1]) ./ this.scaleFacLR + 1, ...
                                   reshape(trajectory(odIndex, vergErrIndex, stim, :, 2), [numIters + 1, 1]) ./ this.scaleFacMR + 1, ...
                                   'color', [1, 201 / 255, 41 / 255], 'LineWidth', 1);

                        % plot iter 1-interval in differen color if numIters >= model.interval
                        if (numIters >= this.interval)
                            hl1 = plot(reshape(trajectory(odIndex, vergErrIndex, stim, 1 : (this.interval * 2), 1), [this.interval * 2, 1]) ./ this.scaleFacLR + 1, ...
                                       reshape(trajectory(odIndex, vergErrIndex, stim, 1 : (this.interval * 2), 2), [this.interval * 2, 1]) ./ this.scaleFacMR + 1, ...
                                       '-or', 'LineWidth', 1, 'MarkerEdgeColor','k', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'r', 'MarkerSize', 4);
                            hl1 = [];

                        % plot init point
                        % plot(trajectory(odIndex, vergErrIndex, stim, 1, 1) / this.scaleFacLR + 1, ...
                        %      trajectory(odIndex, vergErrIndex, stim, 1, 2) / this.scaleFacMR + 1, ...
                        %     'MarkerEdgeColor','k', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'r', 'MarkerSize', 4);

                        % plot destination point
                        hl3 = plot(trajectory(odIndex, vergErrIndex, stim, end, 1) / this.scaleFacLR + 1, ...
                                   trajectory(odIndex, vergErrIndex, stim, end, 2) / this.scaleFacMR + 1, ...
                                   'o', 'LineWidth', 1, 'MarkerEdgeColor','k', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'g', 'MarkerSize', 4);

            % just use last handle instanciation for legend
            % hl1.DisplayName = sprintf('first %d iterations', this.interval);
            % hl2.DisplayName = sprintf('additional %d iterations', numIters - this.interval);
            % hl3.DisplayName = 'end fixation';
            % l = legend([hl1, hl2, hl3]);
            % % l.FontSize = 7;
            % l.Orientation = 'horizontal';
            % l.Location = 'southoutside';
            % l.Box = 'off';

            xlabel('lateral rectus activation [%]');
            ylabel('medial rectus activation [%]');

            if (savePlot == 1)
                if (~isempty(directory))
                    plotpath = sprintf('%s/muscleActivityTrajectory.png', directory);
                    plotpath = 'muscleActivityTrajectory.png';
                saveas(h, plotpath, 'png');

        %%% This methods displays the current binocular basis functions of the model.
        %   If the history of basis functions was saved, their development is displayed.
        %   pathExtension lets you specify another subfolder or name
        %   extension for the saved image.
        function displayBasis(this, savePlot, pathExtension)
            % r = 16; c = 18; %how to arrange the basis in rows and cols
            r = 20;

            numScales = length(this.scModel);
            len = size(this.scModel{1}.basisHist, 3);  %# of trials saved
            basisTrack = cell(numScales, len);          %variable to store all the saved basis

            for scale = 1:numScales
                if len == 1
                    basisTrack{scale, 1} = this.scModel{scale}.basis;
                    for j = 1:len
                        basisTrack{scale, j} = this.scModel{scale}.basisHist(:, :, j);

            h = figure(1);
            scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize');
            set(h,'Position',[scrsz(1) scrsz(2) scrsz(3) scrsz(4)]);

            % loop over scales
            for s = 1:numScales
                % sort basis according to left energy norm
                endBasis = basisTrack{s,end}(1:end/2,:);
                leftEnergy = abs(sum(endBasis.^2)-0.5);
                [~,I] = sort(leftEnergy);

                [di,num] = size(basisTrack{s,1});

                fun1 = @(blc_struct) padarray(padarray(reshape(permute(padarray(reshape(, sqrt(di / 2), ...
                         sqrt(di / 2), 2), [1, 1], 'pre'), [1, 3, 2]), (sqrt(di / 2) + 1) * 2, sqrt(di / 2) + 1), [1, 1], ...
                         'post') - 1, [1 1], 'pre') + 1;

                for j = 1:len
                    A = basisTrack{s,j}(:,I);
                    % B = reshape(A,di*r,c);
                    B = reshape(A,di * r,num / r);
                    B = B/max(max(abs(B))) + 0.5;
                    C = padarray(padarray(blockproc(B,[di,1],fun1)-1,[1 1],'post')+1,[2,2]);
                    title(sprintf('Basis functions at\n%d%% of training\n(scale %d)', ceil((j / len) * 100), s))
                    % title(num2str(this.trainTime*0.1*(j-1)));
                    drawnow; pause(.001);

            if savePlot
                saveas(h, sprintf('%s/%sbasisFunctions.png', this.savePath, pathExtension), 'png');

        % displays the most selected basis functions defined by shape
        % usage: displaySelectedBasis([2, 5], '10mostSelBFs')
        function displaySelectedBasis(this, shape, savePlot, pathExtension)
            r = 20;

            number = shape(1) * shape(2);
            numScales = length(this.scModel);

            [~, inds] = sort(this.scModel{1}.selectedBasis, 'descend');
            inds = inds(1:number);

            h = figure(1);
            % scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize');
            % set(h,'Position',[scrsz(1) scrsz(2) scrsz(3) scrsz(4)]);

            % loop over scales
            for s = 1:numScales
                % sort basis according to left energy norm
                endBasis = this.scModel{s}.basis(:, inds);
                % leftEnergy = abs(sum(endBasis.^2)-0.5);
                % [~,I] = sort(leftEnergy);

                % [di,num] = size(basisTrack{s,1});
                [di,num] = size(endBasis);

                fun1 = @(blc_struct) padarray(padarray(reshape(permute(padarray(reshape(, sqrt(di / 2), ...
                         sqrt(di / 2), 2), [1, 1], 'pre'), [1, 3, 2]), (sqrt(di / 2) + 1) * 2, sqrt(di / 2) + 1), [1, 1], ...
                         'post') - 1, [1 1], 'pre') + 1;

                B = reshape(endBasis,di*shape(1),shape(2));
                B = B/max(max(abs(B))) + 0.5;
                C = padarray(padarray(blockproc(B,[di,1],fun1)-1,[1 1],'post')+1,[2,2]);
                % title(sprintf('%d most often selected Basis functions\n at %d%% of training\n(scale %d)', number, ceil((this.trainedUntil / this.trainTime) * 100), s))
                title(sprintf('%d most often selected\nBasis functions\n(scale %d)', number, s))
                % title(num2str(this.trainTime*0.1*(j-1)));

            if savePlot
                saveas(h, sprintf('%s/%s%dmostSelBFs.png', this.savePath, pathExtension, number), 'png');


% %%% Not overlapping Patch generation
% function patchesNoOv = preprocessImageNoOv(img, fovea, downSampling, patchSize)
%     img = .2989 * img(:,:,1) + .5870 * img(:,:,2) + .1140 * img(:,:,3);
%     for i = 1:log2(downSampling)
%         img = impyramid(img, 'reduce');
%     end

%     % convert to double
%     img = double(img);

%     % cut fovea in the center
%     [h, w, ~] = size(img);
%     img = img(fix(h / 2 + 1 - fovea / 2) : fix(h / 2 + fovea / 2), ...
%               fix(w / 2 + 1 - fovea / 2) : fix(w / 2 + fovea / 2));

%     % cut patches and store them as col vectors
%     % no overlapping patches (for display)
%     patchesNoOv = im2col(img, [patchSize patchSize], 'distinct');
% end

% %%% Generation of random vergence angles according to truncated Laplace distribution
% function l = truncLaplacian(diversity, range)
%     % see wikipedia for the generation of random numbers according to the
%     % LaPlace distribution via the inversion method
%     r = rand;

%     switch r < 0.5
%         case 1
%             l = 1 / diversity * log(2 * r);
%         case 0
%             l = -1 / diversity * log(2 * (1 - r));
%     end

%     if (abs(l) > range)
%         l = 0;
%     end
% end
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