# specify output files datafile="/scratch/TAN2/fulltest" # specify input files # Important: when file_vbcs is 1, make sure topvbc is also turned on. file_vbcs=0 vel_bound_file="velbc/velbc_full" coor=0 coor_file="" mat_control=0 mat_file="" lith_age=0 lith_age_file="" tracer=0 tracer_file="" # processors, mesh grid information nproc_surf=12 nprocx=1 nprocy=1 nprocz=1 nodex=9 nodey=9 nodez=9 mgunitx=8 mgunity=8 mgunitz=8 levels=1 # the calculation region definition radius_inner=0.55 radius_outer=1.0 # restart info restart=0 post_p=0 datafile_old="" solution_cycles_init=0 zero_elapsed_time=1 # timestepping information minstep=1 maxstep=2 maxtotstep=2 storage_spacing=1 cpu_limits_in_seconds=360000000 # Initial conditions num_perturbations=5 perturbmag=0.02,0.05,0.08,0.05,0.02 perturbl=2,2,2,2,2 perturbm=2,2,2,2,2 perturblayer=5,10,16,22,27 # Boundary Conditions topvbc=0 topvbxval=0.0 topvbyval=0.0 botvbc=0 botvbxval=0.0 botvbyval=0.0 toptbc=1 toptbcval=0.0 bottbc=1 bottbcval=1.0 lith_age_time=0 lith_age_depth=0.031400 mantle_temp=1.000000 temperature_bound_adj=0 depth_bound_adj=0.157000 width_bound_adj=0.087270 # miscellaneous information stokes_flow_only=0 inputdiffusicity=0.00100 rayleigh=5.0e06 Q0=0 # required information Problem=convection Geometry=sphere Spacing=regular Solver=cgrad node_assemble=1 # Depth Information # for material above z_lith, mat = 1; # for material above z_410, mat = 2; # for material above z_lmantle, mat = 3; # for material below z_lmantle, mat = 4; z_lith=0.0007848 z_410=0.03924 #also depth of 410-phase change z_lmantle=0.06435 #also depth of 670-phase change z_cmb=0.439 # depth of another phase change # Viscosity Information Viscosity=system rheol=3 visc_smooth_method=3 VISC_UPDATE=off num_mat=4 TDEPV=off viscE=30,30,30,30 viscT=.2,.2,.2,.2 visc0=10,1,10,10 SDEPV=off sdepv_expt=1,1,1,1 sdepv_misfit=0.020 VMIN=on visc_min=1.0e0 VMAX=on visc_max=1.0e1 # Phase Change Information Ra_410=0.0 clapeyron410=0.0235 transT410=0.78 width410=0.0058 Ra_670=0.0 clapeyron670=-0.0235 transT670=0.875 width670=0.0058 Ra_cmb=0.0 clapeyroncmb=-0.0235 transTcmb=0.875 widthcmb=0.0058 # Dimensional Information layerd=6371e3 density=3500.0 thermdiff=1.0e-6 gravacc=10.0 thermexp=3.0e-5 refvisc=1e21 cp=1250 wdensity=0.0 # Data input and program debugging DESCRIBE=off BEGINNER=off VERBOSE=on verbose=on see_convergence=1 # Solver Related Matters mg_cycle=1 down_heavy=3 up_heavy=3 vlowstep=500 vhighstep=3 piterations=375 accuracy=1.0e-6 tole_compressibility=1.0e-7 ADV=on fixed_timestep=0.0 finetunedt=0.7 adv_sub_iterations=2 maxadvtime=10. precond=on aug_lagr=on aug_number=2.0e3 # Age information start_age=40.0 reset_startage=0 # Spherical harmonics information ll_max=20 output_ll_max=20 nlong=361 nlati=181