\name{xmlToS4} \alias{xmlToS4} \alias{xmlToS4,XMLInternalNode-method} \title{General mechanism for mapping an XML node to an S4 object} \description{ This generic function and its methods recursively process an XML node and its child nodes ( and theirs and so on) to map the nodes to S4 objects. This is the run-time function that corresponds to the \code{\link{makeClassTemplate}} function. } \usage{ xmlToS4(node, obj = new(xmlName(node)), ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{node}{the top-level XML node to convert to an S4 object} \item{obj}{the object whose slots are to be filled from the information in the XML node} \item{\dots}{additional parameters for methods} } \value{ The object \code{obj} whose slots have been modified. } \author{Duncan Temple Lang} \seealso{ \code{\link{makeClassTemplate}} } \examples{ txt = "ABCXYZ3.54available" doc = xmlParse(txt) setClass("part", representation(name = "character", type = "character", cost = "numeric", status= "character")) xmlToS4(xmlRoot(doc)[["part"]]) } \keyword{programming} \keyword{IO} \concept{meta-computing}