from ROOT import TCanvas, TPad, TFile, TPaveText from ROOT import gBenchmark, gStyle, gROOT #gROOT.Reset() c1 = TCanvas('c1','The Ntuple canvas',200,10,700,780) gBenchmark.Start('ntuple1') # # Connect ROOT histogram/ntuple demonstration file # generated by example hsimple.C. f1 = TFile('py-hsimple.root') # # Inside this canvas, we create 4 pads pad1 = TPad('pad1','This is pad1',0.02,0.52,0.48,0.98,21) pad2 = TPad('pad2','This is pad2',0.52,0.52,0.98,0.98,21) pad3 = TPad('pad3','This is pad3',0.02,0.02,0.48,0.48,21) pad4 = TPad('pad4','This is pad4',0.52,0.02,0.98,0.48,1) pad1.Draw() pad2.Draw() pad3.Draw() pad4.Draw() # # Change default style for the statistics box gStyle.SetStatW(0.30) gStyle.SetStatH(0.20) gStyle.SetStatColor(42) # # Display a function of one ntuple column imposing a condition # on another column. pad1.SetGrid() pad1.SetLogy() pad1.GetFrame().SetFillColor(15) ntuple = gROOT.FindObject('ntuple') ntuple.SetLineColor(1) ntuple.SetFillStyle(1001) ntuple.SetFillColor(45) ntuple.Draw('3*px+2','px**2+py**2>1') ntuple.SetFillColor(38) ntuple.Draw('2*px+2','pz>2','same') ntuple.SetFillColor(5) ntuple.Draw('1.3*px+2','(px^2+py^2>4) && py>0','same') c1.Update() # # Display the profile of two columns # The profile histogram produced is saved in the current directory with # the name hprofs pad2.SetGrid() pad2.GetFrame().SetFillColor(32) ntuple.Draw('pz:px>>hprofs','','goffprofs') hprofs = gROOT.FindObject('hprofs') hprofs.SetMarkerColor(5) hprofs.SetMarkerSize(0.7) hprofs.SetMarkerStyle(21) hprofs.Fit('pol2') # # Get pointer to fitted function and modify its attributes fpol2 = hprofs.GetFunction('pol2') fpol2.SetLineWidth(4) fpol2.SetLineColor(2) c1.Update() # # Display a scatter plot of two columns with a selection. # Superimpose the result of another cut with a different marker color pad3.GetFrame().SetFillColor(38) pad3.GetFrame().SetBorderSize(8) ntuple.SetMarkerColor(1) ntuple.Draw('py:px','pz>1') ntuple.SetMarkerColor(2) ntuple.Draw('py:px','pz<1','same') c1.Update() # # Display a 3-D scatter plot of 3 columns. Superimpose a different selection. ntuple.Draw('pz:py:px','(pz<10 && pz>6)+(pz<4 && pz>3)') ntuple.SetMarkerColor(4) ntuple.Draw('pz:py:px','pz<6 && pz>4','same') ntuple.SetMarkerColor(5) ntuple.Draw('pz:py:px','pz<4 && pz>3','same') l4 = TPaveText(-0.9,0.5,0.9,0.95) l4.SetFillColor(42) l4.SetTextAlign(12) l4.AddText('You can interactively rotate this view in 2 ways:') l4.AddText(' - With the RotateCube in clicking in this pad') l4.AddText(' - Selecting View with x3d in the View menu') l4.Draw() # # done c1.Update() gStyle.SetStatColor(19) gBenchmark.Show('ntuple1')