using Revise using ApproxFun, LinearAlgebra, Parameters using PseudoArcLengthContinuation, Plots const Cont = PseudoArcLengthContinuation #################################################################################################### # specific methods for ApproxFun import Base: length, eltype, copyto! import LinearAlgebra: norm, dot, axpy!, rmul! eltype(x::ApproxFun.Fun) = eltype(x.coefficients) length(x::ApproxFun.Fun) = length(x.coefficients) norm(x::ApproxFun.Fun, p::Real) = (@show p;norm(x.coefficients, p)) norm(x::Array{Fun, 1}, p::Real) = (@show p;norm(x[3].coefficients, p)) norm(x::Array{Fun{Chebyshev{Segment{Float64}, Float64}, Float64, Array{Float64, 1}}, 1}, p::Real) = (@show p;norm(x[3].coefficients, p)) dot(x::ApproxFun.Fun, y::ApproxFun.Fun) = sum(x * y) dot(x::Array{Fun{Chebyshev{Segment{Float64}, Float64}, Float64, Array{Float64, 1}}, 1}, y::Array{Fun{Chebyshev{Segment{Float64}, Float64}, Float64, Array{Float64, 1}}, 1}) = sum(x[3] * y[3]) axpy!(a::Float64, x::ApproxFun.Fun, y::ApproxFun.Fun) = (y .= a .* x .+ y) rmul!(y::ApproxFun.Fun, b::Float64) = (y .= b .* y) copyto!(x::ApproxFun.Fun, y::ApproxFun.Fun) = (x.coefficients = copy(y.coefficients)) #################################################################################################### source_term(x; a = 0.5, b = 0.01) = 1 + (x + a*x^2)/(1 + b*x^2) dsource_term(x; a = 0.5, b = 0.01) = (1 - b * x^2 + 2 * a * x)/(1 + b * x^2)^2 function F_chan(u, alpha, beta = 0.01) return [Fun(u(0.), domain(sol)) - beta, Fun(u(1.), domain(sol)) - beta, Δ * u + alpha * source_term(u, b = beta)] end function dF_chan(u, v, alpha, beta = 0.01) return [Fun(v(0.), domain(sol)), Fun(v(1.), domain(sol)), Δ * v + alpha * dsource_term(u, b = beta) * v]#Multiplication(dsource_term(u),] end function Jac_chan(u, alpha, beta = 0.01) return [Evaluation(, 0.), Evaluation(, 1.), Δ + alpha * dsource_term(u, b = beta)]#Multiplication(dsource_term(u),] end function finalise_solution(z, tau, step, contResult) printstyled(color=:red,"--> AF length = ", (z, tau) .|> length ,"\n") # chop!(z, 1e-14);chop!(tau, 1e-14) true end sol = Fun( x-> x * (1-x), Interval(0.0, 1.0)) const Δ = Derivative(, 2) opt_new = Cont.NewtonPar(tol = 1e-12, verbose = true) out, hist, flag = @time Cont.newton( u -> F_chan(u, 3.0, 0.01), u -> Jac_chan(u, 3.0, 0.01), sol, opt_new, normN = x -> norm(x, Inf64)) # Plots.plot(out, label="Solution") opts_br0 = ContinuationPar(dsmin = 0.001, dsmax = 0.05, ds= 0.005, a = 0.1, pMax = 4.1, theta = 0.9, secant = true, plot_every_n_steps = 3, newtonOptions = NewtonPar(tol = 1e-8, maxIter = 50, verbose = true), doArcLengthScaling = false) opts_br0.newtonOptions.linesearch = false opts_br0.detect_fold = true opts_br0.maxSteps = 143 br, u1 = @time Cont.continuation( (x, p) -> F_chan(x, p, 0.01), (x, p) -> Jac_chan(x, p, 0.01), out, 3.0, opts_br0, plot = true, finaliseSolution = finalise_solution, plotsolution = (x; kwargs...) -> plot!(x, subplot = 4, label = "l = $(length(x))"), normC = x -> norm(x, Inf64)) # plot(br.branch[2,:]) # # @with_kw struct AFLinSolve <: Cont.LinearSolver # tol = 1e-5 # maxlength = 10 # end # # function (ls::AFLinSolve)(J, x) # return ApproxFun.\\(J, x; tolerance = ls.tol, maxlength = ls.maxlength ), true, 1 # end #################################################################################################### # tangent predictor with Bordered system opts = ContinuationPar(dsmin = 0.0001, dsmax = 0.2, ds= 0.01, a = 1.5, pMax = 3.5, theta = 0.3, secant = false, plot_every_n_steps = 3, newtonOptions = NewtonPar(tol = 4e-9, maxIter = 50, verbose = true), doArcLengthScaling = false) opts.newtonOptions.damped = false opts.detect_fold = true opts.maxSteps = 43 br, u1 = @time Cont.continuation( (x, p) -> F_chan(x, p), (x, p) -> Jac_chan(x, p), out, 0.5, opts, plot = true, finaliseSolution = finalise_solution, plotsolution = (x;kwargs...)-> plot!(x, subplot=4, label = "l = $(length(x))")) #################################################################################################### # tangent predictor with Bordered system opts_br0.newtonOptions.verbose = true indfold = 3 outfold, hist, flag = @time Cont.newtonFold((x, α) -> F_chan(x, α, 0.01), (x, p) -> Jac_chan(x, p, 0.01), br, indfold, #index of the fold point opts_br0.newtonOptions) flag && printstyled(color=:red, "--> We found a Fold Point at α = ", outfold[end], ", β = 0.01, from ", br.bifpoint[indfold][3],"\n")