#! /bin/csh # # nemo_start.csh: source this script to enable your NEMO environment # # @WARNING@ # # source this file to start NEMO; this file has some commented lines, # which you can place in your personal # ~/.nemo_local.csh # or site installation # $NEMO/nemo_local.csh # # CSH users can place this in their ~/.cshrc file (or ~/.tcshrc) # Things via configure setenv NEMO @NEMO@ setenv NEMOHOST @NEMOHOST@ # Basic derived environment variables setenv NEMOLIB $NEMO/lib setenv NEMOBIN $NEMO/bin setenv NEMOOBJ $NEMO/obj setenv NEMODOC $NEMO/man/doc setenv NEMODAT $NEMO/data setenv NEMOINC $NEMO/inc setenv NEMOSRC $NEMO/src setenv BTRPATH .:$NEMO/obj/bodytrans setenv POTPATH .:$NEMO/obj/potential:$NEMO/obj/acc setenv ACCPATH .:$NEMO/obj/potential:$NEMO/obj/acc setenv MANIPPATH .:$NEMO/obj/manip:$NEMO/usr/dehnen/falcON/manip setenv NEMOVER `cat $NEMO/VERSION` setenv NEMOSYS `uname -s` setenv NEMOSITE `hostname` setenv YAPP @YAPP_DEF@ setenv PGPLOT_DIR @PGPLOT_DIR@ if ($?MANPATH == 0) then setenv MANPATH $NEMO/man:`manpath` else setenv MANPATH $NEMO/man:$MANPATH endif # setenv MANPATH ${MANPATH}:${NEMO}/usr/dehnen/falcON/man - manually copied into $NEMO/man # Set various 'external' things we sometimes need, but only if not set #if ($?NUMRECLIB == 0) setenv NUMRECLIB $NEMOLIB/libnumrec.a #if ($?GRAVSIM == 0) setenv GRAVSIM $NEMO/usr/mbellon/gravsim #if ($?PLPLOT_LIB == 0) setenv PLPLOT_LIB $NEMOLIB # some useful (?) aliases #alias keys "ls *.def" #if (-e $NEMOBIN/miriad) alias nemo "miriad -b $NEMOBIN -p $NEMODOC -d ." #alias motd 'more $NEMO/etc/motd' #alias lmake 'make -f $NEMOLIB/Makefile.lib' #alias omake 'make -f $NEMOLIB/Makefile.obj' #alias bake 'make -f $NEMOLIB/Makefile.lib' #alias Test 'make -f Testfile' #alias makedefs 'make -f $NEMOLIB/makedefs makedefs_help' # Required dummy defaults that should be overriden in NEMORC.local # setenv YAPPLIB $YAPP_NULL # Set your default YAPPLIB, the current YAPP_NULL will do nothing. # most likely you want to make it $YAPP_PGPLOT or so, but in most of # those cases you will need to tailor various path elements. # the next two are actually not really needed, derived from PGPLOT_DIR # setenv PGPLOT_LIB $PGPLOT_DIR # setenv PGPLOT_FONT $PGPLOT_DIR/grfont.dat # you can optionally uncomment and set some of the following PGPLOT variables # see also "man 5 yapp" for more info #setenv PGPLOT_BACKGROUND 0 # 0=black in /xs #setenv PGPLOT_FOREGROUND 1 # 1=white in /xs #setenv PGPLOT_BACKGROUND white # reverse option for /gif #setenv PGPLOT_FOREGROUND black # reverse option for /gif #setenv PGPLOT_GIF_WIDTH 512 #setenv PGPLOT_GIF_HEIGHT 512 #setenv PGPLOT_PS_WIDTH 7800 #setenv PGPLOT_PS_HEIGHT 10500 #setenv PGPLOT_PS_HOFFSET 350 #setenv PGPLOT_PS_VOFFSET 250 # If you use the VoGL library for xyzview, this is the only reasonable default setenv VDEVICE X11 # tabpp needs this #setenv $PP_DIR /somewhere/pp_dir # Particularly if you use shared libraries (e.g. pgplot in $NEMOLIB) you # may need to change LD_LIBRARY_PATH; # Change 0 -> 1 if you need this if (1) then if ($?LD_LIBRARY_PATH) then setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${NEMOLIB}:${NEMO}/opt/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} else setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${NEMOLIB}:${NEMO}/opt/lib endif if ("$PGPLOT_DIR" != "$NEMOLIB") then setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:$PGPLOT_DIR endif # Hack for Mac, i guess it won't hurt on linux # on Mac here's another problem: might need to use DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES # similar to the LD_PRELOAD on linux. This might be needed for # libunsio.{dylib,so} is a case where this was needed if ($?DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH) then setenv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH} else setenv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH $LD_LIBRARY_PATH endif endif # for unsio 1.0.0: $NEMO/py/modules if (1) then if ($?PYTHONPATH) then setenv PYTHONPATH $NEMO/py/modules:$PYTHONPATH else setenv PYTHONPATH $NEMO/py/modules endif endif # optional ZENO if (-e $NEMO/usr/zeno/ZENORC) source $NEMO/usr/zeno/ZENORC # optional local and personal NEMO things if (-e $NEMO/nemo_local.csh) source $NEMO/nemo_local.csh if (-e $HOME/.nemo_local.csh) source $HOME/.nemo_local.csh if (-e $NEMO/python_start.csh) source $NEMO/python_start.csh set path = ( $NEMOBIN $NEMO/opt/bin $path ) rehash # falcON setenv FALCON $NEMO/usr/dehnen/falcON source $FALCON/falcON_start.csh # aliases alias ni nemoinp