\name{summ} \alias{summ} \title{Summary with graph} \description{Summary of data frame in a convenient table. Summary of a variable with statistics and graph} \usage{ summ(x = .data, by = NULL, graph = TRUE, box = FALSE, pch = 18, ylab = "auto", main = "auto", cex.X.axis = 1, cex.Y.axis = 1, dot.col = "auto", ...) } \details{For data frames, 'summ' gives basic statistics of each variable in the data frame. The other arguments are ignored. For single vectors, a sorted dot chart is also provided, if graph=TRUE (default).} \arguments{ \item{x}{'x' can be a data frame or a vector. 'summ()' is the same as 'summ(.data)'} \item{by}{a stratification variable, valid only when x is a vector} \item{graph}{automatic plot (sorted dot chart) if 'x' is a vector} \item{box}{add a boxplot to the graph (by=NULL)} \item{pch}{plot characters} \item{ylab}{annotation on Y axis} \item{main}{main title of the graph} \item{cex.X.axis}{character extension scale of X axis} \item{cex.Y.axis}{character extension scale of Y axis} \item{dot.col}{colour(s) of plot character(s)} \item{...}{additional graph parameters} } \author{Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong \email{ } } \seealso{'summary', 'use', 'des'} \examples{ data(BP) use(BP) summ() summ(sex) summ(sbp, box=TRUE) summ(sbp, dot.col="brown") summ(sbp, by=sex) # Changing dot colours summ(sbp, by=sex, dot.col = c("blue","orange")) # Enlarging main title and other elements summ(sbp, by=sex, cex.main=1.5, cex.X.axis=1.5, cex.Y.axis=1.7) # Free vector summ(rnorm(1000)) summ((1:100)^2, by=rep(1:2, 50)) summ((1:100)^2, by=rep(c("Odd","Even"), 50), main="Quadratic distribution by odd and even numbers") } \keyword{database}