Raw File
\title{Extract or Replace Subset of a List of Things}
  Replace a subset of a list of things.
  \method{[}{listof}(x, i) <- value
    An object of class \code{"listof"} representing a list of things
    which all belong to one class.
    Subset index. Any valid subset index in the usual \R sense.
    Replacement value for the subset. 
  Another object of class \code{"listof"}.
  This is a subset replacement method for the class \code{"listof"}.

  The argument \code{x} should be an object of class \code{"listof"}
  representing a list of things that all belong to one class.

  The method replaces a designated
  subset of \code{x}, and returns an object of class \code{"listof"}.
   x <- list(A=runif(10), B=runif(10), C=runif(10))
   class(x) <- c("listof", class(x))
   x[1] <- list(A=rnorm(10))
\author{Adrian Baddeley
  and Rolf Turner
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