:orphan: Changelog ''''''''' Version 19.0-rc1 ================ Node ---- - **Breaking change** Removed the deprecated ``endorsing_rights`` RPC, use ``attestation_rights`` instead. (MR :gl:`!9849`) - Added metrics about messages sent, broadcasted, or received by the shell's DDB. - **Breaking change** Removed the deprecated ``disable-mempool-precheck`` configuration flag and ``disable_precheck`` field of ``prevalidator`` in the shell limits of the configuration file. They already had no effect on the node anymore. (MR :gl:`!10030`) - Log at ``Info``` level the reasons behind disconnections in the p2p section. - Removed a spurious "missing validation plugin" warning message that was emitted every time a block was applied using an old protocol whose its plugin was removed. - **Breaking change** Removed the deprecated ``/monitor/valid_blocks`` RPC. Instead, use the ``/monitor/applied_blocks`` RPC that has the same behaviour. Client ------ - Fixed indentation of the stacks outputted by the ``normalize stack`` command. (MR :gl:`!9944`) - Added options to temporarily extend the context with other contracts and extra big maps in Michelson commands. (MR :gl:`!9946`) - Added a ``run_instruction`` RPC in the plugin and a ``run michelson code`` client command allowing to run a single Michelson instruction or a sequence of Michelson instructions on a given stack. (MR :gl:`!9935`) - The legacy unary macros for the ``DIP`` and ``DUP`` Michelson instructions have been deprecated. Using them now displays a warning message on stderr. Baker ----- - Made the baker attest as soon as the pre-attestation quorum is reached instead of waiting for the chain's head to be fully applied (MR :gl:`!10554`) Docker Images ------------- - The rollup node is protocol agnostic and released as part of the Docker image. (MR :gl:`!10086`) Smart Rollup node ----------------- - A new bailout mode that solely cements and defends existing commitments without publishing new ones. Recovers bonds when possible, after which the node exits gracefully. (MR :gl:`!9721`, MR :gl:`!9817`, MR :gl:`!9835`) - RPC ``/global/block//simulate`` accepts inputs with a new optional field ``"log_kernel_debug_file"`` which allows to specify a file in which kernel logs should be written (this file is in ``/simulation_kernel_logs``). (MR :gl:`!9606`) - The protocol specific rollup nodes binaries are now deprecated and replaced by symbolic links to the protocol agnostic rollup node. In the future, the symbolic links will be removed. (MR :gl:`!10086`) - Released the protocol agnostic rollup node ``octez-smart-rollup-node`` as part of the Octez distribution. (MR :gl:`!10086`) - Added the rollup node command inside the docker entrypoint (MR :gl:`!10253`) - Added the argument ``cors-headers`` and ``cors-origins`` to specify respectively the allowed headers and origins. (MR :gl:`!10571`) - Fix header in messages store to use predecessor hash to avoid missing pointer in case of reorganization and GC. (MR :gl:`!10847`) - Added a garbage collection mechanism that cleans historical data before the LCC. (MRs :gl:`!10050`, :gl:`!10135`, :gl:`!10236`, :gl:`!10237`, :gl:`!10452`) - Added a ``history-mode`` option, which can be either ``archive`` or ``full``. In ``archive``, the default, the rollup node has the whole L2 chain history, no GC happens. In ``full`` the rollup node retains data for possible refutations. (MRs :gl:`!10475`, :gl:`!10695`) - Snapshot export with integrity checks. (MR :gl:`!10704`) - Now smart rollup node allows multiple batcher keys. Setting multiple keys for the batching purpose allows to inject multiple operations of the same kind per block by the rollup node. ( MR :gl:`!10512`, MR :gl:`!10529`, MR :gl:`!10533`, MR :gl:`!10567`, MR :gl:`!10582`, MR :gl:`!10584`, MR :gl:`!10588`, MR :gl:`!10597`, MR :gl:`!10601`, MR :gl:`!10622`, MR :gl:`!10642`, MR :gl:`!10643`, MR :gl:`!10839`, MR :gl:`!10842`, MR :gl:`!10861`, MR :gl:`!11008` ) Smart Rollup client ------------------- - **Breaking change** Smart Rollup client have been deprecated and no longer exist, most commands have equivalents RPCs and ``octez-codec`` (MR :gl:`!11046`). - The following table outlines the deprecated commands of the Smart Rollup client and their corresponding replacements with new RPCs: .. code-block:: rst ========================================== ==================================================== Command RPC ========================================== ==================================================== get smart rollup address [GET global/smart_rollup_address] ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- get state value for [-B --block [GET global/block//state] ] ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- get proof for message of outbox [GET /global/block//helpers/proofs/outbox/ at level transferring /messages] with message index in query ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- get proof for message of outbox [GET /global/block//helpers/proofs/outbox/ at level /messages] with message index in query ========================================== ==================================================== Smart Rollup WASM Debugger -------------------------- - Added flag ``--no-kernel-debug`` to deactivate kernel debug messages. (MR :gl:`!9813`) - Support special directives using ``write_debug`` host function in the profiler, prefixed with ``__wasm_debugger__::``. Support ``start_section()`` and ``end_section()`` to count ticks in - Partially support the installer configuration of the Smart Rollup's SDK, i.e. support only the instruction ``Set``. The configuration can be passed to the debugger via the option ``--installer-config`` and will initialize the storage with this configuration. (MR :gl:`!9641`) - The argument ``--kernel`` accepts hexadecimal files (suffixed by ``.hex``), it is consired as an hexadecimal ``.wasm`` file. (MR :gl:`!11094`) Miscellaneous ------------- - Beta scripts to build Debian and RedHat packages have been added to the tree. - Recommended Rust version bumped to 1.71.1 from 1.64.0. - Extended the Micheline lexer to allow primitives starting with the underscore symbol (``_``). (MR :gl:`!10782`) - Beta Debian and Redhat packages are now linked in gitlab releases. - Renamed package registries for releases from ``tezos-x.y`` to ``octez-x.y``. Version 18.1 ============ Node ---- - **Breaking change** Bumped the snapshot version from ``6`` to ``7``, in order to address an issue which resulted in the export of corrupted tar rolling and full snapshots. Octez v18.1 nodes can still import previous version ``6`` (and earlier) snapshots. but snapshots in version 7 are not retro-compatible with previous octez versions (MR :gl:`!10785`). Version 18.0 ============ Node ---- - **Breaking change** Bumped Octez store version from ``5`` to ``6`` to explicit the incompatibility with previous store (and hence Octez) versions. As a result snapshots exported from a v6 store are not compatible with earlier Octez versions. Also, improved the consistency of ``snapshot`` import errors messages (MR :gl:`!10138`) Smart Rollup node ----------------- - Fixed an issue where the rollup node could forget to update its Layer 2 head for a block. (MR :gl:`!9868`) - Remove the batcher simulation. This simulation was generic and could not catch problematic transaction. Batcher configuration now has a one less field ``simulate``. (MR :gl:`!10842`) Version 18.0-rc1 ================ Node ---- - Changed the bounding specification of valid operations in the mempool: + Before, the number of valid **manager operations** in the mempool was at most ``max_prechecked_manager_operations`` (default 5_000), with no other constraints. (Operations to keep were selected according to a "weight" that consists in the ratio of fee over "resources"; the latter is the maximum between the following ratios: operation gas over maximal allowed gas, and operation size over maximal allowed size. The baker uses the same notion of "weight" to select operations.) + Now, the number of valid **operations of any kind** is at most ``max_operations`` (default 10_000), and also the **sum of the sizes in bytes** of all valid operations is at most ``max_total_bytes`` (default 10_000_000). See [src/lib_shell/prevalidator_bounding.mli] for the reasoning behind the default values. (Operations are selected according to the protocol's ``compare_operations`` function, which currently orders operations according to their validation pass (consensus is highest and manager is lowest); note that two manager operations are ordered using their fee over gas ratio.) The values of ``max_operations`` and ``max_total_bytes`` can be retrieved with ``GET /chains//mempool/filter`` and configured with ``POST /chains//mempool/filter`` (just as ``max_prechecked_manager_operations`` used to be). As a result, the JSON format of the outputs of these two RPCs and the input of the second one have slightly changed; see their updated descriptions. (MR :gl:`!6787`) - Errors ``prefilter.fees_too_low_for_mempool`` and ``plugin.removed_fees_too_low_for_mempool`` have been replaced with ``node.mempool.rejected_by_full_mempool`` and ``node.mempool.removed_from_full_mempool`` with different descriptions and messages. The ``rejected_by_full_mempool`` error still indicates the minimal fee that the operation would need to be accepted by the full mempool, provided that such a fee exists. If not, the error now states that the operation cannot be included no matter its fee (e.g. if it is a non-manager operation). (MRs :gl:`!6787`, :gl:`!8640`) - Updated the message of the mempool's ``prevalidation.operation_conflict`` error. It now provides the minimal fee that the operation would need to replace the pre-existing conflicting operation, when such a fee exists. (This fee indication used to be available before v16, where it had been removed for technical reasons.) (MR :gl:`!9016`) - RPC ``/helpers/forge/operations`` can now take JSON formatted operations with ``attestation``, ``preattestation``, ``double_attestation_evidence`` and ``double_preattestation_evidence`` kinds. Note that the existing kinds ``endorsement``, ``preendorsement``, ``double_endorsement_evidence``, and ``double_preendorsement_evidence`` are still accepted. (MR :gl:`!8746`) - Simplified the peer to peer messages at head switch. The node now systematically broadcasts only its new head (instead of sometime broadcasting a sparse history of the chain). - Added version ``1`` to RPC ``POST ../helpers/parse/operations``. It can be used by calling the RPC with the parameter ``?version=1`` (default version is still ``0``). Version ``1`` allows the RPC to output ``attestation``, ``preattestation``, ``double_attestation_evidence`` and ``double_preattestation_evidence`` kinds in the JSON result. (MR :gl:`!8840`) - Added version ``2`` to RPC ``GET ../mempool/pending_operations``. It can be used by calling the RPC with the parameter ``?version=2`` (default version is still ``1``). Version ``2`` allows the RPC to output ``attestation``, ``preattestation``, ``double_attestation_evidence`` and ``double_preattestation_evidence`` kinds in the JSON result. This version also renames the ``applied`` field of the result to ``validated`` (MRs :gl:`!8960`, :gl:`!9143`) - RPCs ``/helpers/scripts/run_operation`` and ``/helpers/scripts/simulate_operation`` can now take JSON formatted operations with ``double_attestation_evidence`` and ``double_preattestation_evidence`` kinds. Even though consensus operations are not supported by the RPCs, ``attestation`` and ``preattestation`` are accepted in the input JSON. (MR :gl:`!8768`) - Removed ``lwt-log`` from the dependencies. The default logger has been updated to use the ``file-descriptor-stdout`` sink instead of the previous ``lwt-log`` sink. This change has resulted in the removal of certain features from the log implementation that were specific to "lwt-log". Some features, such as log rules, syslog, and the output format, have been replaced with alternative implementations. Additionally, the previous implementation of "syslog" had some issues, including duplicated log headers or cropped messages, depending on the file output. These issues have been addressed, and the new implementation should now work correctly. - Removed ``template`` field from ``log`` configuration with the removal of ``lwt-log`` library. Since it was believed to have low usage, no alternative implementation has been provided. - The configuration flag ``disable-mempool-precheck`` is now deprecated, as well as the ``disable_precheck`` field of ``prevalidator`` in the shell limits of the configuration file. They already didn't do anything since v16. (MR :gl:`!8963`) - Added version ``1`` to RPCs ``POST ../helpers/scripts/run_operation`` and ``POST ../helpers/scripts/simulate_operation``. It can be used by calling the RPC with the parameter ``?version=1`` (default version is still ``0``). Version ``1`` allows the RPC to output ``attestation``, ``preattestation``, ``double_attestation_evidence`` and ``double_preattestation_evidence`` kinds in the JSON result. (MR :gl:`!8949`) - The error message when the local injection of an operation fails now begins with ``Error while validating injected operation`` instead of ``Error while applying operation``. (MR :gl:`!8857`) - Updated the description of the ``ban_operation`` RPC to better reflect its behavior, which is unchanged. (More precisely, removed the "reverting its effect if it was applied" part since operations are never applied.) (MR :gl:`!8857`) - Added version ``1`` to RPC ``GET ../mempool/monitor_operations``. It can be used by calling the RPC with the parameter ``?version=1`` (default version is still ``0``). Version ``1`` allows the RPC to output ``attestation``, ``preattestation``, ``double_attestation_evidence`` and ``double_preattestation_evidence`` kinds in the JSON result. (MR :gl:`!8980`) - Improved the performances of JSON RPC calls by optimizing the serialization to JSON. (MR :gl:`!9072`) - Fixed the ``validation_pass`` argument usage of ``monitor_operations`` RPC. Only operation that were in the mempool before the RPC call were filtered by validation passes. (MR :gl:`!9012`) - **Breaking change** Removed the ``octez_mempool_pending_applied`` metric, and renamed the ``octez_mempool_pending_prechecked`` one to ``octez_mempool_pending_validated``. (MR :gl:`!9137`) - Added version ``1`` to RPC ``POST ../helpers/preapply/operations``. It can be used by calling the RPC with the parameter ``?version=1`` (default version is still ``0``). Version ``1`` allows the RPC to output ``attestation``, ``preattestation``, ``double_attestation_evidence`` and ``double_preattestation_evidence`` kinds in the JSON result. (MR :gl:`!8891`) - Changed default stdout logs by adding simple coloration. The log header header is now bold and warning and errors are highlighted. The ``--log-coloring`` command line argument can be used to enable or disable logs coloration on default stdout logs; it is enabled by default. (MR :gl:`!8685`) - Improved the performance of block validation: the block validation time has been reduced by half on average, resulting in a reduced propagation time through the network. (MR :gl:`!9100`) - Added ``validated`` argument for ``GET ../mempool/monitor_operations`` and ``GET ../mempool/pending_operations``. ``applied`` argument of these RPCs is deprecated. (MR :gl:`!9143`) - Added version ``1`` to RPCs ``GET ../blocks/``, and ``GET ../blocks//operations``. It can be used by calling the RPC with the parameter ``?version=1`` (default version is still ``0``). Version ``1`` allows the RPC to output ``attestation``, ``preattestation``, ``double_attestation_evidence`` and ``double_preattestation_evidence`` kinds in the JSON result. (MR :gl:`!9008`) - When an operation in the mempool gets replaced with a better conflicting operation (e.g. an operation from the same manager with higher fees), the replaced operation is now reclassified as ``branch_delayed`` instead of ``outdated``. The associated error ``prevalidation.operation_replacement`` is otherwise unchanged. This makes it consistent with the reverse situation: when the new operation is worse than the old conflicting one, the new operation is classified as ``branch_delayed`` with the ``prevalidation.operation_conflict`` error. (MR :gl:`!9314`) - In RPC ``/protocol_data``, ``"per_block_votes"`` replaces ``"liquidity_baking_toggle_vote"``; ``"per_block_votes"`` has two properties ``"liquidity_baking_vote"`` and ``"adaptive_issuance_vote"``. A vote is one of ``"on"``, ``"off"``, ``"pass"``. - Added version ``1`` to RPC ``GET ../blocks//metadata``. It can be used by calling the RPC with the parameter ``?version=1`` (default version is still ``0``). Version ``1`` of this RPC and ``GET ../blocks/`` allow the RPC to output ``attesting rewards`` and ``lost attesting rewards`` kinds in the JSON result. (MR :gl:`!9253`) - Fixed a behavior where each time a new data was received from a peer, a new p2p request would be triggered instead of waiting for the delayed retry. (MR :gl:`!9470`) - Renamed RPC server events: Added section ``rpc_server`` and changed names from ``legacy_logging_event-rpc_http_event-`` into ``rpc_http_event_``. - Reduced the workload of the mempool by preventing unnecessary worker requests to be made and fixed a data-race that would request a resource that was already received. (MR :gl:`!9520`) - Event ``block.validation.protocol_filter_not_found`` renamed to ``block.validation.validation_plugin_not_found`` with updated message ``no validation plugin found for protocol ``. (MR :gl:`!9583`) - Added RPC to get smart rollup's balance of ticket with specified ticketer, content type, and content: ``POST chains//blocks//context/smart_rollups/smart_rollup//ticket_balance`` (MR :gl:`!9535`) - **Breaking change** Removed ``mumbainet`` network alias. (MR :gl:`!9694`) - Removed Mumbai mempool plugin. (MR :gl:`!9696`) Client ------ - Added client commands to generate, open and verify a time-lock. - The ``typecheck script`` command can now be used to typecheck several scripts. - From protocol ``Oxford`` operation receipts output ``attestation`` instead of ``endorsement``. For example ``double preendorsement evidence`` becomes ``double preattesation evidence``, ``lost endorsing rewards`` becomes ``lost attesting rewards``. (MR :gl:`!9232`) - Add ``attest for`` and ``preattest for`` commands. ``endorse for`` and ``preendorse for`` are now deprecated. (MR :gl:`!9494`) - **Breaking change** Removed read-write commands specific to Mumbai (MR :gl:`!9695`) - Added new client commands related to the new staking mechanisms: ``stake``, ``unstake``, ``finalize unstake``, ``set delegate parameters``, ``get full balance`` and ``get staked balance``. (MR :gl:`!9642`) - Fixed a concurrency issue in the logging infrastructure which can cause the node to become temporarily unresponsive. (MR :gl:`!9527`) Baker ----- - Changed the baker liquidity baking vote file ``per_block_votes.json`` lookup so that it also considers its client data directory when searching an existing file. The previous semantics, which looks for this file in the current working directory, takes precedence. - Bakers are now asked (but not required) to set their votes for the adoption of the adaptive issuance feature. They may use the CLI option ``--adaptive-issuance-vote`` or the per-block votes file (which is re-read at each block, and overrides the CLI option). Absence of vote is equivalent to voting "pass". - **Breaking change** Renamed ``liquidity_baking_toggle_vote`` into ``read_liquidity_baking_toggle_vote`` (MR :gl:`!9464`) and ``reading_per_block`` into ``reading_per_block_votes`` (MR :gl:`!8661`), for baker events. - **Breaking change** Renamed ``endorsement`` into ``attestation`` for baker errors and events. (MR :gl:`!9195`) - Cached costly RPC calls made when checking if nonces need to be revealed. (MR :gl:`!9601`) Accuser ------- - **Breaking change** Renamed ``endorsement`` into ``attestation`` for accuser errors and events. (MR :gl:`!9196`) Proxy Server ------------ - Redirected not found replies (HTTP 404 answers) to the underlying octez-node itself. Public visibility of the node is not required anymore. Protocol Compiler And Environment --------------------------------- - Added a new version of the protocol environment (V10) - Exposed a limited API to manipulate an Irmin binary tree within the protocol. - Exposed encoding with legacy attestation name. (MR :gl:`!8620`) Docker Images ------------- - Bumped up base image to ``alpine:3.17``. In particular, this changes Rust version to 1.64.0. Smart Rollup node ----------------- - Faster bootstrapping process. (MR :gl:`!8618`, MR :gl:`!8767`) - Single, protocol-agnostic, rollup node binary. The rollup node ``octez-smart-rollup-node`` works with any protocol and supports protocol upgrades. The other protocol specific rollup nodes still exist but will be deprecated. (MR :gl:`!9105`) - Added a new metrics ``head_inbox_process_time`` to report the time the rollup node spent to process a new Layer 1 head. (MR :gl:`!8971`) - **Breaking change** Field ``"messages"`` of RPC ``/global/block/{block_id}`` now contains *serialized* messages (external messages start with ``01`` and internal start with ``00``). (MR :gl:`!8876`) - **Breaking change** RPC ``/global/helpers/proof/outbox`` is moved to ``/global/block/head/helpers/proof/outbox``. (MR :gl:`!9233`) - Fixed an issue with level association which could allow the rollup node to publish invalid commitments. (MR :gl:`!9652`) Smart Rollup WASM Debugger -------------------------- - Changed the syntax for the ``octez-smart-rollup-wasm-debugger`` to prefix the the kernel file by ``--kernel``. (MR :gl:`!9318`) - ``profile`` commands now profiles the time spent in each steps of a PVM execution. It can be disabled with the option ``--without-time`` (MR :gl:`!9335`). - Added option ``--no-reboot`` to the ``profile`` command to profile a single ``kernel_run``. - Improved profiling output for consecutive kernel runs. - Allow serialized messages in inputs: ``{ "serialized": "01..." }``, instead of only external and internal transfers. This allows to inject arbitrary messages in the rollup. (MR :gl:`!9613`) Data Availability Committee (DAC) --------------------------------- - Released experimental Data Availability Committee executables which include ``octez-dac-node`` and ``octez-dac-client``. Users can thus experiment with operating and using DAC in their Smart Rollup workflow to achieve higher data throughput. It is not recommended to use DAC on Mainnet but instead on testnets and lower environments. Miscellaneous ------------- - Updated and re-enabled the time-lock Michelson commands. - New Recommended Rust version 1.64.0 instead of 1.60.0. - Sapling parameters files are now installed by ``make build-deps`` via Opam - Removed binaries of Mumbai (MR :gl:`!9693`) Version 17.3 ============ - Operations posting invalid WASM proofs are now discarded earlier by the Nairobi mempool plugin. (MR :gl:`!9768`) Version 17.2 ============ Node ---- - Removed the warning ``no prevalidator filter found for protocol ProtoGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesk612im`` that was emitted at node start-up, because it is normal for ``Genesis`` not to have a prevalidator filter. The warning will still be issued if no prevalidator filter is found later on for a different protocol. (MR :gl:`!9261`) - Renamed ``no prevalidator filter found for protocol {protocol_hash}`` to ``no protocol filter found for protocol {protocol_hash}``. - Added a syntactic operation filter in the protocol's plugins. Version 17.1 ============ Node ---- - Improved performances of RPC responses on request for older blocks by caching the archived metadata accesses. (MR :gl:`!8976`) Miscellaneous ------------- - Prevent cohttp-lwt.5.1.0 incompatibility with Resto, which causes leakage of file descriptors for streamed RPCs. (MR :gl:`!9059`) Version 17.0 ============ Node ---- - Fixed a bug where the node could freeze when an old block was requested during a store merge. (MR :gl:`!8952`) Version 17.0-rc1 ================ Node ---- - **Breaking Change**: Shortened a few lib_shell log messages at the default level by displaying only the completion time instead of the full status of the operation. - Added an option ``daily-logs`` to file-descriptor sinks, enabling log rotation based on a daily frequency. - Fixed a bug manifested while reconstructing the storage after a snapshot import that would result in wrong context hash mapping for some blocks. - Added an option ``create-dirs`` to file-descriptor sinks to allow the node to create the log directory and its parents if they don't exist. - Added a default node configuration that enables disk logs as a file-descriptor-sink in the data directory of the node with a 7 days rotation. - **Breaking Change**: Removed section in stdout logs lines - Removed the ``indexing-strategy`` option from the ``TEZOS_CONTEXT`` environment variable to prevent the usage of the ``always`` indexing strategy. For now, only the ``minimal`` indexing strategy is allowed. - **Breaking Change** Removed the ``--network limanet`` built-in network alias. - Fixed a issue that may trigger unknown keys errors while reading the context on a read-only instance. - Added query parameter ``protocol`` to RPC ``/monitor/heads/`` (which can be repeated) in order to monitor new heads of one or several given protocols only. - **Breaking Change** Reworked some node logs. While bootstrapping, the node will log one message every 50 validated blocks to indicate the current head's level and how old it is, giving an indication on how long it will take to be synchronized. Also, gracefully indicates peer disconnection instead of spurious "worker crashed" messages. - Fixed an issue where a node lagging behind would end up freezing and never be able to catch up. Client ------ - **Breaking Changes**: an alias must be provided when originating a smart rollup. That alias can be used in other smart rollup commands instead of the address. This is similar to what is done for smart contracts. Smart rollup origination command:: ./octez-client originate smart rollup from of kind of type with kernel Other example command:: ./octez-client recover bond of for smart rollup from - Similarly to smart contract, the client now has functions to manage the set of known smart rollups:: ./octez-client remember smart rollup ./octez-client forget smart rollup ./octez-client forget all smart rollups ./octez-client show known smart rollup ./octez-client list smart rollups - For the protocols that support it, added an ``operation_with_attestation`` and ``operation_with_attestation.unsigned`` registered encodings that support ``attestation`` kind instead of ``endorsement``. (MR :gl:`!8563`) Baker ----- - Consensus operations that do not use the minimal slot of the delegate are not counted for the (pre)quorums. (MR :gl:`!8175`) - Consensus operations with identical consensus-related contents but different ``branch`` fields are counted only once in the (pre)quorums. (MR :gl:`!8175`) - Improved efficiency to solve the anti-spam Proof-of-Work challenge. - Made the baker capable of running in a RPC-only mode through a newly introduced command: ``octez-baker- run remotely [delegates] [options]``. This mode does not require the octez node's storage to be directly accessible by the baker and will reduce memory consumption. However, this mode is less performant and may result in noticable slower baking times. (MR :gl:`!8607`) - Added a default configuration for that enables disk logs as a file-descriptor-sink in the base directory with a 7 days rotation. Accuser ------- - Fixed a bug that made the accuser start without waiting for its corresponding protocol. - The accuser now denounces double consensus operations that have the same level, round, and delegate, but different slots. (MR :gl:`!8084`) Signer ------ - Reordered the display of ``octez-client list connected ledgers`` command. It is now ``Ed25519``, ``Secp256k1``, ``Secp256r1`` and ``Bip32_ed25519``. Smart Rollup node ----------------- - Fixed inverted logic for playing a timeout move in a refutation game (MR :gl:`!7929`). - Stopped the node when the operator deposit is slashed (MR :gl:`!7579`). - Improved computations of refutation games’ dissections (MRs :gl:`!6948`, :gl:`!7751`, :gl:`!8059`, :gl:`!8382`). - Improved WASM runtime performances (MR :gl:`!8252`). - Made the Fast Execution aware of the newly introduced WASM PVM versionning (MR :gl:`!8079`). - Fixed UX issues related to the rollup node configuration (MRs :gl:`!8148`, :gl:`!8254`, :gl:`!8156`). - Quality of life improvements in the Layer 1 injector (MRs :gl:`!7579`, :gl:`!7673`, :gl:`!7675`, :gl:`!7685`, :gl:`!7681`, :gl:`!7846`, :gl:`!8106`). - Fixed logs for kernel debug messages (MR :gl:`!7773`). - New argument ``--boot-sector-file`` to specify a path to the boot sector used for the rollup. This is an optional argument that is required *only* if the smart rollup was bootstrapped and not originated (MR :gl:`!8556`). - Fixed legacy run command (MR :gl:`!8547`). - Fixed missing commitment for genesis by using local computation instead of RPC (MR :gl:`!8617`). - Fixed issue where rollup node believed it disagreed with L1 regarding cemented commitments (MR :gl:`!8615`). - **Breaking Change** Made the simulation RPC take serialized inbox messages as inputs instead of external message payloads. It can be used to simulate internal messages as well. It means that previously used format of inputs needs to be adapted, i.e. they need to be wrapped in external messages. (MR :gl:`!8888`). Smart Rollup client ------------------- - Fixed a JSON decoding error for the command ``get proof for message ...`` (MR :gl:`!8000`). Smart Rollup WASM Debugger -------------------------- - Let the user select the initial version of the WASM PVM (MR :gl:`!8078`). - Added commands to decode the contents of the memory and the durable storage (MRs :gl:`!7464`, :gl:`!7709`, :gl:`!8303`). - Added the ``bench`` command (MR :gl:`!7551`). - Added commands to inspect the structure of the durable storage (MRs :gl:`!7707`, :gl:`!8304`). - Automatically ``load inputs`` when ``step inbox`` is called. (MR :gl:`!8444`) - Added a command ``show function symbols`` to inspect the custom section ``name`` of unstripped kernels. (MR :gl:`!8522`) - Added a command ``profile`` that runs a full ``kernel_run`` and produces a flamegraph of the execution (MR :gl:`!8510`). Miscellaneous ------------- - Removed binaries and mempool RPCs of Lima. Version 16.1 ============ Baker ----- - Fixed a bug where the baker could count a (pre)endorsement twice while waiting for a (pre)quorum. - Fixed an implementation bug where upon observing a pre-quorum on an earlier round, the baker would reach a state where it could not endorse anymore. This could lead to a slow consensus scenario affecting network liveness. Version 16.0 ============ Node ---- - Updated the built-in network alias for Mumbainet (``--network mumbainet``). The new alias matches the relaunch of Mumbainet with the protocol ``PtMumbai2``. Version 16.0-rc3 ================ General ------- - Fixed an issue that prevented building on MacOS. - Fixed an issue that caused the launch of Octez binaries to take several seconds (because of ``zcash`` initialization) Node ---- - Fixed a issue that might trigger unknown keys errors while reading the context on a read-only instance. - Added an RPC ``POST /chains/main/blocks/head/context/smart_rollups/all/origination_proof`` with input ``{"kind":"", "kernel"=""}`` to produce the origination proof needed to originate a smart rollup. - Deprecated the RPC ``GET /monitor/valid_blocks`` and introduced ``GET /monitor/validated_blocks`` and ``GET /monitor/applied_blocks`` respectively returning validated blocks which are not yet applied nor stored, and applied blocks which are fully applied and stored by the node. (MR :gl:`!7513`) - Replaced some "precheck" occurrences with "validate" in event and error identifiers and messages. (MR :gl:`!7513`) - Document the usage of "Yay" as a deprecated synonym for "Yea", to encourage using the correct value in the future. (MR :gl:`!7960`) Baker ----- - Changed the baker default semantics so that it performs a light validation of operations to classify them instead of fully applying them. Hence, the block production is now more time/cpu/disk-efficient. In this mode, application-dependent checks are disabled. Setting the ``--force-apply`` flag on the command line restores the previous behavior. (MR :gl:`!7490`) - **Breaking Change**: Disabled the verification of signature of operations in the baker when baking a block. The baker must always be provided operations with a valid signature, otherwise produced blocks will be invalid and rejected by local nodes during their injection. Default setups are not affected but external mempools should make sure that their operations' signatures are correct. (MR :gl:`!7490`) - Made the baker discard legacy or corrupted Tenderbake's saved states in order to avoid unexpected crashes when the baker gets updated, or when a new protocol's baker starts. (MR :gl:`!7640`) - Restored previous behaviour from :gl:`!7490` for blocks at round greater than 0. Application-dependent checks are re-enabled for re-proposal and fresh blocks at round greater than 0. - Reduced the preendorsement injection delay by making the baker preendorse as soon as the node considers a block as valid instead of waiting for the node to fully apply it. (MR :gl:`!7516`) - Baker injects preendorsement twice: once the block is considered as valid by the node and once it is fully applied by the node. This is a safety measure in case the early preendorsement is dropped by the mempool. (MR :gl:`!7516`) Version 16.0-rc2 ================ Node ---- - Fixed a bug raising an error when a context split was called on a context that was created with Octez v13 (or earlier). - **Breaking Change**: disabled snapshot export support for storage that was created with Octez v13 (or earlier). After upgrading to v16, if you have the following warning message, you won't be able to restore an up-to-date storage, without using either a recent third-party snapshot or bootstrapping from scratch:: Warning: garbage collection is not fully enabled on this data directory: context cannot be garbage collected Please refer to the :doc:`Snapshots entry<../user/snapshots>` for further detail. - Added the built-in network alias for Mumbainet (``--network mumbainet``). Docker Images ------------- - Fixed ``entrypoint.sh`` which did not had the executable permission flag. - Updated Python version to 3.10.10. Version 16.0~rc1 ================ General ------- - **Breaking change**: Symbolic links from old-names ``tezos-*`` to new-names ``octez-*`` have been removed. Old names are not supported anymore. Node ---- - Fixed a bug that caused snapshot import to ignore the data directory of the configuration file when the configuration file was specified from the command-line using ``--config-file``. Note that ``--data-dir`` can still be used to override the data directory location from the configuration file, whether it is specified from the command-line or not. - Fixed a bug that caused the ``snapshot import`` command to fail when used on data directories configured with an explicit number of additional cycles. - Fixed an issue that could left a temporary directory if a snapshot export was cancelled. Additionally, a cleanup now ensures the absence of leftovers temporary directories when exporting a snapshot. - Fixed an issue that could left a lock file if a snapshot import was cancelled. - **Breaking change**: the default ``?version`` of the ``pending_operations`` RPC is now 1 instead of 0. Version 1 is more consistent as ``branch_delayed``/``branch_refused``/``outdated``/``refused`` operations are encoded like ``applied`` operations: the ``"hash"`` field is included in the object instead of being separate in an array. The same change applies to ``unprocessed`` operations, except that those do not contain the ``error`` field. More details can be found by calling the ``describe/chains/main/mempool/pending_operations`` RPC. You can get back the previous encoding with ``?version=0`` but note that version 0 is now deprecated and may be removed starting from the next major release of Octez. (MR :gl:`!6783`) - The ``pending_operations`` RPC can now be run in ``binary`` format when using version ``1``. (MR :gl:`!6783`) - Removed the ``node_`` prefix in identifiers of the ``config_validation`` and ``config_file`` events and errors. - Introduced a ``--json`` command line argument to the ``snapshot info`` allowing to print snapshot information as JSON. - Removed the ``octez-validator`` executable, which was already part of ``octez-node`` and that was already used internally (and that was not usable on its own). - **Breaking change**: bumped the node's storage version to ``3.0``. This new version changes the store's representation required by the new protocol's semantics and the context's format to improve the disk usage footprint while running a context pruning. Upgrading to this new version is automatic and irreversible. (MR :gl:`!6835` and :gl:`!6959`) - **Breaking change**: bumped the snapshot version to ``5``. This version changes internal snapshot file representation to include more information required by the new protocol's semantics and to improve both import and export speed. Snapshots of version ``4`` exported with previous versions of Octez can still be imported. Snapshots of version ``5`` are not backward compatible. (MR :gl:`!6835` and :gl:`!6961`) - Upon receiving a new non-manager operation that conflicts with a previously validated operation, the mempool may now replace the old operation with the new one, depending on both operations' content and hash. This behavior was already in place for manager operations, and has simply be extended to non-manager operations. It should help all mempools converge toward the same set of accepted operations, regardless of the order in which the operations were received. (MR :gl:`!6749`) - Changed the id and message of the error when the mempool rejects a new operation because it already contains a preferred conflicting operation. Changed the id and message of the error associated with an operation that is removed from the mempool to make room for a better conflicting operation. (MR :gl:`!6749`) - Fixed a minor bug that caused the mempool to accept a manager operation that conflicts with an already present ``drain_delegate`` operation. (MR :gl:`!6749`) - Removed the compatibility with storage snapshots of version ``2`` and ``3``. These snapshot versions from Octez 12 cannot be imported anymore. - Added optional query parameter ``validation_pass`` to RPCs ``GET /chains/main/mempool/pending_operations`` and ``GET /chains//mempool/monitor_operation``. This new parameter causes the RPC to only return operations for the given validation pass (``0`` for consensus operations, ``1`` for voting operations, ``2`` for anonymous operations, ``3`` for manager operations). If ``validation_pass`` is unspecified, operations for all validation passes are returned, making this extension backward-compatible. (MR :gl:`!6724`) - Fixed an issue where the node's RPC server would silently fail when either the path to the certificate or to the key passed in the node's ``--rpc-tls`` argument does not point to an existing file. The node's ``run`` now fails immediately in this case. (MR :gl:`!7323`) - Improved the disk usage footprint when running a context pruning. - **Breaking Changes:** Removed ``kathmandunet`` from the list of known networks (for ``--network`` command-line argument). - Allowed symbolic links in the datadir (to split data over several places). Client ------ - Added command to get contract's balance of ticket with specified ticketer, content type, and content. Can be used for both implicit and originated contracts. ``octez-client get ticket balance for with ticketer '' and type and content ``. (MR :gl:`!6491`) - Added command to get the complete list of tickets owned by a given contract by scanning the contract's storage. Can only be used for originated contracts. ``octez-client get all ticket balances for ``. (MR :gl:`!6804`) Baker ----- - **Breaking change**: modified the baker's persistent state. Once the protocol "M" activates, the new baker will automatically overwrite the existing persistent state to the new format. This implies that previous bakers will fail to load this new state from disk unless the user directly removes the file ``/_baker_state``. On mainnet, this will have no effect as when the new protocol activates, previous bakers will be permanently idle. (MR :gl:`!6835`) - Fixed an issue where the baker would keep files opened longer than necessary causing unexpected out of space errors making the baker crash. Signer ------ - **Breaking change**: Versioning of signature module for protocol specific support and future extensibility. Signatures length became variable which changed their binary encoding. This breaks the compatibility with octez-signer <= 15.1 in local and socket modes. Proxy Server ------------ - The proxy server can now serve endpoints about blocks of all known economic protocols instead of only one chosen at boot time. Codec ----- - Added the ``dump encoding `` command to dump the description of a single registered encoding. Rollups ------- - Added Smart Rollups executables. This includes ``octez-smart-rollup-node-PtMumbai``, ``octez-smart-rollup-client-PtMumbai``. - Released ``octez-smart-rollup-wasm-debugger`` as part of the Octez distribution (MR :gl:`!7295`). See the smart rollups documentation for its functionalities and how to use it to test and debug kernels. Miscellaneous ------------- - Removed binaries and mempool RPCs of Kathmandu. Version 15.1 ============ Node ---- - Fixed a bug that caused the bootstrap pipeline to apply a block without prechecking it first. This issue only occurs for recent protocols (i.e., Lima and later) where the validation of a block is dissociated from its application. (MR :gl:`!7014`) Version 15.0 ============ General ------- - Fixed the warning that was added in 15.0~rc1 about using deprecated ``tezos-`` names. This warning gave the wrong new name for executables that contained the protocol number. Node ---- - Fixed the restoration of the protocol table when restoring from an inconsistent data directory. - Improved the response time of RPCs computing the baking and endorsing rights of delegates. - Added the built-in network alias for Limanet (``--network limanet``). - Fixed a bug that caused the ``snapshot import`` command to fail when used on data directories configured with an explicit number additional cycles. - Improved cleanup of leftover files when starting a node. Client ------ - Fixed a regression in 15.0~rc1 that caused ``make build-deps`` to not install the ``ledgerwallet-tezos`` opam package by default, which in turn caused the client to be built without Ledger commands. Docker images and static executables were not affected. Baker ----- - Fixed a file permission issue when running in Docker. Version 15.0~rc1 ================ General ------- - **Breaking change**: all executables have been renamed. The ``tezos-`` prefix has been replaced by ``octez-`` and protocol numbers have been removed. For instance, ``tezos-node`` is now named ``octez-node`` and ``tezos-baker-014-PtKathma`` is now named ``octez-baker-PtKathma``. If you compile using ``make``, symbolic links from the old names to the new names are created, so you can still use the old names. But those old names are deprecated and may stop being supported starting from version 16.0. - **Breaking change**: in the Docker entrypoint, all commands have been renamed. The ``tezos-`` prefix has been replaced by ``octez-``. For instance, ``tezos-node`` is now named ``octez-node`` and ``tezos-baker`` is now named ``octez-baker``. The old command names are still available but are deprecated and may stop being supported starting from version 16.0. - Added :doc:`Lima `, a protocol proposal for Mainnet featuring, among others, Pipelining, Consensus Key, improvements to Tickets, and Ghostnet fixes. Node ---- - **Breaking change**: Decreased, from 5 to 1, the default number of additional cycles to keep in both ``Full`` and ``Rolling`` history modes. As a consequence, the storage footprint will be lowered and only the last 6 cycles will be available (10 previously). - **Breaking change**: The node context storage format was upgraded. To this end, a new storage version was introduced: 2.0 (previously 1.0). Backward compatibility is preserved: upgrading from 1.0 to 2.0 is done automatically by the node the first time you run it. This upgrade is instantaneous. However, be careful that there is no forward compatibility: previous versions of Octez will refuse to run on a data directory which was running with this storage version. - **Breaking change**: Node events using a legacy logging system are migrated to the current one. Impacted events are in the following sections: ``validator.chain``, ``validator.peer``, ``prevalidator`` and ``validator.block``. Section ``node.chain_validator`` is merged into ``validator.chain`` for consistency reasons. Those events see their JSON representation shortened, with no duplicated information. e.g. ``validator.peer`` events were named ``validator.peer.v0`` at top-level and had an ``event`` field with a ``name`` field containing the actual event name, for example ``validating_new_branch``. Now, the event is called ``validating_new_branch.v0`` at top-level and contains a ``section`` field with ``validator`` and ``peer``. - Added context pruning for the context part of the storage backend. It is activated by default for all nodes running with a full or rolling history mode. - Add a ``/chains//blocks//merkle_tree_v2`` RPC. This is an evolution of the ``../merkle_tree`` RPC, using a simpler implementation of the Merkle tree/proof features that works with Irmin trees and proofs underneath instead of proof code internal to Octez, and is planned to eventually replace the old one in a future release. - Add a field ``dal`` in the node's configuration file. This field is for a feature which is being developed and should not be modified. It should be used only for testing. - Fixed a bug in the p2p layer that prevented a fast regulation of the number of connections (when having too few or too many connections) - Improved the octez store merging mechanism performed on each new cycle. The node's memory consumption should not differ from a normal usage, while, in the past, it could take up to several gigabytes of memory to perform a store merge. It also takes less time to perform a merge and shouldn't impact normal node operations as much as it previously did; especially on light architectures. - Added support for ``level..level`` range parameters in the replay command. - Added support for ``--strict`` mode in the replay command: it causes the command to be less permissive. - The ``config`` and ``identity`` node commands no longer try to update the data directory version (``version.json``). - Fixed a bug in the store that was generating an incorrect protocol table during a branch switch containing a user activated protocol upgrade. - Added Oxhead Alpha endpoints in the list of bootstrap peers for Mainnet. - Removed the ``--network hangzhounet`` and ``--network jakartanet`` built-in network aliases. Client ------ - The light client (``tezos-client --mode light``) now uses the ``../block//merkle_tree_v2`` RPC introduced in this version, removing a lot of delicate verification code and relying on Irmin instead. The client for this version will thus not work with older node versions that do not have this RPC. - Simulation returns correct errors on batches of operations where some are backtracked, failed and/or skipped. - External operations pool specified by the ``--operations-pool`` option are guaranteed to be included in the order they are received from the operations source. - Added commands to get the used and paid storage spaces of contracts: ``tezos-client get used storage space for `` and ``tezos-client get paid storage space for ``. - Added RPCs to get the used and paid storage spaces of contracts: ``GET /chains//blocks//context/contracts//storage/used_space`` and ``GET /chains//blocks//context/contracts//storage/paid_space``. - Added commands related to the "consensus key" feature: Update the consensus key of a baker: ```shell tezos-client set consensus key for to ``` It is also possible to register as a delegate and immediately set the consensus key: ```shell tezos-client register key as delegate with consensus key ``` (The current registration command still works.) Drain a baker's account: ```shell tezos-client drain delegate to ``` or, if the destination account is different from the consensus key ```shell tezos-client drain delegate to with ``` Baker ----- - External operations pool specified by the ``--operations-pool`` option are guaranteed to be included in the order they are received from the operations source. - The logs now display both the delegate and its consensus key. Signer ------ - Improved performance by 50% of Ledger's signing requests by caching redundant requests. Proxy Server ------------ - Replaced not found replies (HTTP 404 answers) by redirects (HTTP 301 answers) suggesting to query directly the node on all unserved requests. Docker Images ------------- - Bump up base image to ``alpine:3.16``. In particular, it changes Rust and Python versions to 1.60.0 and 3.10.9 respectively. Miscellaneous ------------- - Recommend rust version 1.60.0 instead of 1.52.1. - Removed delegates for protocols Ithaca and Jakarta. Version 14.1 ============ - Fixed a number of issues with JSON encodings. - Removed Giganode from the list of bootstrap peers for Mainnet. - Add third user-activated upgrade to the ``--network ghostnet`` built-in network alias (at level 1191936 for Kathmandu). Version 14.0 ============ Node ---- - Added the built-in network alias for Kathmandunet (``--network kathmandunet``). Client ------ - Disabled origination of contracts with timelock instructions. Version 14.0~rc1 ================ Node ---- - Added Kathmandu, a protocol proposal for Mainnet featuring, among others, pipelining of manager operations, improved randomness generation, event logging and support for permanent testnets. - Fixed a bug that lead to forgetting the trusted status of peers when connection is lost. - Added store metrics to expose the amount of data written while storing the last block and the completion time of the last merge. - Added a block validator metric to expose the number of operations per pass for each new block validated. - Added protocol metrics: ``head_cycle``, ``head_consumed_gas`` and ``head_round``. - Added a store metric to expose the number of blocks considered as invalid. - Fixed the ``octez-node config reset`` command which did not actually reset the configuration file to its default values. - Added metrics to observe the bootstrapped and synchronisation status. - Added metrics to track peer validator requests. - Added an optional query parameter ``metadata`` to the ``GET /chains//blocks//`` and ``GET /chains//blocks//operations/`` RPCs. Passing this parameter with value ``always`` overrides the metadata size limit configuration, and forces the re-computation of operation metadata whose size was beyond the limit, and therefore not stored. The re-computed metadata are not stored on disk after this call, but rather just returned by the RPC call. Passing this parameters with value ``never`` prevents the request to return metadata, to allow lighter requests. If the query string is not used, the configured metadata size limit policy is used. - Deprecated the ``force_metadata`` query parameter for the ``GET /chains//blocks//`` and ``GET /chains//blocks//operations/`` RPCs. To get a similar behaviour, use the ``metadata`` query string with the value ``always``. - Deprecated the CLI argument ``--enable-testchain`` and the corresponding configuration-file option ``p2p.enable_testchain``. - Added metrics to track the pending requests of chain validator, block validator and prevalidator workers. - **Breaking change**: The node context storage format was upgraded. To this end, a new storage version was introduced: 1.0 (previously 0.8). Backward compatibility is preserved: upgrading from 0.6, 0.7 (Octez 12.x) or 0.8 (Octez 13.0) is done through the ``octez-node upgrade storage`` command. This upgrade is instantaneous. However, be careful that there is no forward compatibility: previous versions of Octez will refuse to run on an upgraded data directory. - **Breaking change**: the built-in network alias for Ithacanet (``--network ithacanet``) has been removed. - Added the built-in network alias for Ghostnet (``--network ghostnet``). - Updated the encoding of worker events JSON messages. - Fixed a bug that caused the ``replay`` command to write into the context store. Client ------ - Client now allows to simulate failing operations with ``--simulation --force``, and report errors without specifying limits. - Added ``--ignore-case`` option to the ``octez-client gen vanity keys`` command to allow case-insensitive search for the given pattern. Proxy Server ------------ - Changed the proxy server's handling of requests it does not know how to serve: it now forwards the client to the full node at the given ``--endpoint``, by responding with a ``301 Moved Permanently`` redirect. Protocol Compiler And Environment --------------------------------- - Added protocol environment V6. Docker Images ------------- - **Breaking change**: script ``tezos-docker-manager.sh``, also known as ``alphanet.sh`` or ``mainnet.sh``, has been removed. It was deprecated since version 13.0. It is recommended to write your own docker-compose file instead. ``scripts/docker/docker-compose-generic.yml`` is an example of such file. - ``octez-codec`` is now included in Docker images. Rollups ------- - Included the Transaction Rollups (TORU) and Smart Contract Rollups (SCORU) executables in the Docker images of Octez. These executables are **experimental**. They are provided solely for testing, and should not be used in production. Besides, they should not be considered as being part of Octez, and as a consequence will not be provided with the same degree of maintenance. However, developers interested in implementing their own rollup nodes and clients are more than welcome to leverage them. Version 13.0 ============ Node ---- - Fixed a bug that caused metrics to return wrong values for the number of accepted points. - Added the ``jakartanet`` built-in network alias. You can now configure your node with ``--network jakartanet`` to run the Jakartanet test network. - Fixed a bug in the environment that could prevent checking BLS signatures. This bug could affect transactional optimistic rollups (TORUs, introduced in Jakarta). Miscellaneous ------------- - Fixed a bug that caused static executables to report the wrong version number with ``--version``. Version 13.0~rc1 ================ Node ---- - Added Jakarta, a protocol proposal for Mainnet featuring, among others, Transaction Optimistic Rollups, Tickets Hardening and Liquidity Baking Toggle. - **Breaking change**: Restored the encoding of events corresponding to "completed requests" (block validation, head switch, ...) to their format prior to Octez v11. They only contain absolute timestamps. - Add optional query parameters ``applied``, ``refused``, ``outdated``, ``branch_refused``, and ``branch_delayed`` to RPC ``GET /chains/main/mempool/pending_operations``. These new parameters filter the operations returned based on their classifications. If no option is given, all the parameters are assumed to be ``true``, making this extension backward-compatible (i.e. all operations are returned). - Added optional parameter ``--media-type`` and its corresponding field in the configuration file. It defines which format of data serialisation must be used for RPC requests to the node. The value can be ``json``, ``binary`` or ``any``. By default, the value is set to ``any``. - Added an option ``--metrics-addr :`` to ``octez-node`` to expose some metrics using the Prometheus format. - Added command ``octez-node storage head-commmit`` which prints the commit hash of the current context head. - Added a history mode check when importing a snapshot to ensure the consistency between the history mode of the snapshot and the one stored in the targeted data directory configuration file. - Fixed a wrong behavior that could cause the savepoint to be dragged too early. - Fixed a memory leak where some operations were not cleaned up. This problem occurred occasionally, when during the fetching the operation of some block, the node changed his head. - **Breaking change**: The node context storage format was upgraded. To this end, a new storage version was introduced: 0.0.8 (previously 0.0.7). Backward compatibility is preserved: upgrading from 0.0.7 to 0.0.8 is done automatically by the node the first time you run it. This upgrade is instantaneous. However, be careful that there is no forward compatibility: previous versions of Octez will refuse to run on a data directory which was used with Octez 13.0. - **Breaking change**: Validation errors are flatter. Instead of ``economic_protocol_error`` carrying a field ``trace`` with the relevant economic-protocol errors, the relevant economic-protocol errors are included in the main trace itself. - **Breaking change**: Exported snapshots now have version number 4 (previously 3). Snapshots of version 2 and 3 exported with previous versions of Octez can still be imported. Snapshots of version 4 cannot be imported with Octez prior to version 13.0. - Added an optional query parameter ``force_metadata`` to the ``GET /chains//blocks//`` and ``GET /chains//blocks//operations/`` RPCs. Passing this parameter overrides the metadata size limit configuration, and forces the re-computation of operation metadata whose size was beyond the limit, and therefore not stored. The re-computed metadata are not stored on disk after this call, but rather just returned by the RPC call. - Added ``--progress-display-mode`` option to the ``octez-node`` commands that display progress animation. This option allows to redirect progress animation to non-TTY file descriptors. Client ------ - The client no longer computes the description of RPCs by default. This makes the client run faster at the cost of possibly getting less informative error messages. You can switch back to the previous behavior using new command-line option ``--better-errors``. - A new ``--self-address`` option was added to the ``run script`` command. It makes the given address be considered the address of the contract being run. The address must actually exist in the context. Unless ``--balance`` is specified, the script also inherits the given contract's balance. - Storage and input parameters given to the ``run script`` command can now be read from a file just like the script itself. The ``file:`` prefix can be added for disambiguation, like for a script. - Add option ``--force`` to the command ``submit ballots``. This is mostly for testing purposes: it disables all checks and allows to cast invalid ballots (unexpected voting period, missing voting rights, ...) .. _changes_13_0_rc1_baker: Baker ----- The following breaking changes affect the Octez v13.0~rc1 baker daemon for the Jakarta 2 protocol ``octez-baker-013-PtJakart``, but **not** the corresponding one for the the Ithaca 2 protocol, ``octez-baker-012-Psithaca``. - **Breaking change**: The ``--liquidity-baking-escape-vote`` command-line option has been renamed to ``--liquidity-baking-toggle-vote``. - **Breaking change**: The ``--liquidity-baking-toggle-vote`` command-line option is now mandatory. The ``--votefile`` option can still be used to change vote without restarting the baker daemon, if both options are provided ``--votefile`` takes precedence and ``--liquidity-baking-toggle-vote`` is only used to define the default behavior of the daemon when an error occurs while reading the vote file. Note that ``--liquidity-baking-toggle-vote`` must be placed **after** ``run`` on the command-line. - **Breaking change**: The format of the vote file provided by the ``--votefile`` option has changed too; the ``liquidity_baking_escape_vote`` key is now named ``liquidity_baking_toggle_vote`` and its value must now be one of the following strings: ``"on"`` to vote to continue Liquidity Baking, ``"off"`` to vote to stop it, or ``"pass"`` to abstain. - Fixed a memory leak in ``baker`` binary (Ithaca2, Jakarta and Alpha) - Fixed a memory leak in ``accuser`` binary (Ithaca2, Jakarta and Alpha) - Fixed the RPC ``/chains//mempool/monitor_operations`` which would not notify outdated operations when the query ``outdated=true`` was provided. Signer ------ - Added global option ``--password-filename`` which acts as the client one. - **Breaking change**: Option ``--password-file``, which did nothing, has been removed. - Added support for Ledger Nano S Plus devices. Proxy server ------------ - A new ``--data-dir`` option was added. It expects the path of the data-dir of the node from which to obtain data. This option greatly reduces the number of RPCs between the proxy server and the node, thus reducing the IO consumption of the node. Codec ----- - Added command ``slice`` which splits a binary, hex-encoded blob into its different constituents. This command is useful to understand what a binary message means. Docker Images ------------- - **Breaking change**: Script ``tezos_docker_manager.sh`` (also known as ``mainnet.sh``) is now deprecated. It may be removed from Octez starting from version 14.0. It is recommended to write your own Docker Compose files instead. To this end, you can take inspiration from ``scripts/docker/docker-compose-generic.yml``. - ``tezos_docker_manager.sh`` no longer starts the endorser. As a reminder, starting from Ithaca, which is the active protocol on Mainnet, there is no endorser: its role is played by the baker. - ``tezos_docker_manager.sh`` no longer supports Hangzhounet. Miscellaneous ------------- - Removed protocol ``genesis-carthagenet``. No live test network uses this protocol anymore. - Removed delegates for protocol Hangzhou, since it was replaced by Ithaca as the active protocol on Mainnet. Version 12.4 ============ - Fixed a memory leak in the baker and the accuser. This is a backport of the fix introduced in version 13.0~rc1. Version 12.3 ============ - Fixed a bug that prevented the store from decoding metadata from previous versions of Octez. This bug caused the store to systematically have to restore its consistency on startup. - **Breaking change**: Exported snapshots now have version number 3 (previously 2). Snapshots exported by nodes running previous versions of Octez can still be imported by a v12.3 node, but snapshots exported by a v12.3 node cannot be imported by nodes running previous versions. Please note that snapshots exported with versions 12.1 and 12.2 of Octez cannot be imported with previous versions of Octez either, but their version number was not increased, leading to less clear error messages when trying to import them from previous versions. It is thus recommended to avoid exporting snapshots with versions 12.1 or 12.2 of Octez. - Increased the maximum size of requests to sign a block header with a Ledger in order to take into account Tenderbake block headers which are reproposals of a block at an higher round. Combined with an incoming update of the Ledger baking app, this fixes a case where the Ledger failed to sign blocks. Version 12.2 ============ - Added ``--metadata-size-limit`` option to the node to configure the operation metadata size limit. This defaults to 10MB but can be overridden by providing another value (representing a number of bytes) or the value ``unlimited``. Version 12.1 ============ Node ---- - Added optional argument ``cycle`` to RPC ``selected_snapshot``. See more information in the changelog of the protocol: :doc:`../protocols/012_ithaca` - **Breaking change**: The node no longer stores large metadata. RPC requesting this kind of metadata will return ``"too large"``. To this end, a new storage version was introduced: 0.0.7 (previously 0.0.6). Upgrading from 0.0.6 to 0.0.7 is done automatically by the node the first time you run it. This upgrade is instantaneous. However, be careful that previous versions of Octez will refuse to run on a data directory which was used with Octez 12.1 or later. - A new ``--force`` option was added to the ``transfer`` command. It makes the client inject the transaction in a node even if the simulation of the transaction fails. - Fixed a corner case where the mempool would propagate invalid operations. Baker ----- - Fixed an incorrect behavior that could make the baker crash under certain circumstances. Version 12.0 ============ Node ---- - The octez-node configuration file parameter ``shell.prevalidator.limits.max_refused_operations`` is now deprecated and may be removed starting from version 13.0. - Fixed missing removal of replaced operation in the plugin when another better one takes its place (when the mempool is full). - The output of ``octez-client get ledger high watermark for `` now also displays the high-water mark for the round, if available. Rounds are introduced in Tenderbake. - Optimized global CPU usage. This can save up to a third of CPU usage. - RPC ``/helpers/scripts/simulate_operations`` now takes protocol activation into account: the cache is considered empty three levels before activation. - Added an optional field to the RPC ``/helpers/scripts/simulate_operations`` named ``blocks_before_activation`` (int32, measured in number of blocks) which allows to override the number of blocks before activation, which can be useful in case of user-activated upgrade. Miscellaneous ------------- - Updated the build system to use a patched version of the OCaml compiler to fix a bug that could cause compilation to fail on newer versions of gcc and glibc. - Optimized memory consumption of the block validator. This improves memory usage of the node, the external validator process, and the baker. Memory usage should be lower and more predictable. Baker / Endorser / Accuser -------------------------- - Improved the log messages of the Ithaca baker for the default (``Notice``) and ``Info`` logging levels. - Fixed a corner case where the baker could include redundant endorsements when a delegate was double baking. Version 12.0~rc2 ================ - Replaced protocol Ithaca (``PsiThaCa``) with protocol Ithaca2 (``Psithaca2``). Node ---- - (backport from 11.1) Fixed an incorrect behaviour of the store which could cause the node to freeze for a few seconds. - The ``ithacanet`` network alias now denotes the configuration for the Ithacanet test network that uses Ithaca2 (``Psithaca2``) instead of the initial Ithacanet test network that used Ithaca (``PsiThaCa``). - The RPC GET ``/chains/main/mempool/pending_operations`` does not output unparsable operations anymore. Previously, they were in the ``Refused`` field with a parsing error. - The output format for RPC ``/chains//mempool/filter`` changed. The field ``backlog`` was removed. This change is similar to other RPC changes introduced in 12.0~rc1. - Added two optional fields, ``now`` and ``level`` as input to the ``run_view``, ``run_code``, and ``trace_code`` RPCs (under ``/chains//blocks//helpers/scripts/``). These fields can be used to override the values normally returned by the ``NOW`` and ``LEVEL`` instructions. - Pending operations in the mempool are now sorted, and propagated with the following priority in decreasing order (operations with the highest priority are propagated first): - consensus operations; - anonymous and voting (governance) operations; - manager operations where the priority is given by the ratio of the operation fees over gas limit or operation size. - Fixed an issue where storage failed to restore its consistency after corrupted metadata files. - Added an optional field, ``max_prechecked_manager_operations`` to ``/chains//mempool/filter`` in order to control how many manager operations are kept in the prechecked classification. Client ------ - Renamed the ``--mempool`` option into ``--operations-pool``. The format of the file passed as parameter has changed from the one of RPC ``pending_operations`` (that is, a key-value dictionary whose values are lists of operations) to a single list of operations to be considered for inclusion. - ``--operations-pool`` option supports URL parameters to fetch remote mempools through HTTP. Environment variable ``TEZOS_CLIENT_REMOTE_OPERATIONS_POOL_HTTP_HEADERS`` may be set to specify custom HTTP headers. Only the Host header is supported as of now (see description in `rfc2616, section 14.23 `_) - Added new option ``--ignore-node-mempool`` to the ``bake for`` command to avoid querying the node's mempool when baking a block. Baker / Endorser / Accuser -------------------------- - Ported the ``--operations-pool`` option of the ``bake for`` command of the client to the baker daemon. - Fixed the Ithaca baker to allow it to fallback to an RPC (instead of relying on direct access to the local context) when baking the migration block to its successor. This necessary mechanism was present in all bakers except for the Ithaca baker of Octez 12.0~rc1. Version 12.0~rc1 ================ Node ---- - UNIX errors are now displayed using human-friendly English instead of error codes. - Manager operations do no longer need to be executed before being propagated over the network. This feature will be available from protocol ``I``, provided the latter is activated. The aim is to increase the throughput of transactions gossiped over the network, while reducing the load on the Octez node's prevalidator (aka the mempool). - The following RPCs output format changed: 1. ``/workers/block_validator`` 2. ``/workers/chain_validators`` 3. ``/workers/chain_validators/`` 4. ``/workers/chain_validator//peer_validators`` 5. ``/workers/chain_validator//peer_validators/`` 6. ``/workers/prevalidators`` The field ``backlog`` is removed. Those logs can be obtained via the node itself. Logging can be redirected to a file via the option ``--log-file``. External tools such as ``logrotate`` can be used to remove entries that are too old. - The node configuration format is changed. The following paths are removed: 1. ``shell.chain_validator.limits.worker_backlog_size`` 2. ``shell.chain_validator.limits.worker_backlog_level`` 3. ``shell.peer_validator.limits.worker_backlog_size`` 4. ``shell.peer_validator.limits.worker_backlog_level`` 5. ``shell.prevalidator.limits.worker_backlog_size`` 6. ``shell.prevalidator.limits.worker_backlog_level`` 7. ``shell.block_validator.limits.worker_backlog_size`` 8. ``shell.block_validator.limits.worker_backlog_level`` If those fields are present in your configuration file, they can simply be removed. - Added version ``1`` to RPC ``GET /chains/main/mempool/pending_operations``. It can be used by calling the RPC with the parameter ``?version=1`` (default version is still ``0``). - Added an RPC ``/config/logging`` to reconfigure the logging framework without having to restart the node. See also the new documentation pages related to logging. - Better handling of mempool cache in the ``distributed_db`` which should make the ``distributed_db`` RAM consumption strongly correlated to the one of the mempool. - Fixed RPC GET ``/chains//mempool/filter``, that did not show fields of the filter configuration that were equal to their default value: e.g. if the configuration was the default one, it just returned ``{}``. Now displays all the fields by default. The old behavior may be brought back by setting the new optional parameter ``include_default`` to ``false``. - Changed the behavior of RPC POST ``/chains//mempool/filter`` when provided an input json that does not describe a valid filter configuration. It used to revert the filter back to the default configuration in that case, but now it leaves it unchanged. (Note: if the input json is valid but does not provide all the fields of the filter configuration, then any missing field is set back to its default value, rather than left unchanged. This is the same behavior as the previous version of the RPC.) As this behavior may be confusing, the RPC now returns the new filter configuration of the mempool. - When encoded in binary, errors now have a single size field. This only affects the binary representation of errors or values that include errors inside. It may break the compatibility for tools that request binary-only answers from the node and parse the errors by hand. - Added a new mempool's classification for the recently introduced outdated error category of protocols in environment v4. - Add a new CLI & config option ``advertised-net-port``. - Added an optional ``show_types`` field in the input of the ``/chains//blocks//helpers/scripts/typecheck_code`` RPC. When this field is set to ``false``, type checking details are omitted. This can be used to improve the performances of this RPC. - Fix the comparison operator of history modes to avoid considering the default history modes as not equal to an history mode manually set to the same default value. - The prevalidator (which handles operations which have been received but not yet included in a block) was made more restrictive: it now accepts a single manager operation from a given manager for a given block. This limitation was already present implicitly if you were using the ``octez-client`` commands. Batches of operations can be used to get around this restriction, see the ``multiple transfers`` command to learn more. In addition, operations rejected because of this limitation are solely delayed to a future block. - Removed support for store versions 0.0.4 (used by Octez 9.7) or below. It is no longer possible to run ``octez-node upgrade storage`` to upgrade from those older versions. It is also no longer possible to import snapshots that were exported using this version. - Fixed an inconsistency of the cache: the shell now reloads the cache from scratch if the application fails because of a hash inconsistency. - Removed the ``granadanet`` built-in network alias. - Added the ``ithacanet`` built-in network alias. - Added an optional field, ``replace_by_fee_factor`` to ``/chains//mempool/filter`` in order to control when the mempool accepts a manager operation replacement. Client ------ - Expanded the number of product ids searched with the HID API when looking for a ledger device. - Added an optional parameter ``--media-type`` to control the ``Accept`` header for RPC requests to the node. This header indicates to the node which format of data serialisation is supported. Possible values are ``json``, ``binary`` and ``any``. - Added two options, ``--now`` and ``--level`` to the ``run script`` and ``run view`` commands simulating execution of Michelson code. These options can be used to override the values normally returned by the ``NOW`` and ``LEVEL`` instructions. - Added new option ``--replace`` to ``transfer`` and ``multiple transfers`` commands. This option allows a manager to inject a transfer or a smart contract call operation (with more fees) to replace an existing one in the node's mempool. This option should only be used to inject in nodes whose prevalidators use the new validation scheme of manager operations (called ``operations precheck``) instead of fully applying the operation in a prevalidation block. Note that there are no guarantees on which operation will possibly be included in a block. For instance, the second operation may arrive too late to the baker, in which case, the latter might includes the first operation and the second one becomes invalid. Baker / Endorser / Accuser -------------------------- - Added an optional parameter ``--media-type`` to control the ``Accept`` header for RPC requests to the node. This header indicates to the node which format of data serialisation is supported. Possible values are ``json``, ``binary`` and ``any``. - Removed baker, endorser and accuser for Granada. Miscellaneous ------------- - Made the ``file-descriptor-{path,stdout,stderr}://`` event-logging sink more configurable (e.g. filtering per level and per section). The environment variable ``TEZOS_NODE_HOSTNAME`` used for the output of events was renamed to the more appropriate ``TEZOS_EVENT_HOSTNAME``. - Added specific documentation pages about logging for users and developers. - Some RPC entry points are stricter about their inputs. Specifically, some RPCs where only positive integers would make sense will now error when provided negative values (instead of, e.g., returning empty results). - Added diffing functionality to the Micheline library. It allows to compare Micheline expressions whose primitives are ``strings``. The difference is returned as another Micheline expression annotated appropriately in places where compared values differ. Version 11.1 ============ - Octez can now be compiled using opam 2.1 instead of requiring opam 2.0. - ADX instructions have been disabled in Docker images and static binaries. This makes it possible to use them on older CPUs. - Fixed an incorrect behaviour of the store which could cause the node to freeze for a few seconds. - Reduced the memory consumption of the snapshot import. Version 11.0 ============ No changes compared to 11.0~rc2. Version 11.0~rc2 ================ - Included fixes from version 10.3. Node ---- - Added protocol Hangzhou2 (``PtHangz2``), which is a modified version of Hangzhou (``PtHangzH``) with a number of critical bug fixes. - Added a user-activated protocol override from Hangzhou (``PtHangzH``) to Hangzhou2 (``PtHangz2``) on Mainnet. This means that nodes using version 11.0~rc2 will activate Hangzhou2 instead of Hangzhou if Hangzhou was to be activated by the on-chain governance process. - As the Hangzhounet test network was restarted to use ``PtHangz2`` instead of ``PtHangzH``, the ``hangzhounet`` network alias now contains the configuration to connect to this restarted Hangzhounet. - Bumped the network version to 2. - Added early block advertisement based on a precheck mechanism to improve the propagation time in the network. This mechanism is only available for nodes with a network version of 2. - The default allocation policy for the OCaml runtime is now ``2`` (also called ``best-fit``). The previous value was ``0``. This new policy gives the best compromise in terms of performances and memory consumption. This policy can be changed using the ``OCAMLRUNPARAM`` environment variable. For example, to set back this value to ``0``, one can do ``OCAMLRUNPARAM="a=0"``. More information on this environment variable can be found `here `__. - Improved the performance of the ``raw/bytes`` RPC call. In particular, this prevents stack overflows that could happen because of the flattened context if Hangzhou2 is activated. - Improved the performance of the context flattening migration that will happen if Hangzhou2 is activated. In particular, this reduces how much memory is needed by this operation. - Fixed issue #1930: during decoding, the validity of Micheline annotations is enforced. - Improved the snapshot export mechanism by reducing both the export time and the memory footprint. - Added new RPCs to inspect the storage status: - GET ``/chains/main/levels/checkpoint``: checkpoint block hash and level. - GET ``/chains/main/levels/savepoint``: savepoint block hash and level. - GET ``/chains/main/levels/caboose``: caboose block hash and level. - GET ``/config/history_mode``: history mode of the node. - Deprecated the ``/chains/main/checkpoint`` RPC. It may be deleted starting from v12.0. - The field ``backlog`` of the following RPCs is deprecated and may be deleted starting from v12.0: - ``/workers/block_validator`` - ``/workers/chain_validators`` - ``/workers/chain_validators/`` - ``/workers/chain_validator//peer_validators`` - ``/workers/chain_validator//peer_validators/`` - ``/workers/prevalidators`` - The following paths of the node configuration format are deprecated and may be deleted starting from v12.0: - ``shell.chain_validator.limits.worker_backlog_size`` - ``shell.chain_validator.limits.worker_backlog_level`` - ``shell.peer_validator.limits.worker_backlog_size`` - ``shell.peer_validator.limits.worker_backlog_level`` - ``shell.prevalidator.limits.worker_backlog_size`` - ``shell.prevalidator.limits.worker_backlog_level`` - ``shell.block_validator.limits.worker_backlog_size`` - ``shell.block_validator.limits.worker_backlog_level`` - The ``octez-admin-client show current checkpoint`` command now only outputs the current checkpoint. It no longer outputs the savepoint, caboose and history mode. - When calling the ``/chains//blocks//helpers/preapply`` RPC, the preapplication is now done by the external validator process instead of the main node process. This allows the external validator to cache the result. If later the block is applied, this cache is then used to optimize the application of the block. - Fixed an inconsistency of the cache internal counter between the baker and the node when the cache has been emptied. Version 11.0~rc1 ================ Node ---- - **Breaking change**: updated the output of the ``/stats/gc`` RPC entry point: it now also reports the number of full major collections made by the OCaml garbage collector. - **Breaking change**: updated the encoding of chain validator events. The output of RPC ``GET /workers/chain_validators/`` was modified as a result. - Updated RPC ``GET /workers/prevalidators``: field ``backlog`` now always returns an empty list. The events in this backlog can now be obtained either via stdout, or by configuring a new sink for events via the environment variable ``TEZOS_EVENTS_CONFIG`` (to be set before launching the node). - Updated RPC ``GET /chains//mempool/monitor_operation``: output was extended to include operation hashes (field name is ``hash``) and errors (field name is ``error``) when the operation is classified as ``Branch_delayed``, ``Branch_refused`` or ``Refused``. - Improved how the distributed database (DDB) handles the mempool cache. This should make the DDB RAM consumption strongly correlated to the one of the mempool. - Fixed wrong error message in case of P2P network address binding collision. - Added new RPCs to ban/unban operations locally. - POST ``/chains//mempool/ban_operation``: ban a given operation hash. The operation is removed from the mempool, and its effect is reverted if it was applied. It is also added to the prevalidator's set of banned operations, to prevent it from being fetched/processed/injected in the future. - POST ``/chains//mempool/unban_operation``: unban a given operation hash, removing it from the prevalidator's set of banned operations. Nothing happens if the operation was not banned. - POST ``/chains//mempool/unban_all_operations``: unban all operations, i.e. clear the set of banned operations. - Added the possibility to use the ``~``, ``-`` and ``+`` operators when querying blocks by their level using the ``/chains/.../blocks/`` RPC. For instance, ``/chains/main/blocks/41+1`` requests the block at level 42. Before this change, these notations were only available with aliases (such as ``head-1``). - Added the possibility to use the ``+`` operator when specifying the block to export, using the ``--block`` argument of the snapshot export command. Before, only ``~`` and ``-`` were allowed. - Fixed a bug where the mempool forgot about ``refused`` operations on flush, leading to these operations being potentially reevaluated in the future (e.g. if they are advertised again by a peer). - Removed the built-in network aliases for Edonet and Florencenet, since Edo and Florence have been replaced by Granada. - Added a built-in network alias for Hangzhounet. Client ------ - Disabled indentation checking by default in the ``octez-client convert script`` and ``octez-client hash script`` commands. In particular, ``octez-client convert script