Tip revision: e6a0334445b5755bb52a0d2209120ee4e251e7b4 authored by Joao Sollari Lopes on 13 November 2017, 18:32:56 UTC
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Tip revision: e6a0334
@author: joao lopes
@workplace: Reading University
@date: 1th May 2009
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "mylib.h"
#define MAXSSTATS 15 //number of possible used summary statistics
#define MAXSSTATS_M 6 //number of possible used summary statistics for Microssatelites
#define MAXSSTATS_S 9 //number of possible used summary statistics for Sequence Data
// struct used to save the information about a gene tree
struct data{
int npop; //number of populations
int nloc; //number of loci
int **nsamp; //pointer to a 2d-array(population, number of samples)
int *tsamp; //total number of samples per loci
int ***freq; //frequency of the diferent haplotypes by loci by pop
int *ldna; //array that gives the number of all the diferent haplotypes by loci
int *Nmax; //maximum number of the diferent haplotypes
//only used in microssatelites analysis
int **valM; //all the diferent haplotypes by loci
//only used in dna sequence analysis
int *lsites; //array(number of sites of the dna sequency (number of mutations), loci)
char ***valS; //2d-array(all the diferent haplotypes, loci)
Prints the summary statistics to a char array (Microsatellites)
Defined in summStats.c
@param data - struture with the informations about a genealogical tree
@param lsstats - list of the used sstats (0-absent;1-present)
@param outp - string that will store the summary statistics
@param foundSTR - check if STR's are present in the study
@param foundSNP - check if SNP's are present in the study
@param ltype - DNA type per loci
void summStats(struct data *data,int *lsstats,char *outp,int foundSTR,int foundSNP,char *ltype);
#endif /*MAKETARGET_H_*/