import sys import os from platform import system import psutil import webbrowser from time import sleep from subprocess import PIPE, Popen from ..core.helpers import console from ..parameters import NAME, VERSION from import findApp, findAppConfig from .command import ( argDebug, argCheck, argNoweb, argDocker, argLocalClones, argModules, argSets, argParam, ) from .kernel import TF_DONE, TF_ERROR HELP = ''' USAGE text-fabric --help text-fabric --version text-fabric datasource [-lgc] [-d] [-c] [-noweb] [-docker] [--mod=modules] [--set=file] text-fabric -k [datasource] EFFECT If a datasource is given and the -k flag is not passed, a TF kernel for that data source is started. When the TF kernel is ready, a web server is started serving a website that exposes the data through a query interface. The website can be served or on the internet. The default browser will be opened, except when -noweb is passed. --mod=modules Optionally, you can pass a comma-separated list of modules. Modules are extra sets of features on top op the chosen data source. You specify a module by giving the github repository where it is created, in the form {org}/{repo}/{path} where {org} is the github organization, {repo} the name of the repository in that organization {path} the path to the data within that repo. It is assumed that the data is stored in directories under {path}, where the directories are named as the versions that exists in the main data source. --set=file Optionally, you can pass a file name with the definition of custom sets in it. This must be a dictionary were the keys are names of sets, and the values are node sets. This dictionary will be passed to the TF kernel, which will use it when it runs queries. DATA LOADING Text-Fabric looks for data in ~/text-fabric-data. If data is not found there, it first downloads the relevant data from github. -lgc Look for data first in local github clones under ~/github. If data is not found there, get data in the normal way. -c Check for data updates online. If a newer release of the data is found, it will be downloaded. MISCELLANEOUS -d Debug mode. For developers of Text-Fabric itself. The web server reloads when its code changes. The web server is a Flask instance, started with reload=True. -noweb Do not start the default browser -docker Assume you are on docker. The local web server is passed as host. CLEAN UP If you press Ctrl-C the web server is stopped, and after that the TF kernel as well. Normally, you do not have to do any clean up. But if the termination is done in an irregular way, you may end up with stray processes. -k Kill mode. If a data source is given, the TF kernel and web server for that data source are killed. Without a data source, all local webinterface related processes are killed. ''' FLAGS = set(''' -c -d -lgc -noweb -docker '''.strip().split()) BANNER = f'This is {NAME} {VERSION}' def filterProcess(proc): procName =['name'] commandName = '' if procName is None else procName.lower() # commandName =['name'].lower() found = False kind = None modules = '' sets = '' dataSource = None trigger = 'python' if commandName.endswith(trigger) or commandName.endswith(f'{trigger}.exe'): good = False parts = proc.cmdline() for part in parts: part = part.lower() if part in FLAGS: continue trigger = 'text-fabric' if part.endswith(trigger) or part.endswith(f'{trigger}.exe'): kind = 'tf' continue if part == 'tf.server.kernel': kind = 'data' good = True continue if part == 'tf.server.web': kind = 'web' good = True continue if part.endswith(''): kind = 'web' good = True continue if kind in {'data', 'web', 'tf'}: if kind == 'tf' and part == '-k': break if part.startswith('--mod='): modules = part elif part.startswith('--sets='): sets = part else: dataSource = part good = True if good: found = True if found: return (kind, dataSource, modules, sets) return False def killProcesses(dataSource, modules, sets, kill=False): tfProcs = {} for proc in psutil.process_iter(attrs=['pid', 'name']): test = filterProcess(proc) if test: (kind, ds, mods, sts) = test tfProcs.setdefault((ds, (mods, sts)), {}).setdefault(kind, []).append(['pid']) item = 'killed' if kill else 'terminated' myself = os.getpid() for ((ds, (mods, sets)), kinds) in tfProcs.items(): if dataSource is None or (ds == dataSource and mods == modules and sts == sets): checkKinds = ('data', 'web', 'tf') for kind in checkKinds: pids = kinds.get(kind, []) for pid in pids: if pid == myself: continue try: proc = psutil.Process(pid=pid) if kill: proc.kill() else: proc.terminate() console(f'Process {kind} server for {ds}: {item}') except psutil.NoSuchProcess: console(f'Process {kind} server for {ds}: already {item}', error=True) def getKill(cargs=sys.argv): for arg in cargs[1:]: if arg == '-k': return True return False def main(cargs=sys.argv): console(BANNER) if len(cargs) >= 2 and any(arg in {'--help', '-help', '-h', '?', '-?'} for arg in cargs[1:]): console(HELP) return if len(cargs) >= 2 and any(arg in {'--version', '-version', '-v'} for arg in cargs[1:]): return isWin = system().lower().startswith('win') kill = getKill(cargs=cargs) dataSource = argParam(cargs=cargs, interactive=not kill) modules = argModules(cargs=cargs) sets = argSets(cargs=cargs) if kill: if dataSource is False: return killProcesses(dataSource, modules, sets) return noweb = argNoweb(cargs=cargs) debug = argDebug(cargs=cargs) docker = argDocker(cargs=cargs) check = argCheck(cargs=cargs) lgc = argLocalClones(cargs=cargs) kdataSource = ('-lgc', dataSource) if lgc else (dataSource, ) kdataSource = ('-c', *kdataSource) if check else kdataSource kdataSource = (modules, *kdataSource) if modules else kdataSource kdataSource = (sets, *kdataSource) if sets else kdataSource ddataSource = ('-d', dataSource) if debug else (dataSource, ) ddataSource = ('-docker', *ddataSource) if docker else ddataSource ddataSource = ('-lgc', *ddataSource) if lgc else ddataSource ddataSource = (modules, *ddataSource) if modules else ddataSource if dataSource is not None: (commit, appDir) = findApp(dataSource, lgc, check) if appDir is None: return config = findAppConfig(dataSource, appDir) pKernel = None pWeb = None if config is None: return console(f'Cleaning up remnant processes, if any ...') killProcesses(dataSource, modules, sets, kill=True) pythonExe = 'python' if isWin else 'python3' pKernel = Popen( [pythonExe, '-m', 'tf.server.kernel', *kdataSource], stdout=PIPE, bufsize=1, encoding='utf-8', ) console(f'Loading data for {dataSource}. Please wait ...') for line in pKernel.stdout: sys.stdout.write(line) if line.rstrip() == TF_ERROR: return if line.rstrip() == TF_DONE: break sleep(1) pWeb = Popen( [pythonExe, '-m', f'tf.server.web', *ddataSource], bufsize=0, ) if not noweb: sleep(1) console(f'Opening {dataSource} in browser') f'{config.PROTOCOL}{config.HOST}:{config.PORT["web"]}', new=2, autoraise=True, ) if pWeb and pKernel: try: for line in pKernel.stdout: sys.stdout.write(line) except KeyboardInterrupt: console('') if pWeb: pWeb.terminate() console('TF web server has stopped') if pKernel: pKernel.terminate() for line in pKernel.stdout: sys.stdout.write(line) console('TF kernel has stopped') if __name__ == "__main__": main()