// word2md - Word to Markdown conversion tool // // word2md converts a Microsoft Word document to Markdown formatted text. The tool uses the // Word Automation APIs to start an instance of Word and access the contents of the document // being converted. The tool must be run using the cscript.exe script host and requires Word // to be installed on the target machine. The name of the document to convert must be specified // as a command line argument and the resulting Markdown is written to standard output. The // tool recognizes the specific Word styles used in the TypeScript Language Specification. /// // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/triple-slash-reference /// /** @type {{ args: string[]; createObject: (typeName: string) => any; write(s: string): void; writeFile: (fileName: string, data: string) => void; }} */ const sys = (() => { const fileStream = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream"); fileStream.Type = 2 /* text */; const binaryStream = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream"); binaryStream.Type = 1 /* binary */; const args = []; for (let i = 0; i < WScript.Arguments.length; i++) { args[i] = WScript.Arguments.Item(i); } return { args, createObject: (typeName) => new ActiveXObject(typeName), write(s) { WScript.StdOut.Write(s); }, writeFile: (fileName, data) => { fileStream.Open(); binaryStream.Open(); try { // Write characters in UTF-8 encoding fileStream.Charset = "utf-8"; fileStream.WriteText(data); // We don't want the BOM, skip it by setting the starting location to 3 (size of BOM). fileStream.Position = 3; fileStream.CopyTo(binaryStream); binaryStream.SaveToFile(fileName, 2 /*overwrite*/); } finally { binaryStream.Close(); fileStream.Close(); } } }; })(); /** @typedef {{ style?: any; font?: { bold?: boolean; italic?: boolean; subscript?: boolean; }; }} FindReplaceOptions */ void 0; /** * @param {Word.Document} doc * @returns {string} */ function convertDocumentToMarkdown(doc) { /** @type {number[]} */ const columnAlignment = []; /** @type {number} */ let tableColumnCount; /** @type {number} */ let tableCellIndex; /** @type {boolean} */ let lastInTable; /** @type {string} */ let lastStyle; let result = ""; /** * @param {any} target * @param {any} properties */ function setProperties(target, properties) { for (const name in properties) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(properties, name)) { const value = properties[name]; if (typeof value === "object") { setProperties(target[name], value); } else { target[name] = value; } } } } /** * @param {string} findText * @param {FindReplaceOptions} findOptions * @param {string} replaceText * @param {FindReplaceOptions} replaceOptions */ function findReplace(findText, findOptions, replaceText, replaceOptions) { const find = doc.range().find; find.clearFormatting(); setProperties(find, findOptions); const replace = find.replacement; replace.clearFormatting(); setProperties(replace, replaceOptions); find.execute(findText, /* matchCase */ false, /* matchWholeWord */ false, /* matchWildcards */ false, /* matchSoundsLike */ false, /* matchAllWordForms */ false, /* forward */ true, 0, /* format */ true, replaceText, 2 ); } function fixHyperlinks() { const count = doc.hyperlinks.count; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { const hyperlink = doc.hyperlinks.item(i + 1); const address = hyperlink.address; if (address && address.length > 0) { const textToDisplay = hyperlink.textToDisplay; hyperlink.textToDisplay = "[" + textToDisplay + "](" + address + ")"; } } } /** * @param {string} s */ function write(s) { result += s; } function writeTableHeader() { for (let i = 0; i < tableColumnCount - 1; i++) { switch (columnAlignment[i]) { case 1: write("|:---:"); break; case 2: write("|---:"); break; default: write("|---"); } } write("|\n"); } /** * @param {string} text */ function trimEndFormattingMarks(text) { let i = text.length; while (i > 0 && text.charCodeAt(i - 1) < 0x20) i--; return text.substr(0, i); } function writeBlockEnd() { switch (lastStyle) { case "Code": write("```\n\n"); break; case "List Paragraph": case "Table": case "TOC": write("\n"); break; } } /** * @param {Word.Paragraph} p */ function writeParagraph(p) { const range = p.range; const inTable = range.tables.count > 0; const sectionBreak = range.text.indexOf("\x0C") >= 0; let level = 1; let style = p.style.nameLocal; let text = range.text; text = trimEndFormattingMarks(text); if (text === "/") { // An inline image shows up in the text as a "/". When we see a paragraph // consisting of nothing but "/", we check to see if the paragraph contains // hidden text and, if so, emit that instead. The hidden text is assumed to // contain an appropriate markdown image link. range.textRetrievalMode.includeHiddenText = true; const fullText = range.text; range.textRetrievalMode.includeHiddenText = false; if (text !== fullText) { text = "  " + fullText.substr(1); } } if (inTable) { style = "Table"; } else if (style.match(/\s\d$/)) { level = +style.substr(style.length - 1); style = style.substr(0, style.length - 2); } if (lastStyle && style !== lastStyle) { writeBlockEnd(); } switch (style) { case "Heading": case "Appendix": const section = range.listFormat.listString; write("####".substr(0, level) + ' ' + section + " " + text + "\n\n"); break; case "Normal": if (text.length) { write(text + "\n\n"); } break; case "List Paragraph": write(" ".substr(0, range.listFormat.listLevelNumber * 2 - 2) + "* " + text + "\n"); break; case "Grammar": write("  " + text.replace(/\s\s\s/g, " ").replace(/\x0B/g, " \n   ") + "\n\n"); break; case "Code": if (lastStyle !== "Code") { write("```TypeScript\n"); } else { write("\n"); } write(text.replace(/\x0B/g, " \n") + "\n"); break; case "Table": if (!lastInTable) { tableColumnCount = range.tables.item(1).columns.count + 1; tableCellIndex = 0; } if (tableCellIndex < tableColumnCount) { columnAlignment[tableCellIndex] = p.alignment; } write("|" + text); tableCellIndex++; if (tableCellIndex % tableColumnCount === 0) { write("\n"); if (tableCellIndex === tableColumnCount) { writeTableHeader(); } } break; case "TOC Heading": write("## " + text + "\n\n"); break; case "TOC": const strings = text.split("\t"); write(" ".substr(0, level * 2 - 2) + "* [" + strings[0] + " " + strings[1] + "](#" + strings[0] + ")\n"); break; } if (sectionBreak) { write("
\n\n"); } lastStyle = style; lastInTable = inTable; } function writeDocument() { const title = doc.builtInDocumentProperties.item(1) + ""; if (title.length) { write("# " + title + "\n\n"); } for (let p = doc.paragraphs.first; p; p = p.next()) { writeParagraph(p); } writeBlockEnd(); } findReplace("<", {}, "<", {}); findReplace("<", { style: "Code" }, "<", {}); findReplace("<", { style: "Code Fragment" }, "<", {}); findReplace("<", { style: "Terminal" }, "<", {}); findReplace("", { font: { subscript: true } }, "^&", { font: { subscript: false } }); findReplace("", { style: "Code Fragment" }, "`^&`", { style: -66 /* default font */ }); findReplace("", { style: "Production" }, "*^&*", { style: -66 /* default font */ }); findReplace("", { style: "Terminal" }, "`^&`", { style: -66 /* default font */ }); findReplace("", { font: { bold: true, italic: true } }, "***^&***", { font: { bold: false, italic: false } }); findReplace("", { font: { italic: true } }, "*^&*", { font: { italic: false } }); doc.fields.toggleShowCodes(); findReplace("^19 REF", {}, "[^&](#^&)", {}); doc.fields.toggleShowCodes(); fixHyperlinks(); writeDocument(); result = result.replace(/\x85/g, "\u2026"); result = result.replace(/\x96/g, "\u2013"); result = result.replace(/\x97/g, "\u2014"); return result; } /** * @param {string[]} args */ function main(args) { if (args.length !== 2) { sys.write("Syntax: word2md \n"); return; } /** @type {Word.Application} */ const app = sys.createObject("Word.Application"); const doc = app.documents.open(args[0]); sys.writeFile(args[1], convertDocumentToMarkdown(doc)); doc.close(/* saveChanges */ false); app.quit(); } main(sys.args);