Raw File
#	quadclass.S
#	Class 'quad' to define quadrature schemes
#	in (rectangular) windows in two dimensions.
#	$Revision: 4.7 $	$Date: 2004/01/27 07:03:53 $
# An object of class 'quad' contains the following entries:
#	$data:	an object of class 'ppp'
#		defining the OBSERVATION window, 
#		giving the locations (& marks) of the data points.
#	$dummy:	object of class 'ppp'
#		defining the QUADRATURE window, 
#		giving the locations (& marks) of the dummy points.
#	$w: 	vector giving the nonnegative weights for the
#		data and dummy points (data first, followed by dummy)
#		w may also have an attribute attr(w, "zeroes")
#               equivalent to (w == 0). If this is absent
#               then all points are known to have positive weights.
#       $param:
#               parameters that were used to compute the weights
#               and possibly to create the dummy points (see below).
#       The combined (data+dummy) vectors of x, y coordinates of the points, 
#       and their weights, are extracted using standard functions 
#       x.quad(), y.quad(), w.quad() etc.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Note about parameters:
#       If the quadrature scheme was created by quadscheme(),
#       then $param contains
#           $param$weight
#                list containing the values of all parameters
#                actually used to compute the weights.
#           $param$dummy
#                list containing the values of all parameters
#                actually used to construct the dummy pattern
#                via default.dummy();
#                or NULL if the dummy pattern was provided externally
#   If you constructed the quadrature scheme manually, this
#   structure may not be present.

quad <- function(data, dummy, w, param=NULL) {
  data <- as.ppp(data)
  dummy <- as.ppp(dummy)

  n <- data$n + dummy$n
    w <- rep(1, n)
  else {
    w <- as.vector(w)
    if(length(w) != n)
      stop("length of weights vector w is not equal to total number of points")

  if(is.null(attr(w, "zeroes")) && any( w == 0))
	attr(w, "zeroes") <- (w == 0)

  Q <- list(data=data, dummy=dummy, w=w, param=param)
  class(Q) <- "quad"


# ------------------ extractor functions ----------------------

x.quad <- function(Q) {
  verifyclass(Q, "quad")
  c(Q$data$x, Q$dummy$x)

y.quad <- function(Q) {
  verifyclass(Q, "quad")
  c(Q$data$y, Q$dummy$y)

w.quad <- function(Q) {
  verifyclass(Q, "quad")

param.quad <- function(Q) {
  verifyclass(Q, "quad")
n.quad <- function(Q) {
  verifyclass(Q, "quad")
  Q$data$n + Q$dummy$n

marks.quad <- function(Q) {
  verifyclass(Q, "quad")
  mdat <- Q$data$marks
  mdum <- Q$dummy$marks
  if(is.null(mdat) && is.null(mdum))
    mdat <- rep(NA, Q$data$n)
    mdum <- rep(NA, Q$dummy$n)
  mall <- c(mdat, mdum)
  if(is.factor(mdat) && is.factor(mdum) && all(levels(mdat) == levels(mdum))) {
    mall <- factor(mall)
    levels(mall) <- levels(mdat)

is.data <- function(Q) {
  verifyclass(Q, "quad")
  return(c(rep(TRUE, Q$data$n),
	   rep(FALSE, Q$dummy$n)))

equals.quad <- function(Q) {
    # return matrix E such that E[i,j] = (X[i] == U[j])
    # where X = Q$data and U = union.quad(Q)
    n <- Q$data$n
    m <- Q$dummy$n
    E <- matrix(FALSE, nrow=n, ncol=n+m)
    diag(E) <- TRUE

union.quad <- function(Q) {
  verifyclass(Q, "quad")
  ppp(x= c(Q$data$x, Q$dummy$x),
      y= c(Q$data$y, Q$dummy$y),
#   Plot a quadrature scheme
plot.quad <- function(x, ..., main=deparse(substitute(x)), dum=list()) {
  verifyclass(x, "quad")
  data <- x$data
  dummy <- x$dummy
  dummyplot <- function(x, ..., pch=".", add=TRUE) {
    plot(x, pch=pch, add=add, ...)
  if(!is.marked(data)) {
    plot(data, main=main, ...)
    do.call("dummyplot", append(list(
                                     main=paste(main, "\n dummy points")
  } else if(is.factor(data$marks)) {
    oldpar <- par(ask = interactive() &&
            (.Device %in% c("X11", "GTK", "windows", "Macintosh")))
    types <- levels(data$marks)
    for(k in types) {
      maink <- paste(main, "\n mark = ", k, sep="")
      plot(unmark(data[data$marks == k]), main=maink, ...)
      do.call("dummyplot", append(list(unmark(dummy[dummy$marks == k])), dum))
  } else {
    plot(data, ..., main=main)
    addplot <- function(x, ..., add=TRUE, main=deparse(substitute(x))) {
      plot(x, ..., main=main, add=add)
    do.call("addplot", append(list(dummy), dum))
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