% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/convertByAnnotationDB.R \name{convertByAnnotationDB} \alias{convertByAnnotationDB} \title{Map indexes using Annotation DB} \usage{ convertByAnnotationDB(es, dbName, columnName, columnType, keyType) } \arguments{ \item{es}{source ExpressionSet} \item{dbName}{name of AnnotationDB file} \item{columnName}{name of column in featureData of source ExpressionSet} \item{columnType}{Type of indexes in columnName} \item{keyType}{Type of mapped indexes} } \value{ JSON object with a vector of converted IDs } \description{ \code{createES} function creates an rds file containing meta information of provided sqlite files for AnnotationDB } \examples{ \dontrun{ } }