MD_PREPROCESSOR := sed -e 's/{DATE}/$(shell date '+%Y-%m')/g' include lib/ lib/ ifneq (,$(shell git submodule status lib 2>/dev/null)) git submodule sync git submodule update --init else git clone -q --depth 10 -b master lib endif latest:: lint .PHONY: lint lint:: @err=0; for f in draft-*.md ; do \ if cat "$$f" | (l=0; while read -r a; do l=$$(($$l + 1)); echo -E "$$l:$$a"; done) | \ sed -e '1,/--- abstract/d;/^[0-9]*: *|/d' | tr -d '\r' | grep '^[0-9]*:.\{81\}'; then \ echo "$$f contains a line with >80 characters"; err=1; \ fi; \ if cat "$$f" | (l=0; while read -r a; do l=$$(($$l + 1)); echo -E "$$l:$$a"; done) | \ sed -e '/^[0-9]*:~~~/,/^[0-9]*:~~~/p;/^[0-9]*:```/,/^[0-9]*:```/p;d' | \ tr -d '\r' | grep '^[0-9]*:.\{70\}'; then \ echo "$$f contains a figure with >69 characters"; err=1; \ fi; \ done; [ "$$err" -eq 0 ]