Chaste File Formats


File defining 1D elements that can be used in a MixedDimensionMesh. It has almost the same format as a .ele file. The difference is that the attribute field (rightmost column) of the .cab file is a floating point number (rather than a non-negative integer). This attribute represents the radius of the cable element.
This extension is used as a flexible format for several purposes. They are all, however, data files with a similar structure suitable for plotting with Gnuplot.
Edge file for Triangle or Tetgen format meshes.
Element file for Triangle or Tetgen format meshes.
CMGUI node format, see the Cmgui guide.
CMGUI element format, see the Cmgui guide.
Faces file for Tetgen format meshes.
HDF5 format used for cardiac simulation results. HDF5 represents data in a hierarchical way. Each file contains different datasets, with each dataset containing dataspaces and attributes. Every HDF5 file generated by Chaste defines two main datasets: The program h5dump (if installed) can be used to view the contents of small HDF5 files. Larger datasets can be converted to Meshalyzer, CMGUI or VTK readable files using the classes Hdf5ToMeshalyzerConverter, Hdf5ToCmguiConverter or Hdf5ToVtkConverter. One of these is generally called at the end of a cardiac simulation that writes HDF5 data.
There are 3 different sorts of .info file:
  1. is read and written by the cardiac archiving code, and is not for user consumption.
  2. The ColumnDataWriter also creates a .info file, to tell it how many variables of different types there are.
  3. The final kind, named "", is created by the cardiac post-processing code, to give a human readable summary of the timesteps used.
Used for test output.
Node connectivity file for Triangle or Tetgen format meshes. For each mesh node, records which elements contain the node. Note that this file format is not part of the standard Triangle or Tetgen format, but can be created by Chaste and then used to make the mesh load faster in parallel.
Nodes file for Triangle or Tetgen format meshes.
An XML file format used to visualize simulation results in a VTK visualizer. The file format represents a Chaste mesh as a vtkUnstructuredGrid, with each variable represented as point data. The file consists of:


Defines the fibre direction for each element (used for setting up axisymmetric (transversely isotropic) conductivity tensors). For the binary version
Used to specify a list of node numbers (one column) of the nodes belonging to the epicardial surface.
Used to specify a list of node numbers (one column) of the nodes belonging to the endocardial surface.
Used to specify a list of node numbers (one column) of the nodes belonging to the midmyocardial surface.
Defines the fibre, sheet and normal directions for each element (used for setting up orthotropic (anisotropic) conductivity tensors). For the binary version
Meshalyzer (used for visualisation) nodes format. First line is <number of nodes>. Following lines are the nodal coordinates.
Meshalyzer (used for visualisation) triangles format. Represents elements in 2D, and boundary elements in 3D.
Meshalyzer (used for visualisation) elements format.


File format for a saved (archived) simulation.
Details of computer setup for a particular cell_based chaste simulation. This contains information on versions of libraries used and the revision of the Chaste code.
Details of all the classes and parameters used in a cell_based chaste simulation.
General format of results files written by cell writer classes, which include a range of different properties of cells at each printing timestep. These take different formats but, as a representative example, the file cellages.dat (which is written using the class CellAgesWriter) consists of space-separated lines of the form [time] [location index] [cell 0 x-pos] [cell 0 y-pos] [cell 0 z-pos] [cell 0 age] [cell 1 x-pos] [cell 1 y-pos] [cell 1 z-pos] [cell 1 age].... Note that if VTK output is switched on, then cell writer objects also output VTK data for the cell population at each printing timestep.
General format of results files written by cell_based chaste for the and programs.
The ancestor index of each cell at each timestep in a CellBasedSimulation. Each line has the form time ancestor_1 ancestor_2 ... ancestor_n.
The levels of membrane-bound, cytoplasmic and nuclear beta-catenin in each cell at each timestep in a CryptSimulation2d. Each line has the form time location_index_1 x_1 y_1 b_cat_membrane_1 b_cat_cytoplasm_1 b_cat_nuclear_1 ... location_index_n x_n y_n b_cat_membrane_n b_cat_cytoplasm_n b_cat_nuclear_n.
Whether each node at each timestep in a CellBasedSimulation is a boundary node. Each line has the form time bool_1 bool_2 ... bool_n.
The cell type of each cell at each timestep in a CellBasedSimulation. Each line has the form time c_1 c_2 ... c_n.
The cell cycle phase that each cell is in at each timestep in a CellBasedSimulation. Each line has the form time p_1 p_2 ... p_n.
The solution to a PDE, associated with a CellBasedSimulation, which is solved on a 'coarse' mesh for efficiency. In 2D, each line has the form time coarse_mesh_node_index_1 coarse_mesh_node_x_1 coarse_mesh_node_y_1 solution_at_coarse_mesh_node_1 ... coarse_mesh_node_index_n coarse_mesh_node_x_n coarse_mesh_node_y_n solution_at_coarse_mesh_node_n.
The nodes associated with each element at each timestep in a CellBasedSimulation. For a mesh-based simulation (visualised with Visualize2dCentreCells) where elements have exactly 3 nodes, each line has the form time element1_node1 element1_node2 element1_node3 ... elementn_node1 elementn_node2 elementn_node3. For a vertex or Potts simulation (visualised with Visualize2dVertexCells) where elements have varying numbers of node, each line has the form time element1_size element1_node1 element1_node2 element1_node3 element1_node4 ... elementn_size elementn_node1 elementn_node2 elementn_node3.
The location of each cell each timestep in a CaBasedCellPopulation, which allows for multiple occupancy of lattice sites. Each line has the form time location_index_1 ... location_index_n Also used in MeshBasedCellPopulationWithGhostNodes to indicate which nodes have cells attached.
The position of each node at each timestep in a CellBasedSimulation. Each line has the form time x_1 ... x_n in 1D, time x_1 y_1 ... x_n y_n in 2D and time x_1 y_1 z_1... x_n y_n z_n in 3D.
The solution to a PDE, associated with a CellBasedSimulation, which is solved on a 'coarse' mesh for efficiency. In 2D, each line has the form time location_index_1 x_1 y_1 solution_1 ... location_index_n x_n y_n solution_n.
The cell_based visualiser setup file. This contains such things as mesh_width for periodic simulations.
The stress distribution in a MeshBasedCellPopulation, measured by the extremal normal forces on each cell. Each line has the form time location_index_1 x_1 y_1 minimum_normal_force_1 maximum_normal_force_1 ... location_index_n x_n y_n minimum_normal_force_n maximum_normal_force_n.