Raw File
\title{Urkiola Woods Point Pattern}
  Locations of birch (\emph{Betula celtiberica}) and
  oak (\emph{Quercus robur}) trees  in a secondary wood in
  Urkiola Natural Park (Basque country, northern Spain). 
  They are part of a more extensive dataset collected
  and analysed by Laskurain (2008). The coordinates of the trees
  are given in meters. 
  An object of class \code{"ppp"} representing the point pattern of
  tree locations. Entries include
    \item{x}{Cartesian x-coordinate of tree}
    \item{y}{Cartesian y-coordinate of tree }
    \item{marks}{factor indicating species of each tree}
  The levels of \code{marks} are \code{birch} and \code{oak}.
  See \code{\link{ppp.object}}  for details of the format of a ppp object. 
\source{N.A. Laskurain. Kindly formatted and communicated by M. de la Cruz Rot}
  \enc{Laskurain, N. A. (2008)
    \emph{Dinámica espacio-temporal de un bosque secundario en el Parque
      Natural de Urkiola (Bizkaia).} 
    Tesis Doctoral. Universidad del País Vasco /Euskal Herriko
    Laskurain, N. A. (2008)
    \emph{Dinamica espacio-temporal de un bosque secundario en el Parque
      Natural de Urkiola (Bizkaia).} 
    Tesis Doctoral. Universidad del Pais Vasco /Euskal Herriko
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