(* Copyright (c) - 2012-2014 - IMDEA Software Institute and INRIA * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B license *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) open EcUtils open EcPath (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type graph = { tcg_nodes : Sp.t Mp.t; tcg_closure : Sp.t Mp.t; } type nodes = { tcn_graph : graph; tcn_nodes : Sp.t; } type node = EcPath.path exception CycleDetected (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Graph = struct let empty : graph = { tcg_nodes = Mp.empty; tcg_closure = Mp.empty; } let dump gr = Printf.sprintf "%s\n" (String.concat "\n" (List.map (fun (p, ps) -> Printf.sprintf "%s -> %s" (EcPath.tostring p) (String.concat ", " (List.map EcPath.tostring (Sp.elements ps)))) (Mp.bindings gr.tcg_nodes))) let has_path ~src ~dst g = if EcPath.p_equal src dst then true else match Mp.find_opt src g.tcg_closure with | None -> false | Some m -> Mp.mem dst m let add ~src ~dst g = if has_path dst src g then raise CycleDetected; match Mp.find_opt src g.tcg_nodes with | Some m when Mp.mem dst m -> g | _ -> let up_node m = Sp.add dst (odfl Sp.empty m) and up_clos m = Sp.union (odfl Sp.empty (Mp.find_opt dst g.tcg_closure)) (Sp.add dst (odfl Sp.empty m)) in { g with tcg_nodes = Mp.change (some -| up_node) src g.tcg_nodes; tcg_closure = Mp.change (some -| up_clos) src g.tcg_closure; } end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Nodes = struct let empty g = { tcn_graph = g; tcn_nodes = Sp.empty; } let add n nodes = let module E = struct exception Discard end in try let aout = Sp.filter (fun p -> if Graph.has_path p n nodes.tcn_graph then raise E.Discard; not (Graph.has_path n p nodes.tcn_graph)) nodes.tcn_nodes in { nodes with tcn_nodes = Sp.add n aout } with E.Discard -> nodes let toset nodes = nodes.tcn_nodes let reduce set g = toset (Sp.fold add set (empty g)) end