# Project Development Dependencies. This is directory which stores Go modules with pinned buildable package that is used within this repository, managed by https://github.com/bwplotka/bingo. - Run `bingo get` to install all tools having each own module file in this directory. - Run `bingo get ` to install that have own module file in this directory. - For Makefile: Make sure to put `include .bingo/Variables.mk` in your Makefile, then use $() variable where is the .bingo/.mod. - For shell: Run `source .bingo/variables.env` to source all environment variable for each tool. - For go: Import `.bingo/variables.go` to for variable names. - See https://github.com/bwplotka/bingo or -h on how to add, remove or change binaries dependencies. ## Requirements - Go 1.14+