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SQCT -- Single Qubit Circuit Toolkit


You will need the following libraries installed on your system: 
1. Boost 1.48
-- program_options 
-- chrono
-- timer
-- system
2. The GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library (gmp and gmpxx)
3. The GNU MPFR Library (mpfr)

Also C++ compiler supporting C++11 is necessary.
Information about program use available through --help option.

The program code based on results of http://arxiv.org/abs/1206.5236. It also implements 
the version of Solovay Kitaev algorithm described in http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0505030. 
In addition to Boost, The GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library, The GNU MPFR Library the library 
mpfr::real by Christian Schneider <software(at)chschneider(dot)eu> is used for high precision
floating point arithmetic. 
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