# # # fv.R # # class "fv" of function value objects # # $Revision: 1.58 $ $Date: 2010/06/16 03:58:41 $ # # # An "fv" object represents one or more related functions # of the same argument, such as different estimates of the K function. # # It is a data.frame with additional attributes # # argu column name of the function argument (typically "r") # # valu column name of the recommended function # # ylab generic label for y axis e.g. K(r) # # fmla default plot formula # # alim recommended range of function argument # # labl recommended xlab/ylab for each column # # desc longer description for each column # # unitname name of unit of length for 'r' # # Objects of this class are returned by Kest(), etc # ################################################################## # creator fv <- function(x, argu="r", ylab=NULL, valu, fmla=NULL, alim=NULL, labl=names(x), desc=NULL, unitname=NULL, fname=NULL, yexp=ylab) { stopifnot(is.data.frame(x)) # check arguments stopifnot(is.character(argu)) if(!is.null(ylab)) stopifnot(is.character(ylab) || is.language(ylab)) if(!missing(yexp)) { if(is.null(yexp)) yexp <- ylab else stopifnot(is.language(yexp)) } stopifnot(is.character(valu)) if(!(argu %in% names(x))) stop(paste(sQuote("argu"), "must be the name of a column of x")) if(!(valu %in% names(x))) stop(paste(sQuote("valu"), "must be the name of a column of x")) if(is.null(fmla)) fmla <- as.formula(paste(valu, "~", argu)) else if(!inherits(fmla, "formula") && !is.character(fmla)) stop(paste(sQuote("fmla"), "should be a formula or a string")) # convert to string fmla <- deparse(fmla) if(is.null(alim)) { argue <- x[[argu]] alim <- range(argue[is.finite(argue)], na.rm=TRUE) } if(!is.numeric(alim) || length(alim) != 2) stop(paste(sQuote("alim"), "should be a vector of length 2")) if(!is.character(labl)) stop(paste(sQuote("labl"), "should be a vector of strings")) stopifnot(length(labl) == ncol(x)) if(is.null(desc)) desc <- character(ncol(x)) else { stopifnot(is.character(desc)) stopifnot(length(desc) == ncol(x)) nbg <- is.na(desc) if(any(nbg)) desc[nbg] <- "" } if(!is.null(fname)) stopifnot(is.character(fname) && length(fname) == 1) # pack attributes attr(x, "argu") <- argu attr(x, "valu") <- valu attr(x, "ylab") <- ylab attr(x, "yexp") <- yexp attr(x, "fmla") <- fmla attr(x, "alim") <- alim attr(x, "labl") <- labl attr(x, "desc") <- desc attr(x, "units") <- as.units(unitname) attr(x, "fname") <- fname attr(x, "dotnames") <- NULL # class(x) <- c("fv", class(x)) return(x) } .Spatstat.FvAttrib <- c( "argu", "valu", "ylab", "yexp", "fmla", "alim", "labl", "desc", "units", "fname", "dotnames") as.data.frame.fv <- function(x, ...) { stopifnot(is.fv(x)) fva <- .Spatstat.FvAttrib attributes(x)[fva] <- NULL class(x) <- "data.frame" x } is.fv <- function(x) { inherits(x, "fv") } as.fv <- function(x) { if(is.fv(x)) return(x) else if(inherits(x, "data.frame")) return(fv(x, names(x)[1], , names(x)[2])) else if(inherits(x, "fasp") && length(x$which) == 1) return(x$fns[[1]]) else stop(paste("Don't know how to convert this to an object of class", sQuote("fv"))) } print.fv <- function(x, ...) { verifyclass(x, "fv") nama <- names(x) a <- attributes(x) cat(paste("Function value object (class ", sQuote("fv"), ")\n", sep="")) if(!is.null(ylab <- a$ylab)) { if(is.language(ylab)) ylab <- deparse(ylab) xlab <- fvlabel(x, a$argu) cat(paste("for the function", xlab, "->", ylab, "\n")) } # Descriptions .. desc <- a$desc # .. may require insertion of ylab if(!is.null(ylab)) desc <- sprintf(desc, ylab) # Labels .. labl <- a$labl # .. may require insertion of function name if it is known if(!is.null(fname <- attr(x, "fname"))) labl <- sprintf(labl, fname) # Start printing cat("Entries:\n") lablen <- nchar(labl) labjump <- max(c(lablen,5)) + 3 idlen <- nchar(nama) idjump <- max(c(idlen,5)) + 3 pad <- function(n) { paste(rep(" ", n), collapse="") } cat("id", pad(idjump-2), "label", pad(labjump - 5), "description\n", sep="") cat("--", pad(idjump-2), "-----", pad(labjump - 5), "-----------\n", sep="") for(j in seq(ncol(x))) cat(paste(nama[j], pad(idjump - idlen[j]), labl[j],pad(labjump - lablen[j]), desc[j],"\n", sep="")) cat("--------------------------------------\n\n") cat("Default plot formula:\n\t") print.formula(as.formula(a$fmla)) alim <- signif(a$alim, 5) rang <- signif(range(with(x, .x)), 5) cat(paste("\nRecommended range of argument ", a$argu, ": ", prange(alim), sep="")) cat(paste("\n Available range of argument ", a$argu, ": ", prange(rang), "\n", sep="")) ledge <- summary(unitname(x))$legend if(!is.null(ledge)) cat(paste(ledge, "\n")) invisible(NULL) } # manipulating the names in fv objects .Spatstat.FvAbbrev <- c( ".x", ".y", ".", "*") fvnames <- function(X, a=".") { verifyclass(X, "fv") if(!is.character(a) || length(a) > 1) stop("argument a must be a character string") switch(a, ".y"={ return(attr(X, "valu")) }, ".x"={ return(attr(X, "argu")) }, "." = { # The specified 'dotnames' dn <- attr(X, "dotnames") if(is.null(dn)) dn <- fvnames(X, "*") return(dn) }, "*"={ # all column names other than the function argument allvars <- names(X) argu <- attr(X, "argu") nam <- allvars[allvars != argu] nam <- rev(nam) # convention return(nam) }, stop(paste("Unrecognised abbreviation", dQuote(a))) ) } "fvnames<-" <- function(X, a=".", value) { verifyclass(X, "fv") if(!is.character(a) || length(a) > 1) stop(paste("argument", sQuote("a"), "must be a character string")) if(a == "*") { warning(paste("Cannot reset fvnames(x,", dQuote("*"), ")")) return(X) } if(a == "." && length(value) == 0) { # clear the dotnames attr(X, "dotnames") <- NULL return(X) } # validate the names switch(a, ".x"=, ".y"={ if(!is.character(value) || length(value) != 1) stop("value should be a single string") }, "."={ if(!is.character(value)) stop("value should be a character vector") }, stop(paste("Unrecognised abbreviation", dQuote(a))) ) # check the names match existing column names tags <- names(X) if(any(nbg <- !(value %in% tags))) stop(paste(ngettext(sum(nbg), "The string", "The strings"), commasep(dQuote(value[nbg])), ngettext(sum(nbg), "does not match the name of any column of X", "do not match the names of any columns of X"))) # reassign names switch(a, ".x"={ attr(X, "argu") <- value }, ".y"={ attr(X, "valu") <- value }, "."={ attr(X, "dotnames") <- value }) return(X) } fvlabel <- function(x, id) { lab <- attr(x, "labl") names(lab) <- names(x) lab[[id]] } bind.fv <- function(x, y, labl=NULL, desc=NULL, preferred=NULL) { verifyclass(x, "fv") a <- attributes(x) if(is.fv(y)) { # y is already an fv object # check compatibility of 'r' values xr <- attr(x, "argu") yr <- attr(y, "argu") rx <- x[[xr]] ry <- y[[yr]] if((length(rx) != length(rx)) || (max(abs(rx-ry)) > .Machine$double.eps)) stop("fv objects x and y have incompatible domains") # reduce y to data frame and strip off 'r' values ystrip <- as.data.frame(y) yrpos <- which(colnames(ystrip) == yr) ystrip <- ystrip[, -yrpos, drop=FALSE] # determine descriptors if(is.null(labl)) labl <- attr(y, "labl")[-yrpos] if(is.null(desc)) desc <- attr(y, "desc")[-yrpos] # y <- ystrip } else { # y is a matrix or data frame y <- as.data.frame(y) } # check for duplicated column names allnames <- c(colnames(x), colnames(y)) if(any(dup <- duplicated(allnames))) { nbg <- unique(allnames[dup]) nn <- length(nbg) warning(paste("The column", ngettext(nn, "name", "names"), commasep(sQuote(nbg)), ngettext(nn, "was", "were"), "duplicated. Unique names were generated")) allnames <- make.names(allnames, unique=TRUE, allow_ = FALSE) colnames(y) <- allnames[ncol(x) + seq(ncol(y))] } if(is.null(labl)) labl <- paste("%s[", colnames(y), "](r)", sep="") else if(length(labl) != ncol(y)) stop(paste("length of", sQuote("labl"), "does not match number of columns of y")) if(is.null(desc)) desc <- character(ncol(y)) else if(length(desc) != ncol(y)) stop(paste("length of", sQuote("desc"), "does not match number of columns of y")) if(is.null(preferred)) preferred <- a$valu xy <- cbind(as.data.frame(x), y) z <- fv(xy, a$argu, a$ylab, preferred, a$fmla, a$alim, c(attr(x, "labl"), labl), c(attr(x, "desc"), desc), unitname=unitname(a), fname=attr(x, "fname")) return(z) } cbind.fv <- function(...) { a <- list(...) n <- length(a) if(n == 0) return(NULL) if(n == 1) { # single argument - extract it a <- a[[1]] # could be an fv object if(is.fv(a)) return(a) n <- length(a) } z <- a[[1]] if(!is.fv(z)) stop("First argument should be an object of class fv") if(n > 1) for(i in 2:n) z <- bind.fv(z, a[[i]]) return(z) } collapse.fv <- function(..., same=NULL, different=NULL) { x <- list(...) n <- length(x) if(n == 0) return(NULL) if(n == 1) { # single argument - could be a list - extract it x1 <- x[[1]] if(!is.fv(x1)) x <- x1 } if(!all(unlist(lapply(x, is.fv)))) stop("arguments should be objects of class fv") if(is.null(same)) same <- character(0) if(is.null(different)) different <- character(0) if(any(duplicated(c(same, different)))) stop(paste("The arguments", sQuote("same"), "and", sQuote("different"), "should not have entries in common")) either <- c(same, different) # names for different versions versionnames <- names(x) if(is.null(versionnames)) versionnames <- paste("x", seq(length(x)), sep="") shortnames <- abbreviate(versionnames) # extract the common values y <- x[[1]] if(!(fvnames(y, ".y") %in% same)) fvnames(y, ".y") <- same[1] z <- y[, c(fvnames(y, ".x"), same)] dotnames <- same # now merge the different values for(i in seq(length(x))) { # extract values for i-th object xi <- x[[i]] wanted <- (names(xi) %in% different) y <- as.data.frame(xi)[, wanted, drop=FALSE] desc <- attr(xi, "desc")[wanted] labl <- attr(xi, "labl")[wanted] # relabel prefix <- shortnames[i] preamble <- versionnames[i] names(y) <- if(ncol(y) == 1) prefix else paste(prefix,names(y),sep="") dotnames <- c(dotnames, names(y)) # glue onto fv object z <- bind.fv(z, y, labl=paste(prefix, labl, sep=""), desc=paste(preamble, desc)) } fvnames(z, ".") <- dotnames return(z) } # rename one of the columns of an fv object tweak.fv.entry <- function(x, current.tag, new.labl=NULL, new.desc=NULL, new.tag=NULL) { hit <- (names(x) == current.tag) if(!any(hit)) return(x) # update descriptions of column i <- min(which(hit)) if(!is.null(new.labl)) attr(x, "labl")[i] <- new.labl if(!is.null(new.desc)) attr(x, "desc")[i] <- new.desc # adjust column tag if(!is.null(new.tag)) { names(x)[i] <- new.tag # update dotnames dn <- fvnames(x, ".") if(current.tag %in% dn ) { dn[dn == current.tag] <- new.tag fvnames(x, ".") <- dn } # if the tweaked column is the preferred value, adjust accordingly if(attr(x, "valu") == current.tag) attr(x, "valu") <- new.tag # if the tweaked column is the function argument, adjust accordingly if(attr(x, "argu") == current.tag) attr(x, "valu") <- new.tag } return(x) } # change some or all of the auxiliary text in an fv object rebadge.fv <- function(x, new.ylab, new.fname, tags, new.desc, new.labl, new.yexp=new.ylab, new.dotnames, new.preferred, new.formula) { if(!missing(new.ylab)) attr(x, "ylab") <- new.ylab if(!missing(new.yexp) || !missing(new.ylab)) attr(x, "yexp") <- new.yexp if(!missing(new.fname)) attr(x, "fname") <- new.fname if(!missing(tags) && !(missing(new.desc) && missing(new.labl))) { nama <- names(x) desc <- attr(x, "desc") labl <- attr(x, "labl") for(i in seq(length(tags))) if(!is.na(m <- match(tags[i], nama))) { if(!missing(new.desc)) desc[m] <- new.desc[i] if(!missing(new.labl)) labl[m] <- new.labl[i] } attr(x, "desc") <- desc attr(x, "labl") <- labl } if(!missing(new.dotnames)) fvnames(x, ".") <- new.dotnames if(!missing(new.preferred)) { stopifnot(new.preferred %in% names(x)) attr(x, "valu") <- new.preferred } if(!missing(new.formula)) attr(x, "fmla") <- new.formula return(x) } # subset extraction operator "[.fv" <- function(x, i, j, ..., drop=FALSE) { Nindices <- (!missing(i)) + (!missing(j)) if(Nindices == 0) return(x) y <- as.data.frame(x) if(Nindices == 2) z <- y[i, j, drop=FALSE] else if(!missing(i)) z <- y[i, , drop=FALSE] else z <- y[ , j, drop=FALSE] if(missing(j)) selected <- seq(ncol(x)) else { nameindices <- seq(names(x)) names(nameindices) <- names(x) selected <- as.vector(nameindices[j]) } nama <- names(z) argu <- attr(x, "argu") if(!(argu %in% nama)) stop(paste("The function argument", sQuote(argu), "must not be removed")) valu <- attr(x, "valu") if(!(valu %in% nama)) stop(paste("The default column of function values", sQuote(valu), "must not be removed")) # If range of argument was implicitly changed, adjust "alim" alim <- attr(x, "alim") rang <- range(z[[argu]]) alim <- c(max(alim[1], rang[1]), min(alim[2], rang[2])) return(fv(z, argu=attr(x, "argu"), ylab=attr(x, "ylab"), valu=attr(x, "valu"), fmla=attr(x, "fmla"), alim=alim, labl=attr(x, "labl")[selected], desc=attr(x, "desc")[selected], unitname=attr(x, "units"), fname=attr(x,"fname"))) } # method for with() with.fv <- function(data, expr, ..., drop=TRUE) { verifyclass(data, "fv") # convert syntactic expression to 'expression' object e <- as.expression(substitute(expr)) # convert syntactic expression to call elang <- substitute(expr) # expand "." dnames <- fvnames(data, ".") xname <- fvnames(data, ".x") yname <- fvnames(data, ".y") ud <- as.call(lapply(c("cbind", dnames), as.name)) ux <- as.name(xname) uy <- as.name(yname) elang <- eval(substitute(substitute(ee, list(.=ud, .x=ux, .y=uy)), list(ee=elang))) # evaluate expression datadf <- as.data.frame(data) results <- eval(elang, as.list(datadf)) # -------------------- # make sense of the results # nx <- nrow(datadf) # if(!is.matrix(results) && !is.data.frame(results)) { # result is a vector if(length(results) != nx) { # format not understood # warning("Calculation produced a vector of the wrong length") return(results) } # result is a vector of the right length if(drop) return(as.vector(results)) else results <- matrix(results, nrow=nx, ncol=1) } # result is a matrix or data frame if(nrow(results) != nx) { # format not understood - dump the values # warning("Calculation yielded a matrix or data frame of the wrong dimensions") return(results) } # result is a matrix or data frame of the right dimensions # make a new fv object # ensure columns of results have names if(is.null(colnames(results))) colnames(results) <- paste("col", seq(ncol(results)), sep="") resultnames <- colnames(results) # get values of function argument xvalues <- datadf[[xname]] # tack onto result matrix results <- cbind(xvalues, results) colnames(results) <- c(xname, resultnames) results <- data.frame(results) # check for alteration of column names oldnames <- resultnames resultnames <- colnames(results)[-1] if(any(resultnames != oldnames)) warning("some column names were illegal and have been changed") # Build up fv object # decide which of the columns should be the preferred value newyname <- if(yname %in% resultnames) yname else resultnames[1] # construct default plot formula lhs <- resultnames if(length(lhs) > 1) lhs <- paste("cbind", paren(paste(lhs, collapse=", "))) fmla <- as.formula(paste(lhs, "~", xname)) # construct description strings desc <- c(attr(data, "desc")[1], paste("Computed value", resultnames)) # form fv object and return out <- fv(results, argu=xname, valu=newyname, desc=desc, alim=attr(data, "alim"), fmla=fmla, unitname=unitname(data), fname="?") return(out) } # stieltjes integration for fv objects stieltjes <- function(f, M, ...) { # stieltjes integral of f(x) dM(x) if(!is.fv(M)) stop("M must be an object of class fv") if(!is.function(f)) stop("f must be a function") # integration variable argu <- attr(M, "argu") x <- M[[argu]] # values of integrand fx <- f(x, ...) # estimates of measure valuenames <- names(M) [names(M) != argu] Mother <- as.data.frame(M)[, valuenames] # increments of measure dM <- apply(Mother, 2, diff) dM <- rbind(dM, 0) dM[is.na(dM)] <- 0 # integrate f(x) dM(x) results <- apply(fx * dM, 2, sum) return(as.list(results)) }