Tip revision: 99932db9e71d31a76425d68eef7d5859523ca0e4 authored by Konrad Werys on 04 November 2019, 09:33:32 UTC
doc: changes in the documentation
doc: changes in the documentation
Tip revision: 99932db
# cmake copies this file, so you better reload cmake if you change this file and you want everything to be working
resultsMolli: [65.8968, 124.079, 1571.81]
resultsShmolli: [66.73, 129.59, 1601.5 ]
signalMag: [ 55, 49, 29, 22, 51, 61, 64]
signalPha: [ 3348, 3341, 3310, -843, -767, -777, -768]
signs: [ -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
invTimes: [ 100, 180, 260, 1715, 3337, 4907, 6455]