# FORMAT NOT DOCUMENTED YET (parser is urltestparser.js) # Based on http://trac.webkit.org/browser/trunk/LayoutTests/fast/url/script-tests/segments.js http://example\t.\norg http://example.org/foo/bar s:http h:example.org p:/ http://user:pass@foo:21/bar;par?b#c s:http u:user pass:pass h:foo port:21 p:/bar;par q:?b f:#c http:foo.com s:http h:example.org p:/foo/foo.com \t\s\s\s:foo.com\s\s\s\n s:http h:example.org p:/foo/:foo.com \sfoo.com\s\s s:http h:example.org p:/foo/foo.com a:\t\sfoo.com s:a p:\sfoo.com http://f:21/\sb\s?\sd\s#\se\s s:http h:f port:21 p:/%20b%20 q:?%20d%20 f:#\se http://f:/c s:http h:f p:/c http://f:0/c s:http h:f port:0 p:/c http://f:00000000000000/c s:http h:f port:0 p:/c http://f:00000000000000000000080/c s:http h:f p:/c http://f:b/c http://f:\s/c http://f:\n/c s:http h:f p:/c http://f:fifty-two/c http://f:999999/c s:http h:f port:999999 p:/c http://f:\s21\s/\sb\s?\sd\s#\se\s s:http h:example.org p:/foo/bar \s\s\t s:http h:example.org p:/foo/bar :foo.com/ s:http h:example.org p:/foo/:foo.com/ :foo.com\\ s:http h:example.org p:/foo/:foo.com/ : s:http h:example.org p:/foo/: :a s:http h:example.org p:/foo/:a :/ s:http h:example.org p:/foo/:/ :\\ s:http h:example.org p:/foo/:/ :# s:http h:example.org p:/foo/: f:# \# s:http h:example.org p:/foo/bar f:# \#/ s:http h:example.org p:/foo/bar f:#/ \#\\ s:http h:example.org p:/foo/bar f:#\\ \#;? s:http h:example.org p:/foo/bar f:#;? ? s:http h:example.org p:/foo/bar q:? / s:http h:example.org p:/ :23 s:http h:example.org p:/foo/:23 /:23 s:http h:example.org p:/:23 :: s:http h:example.org p:/foo/:: ::23 s:http h:example.org p:/foo/::23 foo:// s:foo h: p:/ http://a:b@c:29/d s:http u:a pass:b h:c port:29 p:/d http::@c:29 s:http h:example.org p:/foo/:@c:29 http://&a:foo(b]c@d:2/ s:http u:&a pass:foo(b]c h:d port:2 p:/ http://::@c@d:2 s:http pass::%40c h:d port:2 p:/ http://foo.com:b@d/ s:http u:foo.com pass:b h:d p:/ http://foo.com/\\@ s:http h:foo.com p://@ http:\\\\foo.com\\ s:http h:foo.com p:/ http:\\\\a\\b:c\\d@foo.com\\ s:http h:a p:/b:c/d@foo.com/ foo:/ s:foo p:/ foo:/bar.com/ s:foo p:/bar.com/ foo:///////// s:foo h: p://///// foo://///////bar.com/ s:foo h: p:///////bar.com/ foo:////:///// s:foo h: p://:///// c:/foo s:c p:/foo //foo/bar s:http h:foo p:/bar http://foo/path;a??e#f#g s:http h:foo p:/path;a q:??e f:#f#g http://foo/abcd?efgh?ijkl s:http h:foo p:/abcd q:?efgh?ijkl http://foo/abcd#foo?bar s:http h:foo p:/abcd f:#foo?bar [61:24:74]:98 s:http h:example.org p:/foo/[61:24:74]:98 http:[61:27]/:foo s:http h:example.org p:/foo/[61:27]/:foo http://[1::2]:3:4 http://2001::1 http://2001::1] http://2001::1]:80 http://[2001::1] s:http h:[2001::1] p:/ http://[2001::1]:80 s:http h:[2001::1] p:/ http:/example.com/ s:http h:example.org p:/example.com/ ftp:/example.com/ s:ftp h:example.com p:/ https:/example.com/ s:https h:example.com p:/ madeupscheme:/example.com/ s:madeupscheme p:/example.com/ file:/example.com/ s:file p:/example.com/ ftps:/example.com/ s:ftps p:/example.com/ gopher:/example.com/ s:gopher h:example.com p:/ ws:/example.com/ s:ws h:example.com p:/ wss:/example.com/ s:wss h:example.com p:/ data:/example.com/ s:data p:/example.com/ javascript:/example.com/ s:javascript p:/example.com/ mailto:/example.com/ s:mailto p:/example.com/ http:example.com/ s:http h:example.org p:/foo/example.com/ ftp:example.com/ s:ftp h:example.com p:/ https:example.com/ s:https h:example.com p:/ madeupscheme:example.com/ s:madeupscheme p:example.com/ ftps:example.com/ s:ftps p:example.com/ gopher:example.com/ s:gopher h:example.com p:/ ws:example.com/ s:ws h:example.com p:/ wss:example.com/ s:wss h:example.com p:/ data:example.com/ s:data p:example.com/ javascript:example.com/ s:javascript p:example.com/ mailto:example.com/ s:mailto p:example.com/ /a/b/c s:http h:example.org p:/a/b/c /a/\s/c s:http h:example.org p:/a/%20/c /a%2fc s:http h:example.org p:/a%2fc /a/%2f/c s:http h:example.org p:/a/%2f/c \#\u03B2 s:http h:example.org p:/foo/bar f:#\u03B2 data:text/html,test#test s:data p:text/html,test f:#test # Based on http://trac.webkit.org/browser/trunk/LayoutTests/fast/url/file.html # Basic canonicalization, uppercase should be converted to lowercase file:c:\\foo\\bar.html file:///tmp/mock/path s:file p:/c:/foo/bar.html # Spaces should fail \s\sFile:c|////foo\\bar.html s:file p:/c:////foo/bar.html # This should fail C|/foo/bar s:file p:/C:/foo/bar # This should fail /C|\\foo\\bar s:file p:/C:/foo/bar //C|/foo/bar s:file p:/C:/foo/bar //server/file s:file h:server p:/file \\\\server\\file s:file h:server p:/file /\\server/file s:file h:server p:/file file:///foo/bar.txt s:file p:/foo/bar.txt file:///home/me s:file p:/home/me // s:file p:/ /// s:file p:/ ///test s:file p:/test file://test s:file h:test p:/ file://localhost s:file h:localhost p:/ file://localhost/ s:file h:localhost p:/ file://localhost/test s:file h:localhost p:/test test s:file p:/tmp/mock/test file:test s:file p:/tmp/mock/test # Based on http://trac.webkit.org/browser/trunk/LayoutTests/fast/url/script-tests/path.js http://example.com/././foo about:blank s:http h:example.com p:/foo http://example.com/./.foo s:http h:example.com p:/.foo http://example.com/foo/. s:http h:example.com p:/foo/ http://example.com/foo/./ s:http h:example.com p:/foo/ http://example.com/foo/bar/.. s:http h:example.com p:/foo/ http://example.com/foo/bar/../ s:http h:example.com p:/foo/ http://example.com/foo/..bar s:http h:example.com p:/foo/..bar http://example.com/foo/bar/../ton s:http h:example.com p:/foo/ton http://example.com/foo/bar/../ton/../../a s:http h:example.com p:/a http://example.com/foo/../../.. s:http h:example.com p:/ http://example.com/foo/../../../ton s:http h:example.com p:/ton http://example.com/foo/%2e s:http h:example.com p:/foo/ http://example.com/foo/%2e%2 s:http h:example.com p:/foo/%2e%2 http://example.com/foo/%2e./%2e%2e/.%2e/%2e.bar s:http h:example.com p:/%2e.bar http://example.com////../.. s:http h:example.com p:// http://example.com/foo/bar//../.. s:http h:example.com p:/foo/ http://example.com/foo/bar//.. s:http h:example.com p:/foo/bar/ http://example.com/foo s:http h:example.com p:/foo http://example.com/%20foo s:http h:example.com p:/%20foo http://example.com/foo% s:http h:example.com p:/foo% http://example.com/foo%2 s:http h:example.com p:/foo%2 http://example.com/foo%2zbar s:http h:example.com p:/foo%2zbar http://example.com/foo%2\u00C2\u00A9zbar s:http h:example.com p:/foo%2%C3%82%C2%A9zbar http://example.com/foo%41%7a s:http h:example.com p:/foo%41%7a http://example.com/foo\t\u0091%91 s:http h:example.com p:/foo%C2%91%91 http://example.com/foo%00%51 s:http h:example.com p:/foo%00%51 http://example.com/(%28:%3A%29) s:http h:example.com p:/(%28:%3A%29) http://example.com/%3A%3a%3C%3c s:http h:example.com p:/%3A%3a%3C%3c http://example.com/foo\tbar s:http h:example.com p:/foobar http://example.com\\\\foo\\\\bar s:http h:example.com p://foo//bar http://example.com/%7Ffp3%3Eju%3Dduvgw%3Dd s:http h:example.com p:/%7Ffp3%3Eju%3Dduvgw%3Dd http://example.com/@asdf%40 s:http h:example.com p:/@asdf%40 http://example.com/\u4F60\u597D\u4F60\u597D s:http h:example.com p:/%E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD%E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD http://example.com/\u2025/foo s:http h:example.com p:/%E2%80%A5/foo http://example.com/\uFEFF/foo s:http h:example.com p:/%EF%BB%BF/foo http://example.com/\u202E/foo/\u202D/bar s:http h:example.com p:/%E2%80%AE/foo/%E2%80%AD/bar # Based on http://trac.webkit.org/browser/trunk/LayoutTests/fast/url/script-tests/relative.js http://www.google.com/foo?bar=baz# about:blank s:http h:www.google.com p:/foo q:?bar=baz f:# http://www.google.com/foo?bar=baz#\s\u00BB s:http h:www.google.com p:/foo q:?bar=baz f:#\s\u00BB data:test#\s\u00BB s:data p:test f:#\s\u00BB http://[www.google.com]/ http://www.google.com s:http h:www.google.com p:/ http://192.0x00A80001 s:http h: p:/ http://www/foo%2Ehtml s:http h:www p:/foo%2Ehtml http://www/foo/%2E/html s:http h:www p:/foo/html http://user:pass@/ http://%25DOMAIN:foobar@foodomain.com/ s:http u:%25DOMAIN pass:foobar h:foodomain.com p:/ http:\\\\www.google.com\\foo s:http h:www.google.com p:/foo http://foo:80/ s:http h:foo p:/ http://foo:81/ s:http h:foo port:81 p:/ httpa://foo:80/ s:httpa h:foo port:80 p:/ http://foo:-80/ https://foo:443/ s:https h:foo p:/ https://foo:80/ s:https h:foo port:80 p:/ ftp://foo:21/ s:ftp h:foo p:/ ftp://foo:80/ s:ftp h:foo port:80 p:/ gopher://foo:70/ s:gopher h:foo p:/ gopher://foo:443/ s:gopher h:foo port:443 p:/ ws://foo:80/ s:ws h:foo p:/ ws://foo:81/ s:ws h:foo port:81 p:/ ws://foo:443/ s:ws h:foo port:443 p:/ ws://foo:815/ s:ws h:foo port:815 p:/ wss://foo:80/ s:wss h:foo port:80 p:/ wss://foo:81/ s:wss h:foo port:81 p:/ wss://foo:443/ s:wss h:foo p:/ wss://foo:815/ s:wss h:foo port:815 p:/ http:/example.com/ s:http h:example.com p:/ ftp:/example.com/ s:ftp h:example.com p:/ https:/example.com/ s:https h:example.com p:/ madeupscheme:/example.com/ s:madeupscheme p:/example.com/ file:/example.com/ s:file p:/example.com/ ftps:/example.com/ s:ftps p:/example.com/ gopher:/example.com/ s:gopher h:example.com p:/ ws:/example.com/ s:ws h:example.com p:/ wss:/example.com/ s:wss h:example.com p:/ data:/example.com/ s:data p:/example.com/ javascript:/example.com/ s:javascript p:/example.com/ mailto:/example.com/ s:mailto p:/example.com/ http:example.com/ s:http h:example.com p:/ ftp:example.com/ s:ftp h:example.com p:/ https:example.com/ s:https h:example.com p:/ madeupscheme:example.com/ s:madeupscheme p:example.com/ ftps:example.com/ s:ftps p:example.com/ gopher:example.com/ s:gopher h:example.com p:/ ws:example.com/ s:ws h:example.com p:/ wss:example.com/ s:wss h:example.com p:/ data:example.com/ s:data p:example.com/ javascript:example.com/ s:javascript p:example.com/ mailto:example.com/ s:mailto p:example.com/ # Based on http://trac.webkit.org/browser/trunk/LayoutTests/fast/url/segments-userinfo-vs-host.html http:@www.example.com about:blank s:http h:www.example.com p:/ http:/@www.example.com s:http h:www.example.com p:/ http://@www.example.com s:http h:www.example.com p:/ http:a:b@www.example.com s:http u:a pass:b h:www.example.com p:/ http:/a:b@www.example.com s:http u:a pass:b h:www.example.com p:/ http://a:b@www.example.com s:http u:a pass:b h:www.example.com p:/ http://@pple.com s:http h:pple.com p:/ http::b@www.example.com s:http pass:b h:www.example.com p:/ http:/:b@www.example.com s:http pass:b h:www.example.com p:/ http://:b@www.example.com s:http pass:b h:www.example.com p:/ http:/:@/www.example.com http://user@/www.example.com http:@/www.example.com http:/@/www.example.com http://@/www.example.com https:@/www.example.com http:a:b@/www.example.com http:/a:b@/www.example.com http://a:b@/www.example.com http::@/www.example.com http:a:@www.example.com s:http u:a pass: h:www.example.com p:/ http:/a:@www.example.com s:http u:a pass: h:www.example.com p:/ http://a:@www.example.com s:http u:a pass: h:www.example.com p:/ http://www.@pple.com s:http u:www. h:pple.com p:/ http:@:www.example.com http:/@:www.example.com http://@:www.example.com http://:@www.example.com s:http pass: h:www.example.com p:/ #Others / http://www.example.com/test s:http h:www.example.com p:/ /test.txt s:http h:www.example.com p:/test.txt . s:http h:www.example.com p:/ .. s:http h:www.example.com p:/ test.txt s:http h:www.example.com p:/test.txt ./test.txt s:http h:www.example.com p:/test.txt ../test.txt s:http h:www.example.com p:/test.txt ../aaa/test.txt s:http h:www.example.com p:/aaa/test.txt ../../test.txt s:http h:www.example.com p:/test.txt \u4E2D/test.txt s:http h:www.example.com p:/%E4%B8%AD/test.txt http://www.example2.com s:http h:www.example2.com p:/ //www.example2.com s:http h:www.example2.com p:/ # Based on http://trac.webkit.org/browser/trunk/LayoutTests/fast/url/host.html # Basic canonicalization, uppercase should be converted to lowercase http://ExAmPlE.CoM http://other.com/ s:http p:/ h:example.com # Spaces should fail http://example\sexample.com # This should fail http://Goo%20\sgoo%7C|.com # This should fail http://[] http://[:] # U+3000 is mapped to U+0020 (space) which is disallowed http://GOO\u00a0\u3000goo.com # Other types of space (no-break, zero-width, zero-width-no-break) are # name-prepped away to nothing. # U+200B, U+2060, and U+FEFF, are ignored http://GOO\u200b\u2060\ufeffgoo.com s:http p:/ h:googoo.com # Ideographic full stop (full-width period for Chinese, etc.) should be # treated as a dot. # U+3002 is mapped to U+002E (dot) http://www.foo\u3002bar.com s:http p:/ h:www.foo.bar.com # Invalid unicode characters should fail... # U+FDD0 is disallowed; %ef%b7%90 is U+FDD0 http://\ufdd0zyx.com # ...This is the same as previous but escaped. http://%ef%b7%90zyx.com # Test name prepping, fullwidth input should be converted to ASCII and NOT # IDN-ized. This is "Go" in fullwidth UTF-8/UTF-16. http://\uff27\uff4f.com s:http p:/ h:go.com # URL spec forbids the following. # https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=24257 http://\uff05\uff14\uff11.com http://%ef%bc%85%ef%bc%94%ef%bc%91.com # ...%00 in fullwidth should fail (also as escaped UTF-8 input) http://\uff05\uff10\uff10.com http://%ef%bc%85%ef%bc%90%ef%bc%90.com # Basic IDN support, UTF-8 and UTF-16 input should be converted to IDN http://\u4f60\u597d\u4f60\u597d s:http p:/ h:xn--6qqa088eba # Invalid escaped characters should fail and the percents should be # escaped. https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=24191 http://%zz%66%a.com # If we get an invalid character that has been escaped. http://%25 http://hello%00 # Escaped numbers should be treated like IP addresses if they are. http://%30%78%63%30%2e%30%32%35%30.01 s:http h: p:/ http://%30%78%63%30%2e%30%32%35%30.01%2e s:http h: p:/ # Invalid escaping should trigger the regular host error handling. http://%3g%78%63%30%2e%30%32%35%30%2E.01 # Something that isn't exactly an IP should get treated as a host and # spaces escaped.\shello # Fullwidth and escaped UTF-8 fullwidth should still be treated as IP. # These are "0Xc0.0250.01" in fullwidth. http://\uff10\uff38\uff43\uff10\uff0e\uff10\uff12\uff15\uff10\uff0e\uff10\uff11 s:http p:/ h: # Broken IPv6 http://[google.com] # Misc Unicode http://foo:\uD83D\uDCA9@example.com/bar s:http h:example.com p:/bar u:foo pass:%F0%9F%92%A9 # resolving a fragment against any scheme succeeds \# test:test s:test p:test f:# \#x mailto:x@x.com s:mailto p:x@x.com f:#x \#x data:, s:data p:, f:#x \#x about:blank s:about p:blank f:#x \# test:test?test s:test p:test q:?test f:# # multiple @ in authority state https://@test@test@example:800/ http://doesnotmatter/ s:https u:%40test%40test h:example port:800 p:/ https://@@@example s:https u:%40%40 h:example p:/ # non-az-09 characters http://`{}:`{}@h/`{}?`{} s:http u:%60%7B%7D pass:%60%7B%7D h:h p:/%60%7B%7D q:?`{} # Credentials in base /some/path http://user@example.org/smth s:http u:user h:example.org p:/some/path http://user:pass@example.org:21/smth s:http u:user pass:pass h:example.org port:21 p:/smth /some/path http://user:pass@example.org:21/smth s:http u:user pass:pass h:example.org port:21 p:/some/path # a set of tests designed by zcorpan for relative URLs with unknown schemes i sc:sd i sc:sd/sd i sc:/pa/pa s:sc p:/pa/i i sc://ho/pa s:sc h:ho p:/i i sc:///pa/pa s:sc h: p:/pa/i ../i sc:sd ../i sc:sd/sd ../i sc:/pa/pa s:sc p:/i ../i sc://ho/pa s:sc h:ho p:/i ../i sc:///pa/pa s:sc h: p:/i /i sc:sd /i sc:sd/sd /i sc:/pa/pa s:sc p:/i /i sc://ho/pa s:sc h:ho p:/i /i sc:///pa/pa s:sc h: p:/i ?i sc:sd ?i sc:sd/sd ?i sc:/pa/pa s:sc p:/pa/pa q:?i ?i sc://ho/pa s:sc h:ho p:/pa q:?i ?i sc:///pa/pa s:sc h: p:/pa/pa q:?i \#i sc:sd s:sc p:sd f:#i \#i sc:sd/sd s:sc p:sd/sd f:#i \#i sc:/pa/pa s:sc p:/pa/pa f:#i \#i sc://ho/pa s:sc h:ho p:/pa f:#i \#i sc:///pa/pa s:sc h: p:/pa/pa f:#i # make sure that relative URL logic works on known typically non-relative schemes too about:/../ about:blank s:about p:/ data:/../ about:blank s:data p:/ javascript:/../ about:blank s:javascript p:/ mailto:/../ about:blank s:mailto p:/ # unknown schemes and non-ASCII domains sc://ñ.test/ about:blank s:sc h:xn--ida.test p:/ # unknown schemes and backslashes sc:\\../ about:blank s:sc p:\\../