Tip revision: d0aa0acaccc3ce5917ac46482bec17adac5a9b25 authored by vandanparmar on 17 September 2018, 11:01:59 UTC
Tip revision: d0aa0ac
'''Code to perform the Network Regression.'''
import cvxpy
import json
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from kink_finder import get_kink_point
def gene_co_express(data,cutoff):
'''To construct the Gene Coexpression matrix, and remove values up to a certain percentage cutoff.'''
W = np.corrcoef(data.T)
W = W-np.eye(np.shape(W)[0])
W = np.power(W,2)
clip_val = np.percentile(W.flatten(),cutoff)
W = np.clip(W-clip_val,0,np.inf)
to_add = np.ceil(W)
W += clip_val*to_add
return W
def S_from_W(A,W):
'''To construct an S matrix, for the networked constraint, from the clipped coexpression matrix.'''
G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(A)
L = nx.normalized_laplacian_matrix(G).todense()
D = np.sum(A,axis=1)
D_clip = np.diag(np.clip(D, 0, 1))
W = W+D_clip
S = np.multiply(L,W)
np.clip(S, -np.inf, 1)
return S
def regress(genes,lambd,alpha,xs,ys,left,S):
'''To perform the regression using convex optimisation.'''
cost = 0
n_genes = np.shape(genes)[1]
constr = []
beta = cvxpy.Variable(n_genes)
# to prevent beta becoming very large.
x0,y0,k1,k2 = get_kink_point(xs,ys)
if left:
filtered_genes = genes[ys>y0]
filtered_genes = genes[ys<y0]
for i,gene_set in enumerate(genes):
cost += beta.T*gene_set
#the log sum exp constraint
cost -= np.shape(filtered_genes)[0]*cvxpy.log_sum_exp(filtered_genes*beta)
# if a linear regression is being used, this allows S to be an empty matrix.
if lambd>0.0:
cost -= lambd*alpha*cvxpy.power(cvxpy.norm(beta),2)
cost -= lambd*(1.0-alpha)*cvxpy.quad_form(beta,S)
prob = cvxpy.Problem(cvxpy.Maximize(cost),constr)
# a slightly increased tolerance (default is 1e-7) to reduce run times
a = prob.solve(solver=cvxpy.SCS,eps=1e-5)
return beta.value
def add_network_regression(filename, lambd, alpha, cutoff):
'''To add the gene coexpression matrix, regression parameters and network constraint matrix to the existing data file.
For a given file, value of lambda, alpha and cutoff percentage.'''
data = json.load(open(filename))
pareto = data['pareto']
ys = np.array(list(map(lambda i : i['obj1'],pareto)))
xs = np.array(list(map(lambda i : i['obj2'],pareto)))
genes = np.array(list(map(lambda i : i['gene_set'],pareto)))
W = gene_co_express(genes,cutoff)
A = np.ceil(W)
S = S_from_W(A,W)
beta1 = regress(genes,lambd,alpha,xs,ys,True,S).flatten()
beta2 = regress(genes,lambd,alpha,xs,ys,False,S).flatten()
to_save = {'beta1':beta1.tolist(),'beta2':beta2.tolist(),'A':A.tolist(),'S':S.tolist()}
data['network'] = to_save
with open(filename, 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(data, outfile)
return beta1,beta2,W,A,S