Raw File
'use strict';

if (self.importScripts) {

promise_test(() => {
  let flushCalled = false;
  const ts = new TransformStream({
    transform() { },
    flush() {
      flushCalled = true;

  return ts.writable.getWriter().close().then(() => {
    return assert_true(flushCalled, 'closing the writable triggers the transform flush immediately');
}, 'TransformStream flush is called immediately when the writable is closed, if no writes are queued');

promise_test(() => {
  let flushCalled = false;
  let resolveTransform;
  const ts = new TransformStream({
    transform() {
      return new Promise(resolve => {
        resolveTransform = resolve;
    flush() {
      flushCalled = true;
      return new Promise(() => {}); // never resolves
  }, undefined, { highWaterMark: 1 });

  const writer = ts.writable.getWriter();
  assert_false(flushCalled, 'closing the writable does not immediately call flush if writes are not finished');

  let rsClosed = false;
  ts.readable.getReader().closed.then(() => {
    rsClosed = true;

  return delay(0).then(() => {
    assert_false(flushCalled, 'closing the writable does not asynchronously call flush if writes are not finished');
    return delay(0);
  }).then(() => {
    assert_true(flushCalled, 'flush is eventually called');
    assert_false(rsClosed, 'if flushPromise does not resolve, the readable does not become closed');
}, 'TransformStream flush is called after all queued writes finish, once the writable is closed');

promise_test(() => {
  let c;
  const ts = new TransformStream({
    start(controller) {
      c = controller;
    transform() {
    flush() {

  const reader = ts.readable.getReader();

  const writer = ts.writable.getWriter();
  return reader.read().then(result1 => {
    assert_equals(result1.value, 'x', 'the first chunk read is the first one enqueued in flush');
    assert_equals(result1.done, false, 'the first chunk read is the first one enqueued in flush');

    return reader.read().then(result2 => {
      assert_equals(result2.value, 'y', 'the second chunk read is the second one enqueued in flush');
      assert_equals(result2.done, false, 'the second chunk read is the second one enqueued in flush');
}, 'TransformStream flush gets a chance to enqueue more into the readable');

promise_test(() => {
  let c;
  const ts = new TransformStream({
    start(controller) {
      c = controller;
    transform() {
    flush() {
      return delay(0);

  const reader = ts.readable.getReader();

  const writer = ts.writable.getWriter();

  return Promise.all([
    reader.read().then(result1 => {
      assert_equals(result1.value, 'x', 'the first chunk read is the first one enqueued in flush');
      assert_equals(result1.done, false, 'the first chunk read is the first one enqueued in flush');

      return reader.read().then(result2 => {
        assert_equals(result2.value, 'y', 'the second chunk read is the second one enqueued in flush');
        assert_equals(result2.done, false, 'the second chunk read is the second one enqueued in flush');
    reader.closed.then(() => {
      assert_true(true, 'readable reader becomes closed');
}, 'TransformStream flush gets a chance to enqueue more into the readable, and can then async close');

const error1 = new Error('error1');
error1.name = 'error1';

promise_test(t => {
  const ts = new TransformStream({
    flush(controller) {
  return promise_rejects(t, error1, ts.writable.getWriter().close(), 'close() should reject');
}, 'error() during flush should cause writer.close() to reject');

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