\name{soil} \alias{soil} \docType{data} \title{ Data of soil analysis for 13 localities} \description{ We analyzed the physical and chemical properties of different soils, as full characterization of soil and special analysis of micro-elements. These analyses were conducted in the laboratory analysis of soils, plants, water and fertilizers in the La Molina National Agrarian University (UNALM). To which the different soil samples were dried to the environment, screened (mesh 0.5xo, 5 mm) and sterilized by steam 4 to 5 hours with a Lindinger Steam aerator SA150 and SA700, with the possible aim of eliminating bacteria saprophytic or antagonists to prevent the growth of bacteria (R.solanacearum). } \usage{data(soil)} \format{ A data frame with 13 observations on the following 23 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{place}}{a factor with levels \code{Chmar} \code{Chz} \code{Cnt1} \code{Cnt2} \code{Cnt3} \code{Hco1} \code{Hco2} \code{Hco3} \code{Hyo1} \code{Hyo2} \code{Namora} \code{SR1} \code{SR2}} \item{\code{pH}}{a numeric vector} \item{\code{EC}}{a numeric vector, electrical conductivity} \item{\code{CaCO3}}{a numeric vector} \item{\code{MO}}{a numeric vector} \item{\code{CIC}}{a numeric vector} \item{\code{P}}{a numeric vector} \item{\code{K}}{a numeric vector} \item{\code{sand}}{a numeric vector} \item{\code{slime}}{a numeric vector} \item{\code{clay}}{a numeric vector} \item{\code{Ca}}{a numeric vector} \item{\code{Mg}}{a numeric vector} \item{\code{K2}}{a numeric vector} \item{\code{Na}}{a numeric vector} \item{\code{Al_H}}{a numeric vector} \item{\code{K_Mg}}{a numeric vector} \item{\code{Ca_Mg}}{a numeric vector} \item{\code{B}}{a numeric vector} \item{\code{Cu}}{a numeric vector} \item{\code{Fe}}{a numeric vector} \item{\code{Mn}}{a numeric vector} \item{\code{Zn}}{a numeric vector} } } \details{ Cnt1= Canete, Cnt2=Valle Dulce(Canete), Cnt3=Valle Grande(Canete), Chz=Obraje-Carhuaz(Ancash), Chmar=Chucmar-Chota(Huanuco, Hco1= Mayobamba-Chinchao(Huanuco), Hco2=Nueva Independencia-Chinchao(Huanuco), Hco3=San Marcos-Umari(Huanuco), Hyo1=La Victoria-Huancayo(Junin), Hyo1=El Tambo-Huancayo(Junin), Namora=Namora(Cajamarca), SR1= El Milagro-San Ramon(Junin), Sr2=La Chinchana-San Ramon(Junin). } \source{ Experimental field, 2004. Data Kindly provided by Dr. Sylvie Priou, Liliam Gutarra and Pedro Aley. } \references{ International Potato Center - Lima, PERU. } \examples{ library(agricolae) data(soil) str(soil) } \keyword{datasets}