\name{Bosco} \alias{Bosco} \title{Boscovich Data} \description{ Boscovich data used to estimate the ellipticity of the earth. There are five measurements of the arc length of one degree of latitude taken at 5 different latitudes. See Koenker (2005) for further details and references. } \usage{data(Bosco)} \format{A data frame containing 5 observations on 2 variables \describe{ \item{x}{sine squared of latitude measured in degrees} \item{y}{arc length of one degree of latitude measured in toise - 56,700, one toise approximately equals 1.95 meters. } } } \references{ Koenker, R. (2005), "Quantile Regression", Cambridge. } \examples{ data(Bosco) plot(0:10/10,0:10*100,xlab="sin^2(latitude)", ylab="arc-length of 1 degree of latitude",type="n") points(Bosco) text(Bosco, pos = 3, rownames(Bosco)) z <- rq(y ~ x, tau = -1, data = Bosco) title("Boscovitch Ellipticity of the Earth Example") xb <- c(.85,.9,.6,.6) yb <- c(400,600,450,600) for(i in 1:4){ abline(c(z$sol[4:5,i])) interval <- paste("t=(",format(round(z$sol[1,i],2)),",", format(round(z$sol[1,i+1],2)),")",delim="") text(xb[i],yb[i],interval) } } \keyword{datasets}