import torch import numpy as np import util def measure_mean_potential(pc: torch.Tensor): grid = util.gen_grid().to(pc.device) return potential(pc, grid).mean() def potential(sources, means, eps=1e-5, recursive=True, max_pts=15000): """ Calculate dipole potential Args: sources: position and dipole moments for the fields sources means: positions to calculate potential at Returns: torch.Tensor meansX3 field at measurement positions """ if recursive: def break_by_means(): mid = int(means.shape[0] / 2) return[potential(sources, means[:mid], eps, recursive, max_pts), potential(sources, means[mid:], eps, recursive, max_pts)], dim=0) def break_by_sources(): mid = int(sources.shape[0] / 2) return potential(sources[:mid], means, eps, recursive, max_pts) \ + potential(sources[mid:], means, eps, recursive, max_pts) if sources.shape[0] > max_pts and means.shape[0] > max_pts: if sources.shape[0] > means.shape[0]: return break_by_sources() else: return break_by_means() if sources.shape[0] > max_pts: return break_by_sources() if means.shape[0] > max_pts: return break_by_means() p = sources[:, 3:] R = sources[:, None, :3] - means[None, :, :3] phi = (p[:, None, :] * R).sum(dim=-1) phi = phi / (R.norm(dim=-1) ** 3)[:, :] phi_total = phi.sum(dim=0) phi_total[phi_total.isinf()] = 0 phi_total[phi_total.isnan()] = 0 return phi_total def field_grad(sources, means, eps=1e-5, recursive=True, max_pts=15000): """ Calculate dipole field i.e. potential gradient Args: sources: position and dipole moments for the fields sources means: positions to calculate gradient at Returns: torch.Tensor meansX3 field at measurement positions """ if recursive: def break_by_means(): mid = int(means.shape[0] / 2) return[field_grad(sources, means[:mid], eps, recursive, max_pts), field_grad(sources, means[mid:], eps, recursive, max_pts)], dim=0) def break_by_sources(): mid = int(sources.shape[0] / 2) return field_grad(sources[:mid], means, eps, recursive, max_pts) \ + field_grad(sources[mid:], means, eps, recursive, max_pts) if sources.shape[0] > max_pts and means.shape[0] > max_pts: if sources.shape[0] > means.shape[0]: return break_by_sources() else: return break_by_means() if sources.shape[0] > max_pts: return break_by_sources() if means.shape[0] > max_pts: return break_by_means() p = sources[:, 3:] R = sources[:, None, :3] - means[None, :, :3] R_unit = R / R.norm(dim=-1)[:, :, None] E = 3 * (p[:, None, :] * R_unit).sum(dim=-1)[:, :, None] * R_unit - p[:, None, :] E = E / (R.norm(dim=-1) ** 3 + eps)[:, :, None] E_total = E.sum(dim=0) * -1 # field=(-1)*grad -> flip the sign to get the gradient instead of -gradient E_total[E_total.isinf()] = 0 E_total[E_total.isnan()] = 0 return E_total def reference_field(pc1, pc2): with torch.no_grad(): E = field_grad(pc1, pc2, recursive=True) if pc2.shape[1] == 3: length = E.norm(dim=-1) E[length != 0, :] = E[length != 0, :] / length[length != 0, None] pc2 =[pc2, E], dim=1) else: interactions = E * pc2[:, 3:] interactions = interactions.sum(dim=-1) sign = (interactions >= 0).float() * 2 - 1 pc2[:, 3:] = pc2[:, 3:] * sign[:, None] return pc2 def strongest_field_propagation_reps(input_pc, reps, diffuse=False, weights=None): input_pc = input_pc.detach() with torch.no_grad(): pts = input_pc if weights is not None: # factor in the weights for each point by scaling the normals weights = weights.clamp(0.1, 1) pts[:, 3:] = pts[:, 3:] * weights[:, None] device = input_pc.device remaining = [] E = torch.zeros_like(pts[:, :3]) patches = [] oriented_pts_mask = torch.zeros(len(pts)).bool() non_oriented_pts_mask = torch.zeros(len(pts)).bool() for rep, rest in reps: remaining.append((rep, rest)) patches.append(rep) non_oriented_pts_mask[rep] = True # find the flattest patch to start with curv = [util.pca_eigen_values(pts[patch]) for patch in patches] min_index = np.array([curv[i][0] for i in range(len(patches))]) min_index = np.abs(min_index) min_index = np.argmin(min_index) # calculate the field from the initial patch start_patch, rest_patch = remaining.pop(min_index) oriented_pts_mask[start_patch] = True non_oriented_pts_mask[start_patch] = False E[non_oriented_pts_mask] = field_grad(pts[oriented_pts_mask], pts[non_oriented_pts_mask]) # prop orientation as long as there are remaining unoriented patches while len(remaining) > 0: # calculate the interaction between the field and all remaining patches interaction = [(E[patch] * pts[patch, 3:]).sum(dim=-1).sum() for patch, rest in remaining] # orient the patch with the strongest interaction max_interaction_index = torch.tensor(interaction).abs().argmax().item() patch, rest_patch = remaining.pop(max_interaction_index) # print(f'{patch_index}') if interaction[max_interaction_index] < 0: pts[patch, 3:] *= -1 pts[rest_patch, 3:] *= -1 oriented_pts_mask[patch] = True non_oriented_pts_mask[patch] = False if diffuse: # add the effect of the current patch to *all* other patches patch_mask = torch.logical_or(oriented_pts_mask, non_oriented_pts_mask) patch_mask[patch] = False dE = field_grad(pts[patch], pts[patch_mask]) E[patch_mask] = E[patch_mask] + dE else: # add the effect of the current patch only to the *remaining* patches dE = field_grad(pts[patch], pts[non_oriented_pts_mask]) E[non_oriented_pts_mask] = E[non_oriented_pts_mask] + dE if diffuse: for rep, rest in reps: interactions = (E[rep] * pts[rep, 3:]).sum(dim=-1) sign = (interactions > 0).float() * 2 - 1 pts[rep, 3:] = pts[rep, 3:] * sign[:, None] E = field_grad(pts[oriented_pts_mask], pts[~oriented_pts_mask]) interactions = (E * pts[~oriented_pts_mask, 3:]).sum(dim=-1) sign = (interactions > 0).float() * 2 - 1 pts[~oriented_pts_mask, 3:] = pts[~oriented_pts_mask, 3:] * sign[:, None] pts = if weights is not None: # scale the normal back to unit because of previous weighted scaling pts[:, 3:] = pts[:, 3:] / weights[:, None] def strongest_field_propagation(pts, patches, all_patches, diffuse=False, weights=None): with torch.no_grad(): if weights is not None: # factor in the weights for each point by scaling the normals weights = weights.clamp(0.1, 1) pts[:, 3:] = pts[:, 3:] * weights[:, None] device = pts.device # initialize remaining remaining = [] pts_mask = torch.zeros(len(pts)).bool() zeros = torch.zeros(len(pts)).bool() E = torch.zeros_like(pts[:, :3]) for i in range(len(all_patches)): remaining.append((i, all_patches[i])) # find the flattest patch to start with curv = [util.pca_eigen_values(pts[patch]) for patch in all_patches] min_index = np.array([curv[i][0] for i in range(len(all_patches))]) min_index = np.abs(min_index) min_index = np.argmin(min_index) # calculate the field from the initial patch _, start_patch = remaining.pop(min_index) pts_mask[start_patch] = True E[~pts_mask] = field_grad(pts[pts_mask], pts[~pts_mask]) # prop orientation as long as there are remaining unoriented patches while len(remaining) > 0: # calculate the interaction between the field and all remaining patches interaction = [(E[patch] * pts[patch, 3:]).sum(dim=-1).sum() for i, patch in remaining] # orient the patch with the strongest interaction max_interaction_index = torch.tensor(interaction).abs().argmax().item() patch_index, patch = remaining.pop(max_interaction_index) # print(f'{patch_index}') if interaction[max_interaction_index] < 0: pts[patch, 3:] *= -1 pts_mask[patch] = True if diffuse: # add the effect of the current patch to *all* other patches patch_mask = zeros.clone() patch_mask[patch] = True dE = field_grad(pts[patch], pts[~patch_mask]) E[~patch_mask] = E[~patch_mask] + dE else: # add the effect of the current patch only to the *remaining* patches dE = field_grad(pts[patch], pts[~pts_mask]) E[~pts_mask] = E[~pts_mask] + dE if diffuse: for patch in patches: patch = patch[1] interactions = (E[patch] * pts[patch, 3:]).sum(dim=-1) sign = (interactions > 0).float() * 2 - 1 pts[patch, 3:] = pts[patch, 3:] * sign[:, None] pts = if weights is not None: # scale the normal back to unit because of previous weighted scaling pts[:, 3:] = pts[:, 3:] / weights[:, None] def strongest_field_propagation_points(pts: torch.Tensor, diffuse=False, starting_point=0): device = pts.device pts = pts.cuda() indx = torch.arange(pts.shape[0]).to(pts.device) E = torch.zeros_like(pts[:, :3]) visited = torch.zeros_like(pts[:, 0]).bool() visited[starting_point] = True E[~(indx == starting_point)] += field_grad(pts[starting_point:(starting_point + 1)], pts[~(indx == starting_point), :3], eps=1e-6) # prop orientation as long as there are remaining unoriented points while not visited.all(): # calculate the interaction between the field and all remaining patches interaction = (E[~visited] * pts[~visited, 3:]).sum(dim=-1) # orient the patch with the strongest interaction max_interaction_index = interaction.abs().argmax() pts_index = indx[~visited][max_interaction_index] # print(f'{patch_index}') if interaction[max_interaction_index] < 0: pts[pts_index, 3:] *= -1 visited[pts_index] = True E[~(indx == pts_index)] += field_grad(pts[pts_index:(pts_index + 1)], pts[~(indx == pts_index), :3], eps=1e-6) if diffuse: interactions = (E * pts[:, 3:]).sum(dim=-1) sign = (interactions > 0).float() * 2 - 1 pts[:, 3:] = pts[:, 3:] * sign[:, None] pts =