## since fitvario uses the returned ordering of the parameters by PrepareModel ## and convert.to.readable for the standard model definition, the ordering ## nugget/ main model should not be changed; PrepareModel <- function(model, param, timespacedim, trend, method=NULL, named=FALSE) { ## any of the users model definition (standard, nested, list) for the ## covariance function is transformed into a standard format, used ## especially in the c programs ## ## overwrites in some situation the simulation method for nugget. ## allows trend to be NA (or any other non finite value -- is not checked!) ## trend has not been implemented yet! PrintLevel <- RFparameters()$Print nugget.nr <- .C("GetModelNr", "nugget", as.integer(1), nr=integer(1), PACKAGE="RandomFields")$nr STOP <- function(txt) { if (PrintLevel>1) { cat("model: ") if (!missing.model) str(model) else cat(" missing.\n") cat("param: ") if (!missing.param) str(param) else cat(" missing.\n") cat("timespacedim: ") if (!missing.timespacedim) str(timespacedim) else cat(" missing.\n") cat("trend: ") if (!missing.trend) str(trend) else cat(" missing.\n") cat("method: ") str(method) } stop(paste("(in PrepareModel)", txt), call.=FALSE) } op.list <- c("+", "*", "(") Mean <- 0 if (missing.trend <- missing(trend)) trend <- NULL if (missing(method)) method <- NULL missing.model <- missing(model) if (missing.timespacedim <- missing(timespacedim)) timespacedim <- 1 else timespacedim <- as.integer(timespacedim) missing.param <- missing(param) || is.null(param) if (length(timespacedim)==0) STOP("length(timespacedim)==0") if (full.model <- missing.param && is.null(model$p)) { ## full model if (missing.model || (length(model)==0)) model <- list() else if (!is.list(model)) STOP("if param is missing, model must be a list of lists") if (is.null(trend) + is.null(model$trend) + is.null(model$mean)<2) STOP("trend/mean is given twice") if (!is.null(model$mean)) Mean <- model$mean if (!is.null(model$trend)) trend <- model$trend if (!is.null(model$meth)) { if (!is.null(method)) STOP("method is given twice") method <- model$meth } model$trend <- model$mean <- model$meth <- NULL ## the definition might be given at a deeper level as element ## $model of the list: if (is.list(model$model)) { if (!is.list(model$model[[1]])) STOP("if param is missing, the model$model must be a list of lists") model <- model$model } if (length(model)==0) ## deterministic return(list(covnr=integer(0), param=double(0), anisotropy=FALSE, op=integer(0), mean=Mean, trend=trend, method=-1)) if (length(model) %% 2 != 1) STOP("list for model definition should be odd") if (length(model)==1) op <- integer(0) else { op <- pmatch(c(model[seq(2, length(model), 2)], recursive=TRUE), op.list, dup=TRUE) - 1 if (!all(is.finite(op))) STOP("operators are not all known") } ## note: model is now reduced! model <- model[seq(1, length(model), 2)] if (sum(sapply(model, is.list))!=length(model)) STOP("some elements of the model definition are not lists") ## extract the methods first since model and method start ## both with lower case m; ## model may be abbreviated by m, method by me methodX <- lapply(model, function(x) x$meth) model <- lapply(model, function(x) { if (!(is.na(p <- pmatch("meth", names(x), dup=TRUE)))) { if (length(p)!=1) STOP("method may be given only once") x[[p]] <- NULL } x }) if (length(unlist(lapply(model, function(x) x$me))) > 0) STOP("'mean' seems to be given within the inner model definitions"); if (!is.character(covnames <- sapply(model, function(x) x$m))) STOP("'model' was not given extacly once each odd number of list entries or additional unused list elements are given.") lm <- as.integer(length(covnames)) covnr <- .C("GetModelNr", covnames, lm, nr=integer(lm), PACKAGE="RandomFields")$nr names(covnr) <- covnames ## finalize the given methods explicite.method <- sapply(methodX, function(x) !is.null(x)) if (length(method)>1 && length(method)!=lm || length(method)<=1 && length(explicite.method)>0 && length(explicite.method)!=lm) STOP("number of methods and number of models differ") if (any(explicite.method)) { methodX <- unlist(methodX) ## 11.11.05 as.character if (length(method)==0) method <- methodX else { method <- rep(method, len=lm) method[explicite.method] <- methodX } } k <- c(lapply(model, function(x) length(x$k)), recursive=TRUE) ## used ## for checks later on stopifnot(all(c(lapply(model, function(x) length(x$v)), recursive=TRUE)==1)) anull <- sapply(model, function(x) is.null(x$a)) snull <- sapply(model, function(x) is.null(x$s)) if (!all(anull) && !all(snull)) STOP("do not mix isotropic definitions with anisotropic ones") scale.except <- integer(lm) aniso.except <- integer(lm) .C("GetModelException", covnr, lm, scale.except, aniso.except, PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE) if (anisotropy <- !all(anull)) { ## here, anisotropy parameter must be given also for nugget ## (think of higher dimensions, where nugget is only in one direction) if (any(anull & !aniso.except)) STOP("anisotropy parameters are not given for all submodels") if (missing.timespacedim) timespacedim <- as.integer(sqrt(length(model[[which(!anull)[1]]]$a))) repl <- function(x) c(x, list(a=diag(rep(1.0, timespacedim)))) model[anull] <- lapply(model[anull], repl) n.par <- 1 + timespacedim^2 param <- lapply(model, function(x) c(var=x$v, kappa=x$k, aniso=as.matrix(x$a), recursive=TRUE)) } else { ## in case of isotropy, scale for nugget does not make sense ## so, if scale is not given (by default), add scale=1.0 if (any(snull & !scale.except)) STOP("scale parameter is not given for all submodels") model[snull] <- lapply(model[snull], function(x) c(x, list(s=1.0))) n.par <- 2 param <- lapply(model, function(x) c(var=x$v, kappa=x$k, scale=x$s)) } ## as.character seems unnecessary, but internal representation does not seem ## to be character } else { ## standard definition or nested model if (missing.param) { ## a simple list of the model and the ## parameters is also possible if (is.null(param <- model$p)) STOP("is.null(model$param)") stopifnot(is.null(method) || is.null(model$meth)) if (is.null(method)) method <- model$meth stopifnot(is.null(trend) || is.null(model$trend)) if (is.null(trend)) trend <- model$trend if (!is.null(model$mean)) Mean <- model$mean model <- model$model } if (length(method)>1) STOP("only one method should be given") n.par <- 2 anisotropy <- FALSE stopifnot(is.character(model), length(model)==1) if (is.matrix(param)) { ## nested models model <- rep(model, ncol(param)) k <- rep(nrow(param) - 2, ncol(param)) if (ncol(param)==1) op <- integer(0) else op <- rep(pmatch("+", op.list) - 1, ncol(param) - 1) param <- apply(param, 2, function(x) list(var=x[1], kappa=x[-1:-2], scale=x[2])) for (i in 1:length(param)) if (param[[i]]$scale==0) { model[i] <- "nugget" param[[i]] <- c(nugget=param[[i]]$var, nugget.scale=1.0) k[i] <- 0 } param <- lapply(param, function(x) unlist(x)) } else if (is.vector(param)) { ## standard, simple way ### falls trend gegeben, dann ist param um 1 Komponente gekuerzt if (is.null(trend)) { Mean <- param[1] param <- param[-1] } else if (Mean!=0) STOP("trend/mean given twice") k <- length(param) - 3 if (is.na(param[2]) || (param[2]>0)) {## nugget param <- list(c(var=param[1], kappa=param[-1:-3], scale=param[3]), c(nugget=param[2], nugget.scale=1.0)) model <- c(model, "nugget") ## do not change ordering, ## since this ordering is used by other ## functions (fitvario) op <- pmatch("+", op.list) - 1 ncov <- integer(2) k <- c(k, 0) } else { param <- list(c(var=param[1], kappa=param[-1:-3], scale=param[3])) op <- integer(0) ncov <- integer(1) } } else STOP("param does not have allowed format") if (Mean!=0 && !is.null(trend)) STOP("trend/mean are given twice") stopifnot(is.character(model)) lm <- as.integer(length(model)) covnr <- .C("GetModelNr", model, lm, nr=integer(lm), PACKAGE="RandomFields")$nr names(covnr) <- model } # end nested/standard definition ## common part: if (is.numeric(trend) && (length(trend)==1)) { Mean <- trend trend <- NULL } else { if (!is.na(Mean) && !is.numeric(Mean) || length(Mean)>1) stop("mean not a scalar") } if (any(covnr < 0)) { PrintModelList() STOP(paste("model(s) [", paste(paste("#", which(covnr<0), sep=""), collapse=", "), "] cannot be (uniquely) identified from the above list", sep="")) } kappas <- integer(lm) .C("GetNrParameters", as.integer(covnr), as.integer(lm), as.integer(timespacedim), kappas, PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE) if ( any(idx <- (sapply(param, length) != n.par + kappas) | (k!=kappas)) ) { STOP(paste("number of parameters in model #", which(idx), " is not correct: ", kappas[idx], " genuine parameters and ", n.par, " parameters for variance and scale expected; got ", k[idx], " and ", sapply(param,length)[idx] - k[idx] , "\n", sep="")) } if (is.null(method)) method <- -1 else { if (any(method=="NULL")) STOP("either all methods must be specified or none") method <- .C("GetMethodNr", as.character(method), as.integer(length(method)), nr=integer(length(method)), PACKAGE="RandomFields")$nr if (any(method < 0)) { PrintMethodList() STOP(paste("given method(s) cannot be (uniquely) identified from the", "above list: ", which(method<0)) ) } method <- rep(method, len=length(covnr)) ## 30.8.05, now set in internal_InitSimulateRF: #if (!full.model) # method[covnr==nugget.nr] <- # .C("GetMethodNr", "nugget", as.integer(1), nr=integer(1), # PACKAGE="RandomFields")$nr } param <- c(param,recursive=TRUE); if (!named) names(Mean) <- names(trend) <- names(covnr) <- names(param) <- NULL return(list(covnr=covnr, param=param, anisotropy=anisotropy, op=op, mean=Mean, trend=trend, method=method, timespacedim = timespacedim )) } convert.to.readable<- function(l, allowed=c("standard", "nested", "list")) { ## the inverse function for PrepareModel ## i.e. transform the coded covariance model into a user readable format ## takes always the simplest model out of the 'allowed' list assign(".methods", GetMethodNames()) if (is.null(l$mean)) str(l) stopifnot(is.list(l), !is.null(l$covnr), !is.null(l$param), !is.null(l$anisotropy), !is.null(l$op), !is.null(l$mean), !is.null(l$timespacedim) ) PrintLevel <- RFparameters()$Print op.list <- c("+", "*", "(") Allowed <- rep(FALSE, 3) Allowed[pmatch(allowed, c("standard","nested","list"))] <- TRUE nugget.nr <- .C("GetModelNr", "nugget", as.integer(1), nr=integer(1), PACKAGE="RandomFields")$nr ModelNames <- GetModelNames() method <- l$method names(method) <- names(l$param) <- names(l$mean) <- names(l$trend) <- NULL if (method[1]==-1) method <- NULL stopifnot(all(method != -1)) if (!is.null(method)) method <- .methods[1 + method] lc <- length(l$covnr) if (!is.null(l$trend)) { stopifnot(l$mean==0) l$mean <- NULL } dim.scale <- if (l$anisotropy) l$timespacedim^2 else 1 k <- c(0, cumsum(.C("GetNrParameters", as.integer(l$covnr), as.integer(lc), as.integer(dim.scale), k=integer(lc), PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE)$k + 1 + dim.scale)) ol <- op.list[l$op + 1] == "+" ngg <- (l$covnr == nugget.nr) & c(ol,TRUE) & c(TRUE,ol) nuggets <- if (any(ngg)) l$param[k[c(ngg, FALSE)] + 1] else 0 iso <- !l$anisotropy && (all(!is.na(nuggets)) || all(is.na(nuggets))) if (iso) { lp <- length(l$param) nugget <- sum(nuggets) if (all(ngg) && Allowed[1]) return(list(model="nugget", param=as.double(c(l$mean, nugget, 0, 1)), method=method, trend=l$trend)) # old.method # if ((lc==1) && Allowed[1]) # return(list(model=ModelNames[1 + l$covnr], # param=as.double(c(l$mean, l$param[1], 0, l$param[lp], # l$param[-c(1, lp)])), # method=method, trend=l$trend)) pos <- which(!ngg) if ((length(pos)==1) && Allowed[1]) { # old.method if (!all(method[ngg] == "nugget") && PrintLevel>1) cat("nugget simulation methods overwritten.\n") method <- method[!ngg] return(list(model=ModelNames[1 + l$covnr[pos]], param=as.double(c(l$mean, l$param[k[pos]+1], nugget, l$param[k[pos+1]], if (k[pos+1]>=k[pos]+3) l$param[(k[pos]+2):(k[pos+1]-1)])), method=method, trend=l$trend) ) } } if (iso && all(l$covnr[pos][1]==l$covnr[pos]) && Allowed[2]) { ## nested model param <- rbind(l$param[k[pos]+1], l$param[k[pos+1]]) # var and scale kappa <- NULL if (k[pos[1]+1]>=k[pos[1]]+3) ## i.e., there are additional parameters for (i in pos) kappa <- cbind(kappa, l$param[(k[i]+2):(k[i+1]-1)]) if (nugget==0) nugget <- NULL else { nugget <- c(nugget, rep(0, k[pos[1]+1]-k[pos[1]]-1)) if (!all(method[ngg] == "nugget") && PrintLevel>1) cat("nugget simulation method overwritten.\n") method <- method[!ngg] } method <- if (all(method==method[1])) method[1] else c(method, "nugget") ## do not change ordering of cbind(rbind( , ), nugget) ## since this ordering is used by other functions (mleRF) param <- cbind(rbind(param, kappa), nugget) attr(param, "dimnames") <- NULL return(list(model=ModelNames[1 + l$covnr[!ngg][1]], param=param, method=method, mean=l$mean, trend=l$trend)) } ## anisotropic model <- NULL if (!Allowed[3]) return(NULL) for (i in 1:lc) { if (l$anisotropy) { model <- c(model,list(list(model=ModelNames[1 + l$covnr[i]], var=l$param[k[i] + 1], kappas=if (k[i+1] >= k[i] + 2 + dim.scale) l$param[(k[i]+2):(k[i+1]-dim.scale)], aniso=l$param[(k[i+1]+1-dim.scale) : k[i+1]] ))) } else { model <- c(model, list(list(model=ModelNames[1 + l$covnr[i]], var=l$param[k[i] + 1], kappas= if (k[i+1] >= k[i]+3) l$param[(k[i]+2): (k[i+1]-1)], scale=l$param[k[i+1]] ))) } if (i 1e-13) { print(x[1:min(10000, length(x))]) print(round(diff(diff(x)), 14)) stop("different grid distances detected, but the grid must have equal distances in each direction -- try gridtriple=TRUE that avoids numerical errors.") } return(c(x[1], x[length(x)]+0.001*step[1], step[1])) } total <- prod(l) x <- sapply(x, eqdist) l <- 3 } if (any(x[3, ] <= 0)) { print(x) stop("step must be postive") } ##if (l == 1) stop("Use grid=FALSE if only a single point is simulated") } else { total <- nrow(x) if (total < 200 && any(as.double(dist(x)) == 0)) ## 2000 stop("locations must be distinguishable") ## fuer hoehere Werte con total ist ueberpruefung nicht mehr praktikabel } if (Time <- !is.null(T)) { stopifnot(length(T)==3) lT <- length(seq(T[1],T[2],T[3])) T[2] <- T[1] + (lT - 0.999) * T[3] total <- total * lT } return(list(x=x, T=T, Time=Time, total=total, l=l, spacedim=spacedim, grid=grid)) }