if (TARGET_WEBASSEMBLY AND Halide_TARGET MATCHES "webgpu") message(WARNING "Python tutorials are not supported with WebGPU.") return() endif () set(tests lesson_01_basics.py lesson_02_input_image.py lesson_03_debugging_1.py lesson_04_debugging_2.py lesson_05_scheduling_1.py lesson_06_realizing_over_shifted_domains.py lesson_07_multi_stage_pipelines.py lesson_08_scheduling_2.py lesson_09_update_definitions.py lesson_10_aot_compilation_generate.py lesson_10_aot_compilation_run.py lesson_11_cross_compilation.py lesson_12_using_the_gpu.py lesson_13_tuples.py lesson_14_types.py ) set(PYPATH_lesson_10_aot_compilation_run "$") foreach (test IN LISTS tests) if (TARGET_WEBASSEMBLY AND Halide_TARGET MATCHES "wasm" AND test MATCHES "lesson_10") message(WARNING "Not all tutorials build under WASM.") continue() endif () if (TARGET_VULKAN AND Halide_TARGET MATCHES "vulkan" AND test MATCHES "lesson_10") message(WARNING "Not all tutorials build under Vulkan.") continue() endif () cmake_path(GET test STEM test_name) add_python_test( FILE "${test}" LABEL python_tutorial PYTHONPATH "${PYPATH_${test_name}}" ) endforeach () if (TARGET_WEBASSEMBLY AND Halide_TARGET MATCHES "wasm") message(WARNING "Not all tutorials build under WASM.") elseif (TARGET_VULKAN AND Halide_TARGET MATCHES "vulkan") message(WARNING "Not all tutorials build under Vulkan.") else () ## Add some hacks for getting CMake to delay compiling lesson_10_halide until after the test has run. The "better" way ## of doing this might be to treat lesson 10 like an app and give it its own CMakeLists.txt, but since this is a one-off ## it is probably less maintenance work to do it like this. # Note that the following tests that are mentioned below were created in the above foreach loop: # 1. python_tutorial_lesson_10_aot_compilation_generate # 2. python_tutorial_lesson_10_aot_compilation_run # The test `python_tutorial_lesson_10_compile` below is responsible for running (1) in service of (2). # This dummy command "generates" the files that the TEST python_tutorial_lesson_10_aot_compilation_generate will # actually generate as part of the fixture below. add_custom_command(OUTPUT lesson_10_halide.py.cpp lesson_10_halide.o COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E echo Dummy command for lesson 10 sources. VERBATIM) # This target allows CMake to build lesson_10_halide.so (or whatever the correct extension is) as part of the tests # later. It is excluded from ALL since it isn't valid to build outside of this context. Python3_add_library(lesson_10_halide MODULE EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL lesson_10_halide.py.cpp lesson_10_halide.o) target_link_libraries(lesson_10_halide PRIVATE Halide::Runtime) # Undocumented function in HalideGeneratorHelpers. Do not call in external code. # Users of the AOT functions (as opposed to Generators) should link to the relevant # GPU libraries manually. _Halide_target_link_gpu_libs(lesson_10_halide PRIVATE ${Halide_TARGET}) # The fixture "py_lesson_10" orchestrates running the generator part of the lesson first, then the build for the # library, and finally runs python_tutorial_lesson_10_aot_compilation_run. The ..._compile test invokes CMake on # the current build for the above library. add_test(NAME python_tutorial_lesson_10_compile COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" --build "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" --config $ --target lesson_10_halide) set_tests_properties(python_tutorial_lesson_10_aot_compilation_generate PROPERTIES FIXTURES_SETUP py_lesson_10) set_tests_properties(python_tutorial_lesson_10_compile PROPERTIES FIXTURES_SETUP py_lesson_10 DEPENDS python_tutorial_lesson_10_aot_compilation_generate) set_tests_properties(python_tutorial_lesson_10_aot_compilation_run PROPERTIES FIXTURES_REQUIRED py_lesson_10) endif () ## # Packaging ## include(GNUInstallDirs) install(DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DOCDIR}/tutorial-python COMPONENT Halide_Documentation FILES_MATCHING PATTERN "*.py")