# This batch file runs the CM elements of the Virtual AGC # emulation for software version 249 of Colossus. rem What it WANTS to do by default is jump down to :WinAGC. The other rem (legacy) stuff is just there in case I hear of some excruciatingly rem awful problem with WinAGC. c: cd \mingw\bin if f==f%NOTWINAGC% goto WinAGC if f==f%XPPRO% goto notxppro start /min "CMyaAGC" yaAGC --core=Colossus249.bin %2 start "CMsimulator" LM_Simulator "--cfg=lm_simulator.ini" "--port=19701" SimStop CMyaAGC CMsimulator goto done :notxppro start /min yaAGC --core=Colossus249.bin %2 start LM_Simulator "--cfg=lm_simulator_windows.ini" "--port=19701" :WinAGC WinAGC