\name{Jest} \alias{Jest} \title{Estimate the J-function} \description{ Estimates the summary function \eqn{J(r)} for a point pattern in a window of arbitrary shape. } \synopsis{ Jest(X, eps=NULL, r=NULL, breaks=NULL) } \usage{ Jest(X) Jest(X, eps) Jest(X, eps, r) Jest(X, eps, breaks) } \arguments{ \item{X}{The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of \eqn{J(r)} will be computed. An object of class \code{"ppp"}, or data in any format acceptable to \code{\link{as.ppp}()}. } \item{eps}{ the resolution of the discrete approximation to Euclidean distance (see below). There is a sensible default. } \item{r}{vector of values for the argument \eqn{r} at which \eqn{J(r)} should be evaluated. There is a sensible default. First-time users are strongly advised not to specify this argument. See below for important conditions on \code{r}. } \item{breaks}{ An alternative to the argument \code{r}. Not normally invoked by the user. See Details section. } } \value{ An object of class \code{"fv"}, see \code{\link{fv.object}}, which can be plotted directly using \code{\link{plot.fv}}. Essentially a data frame containing \item{r}{the vector of values of the argument \eqn{r} at which the function \eqn{J} has been estimated} \item{J}{the recommended estimate of \eqn{J(r)}, which is the Kaplan-Meier estimate \code{km}} \item{rs}{the ``reduced sample'' or ``border correction'' estimator of \eqn{J(r)} computed from the border-corrected estimates of \eqn{F} and \eqn{G} } \item{km}{the spatial Kaplan-Meier estimator of \eqn{J(r)} computed from the Kaplan-Meier estimates of \eqn{F} and \eqn{G} } \item{un}{the uncorrected estimate of \eqn{J(r)} computed from the uncorrected estimates of \eqn{F} and \eqn{G} } \item{theo}{the theoretical value of \eqn{J(r)} for a stationary Poisson process: identically equal to \eqn{1} } The data frame also has \bold{attributes} \item{F}{ the output of \code{\link{Fest}} for this point pattern, containing three estimates of the empty space function \eqn{F(r)} and an estimate of its hazard function } \item{G}{ the output of \code{\link{Gest}} for this point pattern, containing three estimates of the nearest neighbour distance distribution function \eqn{G(r)} and an estimate of its hazard function } } \note{ Sizeable amounts of memory may be needed during the calculation. } \details{ The \eqn{J} function (Van Lieshout and Baddeley ,1996) of a stationary point process is defined as \deqn{J(r) = \frac{1-G(r)}{1-F(r)} }{ % J(r) = (1-G(r))/(1-F(r))} where \eqn{G(r)} is the nearest neighbour distance distribution function of the point process (see \code{\link{Gest}}) and \eqn{F(r)} is its empty space function (see \code{\link{Fest}}). For a completely random (uniform Poisson) point process, the \eqn{J}-function is identically equal to \eqn{1}. Deviations \eqn{J(r) < 1} or \eqn{J(r) > 1} typically indicate spatial clustering or spatial regularity, respectively. The \eqn{J}-function is one of the few characteristics that can be computed explicitly for a wide range of point processes. See Van Lieshout and Baddeley (1996), Baddeley et al (2000), Thonnes and Van Lieshout (1999) for further information. An estimate of \eqn{J} derived from a spatial point pattern dataset can be used in exploratory data analysis and formal inference about the pattern. The estimate of \eqn{J(r)} is compared against the constant function \eqn{1}. Deviations \eqn{J(r) < 1} or \eqn{J(r) > 1} may suggest spatial clustering or spatial regularity, respectively. This algorithm estimates the \eqn{J}-function from the point pattern \code{X}. It assumes that \code{X} can be treated as a realisation of a stationary (spatially homogeneous) random spatial point process in the plane, observed through a bounded window. The window (which is specified in \code{X} as \code{X$window}) may have arbitrary shape. The argument \code{X} is interpreted as a point pattern object (of class \code{"ppp"}, see \code{\link{ppp.object}}) and can be supplied in any of the formats recognised by \code{\link{as.ppp}()}. The functions \code{\link{Fest}} and \code{\link{Gest}} are called to compute estimates of \eqn{F(r)} and \eqn{G(r)} respectively. These estimates are then combined by simply taking the ratio \eqn{J(r) = (1-G(r))/(1-F(r))}. In fact three different estimates are computed using different edge corrections (Baddeley, 1998). The Kaplan-Meier estimate (returned as \code{km}) is the ratio \code{J = (1-G)/(1-F)} of the Kaplan-Meier estimates of \eqn{1-F} and \eqn{1-G} computed by \code{\link{Fest}} and \code{\link{Gest}} respectively. The reduced-sample or border corrected estimate (returned as \code{rs}) is the same ratio \code{J = (1-G)/(1-F)} of the border corrected estimates. These estimators are slightly biased for \eqn{J}, since they are ratios of approximately unbiased estimators. The logarithm of the Kaplan-Meier estimate is unbiased for \eqn{\log J}{log J}. The uncorrected estimate (returned as \code{un}) is the ratio \code{J = (1-G)/(1-F)} of the uncorrected (``raw'') estimates of the survival functions of \eqn{F} and \eqn{G}, which are the empirical distribution functions of the empty space distances \code{Fest(X,\dots)$raw} and of the nearest neighbour distances \code{Gest(X,\dots)$raw}. The uncorrected estimates of \eqn{F} and \eqn{G} are severely biased. However the uncorrected estimate of \eqn{J} is approximately unbiased (if the process is close to Poisson); it is insensitive to edge effects, and should be used when edge effects are severe (see Baddeley et al, 2000). The algorithm for \code{\link{Fest}} uses two discrete approximations which are controlled by the parameter \code{eps} and by the spacing of values of \code{r} respectively. See \code{\link{Fest}} for details. First-time users are strongly advised not to specify these arguments. Note that the value returned by \code{Jest} includes the output of \code{\link{Fest}} and \code{\link{Gest}} as attributes (see the last example below). If the user is intending to compute the \code{F,G} and \code{J} functions for the point pattern, it is only necessary to call \code{Jest}. } \references{ Baddeley, A.J. Spatial sampling and censoring. In O.E. Barndorff-Nielsen, W.S. Kendall and M.N.M. van Lieshout (eds) \emph{Stochastic Geometry: Likelihood and Computation}. Chapman and Hall, 1998. Chapter 2, pages 37--78. Baddeley, A.J. and Gill, R.D. The empty space hazard of a spatial pattern. Research Report 1994/3, Department of Mathematics, University of Western Australia, May 1994. Baddeley, A.J. and Gill, R.D. Kaplan-Meier estimators of interpoint distance distributions for spatial point processes. \emph{Annals of Statistics} \bold{25} (1997) 263--292. Baddeley, A., Kerscher, M., Schladitz, K. and Scott, B.T. Estimating the \emph{J} function without edge correction. \emph{Statistica Neerlandica} \bold{54} (2000) 315--328. Borgefors, G. Distance transformations in digital images. \emph{Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing} \bold{34} (1986) 344--371. Cressie, N.A.C. \emph{Statistics for spatial data}. John Wiley and Sons, 1991. Diggle, P.J. \emph{Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns}. Academic Press, 1983. Ripley, B.D. \emph{Statistical inference for spatial processes}. Cambridge University Press, 1988. Stoyan, D, Kendall, W.S. and Mecke, J. \emph{Stochastic geometry and its applications}. 2nd edition. Springer Verlag, 1995. Thonnes, E. and Van Lieshout, M.N.M, A comparative study on the power of Van Lieshout and Baddeley's J-function. \emph{Biometrical Journal} \bold{41} (1999) 721--734. Van Lieshout, M.N.M. and Baddeley, A.J. A nonparametric measure of spatial interaction in point patterns. \emph{Statistica Neerlandica} \bold{50} (1996) 344--361. } \seealso{ \code{\link{Fest}}, \code{\link{Gest}}, \code{\link{Kest}}, \code{\link{km.rs}}, \code{\link{reduced.sample}}, \code{\link{kaplan.meier}} } \examples{ data(cells) J <- Jest(cells, 0.01) plot(J, main="cells data") # values are far above J= 1, indicating regular pattern data(redwood) J <- Jest(redwood, 0.01) plot(J, main="redwood data") # values are below J= 1, indicating clustered pattern } \author{Adrian Baddeley \email{adrian@maths.uwa.edu.au} \url{http://www.maths.uwa.edu.au/~adrian/} and Rolf Turner \email{rolf@math.unb.ca} \url{http://www.math.unb.ca/~rolf} } \keyword{spatial}