Raw File
\title{Sample Quantiles of Pixel Image}
Compute the sample quantiles of the pixel values of a
given pixel image.
\method{quantile}{im}(x, \dots)
A pixel image.
An object of class \code{"im"}.
Optional arguments passed to \code{\link{quantile.default}}.
They determine the probabilities for which quantiles should be
computed. See \code{\link{quantile.default}}.
A vector of quantiles. 
This simple function applies the generic \code{\link{quantile}} operation
to the pixel values of the image \code{x}. 

This function is a convenient
way to inspect an image and to obtain summary statistics.
See the examples.
# artificial image data
Z <- setcov(square(1))

# find the quartiles

# find the deciles
quantile(Z, probs=(0:10)/10)

\author{Adrian Baddeley
and Rolf Turner
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