class SearchUtil
// Boyer Moore algorithm copyright by Michael Lecuyer 1998. Slight modification below.
private static final int MAXCHAR = 256; // Maximum chars in character set.
private byte pat[]; // Byte representation of pattern
private int patLen;
private int partial; // Bytes of a partial match found at the end of a text buffer
private int skip[]; // Internal BM table
private int d[]; // Internal BM table
skip = new int[MAXCHAR];
d = null;
public int boyer_mooreSearch(String text, String pattern)
byte[] byteText = text.getBytes();
return search(byteText, 0, text.length());
public int linearSsearch(String text, String pattern)
int textLength = text.length();
int patternLength = pattern.length();
for(int i = 0; i <= textLength - patternLength; i++)
{ String subPattern = text.substring(i, i + patternLength);
if (pattern.equals(subPattern))
{ return i;
return -1;
public void compile(String pattern)
pat = pattern.getBytes();
patLen = pat.length;
int j, k, m, t, t1, q, q1;
int f[] = new int[patLen];
d = new int[patLen];
m = patLen;
for (k = 0; k < MAXCHAR; k++)
skip[k] = m;
for (k = 1; k <= m; k++)
d[k-1] = (m << 1) - k;
skip[pat[k-1]] = m - k;
t = m + 1;
for (j = m; j > 0; j--)
f[j-1] = t;
while (t <= m && pat[j-1] != pat[t-1])
d[t-1] = (d[t-1] < m - j) ? d[t-1] : m - j;
t = f[t-1];
q = t;
t = m + 1 - q;
q1 = 1;
t1 = 0;
for (j = 1; j <= t; j++)
f[j-1] = t1;
while (t1 >= 1 && pat[j-1] != pat[t1-1])
t1 = f[t1-1];
while (q < m)
for (k = q1; k <= q; k++)
d[k-1] = (d[k-1] < m + q - k) ? d[k-1] : m + q - k;
q1 = q + 1;
q = q + t - f[t-1];
t = f[t-1];
* Search for the compiled pattern in the given text.
* A side effect of the search is the notion of a partial
* match at the end of the searched buffer.
* This partial match is helpful in searching text files when
* the entire file doesn't fit into memory.
* @param text Buffer containing the text
* @param start Start position for search
* @param length Length of text in the buffer to be searched.
* @return position in buffer where the pattern was found.
* @see patialMatch
public int search(byte text[], int start, int length)
int textLen = length + start;
partial = -1; // assume no partial match
if (d == null)
return -1; // no pattern compiled, nothing matches.
int m = patLen;
if (m == 0)
return 0;
int k, j = 0;
int max = 0; // used in calculation of partial match. Max distand we jumped.
for (k = start + m - 1; k < textLen;)
for (j = m - 1; j >= 0 && text[k] == pat[j]; j--)
if (j == -1)
return k + 1;
int z = skip[text[k]];
max = (z > d[j]) ? z : d[j];
k += max;
if (k >= textLen && j > 0) // if we're near end of buffer --
partial = k - max - 1;
return -1; // not a real match
return -1; // No match
* Returns the position at the end of the text buffer where a partial match was found.
* <P>
* In many case where a full text search of a large amount of data
* precludes access to the entire file or stream the search algorithm
* will note where the final partial match occurs.
* After an entire buffer has been searched for full matches calling
* this method will reveal if a potential match appeared at the end.
* This information can be used to patch together the partial match
* with the next buffer of data to determine if a real match occurred.
* @return -1 the number of bytes that formed a partial match, -1 if no
* partial match
public int partialMatch()
return partial;