(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Nomadic Labs *) (* Copyright (c) 2022 Trili Tech, *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) (** Tezos Protocol Implementation - Main Entry Points *) open Alpha_context type error += | Not_enough_endorsements of {required : int; provided : int} | Faulty_validation_wrong_slot | Set_deposits_limit_on_unregistered_delegate of Signature.Public_key_hash.t | Set_deposits_limit_too_high of {limit : Tez.t; max_limit : Tez.t} | Error_while_taking_fees | Update_consensus_key_on_unregistered_delegate of Signature.Public_key_hash.t | Empty_transaction of Contract.t | Tx_rollup_feature_disabled | Tx_rollup_invalid_transaction_ticket_amount | Cannot_transfer_ticket_to_implicit | Sc_rollup_feature_disabled | Internal_operation_replay of Apply_internal_results.packed_internal_operation | Multiple_revelation | Zero_frozen_deposits of Signature.Public_key_hash.t | Invalid_transfer_to_sc_rollup_from_implicit_account let () = register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"operation.not_enough_endorsements" ~title:"Not enough endorsements" ~description: "The block being validated does not include the required minimum number \ of endorsements." ~pp:(fun ppf (required, provided) -> Format.fprintf ppf "Wrong number of endorsements (%i), at least %i are expected" provided required) Data_encoding.(obj2 (req "required" int31) (req "provided" int31)) (function | Not_enough_endorsements {required; provided} -> Some (required, provided) | _ -> None) (fun (required, provided) -> Not_enough_endorsements {required; provided}) ; let description = "The consensus operation uses an invalid slot. This error should not \ happen: the operation validation should have failed earlier." in register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"operation.faulty_validation_wrong_slot" ~title:"Faulty validation (wrong slot for consensus operation)" ~description ~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" description) Data_encoding.empty (function Faulty_validation_wrong_slot -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Faulty_validation_wrong_slot) ; register_error_kind `Temporary ~id:"operation.set_deposits_limit_on_unregistered_delegate" ~title:"Set deposits limit on an unregistered delegate" ~description:"Cannot set deposits limit on an unregistered delegate." ~pp:(fun ppf c -> Format.fprintf ppf "Cannot set a deposits limit on the unregistered delegate %a." Signature.Public_key_hash.pp c) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "delegate" Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding)) (function | Set_deposits_limit_on_unregistered_delegate c -> Some c | _ -> None) (fun c -> Set_deposits_limit_on_unregistered_delegate c) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"operation.set_deposits_limit_too_high" ~title:"Set deposits limit to a too high value" ~description: "Cannot set deposits limit such that the active stake overflows." ~pp:(fun ppf (limit, max_limit) -> Format.fprintf ppf "Cannot set deposits limit to %a as it is higher the allowed maximum \ %a." Tez.pp limit Tez.pp max_limit) Data_encoding.( obj2 (req "limit" Tez.encoding) (req "max_limit" Tez.encoding)) (function | Set_deposits_limit_too_high {limit; max_limit} -> Some (limit, max_limit) | _ -> None) (fun (limit, max_limit) -> Set_deposits_limit_too_high {limit; max_limit}) ; let error_while_taking_fees_description = "There was an error while taking the fees, which should not happen and \ means that the operation's validation was faulty." in register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"operation.error_while_taking_fees" ~title:"Error while taking the fees of a manager operation" ~description:error_while_taking_fees_description ~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" error_while_taking_fees_description) Data_encoding.unit (function Error_while_taking_fees -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Error_while_taking_fees) ; register_error_kind `Temporary ~id:"operation.update_consensus_key_on_unregistered_delegate" ~title:"Update consensus key on an unregistered delegate" ~description:"Cannot update consensus key an unregistered delegate." ~pp:(fun ppf c -> Format.fprintf ppf "Cannot update the consensus key on the unregistered delegate %a." Signature.Public_key_hash.pp c) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "delegate" Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding)) (function | Update_consensus_key_on_unregistered_delegate c -> Some c | _ -> None) (fun c -> Update_consensus_key_on_unregistered_delegate c) ; register_error_kind `Branch ~id:"contract.empty_transaction" ~title:"Empty transaction" ~description:"Forbidden to credit 0ꜩ to a contract without code." ~pp:(fun ppf contract -> Format.fprintf ppf "Transactions of 0ꜩ towards a contract without code are forbidden (%a)." Contract.pp contract) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "contract" Contract.encoding)) (function Empty_transaction c -> Some c | _ -> None) (fun c -> Empty_transaction c) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"operation.tx_rollup_is_disabled" ~title:"Tx rollup is disabled" ~description:"Cannot originate a tx rollup as it is disabled." ~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "Cannot apply a tx rollup operation as it is disabled. This feature \ will be enabled in a future proposal") Data_encoding.unit (function Tx_rollup_feature_disabled -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Tx_rollup_feature_disabled) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"operation.tx_rollup_invalid_transaction_ticket_amount" ~title:"Amount of transferred ticket is too high" ~description: "The ticket amount of a rollup transaction must fit in a signed 64-bit \ integer." ~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "Amount of transferred ticket is too high.") Data_encoding.unit (function | Tx_rollup_invalid_transaction_ticket_amount -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Tx_rollup_invalid_transaction_ticket_amount) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"operation.cannot_transfer_ticket_to_implicit" ~title:"Cannot transfer ticket to implicit account" ~description:"Cannot transfer ticket to implicit account" Data_encoding.unit (function Cannot_transfer_ticket_to_implicit -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Cannot_transfer_ticket_to_implicit) ; let description = "Smart contract rollups will be enabled in a future proposal." in register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"operation.sc_rollup_disabled" ~title:"Smart contract rollups are disabled" ~description ~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" description) Data_encoding.unit (function Sc_rollup_feature_disabled -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Sc_rollup_feature_disabled) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"internal_operation_replay" ~title:"Internal operation replay" ~description:"An internal operation was emitted twice by a script" ~pp:(fun ppf (Apply_internal_results.Internal_operation {nonce; _}) -> Format.fprintf ppf "Internal operation %d was emitted twice by a script" nonce) Apply_internal_results.internal_operation_encoding (function Internal_operation_replay op -> Some op | _ -> None) (fun op -> Internal_operation_replay op) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"block.multiple_revelation" ~title:"Multiple revelations were included in a manager operation" ~description: "A manager operation should not contain more than one revelation" ~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "Multiple revelations were included in a manager operation") Data_encoding.empty (function Multiple_revelation -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Multiple_revelation) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"delegate.zero_frozen_deposits" ~title:"Zero frozen deposits" ~description:"The delegate has zero frozen deposits." ~pp:(fun ppf delegate -> Format.fprintf ppf "Delegate %a has zero frozen deposits; it is not allowed to \ bake/preendorse/endorse." Signature.Public_key_hash.pp delegate) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "delegate" Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding)) (function Zero_frozen_deposits delegate -> Some delegate | _ -> None) (fun delegate -> Zero_frozen_deposits delegate) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"operations.invalid_transfer_to_sc_rollup_from_implicit_account" ~title:"Invalid transfer to sc rollup" ~description:"Invalid transfer to sc rollup from implicit account" ~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "Invalid source for transfer operation to smart-contract rollup. Only \ originated accounts are allowed") Data_encoding.empty (function | Invalid_transfer_to_sc_rollup_from_implicit_account -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Invalid_transfer_to_sc_rollup_from_implicit_account) open Apply_results open Apply_operation_result open Apply_internal_results let assert_tx_rollup_feature_enabled ctxt = let open Result_syntax in let level = (Level.current ctxt).level in let* sunset = Raw_level.of_int32 @@ Constants.tx_rollup_sunset_level ctxt in let* () = error_when Raw_level.(sunset <= level) Tx_rollup_feature_disabled in error_unless (Constants.tx_rollup_enable ctxt) Tx_rollup_feature_disabled let assert_sc_rollup_feature_enabled ctxt = error_unless (Constants.sc_rollup_enable ctxt) Sc_rollup_feature_disabled let update_script_storage_and_ticket_balances ctxt ~self_contract storage lazy_storage_diff ticket_diffs operations = Contract.update_script_storage ctxt self_contract storage lazy_storage_diff >>=? fun ctxt -> Ticket_accounting.update_ticket_balances ctxt ~self_contract ~ticket_diffs operations let apply_delegation ~ctxt ~source ~delegate ~before_operation = Contract.Delegate.set ctxt source delegate >|=? fun ctxt -> (ctxt, Gas.consumed ~since:before_operation ~until:ctxt, []) type 'loc execution_arg = | Typed_arg : 'loc * ('a, _) Script_typed_ir.ty * 'a -> 'loc execution_arg | Untyped_arg : Script.expr -> _ execution_arg let apply_transaction_to_implicit ~ctxt ~source ~amount ~pkh ~before_operation = let contract = Contract.Implicit pkh in (* Transfers of zero to implicit accounts are forbidden. *) error_when Tez.(amount = zero) (Empty_transaction contract) >>?= fun () -> (* If the implicit contract is not yet allocated at this point then the next transfer of tokens will allocate it. *) Contract.allocated ctxt contract >>= fun already_allocated -> Token.transfer ctxt (`Contract source) (`Contract contract) amount >>=? fun (ctxt, balance_updates) -> let result = Transaction_to_contract_result { storage = None; lazy_storage_diff = None; balance_updates; ticket_receipt = []; originated_contracts = []; consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:before_operation ~until:ctxt; storage_size = Z.zero; paid_storage_size_diff = Z.zero; allocated_destination_contract = not already_allocated; } in return (ctxt, result, []) let apply_transaction_to_smart_contract ~ctxt ~source ~contract_hash ~amount ~entrypoint ~before_operation ~payer ~chain_id ~internal ~parameter = let contract = Contract.Originated contract_hash in (* Since the contract is originated, nothing will be allocated or this transfer of tokens will fail. [Token.transfer] will succeed even on non-existing contracts, if the amount is zero. Then if the destination does not exist, [Script_cache.find] will signal that by returning [None] and we'll fail. *) Token.transfer ctxt (`Contract source) (`Contract contract) amount >>=? fun (ctxt, balance_updates) -> Script_cache.find ctxt contract_hash >>=? fun (ctxt, cache_key, script) -> match script with | None -> fail (Contract.Non_existing_contract contract) | Some (script, script_ir) -> (* Token.transfer which is being called before already loads this value into the Irmin cache, so no need to burn gas for it. *) Contract.get_balance ctxt contract >>=? fun balance -> let now = Script_timestamp.now ctxt in let level = (Level.current ctxt).level |> Raw_level.to_int32 |> Script_int.of_int32 |> Script_int.abs in let step_constants = let open Script_interpreter in { source; payer; self = contract_hash; amount; chain_id; balance; now; level; } in let execute = match parameter with | Untyped_arg parameter -> Script_interpreter.execute ~parameter | Typed_arg (location, parameter_ty, parameter) -> Script_interpreter.execute_with_typed_parameter ~location ~parameter_ty ~parameter in let cached_script = Some script_ir in execute ctxt ~cached_script Optimized step_constants ~script ~entrypoint ~internal >>=? fun ( { script = updated_cached_script; code_size = updated_size; storage; lazy_storage_diff; operations; ticket_diffs; ticket_receipt; }, ctxt ) -> update_script_storage_and_ticket_balances ctxt ~self_contract:contract storage lazy_storage_diff ticket_diffs operations >>=? fun (ticket_table_size_diff, ctxt) -> Ticket_balance.adjust_storage_space ctxt ~storage_diff:ticket_table_size_diff >>=? fun (ticket_paid_storage_diff, ctxt) -> Fees.record_paid_storage_space ctxt contract >>=? fun (ctxt, new_size, contract_paid_storage_size_diff) -> Contract.originated_from_current_nonce ~since:before_operation ~until:ctxt >>=? fun originated_contracts -> Lwt.return ( Script_cache.update ctxt cache_key ( {script with storage = Script.lazy_expr storage}, updated_cached_script ) updated_size >|? fun ctxt -> let result = Transaction_to_contract_result { storage = Some storage; lazy_storage_diff; balance_updates; ticket_receipt; originated_contracts; consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:before_operation ~until:ctxt; storage_size = new_size; paid_storage_size_diff = Z.add contract_paid_storage_size_diff ticket_paid_storage_diff; allocated_destination_contract = false; } in (ctxt, result, operations) ) let apply_transaction_to_tx_rollup ~ctxt ~parameters_ty ~parameters ~payer ~dst_rollup ~since = assert_tx_rollup_feature_enabled ctxt >>?= fun () -> (* If the ticket deposit fails on L2 for some reason (e.g. [Balance_overflow] in the recipient), then it is returned to [payer]. As [payer] is implicit, it cannot own tickets directly. Therefore, erroneous deposits are returned using the L2 withdrawal mechanism: a failing deposit emits a withdrawal that can be executed by [payer]. *) let Tx_rollup_parameters.{ex_ticket; l2_destination} = Tx_rollup_parameters.get_deposit_parameters parameters_ty parameters in Ticket_scanner.ex_ticket_size ctxt ex_ticket >>=? fun (ticket_size, ctxt) -> let limit = Constants.tx_rollup_max_ticket_payload_size ctxt in fail_when Compare.Int.(ticket_size > limit) (Tx_rollup_errors_repr.Ticket_payload_size_limit_exceeded {payload_size = ticket_size; limit}) >>=? fun () -> let ex_token, ticket_amount = Ticket_token.token_and_amount_of_ex_ticket ex_ticket in Ticket_balance_key.of_ex_token ctxt ~owner:(Tx_rollup dst_rollup) ex_token >>=? fun (ticket_hash, ctxt) -> Option.value_e ~error: (Error_monad.trace_of_error Tx_rollup_invalid_transaction_ticket_amount) (Option.bind (Script_int.to_int64 (ticket_amount :> Script_int.n Script_int.num)) Tx_rollup_l2_qty.of_int64) >>?= fun ticket_amount -> error_when Tx_rollup_l2_qty.(ticket_amount <= zero) Script_tc_errors.Forbidden_zero_ticket_quantity >>?= fun () -> let deposit, message_size = Tx_rollup_message.make_deposit payer l2_destination ticket_hash ticket_amount in Tx_rollup_state.get ctxt dst_rollup >>=? fun (ctxt, state) -> Tx_rollup_state.burn_cost ~limit:None state message_size >>?= fun cost -> Token.transfer ctxt (`Contract (Contract.Implicit payer)) `Burned cost >>=? fun (ctxt, balance_updates) -> Tx_rollup_inbox.append_message ctxt dst_rollup state deposit >>=? fun (ctxt, state, paid_storage_size_diff) -> Tx_rollup_state.update ctxt dst_rollup state >>=? fun ctxt -> let result = ITransaction_result (Transaction_to_tx_rollup_result { balance_updates; consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since ~until:ctxt; ticket_hash; paid_storage_size_diff; }) in return (ctxt, result, []) let apply_origination ~ctxt ~storage_type ~storage ~unparsed_code ~contract:contract_hash ~delegate ~source ~credit ~before_operation = Script_ir_translator.collect_lazy_storage ctxt storage_type storage >>?= fun (to_duplicate, ctxt) -> let to_update = Script_ir_translator.no_lazy_storage_id in Script_ir_translator.extract_lazy_storage_diff ctxt Optimized storage_type storage ~to_duplicate ~to_update ~temporary:false >>=? fun (storage, lazy_storage_diff, ctxt) -> Script_ir_translator.unparse_data ctxt Optimized storage_type storage >>=? fun (storage, ctxt) -> let storage = Script.lazy_expr storage in (* Normalize code to avoid #843 *) Script_ir_translator.unparse_code ctxt Optimized (Micheline.root unparsed_code) >>=? fun (code, ctxt) -> let code = Script.lazy_expr code in let script = {Script.code; storage} in Contract.raw_originate ctxt ~prepaid_bootstrap_storage:false contract_hash ~script:(script, lazy_storage_diff) >>=? fun ctxt -> let contract = Contract.Originated contract_hash in (match delegate with | None -> return ctxt | Some delegate -> Contract.Delegate.init ctxt contract delegate) >>=? fun ctxt -> Token.transfer ctxt (`Contract source) (`Contract contract) credit >>=? fun (ctxt, balance_updates) -> Fees.record_paid_storage_space ctxt contract >|=? fun (ctxt, size, paid_storage_size_diff) -> let result = { lazy_storage_diff; balance_updates; originated_contracts = [contract_hash]; consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:before_operation ~until:ctxt; storage_size = size; paid_storage_size_diff; } in (ctxt, result, []) (** Retrieving the source code of a contract from its address is costly because it requires I/Os. For this reason, we put the corresponding Micheline expression in the cache. Elaborating a Micheline node into the well-typed script abstract syntax tree is also a costly operation. The result of this operation is cached as well. *) let apply_internal_operation_contents : type kind. context -> payer:public_key_hash -> source:Contract.t -> chain_id:Chain_id.t -> kind Script_typed_ir.internal_operation_contents -> (context * kind successful_internal_operation_result * Script_typed_ir.packed_internal_operation list) tzresult Lwt.t = fun ctxt_before_op ~payer ~source ~chain_id operation -> Contract.must_exist ctxt_before_op source >>=? fun () -> Gas.consume ctxt_before_op Michelson_v1_gas.Cost_of.manager_operation >>?= fun ctxt -> (* Note that [ctxt_before_op] will be used again later to compute gas consumption and originations for the operation result (by comparing it with the [ctxt] we will have at the end of the application). *) match operation with | Transaction_to_implicit {destination = pkh; amount} -> apply_transaction_to_implicit ~ctxt ~source ~amount ~pkh ~before_operation:ctxt_before_op >|=? fun (ctxt, res, ops) -> ( ctxt, (ITransaction_result res : kind successful_internal_operation_result), ops ) | Transaction_to_smart_contract { amount; destination = contract_hash; entrypoint; location; parameters_ty; parameters = typed_parameters; unparsed_parameters = _; } -> apply_transaction_to_smart_contract ~ctxt ~source ~contract_hash ~amount ~entrypoint ~before_operation:ctxt_before_op ~payer ~chain_id ~internal:true ~parameter:(Typed_arg (location, parameters_ty, typed_parameters)) >|=? fun (ctxt, res, ops) -> (ctxt, ITransaction_result res, ops) | Transaction_to_tx_rollup {destination; unparsed_parameters = _; parameters_ty; parameters} -> apply_transaction_to_tx_rollup ~ctxt ~parameters_ty ~parameters ~payer ~dst_rollup:destination ~since:ctxt_before_op | Transaction_to_sc_rollup { destination; entrypoint = _; parameters_ty = _; parameters = _; unparsed_parameters = payload; } -> assert_sc_rollup_feature_enabled ctxt >>?= fun () -> (* TODO: #3242 We could rather change the type of [source] in {!Script_type_ir.internal_operation}. Only originated accounts should be allowed anyway for internal operations. *) (match source with | Contract.Implicit _ -> error Invalid_transfer_to_sc_rollup_from_implicit_account | Originated hash -> ok hash) >>?= fun sender -> (* Adding the message to the inbox. Note that it is safe to ignore the size diff since only its hash and meta data are stored in the context. See #3232. *) Sc_rollup.Inbox.add_internal_message ctxt destination ~payload ~sender ~source:payer >|=? fun (inbox_after, _size, ctxt) -> let consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:ctxt_before_op ~until:ctxt in let result = Transaction_to_sc_rollup_result {consumed_gas; inbox_after} in (ctxt, ITransaction_result result, []) | Event {ty = _; unparsed_data = _; tag = _} -> return ( ctxt, IEvent_result {consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:ctxt_before_op ~until:ctxt}, [] ) | Transaction_to_zk_rollup {destination; unparsed_parameters = _; parameters_ty; parameters} -> Zk_rollup_apply.transaction_to_zk_rollup ~ctxt ~parameters_ty ~parameters ~dst_rollup:destination ~since:ctxt_before_op | Origination { delegate; code = unparsed_code; unparsed_storage = _; credit; preorigination; storage_type; storage; } -> apply_origination ~ctxt ~storage_type ~storage ~unparsed_code ~contract:preorigination ~delegate ~source ~credit ~before_operation:ctxt_before_op >|=? fun (ctxt, origination_result, ops) -> (ctxt, IOrigination_result origination_result, ops) | Delegation delegate -> apply_delegation ~ctxt ~source ~delegate ~before_operation:ctxt_before_op >|=? fun (ctxt, consumed_gas, ops) -> (ctxt, IDelegation_result {consumed_gas}, ops) let apply_manager_operation : type kind. context -> source:public_key_hash -> chain_id:Chain_id.t -> kind manager_operation -> (context * kind successful_manager_operation_result * Script_typed_ir.packed_internal_operation list) tzresult Lwt.t = fun ctxt_before_op ~source ~chain_id operation -> let source_contract = Contract.Implicit source in Contract.must_exist ctxt_before_op source_contract >>=? fun () -> Gas.consume ctxt_before_op Michelson_v1_gas.Cost_of.manager_operation >>?= fun ctxt -> (* Note that [ctxt_before_op] will be used again later to compute gas consumption and originations for the operation result (by comparing it with the [ctxt] we will have at the end of the application). *) let consume_deserialization_gas = (* Note that we used to set this to [Script.When_needed] because the deserialization gas was accounted for in the gas consumed by precheck. However, we no longer have access to this precheck gas, so we want to always consume the deserialization gas again, independently of the internal state of the lazy_exprs in the arguments. *) Script.Always in match operation with | Reveal pk -> (* TODO #2603 Even if [precheck_manager_contents] has already asserted that the implicit contract is allocated, we must re-do this check in case the manager has been emptied while collecting fees. This should be solved by forking out [validate_operation] from [apply_operation]. *) Contract.must_be_allocated ctxt source_contract >>=? fun () -> (* TODO tezos/tezos#3070 We have already asserted the consistency of the supplied public key during precheck, so we avoid re-checking that precondition with [?check_consistency=false]. This optional parameter is temporary, to avoid breaking compatibility with external legacy usage of [Contract.reveal_manager_key]. However, the pattern of using [Contract.check_public_key] and this usage of [Contract.reveal_manager_key] should become the standard. *) Contract.reveal_manager_key ~check_consistency:false ctxt source pk >>=? fun ctxt -> return ( ctxt, (Reveal_result {consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:ctxt_before_op ~until:ctxt} : kind successful_manager_operation_result), [] ) | Transaction {amount; parameters; destination = Implicit pkh; entrypoint} -> Script.force_decode_in_context ~consume_deserialization_gas ctxt parameters >>?= fun (parameters, ctxt) -> (* Only allow [Unit] parameter to implicit accounts. *) (match Micheline.root parameters with | Prim (_, Michelson_v1_primitives.D_Unit, [], _) -> Result.return_unit | _ -> error (Script_interpreter.Bad_contract_parameter source_contract)) >>?= fun () -> (if Entrypoint.is_default entrypoint then Result.return_unit else error (Script_tc_errors.No_such_entrypoint entrypoint)) >>?= fun () -> apply_transaction_to_implicit ~ctxt ~source:source_contract ~amount ~pkh ~before_operation:ctxt_before_op >|=? fun (ctxt, res, ops) -> (ctxt, Transaction_result res, ops) | Transaction {amount; parameters; destination = Originated contract_hash; entrypoint} -> Script.force_decode_in_context ~consume_deserialization_gas ctxt parameters >>?= fun (parameters, ctxt) -> apply_transaction_to_smart_contract ~ctxt ~source:source_contract ~contract_hash ~amount ~entrypoint ~before_operation:ctxt_before_op ~payer:source ~chain_id ~internal:false ~parameter:(Untyped_arg parameters) >|=? fun (ctxt, res, ops) -> (ctxt, Transaction_result res, ops) | Tx_rollup_dispatch_tickets { tx_rollup; level; context_hash; message_index; message_result_path; tickets_info; } -> Tx_rollup_state.get ctxt tx_rollup >>=? fun (ctxt, state) -> Tx_rollup_commitment.get_finalized ctxt tx_rollup state level >>=? fun (ctxt, commitment) -> Tx_rollup_reveal.mem ctxt tx_rollup level ~message_position:message_index >>=? fun (ctxt, already_revealed) -> error_when already_revealed Tx_rollup_errors.Withdrawals_already_dispatched >>?= fun () -> (* The size of the list [tickets_info] is bounded by a parametric constant, and checked in precheck. *) List.fold_left_es (fun (acc_withdraw, acc, ctxt) Tx_rollup_reveal.{contents; ty; ticketer; amount; claimer} -> error_when Tx_rollup_l2_qty.(amount <= zero) Script_tc_errors.Forbidden_zero_ticket_quantity >>?= fun () -> Tx_rollup_ticket.parse_ticket ~consume_deserialization_gas ~ticketer ~contents ~ty ctxt >>=? fun (ctxt, ticket_token) -> Tx_rollup_ticket.make_withdraw_order ctxt tx_rollup ticket_token claimer amount >>=? fun (ctxt, withdrawal) -> return (withdrawal :: acc_withdraw, (withdrawal, ticket_token) :: acc, ctxt)) ([], [], ctxt) tickets_info >>=? fun (rev_withdraw_list, rev_ex_token_and_hash_list, ctxt) -> Tx_rollup_hash.withdraw_list ctxt (List.rev rev_withdraw_list) >>?= fun (ctxt, withdraw_list_hash) -> Tx_rollup_commitment.check_message_result ctxt commitment.commitment (`Result {context_hash; withdraw_list_hash}) ~path:message_result_path ~index:message_index >>?= fun ctxt -> Tx_rollup_reveal.record ctxt tx_rollup level ~message_position:message_index >>=? fun ctxt -> let adjust_ticket_balance (ctxt, acc_diff) ( Tx_rollup_withdraw. {claimer; amount; ticket_hash = tx_rollup_ticket_hash}, ticket_token ) = Tx_rollup_l2_qty.to_z amount |> Ticket_amount.of_zint |> Option.value_e ~error: (Error_monad.trace_of_error Script_tc_errors.Forbidden_zero_ticket_quantity) >>?= fun amount -> Ticket_balance_key.of_ex_token ctxt ~owner:(Contract (Contract.Implicit claimer)) ticket_token >>=? fun (claimer_ticket_hash, ctxt) -> Tx_rollup_ticket.transfer_ticket_with_hashes ctxt ~src_hash:tx_rollup_ticket_hash ~dst_hash:claimer_ticket_hash amount >>=? fun (ctxt, diff) -> return (ctxt, Z.(add acc_diff diff)) in List.fold_left_es adjust_ticket_balance (ctxt, Z.zero) rev_ex_token_and_hash_list >>=? fun (ctxt, paid_storage_size_diff) -> let result = Tx_rollup_dispatch_tickets_result { balance_updates = []; consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:ctxt_before_op ~until:ctxt; paid_storage_size_diff; } in return (ctxt, result, []) | Transfer_ticket {contents; ty; ticketer; amount; destination; entrypoint} -> ( match destination with | Implicit _ -> fail Cannot_transfer_ticket_to_implicit | Originated destination_hash -> Tx_rollup_ticket.parse_ticket_and_operation ~consume_deserialization_gas ~ticketer ~contents ~ty ~source:source_contract ~destination:destination_hash ~entrypoint ~amount ctxt >>=? fun (ctxt, ticket_token, op) -> Tx_rollup_ticket.transfer_ticket ctxt ~src:(Contract source_contract) ~dst:(Contract destination) ticket_token amount >>=? fun (ctxt, paid_storage_size_diff) -> let result = Transfer_ticket_result { balance_updates = []; consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:ctxt_before_op ~until:ctxt; paid_storage_size_diff; } in return (ctxt, result, [op])) | Origination {delegate; script; credit} -> (* Internal originations have their address generated in the interpreter so that the script can use it immediately. The address of external originations is generated here. *) Contract.fresh_contract_from_current_nonce ctxt >>?= fun (ctxt, contract) -> Script.force_decode_in_context ~consume_deserialization_gas ctxt script.Script.storage >>?= fun (_unparsed_storage, ctxt) -> Script.force_decode_in_context ~consume_deserialization_gas ctxt script.Script.code >>?= fun (unparsed_code, ctxt) -> Script_ir_translator.parse_script ctxt ~elab_conf:Script_ir_translator_config.(make ~legacy:false ()) ~allow_forged_in_storage:false script >>=? fun (Ex_script parsed_script, ctxt) -> let (Script {storage_type; views; storage; _}) = parsed_script in let views_result = Script_ir_translator.parse_views ctxt ~elab_conf:Script_ir_translator_config.(make ~legacy:false ()) storage_type views in trace (Script_tc_errors.Ill_typed_contract (unparsed_code, [])) views_result >>=? fun (_typed_views, ctxt) -> apply_origination ~ctxt ~storage_type ~storage ~unparsed_code ~contract ~delegate ~source:source_contract ~credit ~before_operation:ctxt_before_op >|=? fun (ctxt, origination_result, ops) -> (ctxt, Origination_result origination_result, ops) | Delegation delegate -> apply_delegation ~ctxt ~source:source_contract ~delegate ~before_operation:ctxt_before_op >|=? fun (ctxt, consumed_gas, ops) -> (ctxt, Delegation_result {consumed_gas}, ops) | Register_global_constant {value} -> (* Decode the value and consume gas appropriately *) Script.force_decode_in_context ~consume_deserialization_gas ctxt value >>?= fun (expr, ctxt) -> (* Set the key to the value in storage. *) Global_constants_storage.register ctxt expr >>=? fun (ctxt, address, size) -> (* The burn and the reporting of the burn are calculated differently. [Fees.record_global_constant_storage_space] does the actual burn based on the size of the constant registered, and this causes a change in account balance. On the other hand, the receipt is calculated with the help of [Fees.cost_of_bytes], and is included in block metadata and the client output. The receipt is also used during simulation, letting the client automatically set an appropriate storage limit. TODO : is this concern still honored by the token management refactoring ? *) let ctxt, paid_size = Fees.record_global_constant_storage_space ctxt size in let result = Register_global_constant_result { balance_updates = []; consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:ctxt_before_op ~until:ctxt; size_of_constant = paid_size; global_address = address; } in return (ctxt, result, []) | Set_deposits_limit limit -> (match limit with | None -> Result.return_unit | Some limit -> let frozen_deposits_percentage = Constants.frozen_deposits_percentage ctxt in let max_limit = Tez.of_mutez_exn Int64.( mul (of_int frozen_deposits_percentage) Int64.(div max_int 100L)) in error_when Tez.(limit > max_limit) (Set_deposits_limit_too_high {limit; max_limit})) >>?= fun () -> Delegate.registered ctxt source >>= fun is_registered -> error_unless is_registered (Set_deposits_limit_on_unregistered_delegate source) >>?= fun () -> Delegate.set_frozen_deposits_limit ctxt source limit >>= fun ctxt -> return ( ctxt, Set_deposits_limit_result {consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:ctxt_before_op ~until:ctxt}, [] ) | Increase_paid_storage {amount_in_bytes; destination} -> let contract = Contract.Originated destination in Contract.increase_paid_storage ctxt contract ~amount_in_bytes >>=? fun ctxt -> let payer = `Contract (Contract.Implicit source) in Fees.burn_storage_increase_fees ctxt ~payer amount_in_bytes >|=? fun (ctxt, storage_bus) -> let result = Increase_paid_storage_result { balance_updates = storage_bus; consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:ctxt_before_op ~until:ctxt; } in (ctxt, result, []) | Update_consensus_key pk -> Delegate.registered ctxt source >>= fun is_registered -> error_unless is_registered (Update_consensus_key_on_unregistered_delegate source) >>?= fun () -> Delegate.Consensus_key.register_update ctxt source pk >>=? fun ctxt -> return ( ctxt, Update_consensus_key_result {consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:ctxt_before_op ~until:ctxt}, [] ) | Tx_rollup_origination -> Tx_rollup.originate ctxt >>=? fun (ctxt, originated_tx_rollup) -> let result = Tx_rollup_origination_result { consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:ctxt_before_op ~until:ctxt; originated_tx_rollup; balance_updates = []; } in return (ctxt, result, []) | Tx_rollup_submit_batch {tx_rollup; content; burn_limit} -> let message, message_size = Tx_rollup_message.make_batch content in Tx_rollup_gas.hash_cost message_size >>?= fun cost -> Gas.consume ctxt cost >>?= fun ctxt -> Tx_rollup_state.get ctxt tx_rollup >>=? fun (ctxt, state) -> Tx_rollup_inbox.append_message ctxt tx_rollup state message >>=? fun (ctxt, state, paid_storage_size_diff) -> Tx_rollup_state.burn_cost ~limit:burn_limit state message_size >>?= fun cost -> Token.transfer ctxt (`Contract source_contract) `Burned cost >>=? fun (ctxt, balance_updates) -> Tx_rollup_state.update ctxt tx_rollup state >>=? fun ctxt -> let result = Tx_rollup_submit_batch_result { consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:ctxt_before_op ~until:ctxt; balance_updates; paid_storage_size_diff; } in return (ctxt, result, []) | Tx_rollup_commit {tx_rollup; commitment} -> Tx_rollup_state.get ctxt tx_rollup >>=? fun (ctxt, state) -> ( Tx_rollup_commitment.has_bond ctxt tx_rollup source >>=? fun (ctxt, pending) -> if not pending then let bond_id = Bond_id.Tx_rollup_bond_id tx_rollup in Token.transfer ctxt (`Contract source_contract) (`Frozen_bonds (source_contract, bond_id)) (Constants.tx_rollup_commitment_bond ctxt) else return (ctxt, []) ) >>=? fun (ctxt, balance_updates) -> Tx_rollup_commitment.add_commitment ctxt tx_rollup state source commitment >>=? fun (ctxt, state, to_slash) -> (match to_slash with | Some pkh -> let committer = Contract.Implicit pkh in Tx_rollup_commitment.slash_bond ctxt tx_rollup pkh >>=? fun (ctxt, slashed) -> if slashed then let bid = Bond_id.Tx_rollup_bond_id tx_rollup in Token.balance ctxt (`Frozen_bonds (committer, bid)) >>=? fun (ctxt, burn) -> Token.transfer ctxt (`Frozen_bonds (committer, bid)) `Tx_rollup_rejection_punishments burn else return (ctxt, []) | None -> return (ctxt, [])) >>=? fun (ctxt, burn_update) -> Tx_rollup_state.update ctxt tx_rollup state >>=? fun ctxt -> let result = Tx_rollup_commit_result { consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:ctxt_before_op ~until:ctxt; balance_updates = burn_update @ balance_updates; } in return (ctxt, result, []) | Tx_rollup_return_bond {tx_rollup} -> Tx_rollup_commitment.remove_bond ctxt tx_rollup source >>=? fun ctxt -> let bond_id = Bond_id.Tx_rollup_bond_id tx_rollup in Token.balance ctxt (`Frozen_bonds (source_contract, bond_id)) >>=? fun (ctxt, bond) -> Token.transfer ctxt (`Frozen_bonds (source_contract, bond_id)) (`Contract source_contract) bond >>=? fun (ctxt, balance_updates) -> let result = Tx_rollup_return_bond_result { consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:ctxt_before_op ~until:ctxt; balance_updates; } in return (ctxt, result, []) | Tx_rollup_finalize_commitment {tx_rollup} -> Tx_rollup_state.get ctxt tx_rollup >>=? fun (ctxt, state) -> Tx_rollup_commitment.finalize_commitment ctxt tx_rollup state >>=? fun (ctxt, state, level) -> Tx_rollup_state.update ctxt tx_rollup state >>=? fun ctxt -> let result = Tx_rollup_finalize_commitment_result { consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:ctxt_before_op ~until:ctxt; balance_updates = []; level; } in return (ctxt, result, []) | Tx_rollup_remove_commitment {tx_rollup} -> Tx_rollup_state.get ctxt tx_rollup >>=? fun (ctxt, state) -> Tx_rollup_commitment.remove_commitment ctxt tx_rollup state >>=? fun (ctxt, state, level) -> Tx_rollup_state.update ctxt tx_rollup state >>=? fun ctxt -> let result = Tx_rollup_remove_commitment_result { consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:ctxt_before_op ~until:ctxt; balance_updates = []; level; } in return (ctxt, result, []) | Tx_rollup_rejection { proof; tx_rollup; level; message; message_position; message_path; message_result_hash; message_result_path; previous_message_result; previous_message_result_path; } -> ( Tx_rollup_state.get ctxt tx_rollup >>=? fun (ctxt, state) -> (* Check [level] *) Tx_rollup_state.check_level_can_be_rejected state level >>?= fun () -> Tx_rollup_commitment.get ctxt tx_rollup state level >>=? fun (ctxt, commitment) -> (* Check [message] *) error_when Compare.Int.( message_position < 0 || commitment.commitment.messages.count <= message_position) (Tx_rollup_errors.Wrong_message_position { level = commitment.commitment.level; position = message_position; length = commitment.commitment.messages.count; }) >>?= fun () -> Tx_rollup_inbox.check_message_hash ctxt level tx_rollup ~position:message_position message message_path >>=? fun ctxt -> (* Check message result paths *) Tx_rollup_commitment.check_agreed_and_disputed_results ctxt tx_rollup state commitment ~agreed_result:previous_message_result ~agreed_result_path:previous_message_result_path ~disputed_result:message_result_hash ~disputed_result_path:message_result_path ~disputed_position:message_position >>=? fun ctxt -> (* Check [proof] *) let parameters = Tx_rollup_l2_apply. { tx_rollup_max_withdrawals_per_batch = Constants.tx_rollup_max_withdrawals_per_batch ctxt; } in let proof_length = Tx_rollup_l2_proof.length proof in match Tx_rollup_l2_proof.proof_of_serialized_opt proof with | Some proof -> Tx_rollup_l2_verifier.verify_proof ctxt parameters message proof ~proof_length ~agreed:previous_message_result ~rejected:message_result_hash ~max_proof_size:(Constants.tx_rollup_rejection_max_proof_size ctxt) >>=? fun ctxt -> (* Proof is correct, removing *) Tx_rollup_commitment.reject_commitment ctxt tx_rollup state level >>=? fun (ctxt, state) -> (* Bond slashing, and removing *) Tx_rollup_commitment.slash_bond ctxt tx_rollup commitment.committer >>=? fun (ctxt, slashed) -> (if slashed then let committer = Contract.Implicit commitment.committer in let bid = Bond_id.Tx_rollup_bond_id tx_rollup in Token.balance ctxt (`Frozen_bonds (committer, bid)) >>=? fun (ctxt, burn) -> Tez.(burn /? 2L) >>?= fun reward -> Token.transfer ctxt (`Frozen_bonds (committer, bid)) `Tx_rollup_rejection_punishments burn >>=? fun (ctxt, burn_update) -> Token.transfer ctxt `Tx_rollup_rejection_rewards (`Contract source_contract) reward >>=? fun (ctxt, reward_update) -> return (ctxt, burn_update @ reward_update) else return (ctxt, [])) >>=? fun (ctxt, balance_updates) -> (* Update state and conclude *) Tx_rollup_state.update ctxt tx_rollup state >>=? fun ctxt -> let result = Tx_rollup_rejection_result { consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:ctxt_before_op ~until:ctxt; balance_updates; } in return (ctxt, result, []) | None -> fail Tx_rollup_errors.Proof_undecodable) | Dal_publish_slot_header {slot} -> Dal_apply.apply_publish_slot_header ctxt slot >>?= fun ctxt -> let consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:ctxt_before_op ~until:ctxt in let result = Dal_publish_slot_header_result {consumed_gas} in return (ctxt, result, []) | Sc_rollup_originate {kind; boot_sector; origination_proof; parameters_ty} -> Sc_rollup_operations.originate ctxt ~kind ~boot_sector ~origination_proof ~parameters_ty >>=? fun ({address; size; genesis_commitment_hash}, ctxt) -> let consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:ctxt_before_op ~until:ctxt in let result = Sc_rollup_originate_result { address; genesis_commitment_hash; consumed_gas; size; balance_updates = []; } in return (ctxt, result, []) | Sc_rollup_add_messages {rollup; messages} -> Sc_rollup.Inbox.add_external_messages ctxt rollup messages >>=? fun (inbox_after, _size, ctxt) -> let consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:ctxt_before_op ~until:ctxt in let result = Sc_rollup_add_messages_result {consumed_gas; inbox_after} in return (ctxt, result, []) | Sc_rollup_cement {rollup; commitment} -> Sc_rollup.Stake_storage.cement_commitment ctxt rollup commitment >>=? fun (ctxt, commitment) -> let consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:ctxt_before_op ~until:ctxt in let result = Sc_rollup_cement_result {consumed_gas; inbox_level = commitment.inbox_level} in return (ctxt, result, []) | Sc_rollup_publish {rollup; commitment} -> Sc_rollup.Stake_storage.publish_commitment ctxt rollup source commitment >>=? fun (staked_hash, published_at_level, ctxt, balance_updates) -> let consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:ctxt_before_op ~until:ctxt in let result = Sc_rollup_publish_result {staked_hash; consumed_gas; published_at_level; balance_updates} in return (ctxt, result, []) | Sc_rollup_refute {rollup; opponent; refutation} -> let open Sc_rollup.Refutation_storage in let player = source in (match refutation with | None -> start_game ctxt rollup ~player ~opponent >>=? fun ctxt -> return (None, ctxt) | Some refutation -> game_move ctxt rollup ~player ~opponent refutation) >>=? fun (game_result, ctxt) -> (match game_result with | None -> return (Sc_rollup.Game.Ongoing, ctxt, []) | Some game_result -> let stakers = Sc_rollup.Game.Index.make source opponent in Sc_rollup.Refutation_storage.apply_game_result ctxt rollup stakers game_result) >>=? fun (game_status, ctxt, balance_updates) -> let consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:ctxt_before_op ~until:ctxt in let result = Sc_rollup_refute_result {game_status; consumed_gas; balance_updates} in return (ctxt, result, []) | Sc_rollup_timeout {rollup; stakers} -> Sc_rollup.Refutation_storage.timeout ctxt rollup stakers >>=? fun (game_result, ctxt) -> Sc_rollup.Refutation_storage.apply_game_result ctxt rollup stakers game_result >>=? fun (game_status, ctxt, balance_updates) -> let consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:ctxt_before_op ~until:ctxt in let result = Sc_rollup_timeout_result {game_status; consumed_gas; balance_updates} in return (ctxt, result, []) | Sc_rollup_execute_outbox_message {rollup; cemented_commitment; output_proof} -> Sc_rollup_operations.execute_outbox_message ctxt rollup ~cemented_commitment ~source ~output_proof >|=? fun ({Sc_rollup_operations.paid_storage_size_diff; operations}, ctxt) -> let consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:ctxt_before_op ~until:ctxt in let result = Sc_rollup_execute_outbox_message_result {paid_storage_size_diff; balance_updates = []; consumed_gas} in (ctxt, result, operations) | Sc_rollup_recover_bond {sc_rollup} -> Sc_rollup.Stake_storage.withdraw_stake ctxt sc_rollup source >>=? fun (ctxt, balance_updates) -> let result = Sc_rollup_recover_bond_result { consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:ctxt_before_op ~until:ctxt; balance_updates; } in return (ctxt, result, []) | Sc_rollup_dal_slot_subscribe {rollup; slot_index} -> let open Lwt_tzresult_syntax in let+ slot_index, level, ctxt = Sc_rollup.Dal_slot.subscribe ctxt rollup ~slot_index in let consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:ctxt_before_op ~until:ctxt in let result = Sc_rollup_dal_slot_subscribe_result {consumed_gas; slot_index; level} in (ctxt, result, []) | Zk_rollup_origination {public_parameters; circuits_info; init_state; nb_ops} -> Zk_rollup_apply.originate ~ctxt_before_op ~ctxt ~public_parameters ~circuits_info ~init_state ~nb_ops | Zk_rollup_publish {zk_rollup; ops} -> Zk_rollup_apply.publish ~ctxt_before_op ~ctxt ~zk_rollup ~l2_ops:ops type success_or_failure = Success of context | Failure let apply_internal_operations ctxt ~payer ~chain_id ops = let rec apply ctxt applied worklist = match worklist with | [] -> Lwt.return (Success ctxt, List.rev applied) | Script_typed_ir.Internal_operation ({source; operation; nonce} as op) :: rest -> ( (if internal_nonce_already_recorded ctxt nonce then let op_res = Apply_internal_results.internal_operation op in fail (Internal_operation_replay (Internal_operation op_res)) else let ctxt = record_internal_nonce ctxt nonce in apply_internal_operation_contents ctxt ~source ~payer ~chain_id operation) >>= function | Error errors -> let result = pack_internal_operation_result op (Failed (Script_typed_ir.manager_kind op.operation, errors)) in let skipped = List.rev_map (fun (Script_typed_ir.Internal_operation op) -> pack_internal_operation_result op (Skipped (Script_typed_ir.manager_kind op.operation))) rest in Lwt.return (Failure, List.rev (skipped @ (result :: applied))) | Ok (ctxt, result, emitted) -> apply ctxt (pack_internal_operation_result op (Applied result) :: applied) (emitted @ rest)) in apply ctxt [] ops let burn_transaction_storage_fees ctxt trr ~storage_limit ~payer = match trr with | Transaction_to_contract_result payload -> let consumed = payload.paid_storage_size_diff in Fees.burn_storage_fees ctxt ~storage_limit ~payer consumed >>=? fun (ctxt, storage_limit, storage_bus) -> (if payload.allocated_destination_contract then Fees.burn_origination_fees ctxt ~storage_limit ~payer else return (ctxt, storage_limit, [])) >>=? fun (ctxt, storage_limit, origination_bus) -> let balance_updates = storage_bus @ payload.balance_updates @ origination_bus in return ( ctxt, storage_limit, Transaction_to_contract_result { storage = payload.storage; lazy_storage_diff = payload.lazy_storage_diff; balance_updates; ticket_receipt = payload.ticket_receipt; originated_contracts = payload.originated_contracts; consumed_gas = payload.consumed_gas; storage_size = payload.storage_size; paid_storage_size_diff = payload.paid_storage_size_diff; allocated_destination_contract = payload.allocated_destination_contract; } ) | Transaction_to_tx_rollup_result payload -> let consumed = payload.paid_storage_size_diff in Fees.burn_storage_fees ctxt ~storage_limit ~payer consumed >>=? fun (ctxt, storage_limit, storage_bus) -> let balance_updates = storage_bus @ payload.balance_updates in return ( ctxt, storage_limit, Transaction_to_tx_rollup_result {payload with balance_updates} ) | Transaction_to_sc_rollup_result _ -> return (ctxt, storage_limit, trr) | Transaction_to_zk_rollup_result payload -> let consumed = payload.paid_storage_size_diff in Fees.burn_storage_fees ctxt ~storage_limit ~payer consumed >>=? fun (ctxt, storage_limit, storage_bus) -> let balance_updates = storage_bus @ payload.balance_updates in return ( ctxt, storage_limit, Transaction_to_zk_rollup_result {payload with balance_updates} ) let burn_origination_storage_fees ctxt { lazy_storage_diff; balance_updates; originated_contracts; consumed_gas; storage_size; paid_storage_size_diff; } ~storage_limit ~payer = let consumed = paid_storage_size_diff in Fees.burn_storage_fees ctxt ~storage_limit ~payer consumed >>=? fun (ctxt, storage_limit, storage_bus) -> Fees.burn_origination_fees ctxt ~storage_limit ~payer >>=? fun (ctxt, storage_limit, origination_bus) -> let balance_updates = storage_bus @ origination_bus @ balance_updates in return ( ctxt, storage_limit, { lazy_storage_diff; balance_updates; originated_contracts; consumed_gas; storage_size; paid_storage_size_diff; } ) (** [burn_manager_storage_fees ctxt smopr storage_limit payer] burns the storage fees associated to an external operation result [smopr]. Returns an updated context, an updated storage limit with the space consumed by the operation subtracted, and [smopr] with the relevant balance updates included. *) let burn_manager_storage_fees : type kind. context -> kind successful_manager_operation_result -> storage_limit:Z.t -> payer:public_key_hash -> (context * Z.t * kind successful_manager_operation_result) tzresult Lwt.t = fun ctxt smopr ~storage_limit ~payer -> let payer = `Contract (Contract.Implicit payer) in match smopr with | Transaction_result transaction_result -> burn_transaction_storage_fees ctxt transaction_result ~storage_limit ~payer >>=? fun (ctxt, storage_limit, transaction_result) -> return (ctxt, storage_limit, Transaction_result transaction_result) | Origination_result origination_result -> burn_origination_storage_fees ctxt origination_result ~storage_limit ~payer >>=? fun (ctxt, storage_limit, origination_result) -> return (ctxt, storage_limit, Origination_result origination_result) | Reveal_result _ | Delegation_result _ -> return (ctxt, storage_limit, smopr) | Register_global_constant_result payload -> let consumed = payload.size_of_constant in Fees.burn_storage_fees ctxt ~storage_limit ~payer consumed >|=? fun (ctxt, storage_limit, storage_bus) -> let balance_updates = storage_bus @ payload.balance_updates in ( ctxt, storage_limit, Register_global_constant_result { balance_updates; consumed_gas = payload.consumed_gas; size_of_constant = payload.size_of_constant; global_address = payload.global_address; } ) | Set_deposits_limit_result _ | Update_consensus_key_result _ -> return (ctxt, storage_limit, smopr) | Increase_paid_storage_result _ -> return (ctxt, storage_limit, smopr) | Tx_rollup_origination_result payload -> Fees.burn_tx_rollup_origination_fees ctxt ~storage_limit ~payer >|=? fun (ctxt, storage_limit, origination_bus) -> let balance_updates = origination_bus @ payload.balance_updates in ( ctxt, storage_limit, Tx_rollup_origination_result {payload with balance_updates} ) | Tx_rollup_return_bond_result _ | Tx_rollup_remove_commitment_result _ | Tx_rollup_rejection_result _ | Tx_rollup_finalize_commitment_result _ | Tx_rollup_commit_result _ -> return (ctxt, storage_limit, smopr) | Transfer_ticket_result payload -> let consumed = payload.paid_storage_size_diff in Fees.burn_storage_fees ctxt ~storage_limit ~payer consumed >|=? fun (ctxt, storage_limit, storage_bus) -> let balance_updates = payload.balance_updates @ storage_bus in ( ctxt, storage_limit, Transfer_ticket_result {payload with balance_updates} ) | Tx_rollup_submit_batch_result payload -> let consumed = payload.paid_storage_size_diff in Fees.burn_storage_fees ctxt ~storage_limit ~payer consumed >|=? fun (ctxt, storage_limit, storage_bus) -> let balance_updates = storage_bus @ payload.balance_updates in ( ctxt, storage_limit, Tx_rollup_submit_batch_result {payload with balance_updates} ) | Tx_rollup_dispatch_tickets_result payload -> let consumed = payload.paid_storage_size_diff in Fees.burn_storage_fees ctxt ~storage_limit ~payer consumed >|=? fun (ctxt, storage_limit, storage_bus) -> let balance_updates = storage_bus @ payload.balance_updates in ( ctxt, storage_limit, Tx_rollup_dispatch_tickets_result {payload with balance_updates} ) | Dal_publish_slot_header_result _ -> return (ctxt, storage_limit, smopr) | Sc_rollup_originate_result payload -> Fees.burn_sc_rollup_origination_fees ctxt ~storage_limit ~payer payload.size >|=? fun (ctxt, storage_limit, balance_updates) -> let result = Sc_rollup_originate_result {payload with balance_updates} in (ctxt, storage_limit, result) | Sc_rollup_add_messages_result _ -> return (ctxt, storage_limit, smopr) | Sc_rollup_cement_result _ -> return (ctxt, storage_limit, smopr) | Sc_rollup_publish_result _ -> return (ctxt, storage_limit, smopr) | Sc_rollup_refute_result _ -> return (ctxt, storage_limit, smopr) | Sc_rollup_timeout_result _ -> return (ctxt, storage_limit, smopr) | Sc_rollup_execute_outbox_message_result ({paid_storage_size_diff; balance_updates; _} as payload) -> let consumed = paid_storage_size_diff in Fees.burn_storage_fees ctxt ~storage_limit ~payer consumed >|=? fun (ctxt, storage_limit, storage_bus) -> let balance_updates = storage_bus @ balance_updates in ( ctxt, storage_limit, Sc_rollup_execute_outbox_message_result {payload with balance_updates} ) | Sc_rollup_recover_bond_result _ -> return (ctxt, storage_limit, smopr) | Sc_rollup_dal_slot_subscribe_result _ -> return (ctxt, storage_limit, smopr) | Zk_rollup_origination_result payload -> Fees.burn_zk_rollup_origination_fees ctxt ~storage_limit ~payer payload.storage_size >>=? fun (ctxt, storage_limit, balance_updates) -> let result = Zk_rollup_origination_result {payload with balance_updates} in return (ctxt, storage_limit, result) | Zk_rollup_publish_result payload -> let consumed = payload.paid_storage_size_diff in Fees.burn_storage_fees ctxt ~storage_limit ~payer consumed >|=? fun (ctxt, storage_limit, storage_bus) -> let balance_updates = storage_bus @ payload.balance_updates in ( ctxt, storage_limit, Zk_rollup_publish_result {payload with balance_updates} ) (** [burn_internal_storage_fees ctxt smopr storage_limit payer] burns the storage fees associated to an internal operation result [smopr]. Returns an updated context, an updated storage limit with the space consumed by the operation subtracted, and [smopr] with the relevant balance updates included. *) let burn_internal_storage_fees : type kind. context -> kind successful_internal_operation_result -> storage_limit:Z.t -> payer:public_key_hash -> (context * Z.t * kind successful_internal_operation_result) tzresult Lwt.t = fun ctxt smopr ~storage_limit ~payer -> let payer = `Contract (Contract.Implicit payer) in match smopr with | ITransaction_result transaction_result -> burn_transaction_storage_fees ctxt transaction_result ~storage_limit ~payer >|=? fun (ctxt, storage_limit, transaction_result) -> (ctxt, storage_limit, ITransaction_result transaction_result) | IOrigination_result origination_result -> burn_origination_storage_fees ctxt origination_result ~storage_limit ~payer >|=? fun (ctxt, storage_limit, origination_result) -> (ctxt, storage_limit, IOrigination_result origination_result) | IDelegation_result _ -> return (ctxt, storage_limit, smopr) | IEvent_result _ -> return (ctxt, storage_limit, smopr) let apply_manager_contents (type kind) ctxt chain_id (op : kind Kind.manager contents) : (success_or_failure * kind manager_operation_result * packed_internal_operation_result list) Lwt.t = let (Manager_operation {source; operation; gas_limit; storage_limit; _}) = op in (* We do not expose the internal scaling to the users. Instead, we multiply the specified gas limit by the internal scaling. *) let ctxt = Gas.set_limit ctxt gas_limit in apply_manager_operation ctxt ~source ~chain_id operation >>= function | Ok (ctxt, operation_results, internal_operations) -> ( apply_internal_operations ctxt ~payer:source ~chain_id internal_operations >>= function | Success ctxt, internal_operations_results -> ( burn_manager_storage_fees ctxt operation_results ~storage_limit ~payer:source >>= function | Ok (ctxt, storage_limit, operation_results) -> ( List.fold_left_es (fun (ctxt, storage_limit, res) imopr -> let (Internal_operation_result (op, mopr)) = imopr in match mopr with | Applied smopr -> burn_internal_storage_fees ctxt smopr ~storage_limit ~payer:source >>=? fun (ctxt, storage_limit, smopr) -> let imopr = Internal_operation_result (op, Applied smopr) in return (ctxt, storage_limit, imopr :: res) | _ -> return (ctxt, storage_limit, imopr :: res)) (ctxt, storage_limit, []) internal_operations_results >|= function | Ok (ctxt, _, internal_operations_results) -> ( Success ctxt, Applied operation_results, List.rev internal_operations_results ) | Error errors -> ( Failure, Backtracked (operation_results, Some errors), internal_operations_results )) | Error errors -> Lwt.return ( Failure, Backtracked (operation_results, Some errors), internal_operations_results )) | Failure, internal_operations_results -> Lwt.return (Failure, Applied operation_results, internal_operations_results)) | Error errors -> Lwt.return (Failure, Failed (manager_kind operation, errors), []) (** An individual manager operation (either standalone or inside a batch) together with the balance update corresponding to the transfer of its fee. *) type 'kind fees_updated_contents = { contents : 'kind contents; balance_updates : Receipt.balance_updates; } type _ fees_updated_contents_list = | FeesUpdatedSingle : 'kind fees_updated_contents -> 'kind fees_updated_contents_list | FeesUpdatedCons : 'kind Kind.manager fees_updated_contents * 'rest Kind.manager fees_updated_contents_list -> ('kind * 'rest) Kind.manager fees_updated_contents_list let rec mark_skipped : type kind. payload_producer:Consensus_key.t -> Level.t -> kind Kind.manager fees_updated_contents_list -> kind Kind.manager contents_result_list = fun ~payload_producer level fees_updated_contents_list -> match fees_updated_contents_list with | FeesUpdatedSingle {contents = Manager_operation {operation; _}; balance_updates} -> Single_result (Manager_operation_result { balance_updates; operation_result = Skipped (manager_kind operation); internal_operation_results = []; }) | FeesUpdatedCons ({contents = Manager_operation {operation; _}; balance_updates}, rest) -> Cons_result ( Manager_operation_result { balance_updates; operation_result = Skipped (manager_kind operation); internal_operation_results = []; }, mark_skipped ~payload_producer level rest ) (** Return balance updates for fees, and an updated context that accounts for: - fees spending, - counter incrementation, - consumption of each operation's [gas_limit] from the available block gas. The operation should already have been validated by {!Validate.validate_operation}. The latter is responsible for ensuring that the operation is solvable, i.e. its fees can be taken, i.e. [take_fees] cannot return an error. *) let take_fees ctxt contents_list = let open Lwt_tzresult_syntax in let rec take_fees_rec : type kind. context -> kind Kind.manager contents_list -> (context * kind Kind.manager fees_updated_contents_list) tzresult Lwt.t = fun ctxt contents_list -> let contents_effects contents = let (Manager_operation {source; fee; gas_limit; _}) = contents in let*? ctxt = Gas.consume_limit_in_block ctxt gas_limit in let* ctxt = Contract.increment_counter ctxt source in let+ ctxt, balance_updates = Token.transfer ctxt (`Contract (Contract.Implicit source)) `Block_fees fee in (ctxt, {contents; balance_updates}) in match contents_list with | Single contents -> let+ ctxt, fees_updated_contents = contents_effects contents in (ctxt, FeesUpdatedSingle fees_updated_contents) | Cons (contents, rest) -> let* ctxt, fees_updated_contents = contents_effects contents in let+ ctxt, result_rest = take_fees_rec ctxt rest in (ctxt, FeesUpdatedCons (fees_updated_contents, result_rest)) in let*! result = take_fees_rec ctxt contents_list in Lwt.return (record_trace Error_while_taking_fees result) let rec apply_manager_contents_list_rec : type kind. context -> payload_producer:Consensus_key.t -> Chain_id.t -> kind Kind.manager fees_updated_contents_list -> (success_or_failure * kind Kind.manager contents_result_list) Lwt.t = fun ctxt ~payload_producer chain_id fees_updated_contents_list -> let level = Level.current ctxt in match fees_updated_contents_list with | FeesUpdatedSingle {contents = Manager_operation _ as op; balance_updates} -> apply_manager_contents ctxt chain_id op >|= fun (ctxt_result, operation_result, internal_operation_results) -> let result = Manager_operation_result {balance_updates; operation_result; internal_operation_results} in (ctxt_result, Single_result result) | FeesUpdatedCons ({contents = Manager_operation _ as op; balance_updates}, rest) -> ( apply_manager_contents ctxt chain_id op >>= function | Failure, operation_result, internal_operation_results -> let result = Manager_operation_result {balance_updates; operation_result; internal_operation_results} in Lwt.return ( Failure, Cons_result (result, mark_skipped ~payload_producer level rest) ) | Success ctxt, operation_result, internal_operation_results -> let result = Manager_operation_result {balance_updates; operation_result; internal_operation_results} in apply_manager_contents_list_rec ctxt ~payload_producer chain_id rest >|= fun (ctxt_result, results) -> (ctxt_result, Cons_result (result, results))) let mark_backtracked results = let mark_results : type kind. kind Kind.manager contents_result -> kind Kind.manager contents_result = fun results -> let mark_manager_operation_result : type kind. kind manager_operation_result -> kind manager_operation_result = function | (Failed _ | Skipped _ | Backtracked _) as result -> result | Applied result -> Backtracked (result, None) in let mark_internal_operation_result : type kind. kind internal_operation_result -> kind internal_operation_result = function | (Failed _ | Skipped _ | Backtracked _) as result -> result | Applied result -> Backtracked (result, None) in let mark_internal_operation_results (Internal_operation_result (kind, result)) = Internal_operation_result (kind, mark_internal_operation_result result) in match results with | Manager_operation_result op -> Manager_operation_result { balance_updates = op.balance_updates; operation_result = mark_manager_operation_result op.operation_result; internal_operation_results = List.map mark_internal_operation_results op.internal_operation_results; } in let rec traverse_apply_results : type kind. kind Kind.manager contents_result_list -> kind Kind.manager contents_result_list = function | Single_result res -> Single_result (mark_results res) | Cons_result (res, rest) -> Cons_result (mark_results res, traverse_apply_results rest) in traverse_apply_results results type mode = | Application of { block_header : Block_header.t; fitness : Fitness.t; payload_producer : Consensus_key.t; block_producer : Consensus_key.t; predecessor_level : Level.t; predecessor_round : Round.t; } | Full_construction of { predecessor : Block_hash.t; payload_producer : Consensus_key.t; block_producer : Consensus_key.t; block_data_contents : Block_header.contents; round : Round.t; predecessor_level : Level.t; predecessor_round : Round.t; } | Partial_construction of { predecessor_level : Raw_level.t; predecessor_fitness : Fitness.raw; } type application_state = { ctxt : t; chain_id : Chain_id.t; mode : mode; op_count : int; migration_balance_updates : Receipt.balance_updates; liquidity_baking_toggle_ema : Liquidity_baking.Toggle_EMA.t; implicit_operations_results : Apply_results.packed_successful_manager_operation_result list; } let record_operation (type kind) ctxt hash (operation : kind operation) : context = match operation.protocol_data.contents with | Single (Preendorsement _) -> ctxt | Single (Endorsement _) -> ctxt | Single (Dal_slot_availability _) -> ctxt | Single ( Failing_noop _ | Proposals _ | Ballot _ | Seed_nonce_revelation _ | Vdf_revelation _ | Double_endorsement_evidence _ | Double_preendorsement_evidence _ | Double_baking_evidence _ | Activate_account _ | Drain_delegate _ | Manager_operation _ ) | Cons (Manager_operation _, _) -> record_non_consensus_operation_hash ctxt hash let record_preendorsement ctxt (mode : mode) (content : consensus_content) : (context * Kind.preendorsement contents_result_list) tzresult = let open Tzresult_syntax in let ctxt = match mode with | Full_construction _ -> ( match Consensus.get_preendorsements_quorum_round ctxt with | None -> Consensus.set_preendorsements_quorum_round ctxt content.round | Some _ -> ctxt) | Application _ | Partial_construction _ -> ctxt in match Slot.Map.find content.slot (Consensus.allowed_preendorsements ctxt) with | None -> (* This should not happen: operation validation should have failed. *) error Faulty_validation_wrong_slot | Some ({delegate; consensus_pkh; _}, preendorsement_power) -> let* ctxt = Consensus.record_preendorsement ctxt ~initial_slot:content.slot ~power:preendorsement_power content.round in return ( ctxt, Single_result (Preendorsement_result { balance_updates = []; delegate; consensus_key = consensus_pkh; preendorsement_power; }) ) let is_grandparent_endorsement mode content = match mode with | Partial_construction {predecessor_level; _} -> Raw_level.(succ content.level = predecessor_level) | _ -> false let record_endorsement ctxt (mode : mode) (content : consensus_content) : (context * Kind.endorsement contents_result_list) tzresult Lwt.t = let open Lwt_tzresult_syntax in let mk_endorsement_result {Consensus_key.delegate; consensus_pkh} endorsement_power = Single_result (Endorsement_result { balance_updates = []; delegate; consensus_key = consensus_pkh; endorsement_power; }) in if is_grandparent_endorsement mode content then let level = Level.from_raw ctxt content.level in let* ctxt, ({delegate; _} as consensus_key) = Stake_distribution.slot_owner ctxt level content.slot in let*? ctxt = Consensus.record_grand_parent_endorsement ctxt delegate in return (ctxt, mk_endorsement_result (Consensus_key.pkh consensus_key) 0) else match Slot.Map.find content.slot (Consensus.allowed_endorsements ctxt) with | None -> (* This should not happen: operation validation should have failed. *) fail Faulty_validation_wrong_slot | Some (consensus_key, power) -> let*? ctxt = Consensus.record_endorsement ctxt ~initial_slot:content.slot ~power in return (ctxt, mk_endorsement_result (Consensus_key.pkh consensus_key) power) let apply_manager_contents_list ctxt ~payload_producer chain_id fees_updated_contents_list = apply_manager_contents_list_rec ctxt ~payload_producer chain_id fees_updated_contents_list >>= fun (ctxt_result, results) -> match ctxt_result with | Failure -> Lwt.return (ctxt (* backtracked *), mark_backtracked results) | Success ctxt -> Lazy_storage.cleanup_temporaries ctxt >|= fun ctxt -> (ctxt, results) let apply_manager_operations ctxt ~payload_producer chain_id ~mempool_mode contents_list = let open Lwt_tzresult_syntax in let ctxt = if mempool_mode then Gas.reset_block_gas ctxt else ctxt in let* ctxt, fees_updated_contents_list = take_fees ctxt contents_list in let*! ctxt, contents_result_list = apply_manager_contents_list ctxt ~payload_producer chain_id fees_updated_contents_list in return (ctxt, contents_result_list) let punish_delegate ctxt delegate level mistake mk_result ~payload_producer = let punish = match mistake with | `Double_baking -> Delegate.punish_double_baking | `Double_endorsing -> Delegate.punish_double_endorsing in punish ctxt delegate level >>=? fun (ctxt, burned, punish_balance_updates) -> (match Tez.(burned /? 2L) with | Ok reward -> Token.transfer ctxt `Double_signing_evidence_rewards (`Contract (Contract.Implicit payload_producer.Consensus_key.delegate)) reward | Error _ -> (* reward is Tez.zero *) return (ctxt, [])) >|=? fun (ctxt, reward_balance_updates) -> let balance_updates = reward_balance_updates @ punish_balance_updates in (ctxt, Single_result (mk_result balance_updates)) let punish_double_endorsement_or_preendorsement (type kind) ctxt ~(op1 : kind Kind.consensus Operation.t) ~payload_producer : (context * kind Kind.double_consensus_operation_evidence contents_result_list) tzresult Lwt.t = let mk_result (balance_updates : Receipt.balance_updates) : kind Kind.double_consensus_operation_evidence contents_result = match op1.protocol_data.contents with | Single (Preendorsement _) -> Double_preendorsement_evidence_result balance_updates | Single (Endorsement _) -> Double_endorsement_evidence_result balance_updates in match op1.protocol_data.contents with | Single (Preendorsement e1) | Single (Endorsement e1) -> let level = Level.from_raw ctxt e1.level in Stake_distribution.slot_owner ctxt level e1.slot >>=? fun (ctxt, consensus_pk1) -> punish_delegate ctxt consensus_pk1.delegate level `Double_endorsing mk_result ~payload_producer let punish_double_baking ctxt (bh1 : Block_header.t) ~payload_producer = Fitness.from_raw bh1.shell.fitness >>?= fun bh1_fitness -> let round1 = Fitness.round bh1_fitness in Raw_level.of_int32 bh1.shell.level >>?= fun raw_level -> let level = Level.from_raw ctxt raw_level in let committee_size = Constants.consensus_committee_size ctxt in Round.to_slot round1 ~committee_size >>?= fun slot1 -> Stake_distribution.slot_owner ctxt level slot1 >>=? fun (ctxt, consensus_pk1) -> punish_delegate ctxt consensus_pk1.delegate level `Double_baking ~payload_producer (fun balance_updates -> Double_baking_evidence_result balance_updates) let apply_contents_list (type kind) ctxt chain_id (mode : mode) ~payload_producer (contents_list : kind contents_list) : (context * kind contents_result_list) tzresult Lwt.t = let mempool_mode = match mode with | Partial_construction _ -> true | Full_construction _ | Application _ -> false in match contents_list with | Single (Preendorsement consensus_content) -> record_preendorsement ctxt mode consensus_content |> Lwt.return | Single (Endorsement consensus_content) -> record_endorsement ctxt mode consensus_content | Single (Dal_slot_availability (endorser, slot_availability)) -> (* DAL/FIXME https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos/-/issues/3115 This is a temporary operation. We do no check for the moment. In particular, this means we do not check the signature. Consequently, it is really important to ensure this operation cannot be included into a block when the feature flag is not set. This is done in order to avoid modifying the endorsement encoding. However, once the DAL will be ready, this operation should be merged with an endorsement or at least refined. *) Dal_apply.apply_data_availability ctxt slot_availability ~endorser >>=? fun ctxt -> return ( ctxt, Single_result (Dal_slot_availability_result {delegate = endorser}) ) | Single (Seed_nonce_revelation {level; nonce}) -> let level = Level.from_raw ctxt level in Nonce.reveal ctxt level nonce >>=? fun ctxt -> let tip = Constants.seed_nonce_revelation_tip ctxt in let contract = Contract.Implicit payload_producer.Consensus_key.delegate in Token.transfer ctxt `Revelation_rewards (`Contract contract) tip >|=? fun (ctxt, balance_updates) -> (ctxt, Single_result (Seed_nonce_revelation_result balance_updates)) | Single (Vdf_revelation {solution}) -> Seed.update_seed ctxt solution >>=? fun ctxt -> let tip = Constants.seed_nonce_revelation_tip ctxt in let contract = Contract.Implicit payload_producer.Consensus_key.delegate in Token.transfer ctxt `Revelation_rewards (`Contract contract) tip >|=? fun (ctxt, balance_updates) -> (ctxt, Single_result (Vdf_revelation_result balance_updates)) | Single (Double_preendorsement_evidence {op1; op2 = _}) -> punish_double_endorsement_or_preendorsement ctxt ~op1 ~payload_producer | Single (Double_endorsement_evidence {op1; op2 = _}) -> punish_double_endorsement_or_preendorsement ctxt ~op1 ~payload_producer | Single (Double_baking_evidence {bh1; bh2 = _}) -> punish_double_baking ctxt bh1 ~payload_producer | Single (Activate_account {id = pkh; activation_code}) -> let blinded_pkh = Blinded_public_key_hash.of_ed25519_pkh activation_code pkh in let src = `Collected_commitments blinded_pkh in let contract = Contract.Implicit (Signature.Ed25519 pkh) in Token.balance ctxt src >>=? fun (ctxt, amount) -> Token.transfer ctxt src (`Contract contract) amount >>=? fun (ctxt, bupds) -> return (ctxt, Single_result (Activate_account_result bupds)) | Single (Proposals _ as contents) -> Amendment.apply_proposals ctxt chain_id contents | Single (Ballot _ as contents) -> Amendment.apply_ballot ctxt contents | Single (Drain_delegate {delegate; destination; consensus_key = _}) -> Delegate.drain ctxt ~delegate ~destination >>=? fun ( ctxt, allocated_destination_contract, fees, drain_balance_updates ) -> Token.transfer ctxt (`Contract (Contract.Implicit delegate)) (`Contract (Contract.Implicit payload_producer.Consensus_key.delegate)) fees >>=? fun (ctxt, fees_balance_updates) -> let balance_updates = drain_balance_updates @ fees_balance_updates in return ( ctxt, Single_result (Drain_delegate_result {balance_updates; allocated_destination_contract}) ) | Single (Failing_noop _) -> (* This operation always fails. It should already have been rejected by {!Validate_operation.validate_operation}. *) fail Validate_errors.Failing_noop_error | Single (Manager_operation _) -> apply_manager_operations ctxt ~payload_producer chain_id ~mempool_mode contents_list | Cons (Manager_operation _, _) -> apply_manager_operations ctxt ~payload_producer chain_id ~mempool_mode contents_list let apply_operation application_state operation_hash operation = let open Lwt_tzresult_syntax in let apply_operation application_state packed_operation ~payload_producer = let {shell; protocol_data = Operation_data unpacked_protocol_data} = packed_operation in let operation : _ Operation.t = {shell; protocol_data = unpacked_protocol_data} in let ctxt = Origination_nonce.init application_state.ctxt operation_hash in let ctxt = record_operation ctxt operation_hash operation in let* ctxt, result = apply_contents_list ctxt application_state.chain_id application_state.mode ~payload_producer operation.protocol_data.contents in let ctxt = Gas.set_unlimited ctxt in let ctxt = Origination_nonce.unset ctxt in let op_count = succ application_state.op_count in return ( {application_state with ctxt; op_count}, Operation_metadata {contents = result} ) in match application_state.mode with | Application {payload_producer; _} -> apply_operation application_state operation ~payload_producer | Full_construction {payload_producer; _} -> apply_operation application_state operation ~payload_producer | Partial_construction _ -> apply_operation application_state operation ~payload_producer:Consensus_key.zero let may_start_new_cycle ctxt = match Level.dawn_of_a_new_cycle ctxt with | None -> return (ctxt, [], []) | Some last_cycle -> Delegate.cycle_end ctxt last_cycle >>=? fun (ctxt, balance_updates, deactivated) -> Bootstrap.cycle_end ctxt last_cycle >|=? fun ctxt -> (ctxt, balance_updates, deactivated) let apply_liquidity_baking_subsidy ctxt ~toggle_vote = Liquidity_baking.on_subsidy_allowed ctxt ~toggle_vote (fun ctxt liquidity_baking_cpmm_contract_hash -> let liquidity_baking_cpmm_contract = Contract.Originated liquidity_baking_cpmm_contract_hash in let ctxt = (* We set a gas limit of 1/20th the block limit, which is ~10x actual usage here in Granada. Gas consumed is reported in the Transaction receipt, but not counted towards the block limit. The gas limit is reset to unlimited at the end of this function.*) Gas.set_limit ctxt (Gas.Arith.integral_exn (Z.div (Gas.Arith.integral_to_z (Constants.hard_gas_limit_per_block ctxt)) (Z.of_int 20))) in let backtracking_ctxt = ctxt in (let liquidity_baking_subsidy = Constants.liquidity_baking_subsidy ctxt in (* credit liquidity baking subsidy to CPMM contract *) Token.transfer ~origin:Subsidy ctxt `Liquidity_baking_subsidies (`Contract liquidity_baking_cpmm_contract) liquidity_baking_subsidy >>=? fun (ctxt, balance_updates) -> Script_cache.find ctxt liquidity_baking_cpmm_contract_hash >>=? fun (ctxt, cache_key, script) -> match script with | None -> fail (Script_tc_errors.No_such_entrypoint Entrypoint.default) | Some (script, script_ir) -> ( (* Token.transfer which is being called above already loads this value into the Irmin cache, so no need to burn gas for it. *) Contract.get_balance ctxt liquidity_baking_cpmm_contract >>=? fun balance -> let now = Script_timestamp.now ctxt in let level = (Level.current ctxt).level |> Raw_level.to_int32 |> Script_int.of_int32 |> Script_int.abs in let step_constants = let open Script_interpreter in (* Using dummy values for source, payer, and chain_id since they are not used within the CPMM default entrypoint. *) { source = liquidity_baking_cpmm_contract; payer = Signature.Public_key_hash.zero; self = liquidity_baking_cpmm_contract_hash; amount = liquidity_baking_subsidy; balance; chain_id = Chain_id.zero; now; level; } in (* Call CPPM default entrypoint with parameter Unit. This is necessary for the CPMM's xtz_pool in storage to increase since it cannot use BALANCE due to a transfer attack. Mimicks a transaction. There is no: - storage burn (extra storage is free) - fees (the operation is mandatory) *) Script_interpreter.execute_with_typed_parameter ctxt Optimized step_constants ~script ~parameter:() ~parameter_ty:Unit_t ~cached_script:(Some script_ir) ~location:Micheline.dummy_location ~entrypoint:Entrypoint.default ~internal:false >>=? fun ( { script = updated_cached_script; code_size = updated_size; storage; lazy_storage_diff; operations; ticket_diffs; ticket_receipt; }, ctxt ) -> match operations with | _ :: _ -> (* No internal operations are expected here. Something bad may be happening. *) return (backtracking_ctxt, []) | [] -> (* update CPMM storage *) update_script_storage_and_ticket_balances ctxt ~self_contract:liquidity_baking_cpmm_contract storage lazy_storage_diff ticket_diffs operations >>=? fun (ticket_table_size_diff, ctxt) -> Fees.record_paid_storage_space ctxt liquidity_baking_cpmm_contract >>=? fun (ctxt, new_size, paid_storage_size_diff) -> Ticket_balance.adjust_storage_space ctxt ~storage_diff:ticket_table_size_diff >>=? fun (ticket_paid_storage_diff, ctxt) -> let consumed_gas = Gas.consumed ~since:backtracking_ctxt ~until:ctxt in Script_cache.update ctxt cache_key ( {script with storage = Script.lazy_expr storage}, updated_cached_script ) updated_size >>?= fun ctxt -> let result = Transaction_result (Transaction_to_contract_result { storage = Some storage; lazy_storage_diff; balance_updates; ticket_receipt; (* At this point in application the origination nonce has not been initialized so it's not possible to originate new contracts. We've checked above that none were originated. *) originated_contracts = []; consumed_gas; storage_size = new_size; paid_storage_size_diff = Z.add paid_storage_size_diff ticket_paid_storage_diff; allocated_destination_contract = false; }) in let ctxt = Gas.set_unlimited ctxt in return (ctxt, [Successful_manager_result result]))) >|= function | Ok (ctxt, results) -> Ok (ctxt, results) | Error _ -> (* Do not fail if something bad happens during CPMM contract call. *) let ctxt = Gas.set_unlimited backtracking_ctxt in Ok (ctxt, [])) let compute_payload_hash (ctxt : context) ~(predecessor : Block_hash.t) ~(payload_round : Round.t) : Block_payload_hash.t = let non_consensus_operations = non_consensus_operations ctxt in let operations_hash = Operation_list_hash.compute non_consensus_operations in Block_payload.hash ~predecessor payload_round operations_hash let are_endorsements_required ctxt ~level = First_level_of_protocol.get ctxt >|=? fun first_level -> (* NB: the first level is the level of the migration block. There are no endorsements for this block. Therefore the block at the next level cannot contain endorsements. *) let level_position_in_protocol = Raw_level.diff level first_level in Compare.Int32.(level_position_in_protocol > 1l) let record_endorsing_participation ctxt = let validators = Consensus.allowed_endorsements ctxt in Slot.Map.fold_es (fun initial_slot ((consensus_pk : Consensus_key.pk), power) ctxt -> let participation = if Slot.Set.mem initial_slot (Consensus.endorsements_seen ctxt) then Delegate.Participated else Delegate.Didn't_participate in Delegate.record_endorsing_participation ctxt ~delegate:consensus_pk.delegate ~participation ~endorsing_power:power) validators ctxt let begin_application ctxt chain_id ~migration_balance_updates ~migration_operation_results ~(predecessor_fitness : Fitness.raw) (block_header : Block_header.t) : application_state tzresult Lwt.t = let open Lwt_tzresult_syntax in let*? fitness = Fitness.from_raw block_header.shell.fitness in let level = block_header.shell.level in let*? predecessor_round = Fitness.round_from_raw predecessor_fitness in let*? predecessor_level = Raw_level.of_int32 (Int32.pred level) in let predecessor_level = Level.from_raw ctxt predecessor_level in let round = Fitness.round fitness in let current_level = Level.current ctxt in let* ctxt, _slot, block_producer = Stake_distribution.baking_rights_owner ctxt current_level ~round in let* ctxt, _slot, payload_producer = Stake_distribution.baking_rights_owner ctxt current_level ~round:block_header.protocol_data.contents.payload_round in let toggle_vote = block_header.Block_header.protocol_data.contents .liquidity_baking_toggle_vote in let* ctxt, liquidity_baking_operations_results, liquidity_baking_toggle_ema = apply_liquidity_baking_subsidy ctxt ~toggle_vote in let mode = Application { block_header; fitness; predecessor_round; predecessor_level; payload_producer = Consensus_key.pkh payload_producer; block_producer = Consensus_key.pkh block_producer; } in return { mode; chain_id; ctxt; op_count = 0; migration_balance_updates; liquidity_baking_toggle_ema; implicit_operations_results = Apply_results.pack_migration_operation_results migration_operation_results @ liquidity_baking_operations_results; } let begin_full_construction ctxt chain_id ~migration_balance_updates ~migration_operation_results ~predecessor_timestamp ~predecessor_level ~predecessor_round ~predecessor ~timestamp (block_data_contents : Block_header.contents) = let open Lwt_tzresult_syntax in let round_durations = Constants.round_durations ctxt in let*? round = Round.round_of_timestamp round_durations ~predecessor_timestamp ~predecessor_round ~timestamp in (* The endorsement/preendorsement validation rules for construction are the same as for application. *) let current_level = Level.current ctxt in let* ctxt, _slot, block_producer = Stake_distribution.baking_rights_owner ctxt current_level ~round in let* ctxt, _slot, payload_producer = Stake_distribution.baking_rights_owner ctxt current_level ~round:block_data_contents.payload_round in let toggle_vote = block_data_contents.liquidity_baking_toggle_vote in let* ctxt, liquidity_baking_operations_results, liquidity_baking_toggle_ema = apply_liquidity_baking_subsidy ctxt ~toggle_vote in let mode = Full_construction { predecessor; payload_producer = Consensus_key.pkh payload_producer; block_producer = Consensus_key.pkh block_producer; round; block_data_contents; predecessor_round; predecessor_level; } in return { mode; chain_id; ctxt; op_count = 0; migration_balance_updates; liquidity_baking_toggle_ema; implicit_operations_results = Apply_results.pack_migration_operation_results migration_operation_results @ liquidity_baking_operations_results; } let begin_partial_construction ctxt chain_id ~migration_balance_updates ~migration_operation_results ~predecessor_level ~(predecessor_fitness : Fitness.raw) : application_state tzresult Lwt.t = let open Lwt_tzresult_syntax in let toggle_vote = Liquidity_baking.LB_pass in let* ctxt, liquidity_baking_operations_results, liquidity_baking_toggle_ema = apply_liquidity_baking_subsidy ctxt ~toggle_vote in let mode = Partial_construction {predecessor_level; predecessor_fitness} in return { mode; chain_id; ctxt; op_count = 0; migration_balance_updates; liquidity_baking_toggle_ema; implicit_operations_results = Apply_results.pack_migration_operation_results migration_operation_results @ liquidity_baking_operations_results; } let finalize_application ctxt block_data_contents ~round ~predecessor ~liquidity_baking_toggle_ema ~implicit_operations_results ~migration_balance_updates ~(block_producer : Consensus_key.t) ~(payload_producer : Consensus_key.t) = let open Lwt_result_syntax in let level = Level.current ctxt in let endorsing_power = Consensus.current_endorsement_power ctxt in let* required_endorsements = are_endorsements_required ctxt ~level:level.level in let block_payload_hash = compute_payload_hash ctxt ~predecessor ~payload_round:block_data_contents.Block_header.payload_round in (* from this point nothing should fail *) (* We mark the endorsement branch as the grand parent branch when accessible. This will not be present before the first two blocks of tenderbake. *) let level = Level.current ctxt in let*! ctxt = match Consensus.endorsement_branch ctxt with | Some predecessor_branch -> Consensus.store_grand_parent_branch ctxt predecessor_branch | None -> Lwt.return ctxt in (* We mark the current payload hash as the predecessor one => this will only be accessed by the successor block now. *) let*! ctxt = Consensus.store_endorsement_branch ctxt (predecessor, block_payload_hash) in let* ctxt = Round.update ctxt round in (* end of level *) let* ctxt = match block_data_contents.Block_header.seed_nonce_hash with | None -> return ctxt | Some nonce_hash -> Nonce.record_hash ctxt {nonce_hash; delegate = block_producer.delegate} in let* ctxt, reward_bonus = if required_endorsements then let* ctxt = record_endorsing_participation ctxt in let*? rewards_bonus = Baking.bonus_baking_reward ctxt ~endorsing_power in return (ctxt, Some rewards_bonus) else return (ctxt, None) in let baking_reward = Constants.baking_reward_fixed_portion ctxt in let* ctxt, baking_receipts = Delegate.record_baking_activity_and_pay_rewards_and_fees ctxt ~payload_producer:payload_producer.delegate ~block_producer:block_producer.delegate ~baking_reward ~reward_bonus in (* if end of nonce revelation period, compute seed *) let* ctxt = if Level.may_compute_randao ctxt then Seed.compute_randao ctxt else return ctxt in let* ctxt = if Level.may_snapshot_stake_distribution ctxt then Stake_distribution.snapshot ctxt else return ctxt in let* ctxt, cycle_end_balance_updates, deactivated = may_start_new_cycle ctxt in let* ctxt = Amendment.may_start_new_voting_period ctxt in let* ctxt, dal_slot_availability = Dal_apply.dal_finalisation ctxt in let balance_updates = migration_balance_updates @ baking_receipts @ cycle_end_balance_updates in let consumed_gas = Gas.Arith.sub (Gas.Arith.fp @@ Constants.hard_gas_limit_per_block ctxt) (Gas.block_level ctxt) in let+ voting_period_info = Voting_period.get_rpc_current_info ctxt in let receipt = Apply_results. { proposer = payload_producer; baker = block_producer; level_info = level; voting_period_info; nonce_hash = block_data_contents.seed_nonce_hash; consumed_gas; deactivated; balance_updates; liquidity_baking_toggle_ema; implicit_operations_results; dal_slot_availability; } in (ctxt, receipt) type error += Missing_shell_header let () = register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"apply.missing_shell_header" ~title:"Missing shell_header during finalisation of a block" ~description: "During finalisation of a block header in Application mode or Full \ construction mode, a shell header should be provided so that a cache \ nonce can be computed." ~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "No shell header provided during the finalisation of a block.") Data_encoding.unit (function Missing_shell_header -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Missing_shell_header) let finalize_with_commit_message ctxt ~cache_nonce fitness round op_count = let open Lwt_syntax in let* ctxt = Cache.Admin.sync ctxt cache_nonce in let raw_level = Raw_level.to_int32 (Level.current ctxt).level in let commit_message = Format.asprintf "lvl %ld, fit:%a, round %a, %d ops" raw_level Fitness.pp fitness Round.pp round op_count in let validation_result = finalize ~commit_message ctxt (Fitness.to_raw fitness) in return validation_result let finalize_block (application_state : application_state) shell_header_opt = let open Lwt_tzresult_syntax in let { ctxt; liquidity_baking_toggle_ema; implicit_operations_results; migration_balance_updates; op_count; _; } = application_state in match application_state.mode with | Full_construction { predecessor; predecessor_level = _; block_data_contents; predecessor_round; block_producer; payload_producer; round; } -> let*? (shell_header : Block_header.shell_header) = Option.value_e shell_header_opt ~error:(Error_monad.trace_of_error Missing_shell_header) in let cache_nonce = Cache.cache_nonce_from_block_header shell_header block_data_contents in let locked_round_evidence = Option.map (fun (preendorsement_round, preendorsement_count) -> Block_header.{preendorsement_round; preendorsement_count}) (Consensus.locked_round_evidence ctxt) in let locked_round = match locked_round_evidence with | None -> None | Some {preendorsement_round; _} -> Some preendorsement_round in let level = (Level.current ctxt).level in let*? fitness = Fitness.create ~level ~round ~predecessor_round ~locked_round in let* ctxt, receipt = finalize_application ctxt block_data_contents ~round ~predecessor ~liquidity_baking_toggle_ema ~implicit_operations_results ~migration_balance_updates ~block_producer ~payload_producer in let*! result = finalize_with_commit_message ctxt ~cache_nonce fitness round op_count in return (result, receipt) | Partial_construction {predecessor_fitness; _} -> let* voting_period_info = Voting_period.get_rpc_current_info ctxt in let level_info = Level.current ctxt in let result = finalize ctxt predecessor_fitness in return ( result, Apply_results. { proposer = Consensus_key.zero; baker = Consensus_key.zero; level_info; voting_period_info; nonce_hash = None; consumed_gas = Gas.Arith.zero; deactivated = []; balance_updates = migration_balance_updates; liquidity_baking_toggle_ema; implicit_operations_results; dal_slot_availability = None; } ) | Application { fitness; block_header = {shell; protocol_data}; payload_producer; block_producer; _; } -> let round = Fitness.round fitness in let cache_nonce = Cache.cache_nonce_from_block_header shell protocol_data.contents in let* ctxt, receipt = finalize_application ctxt protocol_data.contents ~round ~predecessor:shell.predecessor ~liquidity_baking_toggle_ema ~implicit_operations_results ~migration_balance_updates ~block_producer ~payload_producer in let*! result = finalize_with_commit_message ctxt ~cache_nonce fitness round op_count in return (result, receipt) let value_of_key ctxt k = Cache.Admin.value_of_key ctxt k