--- layout: workshop # DON'T CHANGE THIS. carpentry: "swc" # what kind of Carpentry (must be either "lc" or "dc" or "swc") title: "FAIR Data and Software (Carpentries-based Workshop)" venue: "Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)" # brief name of host site without address (e.g., "Euphoric State University") address: "Welfengarten 1B, 30167 Hannover, Germany" # full street address of workshop (e.g., "Room A, 123 Forth Street, Blimingen, Euphoria") country: "de" # lowercase two-letter ISO country code such as "fr" (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1) language: "en" # lowercase two-letter ISO language code such as "fr" (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639-1) latlng: "52.38151,9.72025" # decimal latitude and longitude of workshop venue (e.g., "41.7901128,-87.6007318" - use http://www.latlong.net/) humandate: "9-13. July 2018" # human-readable dates for the workshop (e.g., "Feb 17-18, 2020") humantime: "9:00-17:00" # human-readable times for the workshop (e.g., "9:00 am - 4:30 pm") startdate: 2018-07-09 # machine-readable start date for the workshop in YYYY-MM-DD format like 2015-01-01 enddate: 2018-07-13 # machine-readable end date for the workshop in YYYY-MM-DD format like 2015-01-02 instructor: ["Katrin Leinweber", "Angelina Kraft", "Konrad Förstner", "Martin Hammitzsch", "Luke Johnston", "Mateusz Kuzak"] # boxed, comma-separated list of instructors' names as strings, like ["Kay McNulty", "Betty Jennings", "Betty Snyder"] helper: ["Chris Erdmann"] # boxed, comma-separated list of helpers' names, like ["Marlyn Wescoff", "Fran Bilas", "Ruth Lichterman"] email: ["carpentries@tib.eu"] # boxed, comma-separated list collaborative_notes: https://hackmd.io/ERXxduPVTPSc3LvSjL2nfw # https://github.com/swcarpentry/workshop-template/issues/418 --- ### General Information **This workshop aimed to train junior scientists in implementing the FAIR principles for research data & software management & development.** We want to help you identify similarities and differences between these two scientific objects and apply respectively appropriate good practices in preparing, publishing and archiving your work.

It was a new, experimental workshop format that contextualises the highly practical lesson material from the Software and Data Carpentries with the FAIR principles.

### For whom? Junior scientists who wish to excel at implementing the FAIR principles for research data and scientific software. ### When & Where? Please see [events.TIB.eu/fair-data-software/2018 ](https://events.tib.eu/fair-data-software/2018/). ### Costs **Participation was free of charge**. However, participants needed to organise and pay for travel and accommodation themselves. This workshop was part of an ideas competition supported by the [Jülich Research Centre](http://www.fz-juelich.de/portal/EN/Home/), and part of a [grant by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)](https://www.bildung-forschung.digital/de/ideenwettbewerb-zum-digitalen-wandel-in-der-wissenschaft-2007.html). ### Requirements **Please note: This workshop focussed on the application** of the FAIR Principles on scientific data and software. Because it covered a variety of examples, it did require a basic knowledge of the tools listed in [the schedule](#schedule). If you are interested in learning these basics, please consider applying for one of the (non-experimental) [Software](https://software-carpentry.org/workshops/) and [Data](http://www.datacarpentry.org/workshops-upcoming/) Carpentry workshops, or [work through](https://software-carpentry.org/lessons/) their [material](http://www.datacarpentry.org/lessons/) in a self-paced manner. ### Recordings & Workshop Material Lecture recordings are at [av.TIB.eu/series/530](https://av.tib.eu/series/530/) and are also hyperlinked in the schedule, along with other miscellaneous resources. Slides are available through [TIB's NextCloud](https://tib.eu/cloud/s/tXSt3j7Bg3ySdXY) and [editable on Google Drive](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JO-0SjKw52ICbNSHZuqdXjdIZIrh3Alp). Under [GitHub.com/TIBHannover, workshop-related repositories carry the topic `tibfds`](https://github.com/TIBHannover?q=tibfds). On [Twitter, we used the hashtag `#TIBFDS`](https://twitter.com/search?q=%23TIBFDS). ### Contact If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to [open an issue](https://github.com/TIBHannover/2018-07-09-FAIR-Data-and-Software/issues/). ---


We approximately focussed on one topic / principle per day, introducing its reasoning, benefits, and (differing and/or shared) implications for *proper research data/software management/development* together with the learners. We followed-up the theory-leaning introductions in the mornings with discussions and live-coding sessions, using some (Software & Data) Carpentry materials to illustrate and practice a principle's implementation in the [STEM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science,_technology,_engineering,_and_mathematics) disciplines ("[MINT-Fächer](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/MINT-F%C3%A4cher)"). Regardless of discipline, learners were encouraged to **bring** questions about their **own data and source code**, which we tried to answer during the week. {% include schedule.html %} ### Collaborative Notes We used a HackMD.io pad to share URLs, bits of code, and to take notes. ## Follow-up Events See [TIBHannover.GitHub.io/FAIR-studyGroup](https://tibhannover.github.io/FAIR-studyGroup/). We'll be learning from each other and teaching ourselves further within the context of the above topics. Anyone is welcome: be they student, personnel or scientist. [![](fig/footer_logos.png)](https://events.tib.eu/fair-data-software/)