\name{juggling} \alias{juggle} \alias{juggle.classify} \title{ Juggling } \description{ a resampled version of the CCCD classifier. } \usage{ juggle(data, classes, sampled = TRUE, sample.dim = FALSE, num = 100, sample.proportion = 0.1, k = 2) juggle.classify(data,J,tdata,indices) } \arguments{ \item{data,tdata}{ training data from which to build the classifier. In the case of \code{juggle.classify}, \code{tdata} is the training data and \code{data} is the test data. } \item{classes}{ class labels. } \item{sampled}{ whether the data are subsampled. } \item{sample.dim}{ if TRUE, the dimensions (variates) are also sampled. } \item{num}{ number of juggles (resamples). } \item{sample.proportion}{ proportion of the data to sample. If 1 or greater, the data are sampled with replacement. } \item{k}{ number of variates to sample when \code{sample.dim} is TRUE. } \item{J}{ the juggled classifier. } \item{indices}{ the indices of the juggles to use. } } \details{ The idea of juggling is to sample the data, compute a CCCD classifier, then repeat. The resampling is controled by the two sampling variables, which basically determine whether the data are sampled with replacement, or whether a subsample is used. If \code{sample.dim} is TRUE, the variates are also sampled, with \code{k} indicating how many are sampled. } \value{ \code{juggle.classify} returns a matrix holding the classification probabilities for each observation in \code{data}. a list consisting of: \item{S }{the dominating sets.} \item{R }{the radii.} \item{dimension }{the dimension of the data.} \item{vars}{in the case of \code{sample.dim}=TRUE, the variables sampled each time.} Only the indicies into the training data are stored in \code{J}, which is why the classifier requires the original training data in \code{tdata}. } \author{ David J. Marchette, david.marchette@navy.mil } \seealso{ \code{\link{cccd}} } \keyword{ math } \keyword{ multivariate }